2017.09 | 04 | F.01U.298.028User's GuideBosch Security Systems, Inc.
Control PanelIntroduction | en5
Congratulations on selecting the Solution 2000 / Solution 3000 Control Panel to protect you
and your property. To obtain the most from your unit, take time to read through this manual
and familiarize yourself with the numerous outstanding operating features of this system. In all
aspects of planning, engineering, styling, operation, convenience, and adaptability, we have
sought to anticipate your every possible requirement.
Programming simplicity and speed were some of the major considerations and we believe that
our objectives in this area were more than satisfied.
This manual explains all aspects of operating the control panel. All system parameters and
options are detailed; however, suitability is left up to the individual. Every system can be
tailored to meet all requirements quickly and easily.
Zone is manually isolated or selected to
be isolated.
Setting STAY Mode 2 bypass zones.
8en | Codepad IntroductionControl Panel
Codepad indicator
OnSystem is armed in STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2.
OffSystem is not armed in STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2.
Flashing twice a secZone isolating mode
Flashing twice a sec with
Setting STAY Mode 2 zones.
AWAY indicator
Flashing once every 3 secDay alarm status – day alarm turned on.
OnSystem is disarmed.
OnAC MAINS power normal.
FlashingAC MAINS supply has failed.
OnThere is a system fault that needs to be
Programming Mode
Tab.3.2: Icon Indicators
OffThe system is normal, there are no
FlashingThere is a system fault that needs to be
FlashingThese two indicators flash when you
enter Installer’s Programming Mode or
use any Master Code function.
The OFF indicator lights when the
system is disarmed and flashes when a
zone becomes unsealed when
disarmed. The indicator stops flashing
when all zones are sealed.
The ON indicator lights when the
system is armed and flashes when an
alarm occurs. The indicator is reset
after a valid User Code is entered.
2017.09 | 04 | F.01U.298.028User's GuideBosch Security Systems, Inc.
Control PanelCodepad Introduction | en9
3.3Audible Indications
The table below defines the audible indicators given out by the codepad buzzer.
Audible IndicatorDefinition
One short beepA button/key was pressed on the codepad, or Exit Time ended
when armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
Two short beepsThe system accepted your code.
Three short beepsThe requested function was executed.
One long beepIndicates the last 10 seconds of Exit Time when armed in AWAY
Mode, or the requested operation was denied or aborted.
Indicates codepad panic/fire/medical alarm operation.
One beep every secWalk Test Mode is currently active.
One short beep every minThere is a system fault waiting to be acknowledged.
One beep every 4 sec.During Auto Arming Pre-Alert Time, the warning before
automatic arming takes place.
One beep every 2 sec.During Exit Time when armed in AWAY Mode.