Bosch Rexroth ML3 Operating Instructions Manual

Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Operating instructions R911389762
Edition 01
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Type of Documentation
Document Typecode
Internal File Reference
Purpose of Documentation
Record of revisions
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Operating instructions
This documentation
instructs assembly, operating and maintenance personnel
contains basic notes about assembly, operation and maintenance of the motors of type
Edition 01, 06/2018 See tab. 1-1 "Record of revisions" on page 15. © Bosch Rexroth AG 2018 All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction,
editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial prop‐ erty rights.
The specified data is intended for product description purposes only and shall not be deemed to be a guaranteed characteristic unless expressly stipulated in the contract. All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this docu‐ mentation and the availability of the product.
This document has been printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG I/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Deutsch English Français
Nichtbeachtung der nachstehenden
Lebensgefahr bei
Sicherheitshinweise! Nehmen Sie die Produkte erst dann in
Betrieb, nachdem Sie die mit dem Produkt gelieferten Unterlagen und Sicherheitshinweise vollständig durchgelesen, verstanden und beachtet haben.
Sollten Ihnen keine Unterlagen in Ihrer Landessprache vorliegen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren zuständigen Rexroth­Vertriebspartner.
Nur qualifiziertes Personal darf an Antriebskomponenten arbeiten.
Nähere Erläuterungen zu den Sicherheitshinweisen entnehmen Sie Kapitel 1 dieser Dokumentation.
Hohe elektrische Spannung!
Lebensgefahr durch elektrischen Schlag! Betreiben Sie Antriebskomponenten nur mit
fest installiertem Schutzleiter. Schalten Sie vor Zugriff auf
Antriebskomponenten die Spannungsversorgung aus.
Beachten Sie die Entladezeiten von Kondensatoren.
Bewegungen! Lebensgefahr! Halten Sie sich nicht im Bewegungsbereich
von Maschinen und Maschinenteilen auf. Verhindern Sie den unbeabsichtigten Zutritt
für Personen. Bringen Sie vor dem Zugriff oder Zutritt in
den Gefahrenbereich die Antriebe sicher zum Stillstand.
non‑compliance with the below-mentioned
Danger to life in case of
safety instructions! Do not attempt to install or put these
products into operation until you have completely read, understood and observed the documents supplied with the product.
If no documents in your language were supplied, please consult your Rexroth sales partner.
Only qualified persons may work with drive components.
For detailed explanations on the safety instructions, see chapter 1 of this documentation.
High electrical voltage!
Danger to life by electric shock! Only operate drive components with a
permanently installed equipment grounding conductor.
Disconnect the power supply before accessing drive components.
Observe the discharge times of the capacitors.
Dangerous movements!
Danger to life! Keep free and clear of the ranges of motion
of machines and moving machine parts. Prevent personnel from accidentally
entering the range of motion of machines. Make sure that the drives are brought to
safe standstill before accessing or entering the danger zone.
cas de non‑respect des consignes de
Danger de mort en
sécurité figurant ci-après ! Ne mettez les produits en service qu’après
avoir lu complètement et après avoir compris et respecté les documents et les consignes de sécurité fournis avec le produit.
Si vous ne disposez pas de la documentation dans votre langue, merci de consulter votre partenaire Rexroth.
Seul un personnel qualifié est autorisé à travailler sur les composants d’entraînement.
Vous trouverez des explications plus détaillées relatives aux consignes de sécurité au chapitre 1 de la présente documentation.
Tensions électriques
élevées ! Danger de mort par électrocution ! N’exploitez les composants d’entraînement
que si un conducteur de protection est installé de manière permanente.
Avant d’intervenir sur les composants d’entraînement, coupez toujours la tension d’alimentation.
Tenez compte des délais de décharge de condensateurs.
Mouvements entraînant une situation dangereuse ! Danger de mort !
Ne séjournez pas dans la zone de mouvement de machines et de composants de machines.
Évitez tout accès accidentel de personnes. Avant toute intervention ou tout accès dans la
zone de danger, assurez-vous de l’arrêt préalable de tous les entraînements.
magnetische Felder! Gesundheitsgefahr für
Elektromagnetische /
Personen mit Herzschrittmachern, metallischen Implantaten oder Hörgeräten!
Zutritt zu Bereichen, in denen Antriebskomponenten montiert und betrieben werden, ist für oben genannten Personen untersagt bzw. nur nach Rücksprache mit einem Arzt erlaubt.
Heiße Oberflächen
(> 60 °C)! Verbrennungsgefahr! Vermeiden Sie das Berühren von
metallischen Oberflächen (z. B. Kühlkörpern). Abkühlzeit der Antriebskomponenten einhalten (mind. 15 Minuten).
fields! Health hazard for persons with heart
Electromagnetic / magnetic
pacemakers, metal implants or hearing aids! The above-mentioned persons are not
allowed to enter areas in which drive components are mounted and operated, or rather are only allowed to do this after they consulted a doctor.
Hot surfaces
(> 60 °C [140 °F])! Risk of burns! Do not touch metallic surfaces (e.g. heat
sinks). Comply with the time required for the drive components to cool down (at least 15 minutes).
électromagnétiques / magnétiques ! Risque
pour la santé des porteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques, d’implants métalliques et d’appareils auditifs !
L’accès aux zones où sont montés et exploités les composants d’entraînement est interdit aux personnes susmentionnées ou bien ne leur est autorisé qu’après consultation d’un médecin.
Surfaces chaudes (> 60 °C)!
Risque de brûlure ! Évitez de toucher des surfaces métalliques
(p. ex. dissipateurs thermiques). Respectez le délai de refroidissement des composants d’entraînement (au moins 15 minutes).
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PII/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Deutsch English Français
Handhabung bei Transport und Montage!
Verletzungsgefahr! Verwenden Sie geeignete Montage- und
Transporteinrichtungen. Benutzen Sie geeignetes Werkzeug und
persönliche Schutzausrüstung.
Unsachgemäße Handhabung von Batterien! Verletzungsgefahr!
Versuchen Sie nicht, leere Batterien zu reaktivieren oder aufzuladen (Explosions­und Verätzungsgefahr).
Zerlegen oder beschädigen Sie keine Batterien. Werfen Sie Batterien nicht ins Feuer.
¡Peligro de muerte en caso de no observar las siguientes indicaciones de seguridad!
Los productos no se pueden poner en servicio hasta después de haber leído por completo, comprendido y tenido en cuenta la documentación y las advertencias de seguridad que se incluyen en la entrega.
Si no dispusiera de documentación en el idioma de su país, diríjase a su distribuidor competente de Rexroth.
Solo el personal debidamente cualificado puede trabajar en componentes de accionamiento.
Encontrará más detalles sobre las indicaciones de seguridad en el capítulo 1 de esta documentación.
transport and mounting! Risk of injury!
Improper handling during
Use suitable equipment for mounting and transport.
Use suitable tools and personal protective equipment.
Improper handling of
batteries! Risk of injury! Do not attempt to reactivate or recharge low
batteries (risk of explosion and chemical burns).
Do not dismantle or damage batteries. Do not throw batteries into open flames.
Português Italiano
Perigo de vida em caso de inobservância das seguintes instruções de segurança!
Utilize apenas os produtos depois de ter lido, compreendido e tomado em consideração a documentação e as instruções de segurança fornecidas juntamente com o produto.
Se não tiver disponível a documentação na sua língua, dirija-se ao seu parceiro de venda responsável da Rexroth.
Apenas pessoal qualificado pode trabalhar nos componentes de acionamento.
Explicações mais detalhadas relativamente às instruções de segurança constam no capítulo 1 desta documentação.
du transport et du montage ! Risque de
Manipulation incorrecte lors
blessure ! Utilisez des dispositifs de montage et de
transport adéquats. Utilisez des outils appropriés et votre
équipement de protection personnel.
Manipulation incorrecte de
piles! Risque de blessure! N’essayez pas de réactiver des piles vides ou
de les charger (risque d’explosion et de brûlure par acide).
Ne désassemblez et n’endommagez pas les piles. Ne jetez pas des piles dans le feu.
Pericolo di morte in caso di inosservanza delle seguenti indicazioni di sicurezza!
Mettere in funzione i prodotti solo dopo aver letto, compreso e osservato per intero la documentazione e le indicazioni di sicurezza fornite con il prodotto.
Se non dovesse essere presente la documentazione nella vostra lingua, siete pregati di rivolgervi al rivenditore Rexroth competente.
Solo personale qualificato può eseguire lavori sui componenti di comando.
Per ulteriori spiegazioni riguardanti le indicazioni di sicurezza consultare il capitolo 1 di questa documentazione.
¡Peligro de muerte por descarga eléctrica!
¡Alta tensión eléctrica!
Active sólo los componentes de accionamiento con el conductor protector firmemente instalado.
Desconecte la alimentación eléctrica antes de manipular los componentes de accionamiento.
Tenga en cuenta los tiempos de descarga de los condensadores.
peligrosos! ¡Peligro de muerte! No permanezca en la zona de movimiento
de las máquinas ni de sus piezas. Impida el acceso accidental de personas. Antes de acceder o introducir las manos en
la zona de peligro, los accionamientos se tienen que haber parado con seguridad.
de vida devido a choque elétrico!
Alta tensão elétrica! Perigo
Opere componentes de acionamento apenas com condutores de proteção instalados.
Desligue a alimentação de tensão antes de aceder aos componentes de acionamento.
Respeite os períodos de descarga dos condensadores.
Movimentos perigosos!
Perigo de vida! Não permaneça na área de movimentação
das máquinas e das peças das máquinas. Evite o acesso involuntário para pessoas. Antes de entrar ou aceder à área perigosa,
imobilize os acionamentos de forma segura.
Pericolo di morte in seguito a scosse
Alta tensione elettrica!
elettriche! Mettere in esercizio i componenti di comando
solo con conduttore di messa a terra ben installato.
Staccare l'alimentazione prima di intervenire sui componenti di comando.
Osservare i tempi di scarica del condensatore.
Movimenti pericolosi! Pericolo di morte!
Non sostare nelle zone di manovra delle macchine e delle loro parti.
Impedire un accesso non autorizzato per le persone.
Prima di accedere alla zona di pericolo, arrestare e bloccare gli azionamenti.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG III/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Español Português Italiano
electromagnéticos/magnéticos! ¡Peligro
para la salud de las personas con marcapasos, implantes metálicos o audífonos!
El acceso de las personas arriba mencionadas a las zonas de montaje o funcionamiento de los componentes de accionamiento está prohibido, salvo que lo autorice previamente un médico.
¡Superficies calientes
(> 60 °C)! ¡Peligro de quemaduras! Evite el contacto con las superficies
calientes (p. ej., disipadores de calor). Observe el tiempo de enfriamiento de los componentes de accionamiento (mín. 15 minutos).
¡Manipulación inadecuada en el transporte y montaje! ¡Peligro de lesiones!
Utilice dispositivos de montaje y de transporte adecuados.
Utilice herramientas adecuadas y equipo de protección personal.
¡Manejo inadecuado de las pilas! ¡Peligro de lesiones!
No trate de reactivar o cargar pilas descargadas (peligro de explosión y cauterización).
No desarme ni dañe las pilas. No tire las pilas al fuego.
magnéticos! Perigo de saúde para pessoas
Campos eletromagnéticos /
com marcapassos, implantes metálicos ou aparelhos auditivos!
Acesso às áreas, nas quais os componentes de acionamento são montados e operados, é proibido para as pessoas em cima mencionadas ou apenas após permissão de um médico.
Superfícies quentes (> 60 °C)!
Perigo de queimaduras! Evite tocar superfícies metálicas (p. ex.
radiadores). Respeite o tempo de arrefecimento dos componentes de acionamento (mín. 15 minutos).
Manejo incorreto no transporte e montagem! Perigo de ferimentos!
Utilize dispositivos de montagem e de transporte adequados.
Utilize ferramentas e equipamento de proteção individual adequados.
Manejo incorreto de baterias! Perigo de ferimentos!
Não tente reativar nem carregar baterias vazias (perigo de explosão e de queimaduras com ácido).
Não desmonte nem danifique as baterias. Não deite as baterias no fogo.
magnetici! Pericolo per la salute delle
Campi elettromagnetici /
persone portatrici di pacemaker, protesi metalliche o apparecchi acustici!
L'accesso alle zone in cui sono installati o in funzione componenti di comando è vietato per le persone sopra citate o consentito solo dopo un colloquio con il medico.
Superfici bollenti (> 60 °C)!
Pericolo di ustioni! Evitare il contatto con superfici metalliche (ad
es. dissipatori di calore). Rispettare i tempi di raffreddamento dei componenti di comando (almeno 15 minuti).
Manipolazione inappropriata durante il trasporto e il montaggio! Pericolo di lesioni!
Utilizzare dispositivi di montaggio e trasporto adatti.
Utilizzare attrezzi adatti ed equipaggiamento di protezione personale.
Utilizzo inappropriato delle batterie! Pericolo di lesioni!
Non tentare di riattivare o ricaricare batterie scariche (pericolo di esplosione e corrosione).
Non scomporre o danneggiare le batterie. Non gettare le batterie nel fuoco.
Livsfara om följande
säkerhetsanvisningar inte följs! Använd inte produkterna innan du har läst
och förstått den dokumentation och de säkerhetsanvisningar som medföljer produkten, och följ alla anvisningar.
Kontakta din Rexroth-återförsäljare om dokumentationen inte medföljer på ditt språk.
Endast kvalificerad personal får arbeta med drivkomponenterna.
Se kapitel 1 i denna dokumentation för närmare beskrivningar av säkerhetsanvisningarna.
Hög elektrisk spänning!
Livsfara genom elchock! Använd endast drivkomponenterna med
fastmonterad skyddsledare. Koppla bort spänningsförsörjningen före
arbete på drivkomponenter. Var medveten om kondensatorernas
Dansk Nederlands
Livsfare ved manglende overholdelse af nedenstående sikkerhedsanvisninger!
Tag ikke produktet i brug, før du har læst og forstået den dokumentation og de sikkerhedsanvisninger, som følger med produktet, og overhold de givne anvisninger.
Kontakt din Rexroth-forhandler, hvis dokumentationen ikke medfølger på dit sprog.
Det er kun kvalificeret personale, der må arbejde på drive components.
Nærmere forklaringer til sikkerhedsanvisningerne fremgår af kapitel 1 i denne dokumentation.
Elektrisk højspænding! Livsfare på grund af elektrisk stød!
Drive components må kun benyttes med et fast installeret jordstik.
Sørg for at koble spændingsforsyningen fra, inden du rører ved drive components.
Overhold kondensatorernes afladningstider.
naleving van onderstaande
Levensgevaar bij niet-
veiligheidsinstructies! Stel de producten pas in bedrijf nadat u de
met het product geleverde documenten en de veiligheidsinformatie volledig gelezen, begrepen en in acht genomen heeft.
Mocht u niet beschikken over documenten in uw landstaal, kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke Rexroth distributiepartner.
Uitsluitend gekwalificeerd personeel mag aan de aandrijvingscomponenten werken.
Meer informatie over de veiligheidsinstructies vindt u in hoofdstuk 1 van deze documentatie.
Hoge elektrische spanning! Levensgevaar door elektrische schok!
Bedien de aandrijvingscomponenten uitsluitend met vast geïnstalleerde aardleiding.
Schakel voor toegang tot aandrijvingscomponenten de spanningsvoorziening uit.
Neem de ontlaadtijden van condensatoren in acht.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PIV/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Svenska Dansk Nederlands
Farliga rörelser! Livsfara!
Uppehåll dig inte inom maskiners och maskindelars rörelseområde.
Förhindra att obehöriga personer får tillträde.
Innan du börjar arbeta eller vistas inom drivsystemets riskområde måste maskinen vara stillastående.
Elektromagnetiska/magnetiska fält! Hälsofara för personer med pacemaker, implantat av metall eller hörapparat!
Det är förbjudet för ovan nämnda personer (eller kräver överläggning med läkare) att beträda områden där drivkomponenter är monterade och i drift.
Varma ytor (> 60 °C)! Risk
för brännskador! Undvik att vidröra metallytor (t.ex.
kylelement). Var medveten om att det tar tid för drivkomponenterna att svalna (minst 15 minuter).
Felaktig hantering vid
transport och montering! Skaderisk! Använd passande monterings- och
transportanordningar. Använd lämpliga verktyg och personlig
Farlige bevægelser!
Du må ikke opholde dig inden for maskiners og maskindeles bevægelsesradius.
Sørg for, at ingen personer kan få utilsigtet adgang.
Stands drevene helt, inden du rører ved drevene eller træder ind i deres fareområde.
Elektromagnetiske/ magnetiske felter! Sundhedsfare for personer med pacemakere, metalliske implantater eller høreapparater!
For disse personer er der adgang forbudt eller kun adgang med tilladelse fra læge til de områder, hvor drive components monteres og drives.
Varme overflader (> 60 °C)!
Risiko for forbrændinger! Undgå at berøre metaloverflader (f.eks.
køleelementer). Overhold drive components nedkølingstid (min. 15 min.).
Fejlhåndtering ved transport
og montering! Risiko for kvæstelser! Benyt egnede monterings- og
transportanordninger. Benyt egnet værktøj og personligt
bewegingen! Levensgevaar!
Houdt u niet op in het bewegingsbereik van machines en machineonderdelen.
Voorkom dat personen onbedoeld toegang verkrijgen.
Voor toegang tot de gevaarlijke zone moeten de aandrijvingen veilig tot stilstand gebracht zijn.
Elektromagnetische / magnetische velden! Gevaar voor de gezondheid van personen met pacemakers, metalen implantaten of hoorapparaten!
Toegang tot gebieden, waarin aandrijvingscomponenten worden gemonteerd en bediend, is verboden voor voornoemde personen of uitsluitend toegestaan na overleg met een arts.
Hete oppervlakken
(> 60 °C)! Verbrandingsgevaar! Voorkom contact met metalen oppervlakken
(bijv. Koellichamen). Afkoeltijd van de aandrijvingscomponenten in acht nemen (min. 15 minuten).
Onjuist gebruik bij
transport en montage! Letselgevaar! Gebruik geschikte montage- en
transportinrichtingen. Gebruik geschikt gereedschap en een
persoonlijke veiligheidsuitrusting.
batterier! Skaderisk!
Felaktig hantering av
Försök inte återaktivera eller ladda upp batterier (risk för explosioner och frätskador).
Batterierna får inte tas isär eller skadas. Släng inte batterierna i elden.
Risiko for kvæstelser!
Fejlhåndtering af batterier!
Forsøg ikke at genaktivere eller oplade tomme batterier (eksplosions- og ætsningsfare).
Undlad at skille batterier ad eller at beskadige dem. Smid ikke batterier ind i åben ild.
batterijen! Letselgevaar!
Onjuist gebruik van
Probeer nooit lege batterijen te reactiveren of op te laden (explosiegevaar en gevaar voor beschadiging van weefsel door cauterisatie).
Batterijen niet demonteren of beschadigen. Nooit batterijen in het vuur werpen.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG V/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Suomi Polski Český
noudattamatta jättämisestä on seurauksena
Näiden turvaohjeiden
hengenvaara! Ota tuote käyttöön vasta sen jälkeen, kun
olet lukenut läpi tuotteen mukana toimitetut asiakirjat ja turvallisuusohjeet, ymmärtänyt ne ja ottanut ne huomioon.
Jos asiakirjoja ei ole saatavana omalla äidinkielelläsi, ota yhteys asianomaiseen Rexrothin myyntiedustajaan.
Käyttölaitteiden komponenttien parissa saa työskennellä ainoastaan valtuutettu henkilöstö.
Lisätietoa turvaohjeista löydät tämän dokumentaation luvusta 1.
Voimakas sähköjännite!
Sähköiskun aiheuttama hengenvaara! Käytä käyttölaitteen komponentteja
ainoastaan maadoitusjohtimen ollessa kiinteästi asennettuna.
Katkaise jännitteensyöttö ennen käyttölaitteen komponenteille suoritettavien töiden aloittamista.
Huomioi kondensaattoreiden purkausajat.
nieprzestrzegania poniższych wskazówek
Zagrożenie życia w razie
bezpieczeństwa! Nie uruchamiać produktów przed uprzednim
przeczytaniem i pełnym zrozumieniem wszystkich dokumentów dostarczonych wraz z produktem oraz wskazówek bezpieczeństwa. Należy przestrzegać wszystkich zawartych tam zaleceń.
W przypadku braku dokumentów w Państwa języku, prosimy o skontaktowanie się z lokalnym partnerem handlowym Rexroth.
Przy zespołach napędowych może pracować wyłącznie wykwalifikowany personel.
Bliższe objaśnienia wskazówek bezpieczeństwa znajdują się w Rozdziale 1 niniejszej dokumentacji.
Wysokie napięcie elektryczne! Zagrożenie życia w wyniku porażenia prądem!
Zespoły napędu mogą być eksploatowane wyłącznie z zainstalowanym na stałe przewodem ochronnym.
Przed uzyskaniem dostępu do podzespołów napędu należy odłączyć zasilanie elektryczne.
Zwracać uwagę na czas rozładowania kondensatorów.
nedodržení níže uvedených bezpečnostních
Nebezpečí života v případě
pokynů! Před uvedením výrobků do provozu si
přečtěte kompletní dokumentaci a bezpečnostní pokyny dodávané s výrobkem, pochopte je a dodržujte.
Nemáte-li k dispozici podklady ve svém jazyce, obraťte se na příslušného obchodního partnera Rexroth.
Na komponentách pohonu smí pracovat pouze kvalifikovaný personál.
Podrobnější vysvětlení k bezpečnostním pokynům naleznete v kapitole 1 této dokumentace.
Vysoké elektrické napětí! Nebezpečí života při zasažení elektrickým proudem!
Komponenty pohonu smí být v provozu pouze s pevně nainstalovaným ochranným vodičem.
Než začnete zasahovat do komponent pohonu, odpojte je od elektrického napájení.
Dodržujte vybíjecí časy kondenzátorů.
Vaarallisia liikkeitä!
Älä oleskele koneiden tai koneenosien liikealueella.
Pidä huolta siitä, ettei muita henkilöitä pääse alueelle vahingossa.
Pysäytä käyttölaitteet varmasti ennen vaara­alueelle koskemista tai menemistä.
Sähkömagneettisia/ magneettisia kenttiä! Terveydellisten haittojen vaara henkilöille, joilla on sydämentahdistin, metallinen implantti tai kuulolaite!
Yllä mainituilta henkilöiltä on pääsy kielletty alueille, joilla asennetaan tai käytetään käyttölaitteen komponentteja, tai heidän on ensin saatava tähän suostumus lääkäriltään.
Kuumia pintoja (> 60 °C)!
Palovammojen vaara! Vältä metallipintojen koskettamista (esim.
jäähdytyslevyt). Noudata käyttölaitteen komponenttien jäähtymisaikoja (väh. 15 minuuttia).
Zagrożenie życia!
Niebezpieczne ruchy!
Nie wolno przebywać w obszarze pracy maszyny i jej elementów.
Nie dopuszczać osób niepowołanych do obszaru pracy maszyny.
Przed dotknięciem urządzenia/maszyny lub zbliżeniem się do obszaru zagrożenia należy zgodnie z zasadami bezpieczeństwa wyłączyć napędy.
Pola elektromagnetyczne / magnetyczne! Zagrożenie zdrowia dla osób z rozrusznikiem serca, metalowymi implantami lub aparatami słuchowymi!
Wstęp na teren, gdzie odbywa się montaż i eksploatacja napędów jest dla ww. osób zabroniony względnie dozwolony po konsultacji z lekarzem.
Gorące powierzchnie (> 60 °C)! Niebezpieczeństwo poparzenia!
Unikać kontaktu z powierzchniami metalowymi (np. radiatorami). Przestrzegać czasów schładzania podzespołów napędów (min. 15 minut).
Nebezpečí života!
Nebezpečné pohyby!
Nezdržujte se v dosahu pohybu strojů a jejich součástí.
Zabraňte náhodnému přístupu osob. Před zásahem nebo vstupem do
nebezpečného prostoru bezpečně zastavte pohony.
Elektromagnetická/ magnetická pole! Nebezpečí pro zdraví osob s kardiostimulátory, kovovými implantáty nebo naslouchadly!
Výše uvedené osoby mají zakázán přístup do prostorů, kde jsou montovány a používány komponenty pohonu, resp. ho mají povolen pouze po poradě s lékařem.
Horké povrchy (> 60 °C)!
Nebezpečí popálení! Nedotýkejte se kovových povrchů (např.
chladicích těles). Dodržujte dobu ochlazení komponent pohonu (min. 15 minut).
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PVI/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Suomi Polski Český
kuljetuksen ja asennuksen yhteydessä!
Epäasianmukainen käsittely
Loukkaantumisvaara! Käytä soveltuvia asennus- ja
kuljetuslaitteita. Käytä omia työkaluja ja henkilökohtaisia
Paristojen epäasianmukainen
käsittely! Loukkaantumisvaara! Älä yritä saada tyhjiä paristoja toimimaan tai
ladata niitä uudelleen (räjähdys- ja syöpymisvaara).
Älä hajota paristoja osiin tai vaurioita niitä. Älä heitä paristoja tuleen.
Življenjska nevarnost pri neupoštevanju naslednjih napotkov za varnost!
Izdelke začnite uporabljati šele, ko v celoti preberete, razumete in upoštevate izdelkom priloženo dokumentacijo in varnostne napotke.
Če priložena dokumentacija ni na voljo v vašem maternem jeziku, se obrnite na pristojnega distributerja Rexroth.
Samo kvalificirano osebje sme delati na pogonskih komponentah.
Podrobnejša pojasnila o varnostnih navodilih najdete v poglavju 1 v tej dokumentaciji.
obchodzenie się podczas transportu i
montażu! Ryzyko urazu! Stosować odpowiednie urządzenia
montażowe i transportowe. Stosować odpowiednie narzędzia i środki
ochrony osobistej.
obchodzenie się z bateriami! Ryzyko urazu! Nie próbować reaktywować i nie ładować
zużytych baterii (niebezpieczeństwo wybuchu oraz poparzenia żrącą substancją).
Nie demontować i nie niszczyć baterii. Nie wrzucać baterii do ognia.
Slovenčina Română
Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života pri nedodržiavaní nasledujúcich bezpečnostných pokynov!
Výrobky uvádzajte do prevádzky až potom, čo ste úplne prečítali, pochopili a zobrali do úvahy podklady a bezpečnostné pokyny dodané s výrobkom.
Ak by ste nemali k dispozícii žiadne podklady v jazyku svojej krajiny, obráťte sa prosím na svojho príslušného predajcu Rexroth.
Na komponentoch pohonu smie pracovať iba kvalifikovaný personál.
Bližšie vysvetlenia k bezpečnostným pokynom zistite z kapitoly 1 tejto dokumentácie.
přepravě a montáži! Nebezpečí zranění!
Nesprávné zacházení při
Používejte vhodná montážní a dopravní zařízení.
Používejte vhodné nářadí a osobní ochranné vybavení.
Nesprávné zacházení s
bateriemi! Nebezpečí zranění! Nepokoušejte se znovu aktivovat nebo
dobíjet prázdné baterie (nebezpečí výbuchu a poleptání).
Nerozebírejte ani nepoškozujte baterie. Neházejte baterie do ohně.
Pericol de moarte în cazul nerespectării următoarelor instrucţiuni de siguranţă!
Punerea în funcţiune a produselor trebuie efectuată după citirea, înţelegerea şi respectarea documentelor şi instrucţiunilor de siguranţă, care sunt livrate împreună cu produsele.
În cazul în care documentele nu sunt în limba dumneavoastră maternă, vă rugăm să contactaţi partenerul de vânzări Rexroth.
Numai un personal calificat poate lucra cu componentele de acţionare.
Explicaţii detaliate privind instrucţiunile de siguranţă găsiţi în capitolul 1 al acestei documentaţii.
Življenjska nevarnost zaradi električnega
Visoka električna napetost!
udara! Pogonske komponente uporabljajte samo s
fiksno nameščenim zaščitnim vodnikom. Pred dostopom do pogonske komponente
odklopite napajanje. Upoštevajte čase praznjenja
Nevarni premiki!
Življenjska nevarnost! Ne zadržujte se v območju delovanja
strojev. Preprečite nenadzorovan dostop oseb. Pred prijemom ali dostopom v nevarno
območje varno zaustavite vse gnane dele.
Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života v
Vysoké elektrické napätie!
dôsledku zásahu elektrickým prúdom! Komponenty pohonu prevádzkujte iba s
pevne nainštalovaným ochranným vodičom. Pred prístupom na komponenty pohonu
odpojte zdroj napätia. Rešpektujte časy vybitia kondenzátorov.
Pohyby prinášajúce nebezpečenstvo! Nebezpečenstvo ohrozenia života!
Nezdržiavajte sa v oblasti pohybu strojov a častí strojov.
Zabráňte nepovolanému prístupu osôb. Pred zásahom alebo prístupom do
nebezpečnej oblasti uveďte pohony bezpečne do zastavenia.
Pericol de moarte prin electrocutare!
Tensiune electrică înaltă!
Exploataţi componentele de acţionare numai cu împământarea instalată permanent.
Înainte de intervenţia asupra componentelor de acţionare, deconectaţi alimentarea cu tensiune electrică.
Ţineţi cont de timpii de descărcare ai condensatorilor.
Mişcări periculoase! Pericol
de moarte! Nu staţionaţi în zona de mişcare a maşinilor
şi a componentelor în mişcare a maşinilor. Împiedicaţi accesul neintenţionat al
persoanelor în zona de lucru a maşinilor. Înainte de intervenţia sau accesul în zona
periculoasă, opriţi în siguranţă componentele de acţionare.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG VII/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Slovensko Slovenčina Română
magnetna polja! Nevarnost za zdravje za
Elektromagnetna /
osebe s spodbujevalniki srca, kovinskimi vsadki ali slušnimi aparati!
Dostop do območij, v katerih so nameščene delujoče pogonske komponente, je za zgoraj navedene osebe prepovedan oz. dovoljen samo po posvetu z zdravnikom.
Vroče površine (> 60 °C)!
Nevarnost opeklin! Izogibajte se stiku s kovinskimi površinami
(npr. hladilnimi telesi). Upoštevajte čas hlajenja pogonskih komponent (najm. 15 minut).
Nestrokovno ravnanje med transportom in namestitvijo! Nevarnost poškodb!
Uporabljajte ustrezne pripomočke za nameščanje in transport.
Uporabite ustrezno orodje in osebno zaščitno opremo.
Nepravilno ravnanje z baterijami! Nevarnost poškodb!
Ne poskušajte ponovno aktivirati ali napolniti praznih baterij (Nevarnost zaradi eksplozij ali jedkanja).
Ne razstavljajte ali poškodujte nobenih baterij. Baterij ne mečite v ogenj.
magnetické polia! Nebezpečenstvo pre
zdravie osôb s kardiostimulátormi, kovovými implantátmi alebo načúvacími prístrojmi!
Prístup k oblastiam, v ktorých sú namontované a prevádzkujú sa komponenty pohonu, je pre hore uvedené osoby zakázaný resp. je dovolený iba po konzultácii s lekárom.
Horúce povrchy
(> 60 °C)! Nebezpečenstvo popálenia! Zabráňte kontaktu s kovovými povrchmi
(napr. chladiacimi telesami). Dodržiavajte čas vychladenia komponentov pohonu (min. 15 minút).
Neodborná manipulácia pri transporte a montáži! Nebezpečenstvo poranenia!
Používajte vhodné montážne a transportné zariadenia.
Používajte vhodné náradie a osobné ochranné prostriedky.
Neodborná manipulácia s batériami! Nebezpečenstvo poranenia!
Nepokúšajte sa reaktivovať alebo nabíjať prázdne batérie (nebezpečenstvo výbuchu a poleptania).
Batérie nerozoberajte ani nepoškodzujte. Nehádžte batérie do ohňa.
magnetice! Pericol pentru sănătatea
Câmpuri electromagnetice /
persoanelor cu stimulatoare cardiace, implanturi metalice sau aparate auditive!
Intrarea în zone, în care se montează sau se exploatează componente de acţionare, este interzisă pentru persoanele sus numite respectiv este permisă numai cu acordul medicului.
Suprafeţe fierbinţi (> 60 °C)!
Pericol de arsuri! Nu atingeţi suprafeţele metalice (de ex.
radiatoare de răcire). Respectaţi timpii de răcire ai componentelor de acţionare (min. 15 minute).
Manipulare necorespunzătoare
la transport şi montaj! Pericol de vătămare! Utilizaţi dispozitive adecvate de montaj şi
transport. Folosiţi instrumente corespunzătoare şi
echipament personal de protecţie.
Manipulare necorespunzătoare
a bateriilor! Pericol de vătămare! Nu încercaţi să reactivaţi sau să încărcaţi
bateriile goale (pericol de explozie şi pericol de arsuri).
Nu dezasamblaţi şi nu deterioraţi bateriile. Nu aruncaţi bateriile în foc.
Az alábbi biztonsági útmutatások figyelmen kívül hagyása életveszélyes helyzethez vezethet!
Üzembe helyezés előtt olvassa el, értelmezze, és vegye figyelembe a csomagban található dokumentumban foglaltakat és a biztonsági útmutatásokat.
Amennyiben a csomagban nem talál az Ön nyelvén írt dokumentumokat, vegye fel a kapcsolatot az illetékes Rexroth­képviselővel.
A hajtás alkatrészein kizárólag képzett személy dolgozhat.
A biztonsági útmutatókkal kapcsolatban további magyarázatot ennek a dokumentumnak az első fejezetében találhat.
Magas elektromos feszültség! Életveszély áramütés miatt!
A hajtás alkatrészeit csak véglegesen telepített védővezetővel üzemeltesse!
Mielőtt hozzányúl a hajtás alkatrészeihez, kapcsolja ki az áramellátást.
Ügyeljen a kondenzátorok kisülési idejére!
Български Latviski
Опасност за живота при неспазване на посочените по­долу инструкции за безопасност!
Използвайте продуктите след като сте се запознали подробно с приложената към продукта документация и указания за безопасност, разбрали сте ги и сте се съобразили с тях.
Ако текстът не е написан на Вашия език, моля обърнете се към Вашия компетентен търговски представител на Rexroth.
Със задвижващите компоненти трябва да работи само квалифициран персонал.
Подробни пояснения към инструкциите за безопасност можете да видите в Глава 1 на тази документация.
Високо електрическо напрежение! Опасност за живота от удар от електрически ток!
Работете със задвижващите компоненти само при здраво закрепен заземяващ проводник.
Преди работа по задвижващите компоненти, изключете захранващото напрежение.
Обърнете внимание на времето за разреждане на кондензаторите.
drošības norādījumu neievērošana var
Turpinājumā doto
apdraudēt dzīvību! Sāciet lietot izstrādājumu tikai pēc tam, kad
esat pilnībā izlasījuši, sapratuši un ņēmuši vērā kopā ar izstrādājumu piegādātos dokumentus.
Ja dokumenti nav pieejami Jūsu valsts valodā, vērsieties pie pilnvarotā Rexroth izplatītāja.
Darbus pie piedziņas komponentiem drīkst veikt tikai kvalificēts personāls.
Detalizētus paskaidrojumus attiecībā uz drošības norādījumiem skatiet šī dokumenta
1. nodaļā.
Augsts elektriskais spriegums! Dzīvības apdraudējums elektriskā trieciena dēļ!
Piedziņas komponentus darbiniet tikai ar fiksēti uzstādītu zemējumvadu.
Pirms darba pie piedziņas komponentiem atslēdziet elektroapgādi.
Ņemiet vērā kondensatoru izlādes laikus.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PVIII/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Magyar Български Latviski
Veszélyes mozgás!
Ne tartózkodjon a gépek és a gépalkatrészek mozgási területén belül!
Illetéktelen személyeket ne engedjen a gép közelébe!
Mielőtt beavatkozik, vagy a veszélyes zónába belép a hajtásokat biztonságosan állítsa le.
Elektromágneses / mágneses mező! Káros hatással lehet a szívritmus-szabályozó készülékkel, fémbeültetéssel vagy hallókészülékkel rendelkezők egészségére!
Azokra a területekre, ahol hajtások alkatrészeit szerelik és üzemeltetik, a fent említett személyeknek tilos a belépés, illetve csak orvosi konzultációt követően szabad az adott területekre lépniük.
Forró felületek (> 60 °C)!
Égésveszély! Ne érjen hozzá fémfelületekhez (pl.
hűtőtestekhez)! Vegye figyelembe a hajtás alkatrészeinek kihűlési idejét (min. 15 perc)!
Szakszerűtlen kezelés
szállításkor és szereléskor! Sérülésveszély! A megfelelő beszerelési és szállítási
eljárásokat alkalmazza! Használjon megfelelő szerszámokat és
személyes védőfelszerelést!
Опасност за живота!
Опасни движения!
Не стойте в обсега на движение на машините и частите на машините.
Не допускайте непреднамерен достъп на хора.
Преди работа или влизане в опасната зона, спрете надеждно приводния механизъм.
Електромагнитни / магнитни полета! Опасност за здравето на хора със сърдечни стимулатори, метални импланти или слухови апарати!
Достъпът за гореспоменатите лица до зони, в които ще се монтират и ще работят задвижващи компоненти се забранява, или разрешава само след консултация с лекар.
Горещи повърхности
(> 60 °C)! Опасност от изгаряне! Не докосвайте метални повърхности
(например радиатори). Съблюдавайте времето на охлаждане на задвижващите компоненти (мин. 15 минути).
Неправилно боравене по време на транспорт и монтаж!Опасност от нараняване!
Използвайте подходящо монтажно и транспортно оборудване.
Използвайте подходящи инструменти и лични предпазни средства.
Dzīvības apdraudējums!
Bīstamas kustības!
Neuzturieties mašīnu un mašīnas detaļu kustību zonā.
Novērsiet nepiederošu personu piekļūšanu. Pirms darba bīstamajās zonās pilnībā
apstādiniet piedziņu.
Elektromagnētiskais / magnētiskais lauks! Veselības apdraudējums personām ar sirds stimulatoriem, metāliskiem implantiem vai dzirdes aparātiem!
Tuvošanās zonām, kurās tiek montēti un darbināti piedziņas komponenti, iepriekš minētajām personām ir aizliegta, respektīvi, atļauta tikai pēc konsultēšanās ar ārstu.
Karstas virsmas (> 60 °C)!
Apdedzināšanās risks! Neskarieties pie metāliskām virsmām
(piemēram, dzesētāja). Ļaujiet piedziņas komponentiem atdzist (min. 15 minūtes).
Nepareizi veikta transportēšana un montāža! Traumu gūšanas risks!
Izmantojiet piemērotas montāžas un transportēšanas ierīces.
Izmantojiet piemērotus instrumentus un individuālos aizsardzības līdzekļus.
szakszerűtlen kezelése! Sérülésveszély!
Üres akkumulátorokat ne aktiváljon újra, illetve ne töltsön fel (robbanás- és marásveszély)!
Az akkumulátorokat ne szedje szét, és ne rongálja meg! Az akkumulátort ne dobja tűzbe!
батерии! Опасност от нараняване!
Неправилно боравене с
Не се опитвайте да активирате отново или да зареждате разредени батерии (Опасност от експлозия и напръскване с агресивен агент).
Не разглобявайте и не повреждайте батерии. Не хвърляйте батерии в огън.
Traumu gūšanas risks!
Nepareiza bateriju lietošana!
Nemēģiniet no jauna aktivizēt vai uzlādēt tukšas baterijas (eksploziju un ķīmisko apdegumu draudi).
Neizjauciet un nesabojājiet baterijas. Nemetiet baterijas ugunī.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG IX/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Lietuviškai Eesti Ελληνικά
toliau pateikiamų saugumo nurodymų!
Pavojus gyvybei nesilaikant
Naudokite gaminį tik kruopščiai perskaitę prie jo pridėtus aprašus, saugumo nurodymus. Susipažinkite su jais ir vadovaukitės naudodami gaminį.
Jei Jūs negavote aprašo gimtąja kalba, kreipkitės į įgaliotus Rexroth atstovus.
Prie pavaros komponentų leidžiama dirbti tik kvalifikuotam personalui.
Išsamesnius saugumo nurodymų paaiškinimus rasite šios dokumentacijos 1 skyriuje.
Aukšta elektros įtampa!
Pavojus gyvybei dėl elektros smūgio! Pavaros komponentus eksploatuokite tik su
fiksuotai instaliuotu apsauginiu laidu. Prieš prieidami prie pavaros komponentų
išjunkite maitinimo įtampą. Atsižvelkite į kondensatorių išsikrovimo
Pavojingi judesiai! Pavojus
gyvybei! Nebūkite mašinų ar jų dalių judėjimo zonoje. Neleiskite netyčia patekti asmenims. Prieš patekdami į pavojaus zoną saugiai
išjunkite pavaras.
eiramine on eluohtlik!
Alljärgnevate ohutusjuhiste
Võtke tooted käiku alles siis, kui olete toodetega kaasasolevad materjalid ning ohutusjuhised täielikult läbi lugenud, neist aru saanud ja neid järginud.
Kui Teil puuduvad emakeelsed materjalid, siis pöörduge Rexrothi kohaliku müügiesinduse poole.
Ajamikomponentidega tohib töötada üksnes kvalifitseeritud personal.
Täpsemaid selgitusi ohutusjuhiste kohta leiate käesoleva dokumentatsiooni peatükist
Kõrge elektripinge! Eluohtlik
elektrilöögi tõttu! Käitage ajamikomponente üksnes püsivalt
installeeritud maandusega. Lülitage enne ajamikomponentidega tööde
alustamist toitepinge välja. Järgige kondensaatorite
Ohtlikud liikumised! Eluohtlik!
Ärge viibige masina ja masinaosade liikumispiirkonnas.
Tõkestage inimeste ettekavatsematu sisenemine masina ja masinaosade liikumispiirkonda.
Tagage ajamite turvaline seiskamine enne ohupiirkonda juurdepääsu või sisenemist.
περίπτωση μη συμμόρφωσης με τις
Κίνδυνος θανάτου σε
παρακάτω οδηγίες ασφαλείας! Θέστε το προϊόν σε λειτουργία αφού
διαβάσετε, κατανοήσετε και λάβετε υπόψη το σύνολο των οδηγιών ασφαλείας που το συνοδεύουν.
Εάν δεν υπάρχει τεκμηρίωση στη γλώσσα σας, απευθυνθείτε σε εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο της Rexroth.
Μόνο εξειδικευμένο προσωπικό επιτρέπεται να χειρίζεται στοιχεία μετάδοσης κίνησης.
Περαιτέρω επεξηγήσεις των οδηγιών ασφαλείας διατίθενται στο κεφάλαιο 1 της παρούσας τεκμηρίωσης.
Υψηλή ηλεκτρική τάση!
Κίνδυνος θανάτου από ηλεκτροπληξία! Θέτετε σε λειτουργία τα στοιχεία μετάδοσης
κίνησης μόνο εφόσον έχει τοποθετηθεί καλά προστατευτικός αγωγός γείωσης.
Πριν από οποιαδήποτε παρέμβαση, αποσυνδέστε την τροφοδοσία των στοιχείων μετάδοσης κίνησης.
Λάβετε υπόψη τους χρόνους αποφόρτισης των πυκνωτών.
Επικίνδυνες τάσεις!
Κίνδυνος θανάτου! Μην στέκεστε στην περιοχή κίνησης
μηχανημάτων και εξαρτημάτων. Αποτρέπετε την τυχαία είσοδο ατόμων. Πριν από την παρέμβαση ή πρόσβαση στην
περιοχή κινδύνου, μεριμνήστε για την ασφαλή ακινητοποίηση των συστημάτων μετάδοσης κίνησης.
magnetiniai laukai! Pavojus asmenų su
Elektromagnetiniai /
širdies stimuliatoriais, metaliniais implantais arba klausos aparatais sveikatai!
Prieiga prie zonų, kuriose montuojami ir eksploatuojami pavaros komponentai, aukščiau nurodytiems asmenims yra draudžiama arba leistina tik pasitarus su gydytoju.
Karšti paviršiai
(> 60 °C)! Nudegimo pavojus! Venkite liesti metalinius paviršius (pvz.,
radiatorių). Išlaikykite pavaros komponentų atvėsimo trukmę (bent 15 minučių).
magnetilised väljad! Terviseohtlik
Elektromagnetilised /
südamestimulaatorite, metallimplantaatide ja kuulmisseadmetega inimestele!
Sisenemine piirkondadesse, kus toimub ajamikomponentide monteerimine ja käitamine, on ülalnimetatud isikutele keelatud või lubatud üksnes pärast arstiga konsulteerimist.
Kuumad välispinnad
(> 60 °C)! Põletusoht! Vältige metalsete välispindade (nt
radiaatorid) puudutamist. Pidage kinni ajamikomponentide mahajahtumisajast (vähemalt 15 minutit).
μαγνητικά πεδία! Κίνδυνος για την υγεία
ατόμων με καρδιακούς βηματοδότες, μεταλλικά εμφυτεύματα ή συσκευές ακοής!
Η είσοδος σε περιοχές όπου πραγματοποιείται συναρμολόγηση και λειτουργία στοιχείων μετάδοσης κίνησης απαγορεύεται στα προαναφερθέντα άτομα, εκτός αν τους έχει δοθεί σχετική άδεια κατόπιν συνεννόησης με γιατρό.
Καυτές επιφάνειες (> 60 °C)!
Κίνδυνος εγκαύματος! Αποφεύγετε την επαφή με μεταλλικές
επιφάνειες (π.χ. μονάδες ψύξης). Λάβετε υπόψη το χρόνο ψύξης των στοιχείων μετάδοσης κίνησης (τουλάχιστον 15 λεπτά).
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PX/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Lietuviškai Eesti Ελληνικά
transportuojant ir montuojant! Susižalojimo
Netinkamas darbas
pavojus! Naudokite tinkamus montavimo ir
transportavimo įrenginius. Naudokite tinkamus įrankius ir asmens
saugos priemones.
Netinkamas darbas su
baterijomis! Susižalojimo pavojus! Nebandykite tuščių baterijų reaktyvuoti arba
įkrauti (sprogimo ir išėsdinimo pavojus). Neardykite ir nepažeiskite baterijų.
Nemeskite baterijų į ugnį.
käsitsemine transportimisel ja montaažil! Vigastusoht!
Kasutage sobivaid montaaži- ja transpordiseadiseid.
Kasutage sobivaid tööriistu ja isiklikku kaitsevarustust.
käsitsemine! Vigastusoht! Ärge üritage kunagi tühje patareisid
reaktiveerida või täis laadida (plahvatus- ja söövitusoht).
Ärge demonteerige ega kahjustage patareisid. Ärge visake patareisid tulle.
Patareide asjatundmatu
如果不按照下述指定的安全说明使用,将会导致人身伤害! 在没有阅读,理解随本产品附带的文件并熟知正当使用前,不要安装或使用本产品。 如果没有您所在国家官方语言文件说明,请与 Rexroth 销售伙伴联系。 只允许有资格人员对驱动器部件进行操作。 安全说明的详细解释在本文档的第一章。
高电压!电击导致生命危险! 只有在安装了永久良好的设备接地导线后才可以对驱动器的部件进行操作。 在接触驱动器部件前先将驱动器部件断电。 确保电容放电时间。
μεταφορά και συναρμολόγηση! Κίνδυνος
Ακατάλληλος χειρισμός κατά τη
τραυματισμού! Χρησιμοποιείτε κατάλληλους μηχανισμούς
συναρμολόγησης και μεταφοράς. Χρησιμοποιείτε κατάλληλα εργαλεία και
ατομικό εξοπλισμό προστασίας.
Ακατάλληλος χειρισμός
μπαταριών! Κίνδυνος τραυματισμού! Μην επιδιώκετε να ενεργοποιήσετε ξανά ή να
φορτίσετε κενές μπαταρίες (κίνδυνος έκρηξης και διάβρωσης).
Μην διαλύετε ή καταστρέφετε τις μπαταρίες. Μην απορρίπτετε τις μπαταρίες στη φωτιά.
危险运动!生命危险! 保证设备的运动区域内和移动部件周围无障碍物。 防止人员意外进入设备运动区域内。 在接近或进入危险区域之前,确保传动设备安全停止。
电磁场/磁场!对佩戴心脏起搏器、金属植入物和助听器的人员会造成严重的人身伤害 ! 上述人员禁止进入安装及运行的驱动器区域,或者必须事先咨询医生。
热表面(大于 60 度)!灼伤风险! 不要触摸金属表面(例如散热器)。驱动器部件断电后需要时间进行冷却(至少 15 分钟)。
安装和运输不当导致受伤危险!当心受伤! 使用适当的运输和安装设备。 使用适合的工具及用适当的防护设备。
电池操作不当!受伤风险! 请勿对低电量电池重新激活或重新充电(爆炸和腐蚀的危险)。 请勿拆解或损坏电池。请勿将电池投入明火中。
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG XI/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 About this documentation............................................................................................ 15
1.1 Validity of this documentation............................................................................................................... 15
1.2 Editions of this documentation.............................................................................................................. 15
1.3 Additional documentation..................................................................................................................... 15
1.4 Presentation of information................................................................................................................... 15
2 Safety instructions........................................................................................................ 19
2.1 About this product................................................................................................................................. 19
2.2 Intended use......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3 Unintended use..................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Qualification of personnel..................................................................................................................... 20
2.5 General safety instructions................................................................................................................... 20
2.6 Product- and technology-dependent safety instructions ...................................................................... 20
2.6.1 Protection from electric voltage......................................................................................................... 20
2.6.2 Protection from mechanical danger................................................................................................... 20
2.6.3 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields................................................................... 21
2.6.4 Protection during handling and assembly.......................................................................................... 22
2.6.5 Protection against burns.................................................................................................................... 23
2.6.6 Electrostatic sensitive devices (EGB)................................................................................................ 24
3 Scope of delivery......................................................................................................... 25
4 About this product........................................................................................................ 27
4.1 Product description............................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.1 Technical features............................................................................................................................. 27
4.2 Identification of motor components....................................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Type plate and serial number............................................................................................................ 27
4.2.2 Labeling ML3P................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.3 Labeling ML3S................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Transport and storage.................................................................................................. 29
5.1 Notes about transport (shipping) instructions....................................................................................... 29
5.2 Instructions on machine transport......................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Product storage.................................................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Storage times........................................................................................................................................ 30
6 Assembly..................................................................................................................... 31
6.1 General notes....................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Mechanical assembly........................................................................................................................... 32
6.2.1 Air-gap, parallelism and symmetry of the motor components........................................................... 32
6.3 Assembly of primary parts.................................................................................................................... 33
6.4 Installation of the secondary part segments......................................................................................... 35
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-PXII/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Table of Contents
6.5 Electrical connection............................................................................................................................. 39
6.5.1 Connection cable on primary part...................................................................................................... 39
6.5.2 Power connection.............................................................................................................................. 40
6.5.3 Connection power.............................................................................................................................. 42
6.5.4 Installation mode and cable cross-section......................................................................................... 44
7 Commissioning and operation..................................................................................... 47
7.1 Safety.................................................................................................................................................... 47
7.2 Commissioning..................................................................................................................................... 47
7.3 Operation.............................................................................................................................................. 48
8 Maintenance and repair............................................................................................... 49
8.1 Cleaning and servicing......................................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Service repair, maintenance and spare parts....................................................................................... 50
9 Disassembly................................................................................................................. 53
10 Environmental protection and disposal ....................................................................... 55
11 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 57
11.1 Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 57
12 Appendix...................................................................................................................... 59
12.1 Technical data...................................................................................................................................... 59
12.1.1 Explanations about technical data..................................................................................................... 59
12.1.2 General technical data....................................................................................................................... 63
12.1.3 Technical data - Frame size 03......................................................................................................... 64
12.1.4 Technical data - Frame size 06......................................................................................................... 68
12.1.5 Technical data - Frame size 11......................................................................................................... 76
12.2 Dimension sheets................................................................................................................................. 80
12.2.1 Air gap............................................................................................................................................... 80
12.2.2 Specifications.................................................................................................................................... 80
12.2.3 Frame size 03.................................................................................................................................... 82
12.2.4 Frame size 06.................................................................................................................................... 85
12.2.5 Frame size 11.................................................................................................................................... 89
12.3 Type code............................................................................................................................................. 92
12.3.1 ML3P03............................................................................................................................................. 92
12.3.2 ML3S03............................................................................................................................................. 93
12.3.3 ML3P06............................................................................................................................................. 94
12.3.4 ML3S06............................................................................................................................................. 95
12.3.5 ML3P11............................................................................................................................................. 96
12.3.6 ML3S11............................................................................................................................................. 97
12.4 Declaration of conformity...................................................................................................................... 98
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Table of Contents
Index.......................................................................................................................... 101
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ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 15/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
About this documentation

1 About this documentation

1.1 Validity of this documentation

This instruction must be observed by assemblers, operator, service engi‐ neers and facility operators. It contains notes about handling the motor com‐ ponents primary and secondary part of a ML3 kit motor.
Before you operate motors, read this operating instruction to ensure a safe and frictionless functionality and a long motor lifetime.

1.2 Editions of this documentation

Edition Date Remark
01 2018-06 First edition
Tab. 1-1: Record of revisions

1.3 Additional documentation

This operating instruction is only valid with the following Rexroth documenta‐ tion:
Title Document type Document number
ML3 Self-cooled linear motors
Rexroth Connection Cable IndraDrive and IndraDyn
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in Drive and Control Systems
Documentation about special products are available on demand.
Tab. 1-2: Additional documentation
Project planning manual
Selection data DOK-CONNEC-CABLE*INDRV-AU□□-□□-P
Project planning DOK-GENERL-EMV********-PR□□-□□-P

1.4 Presentation of information

Safety instructions
The safety notes in this documentation describe signal words (danger, warn‐ ing, caution, note) and a signal symbol (acc. to ANSI Z535.6-2011).
The signal word is intended to draw your attention to the safety instructions and describes the seriousness of the danger. The warning triangle with excla‐ mation mark indicates the danger for persons.
Non-compliance with this safety instructions will result in death or severe per‐ sonal injury.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P16/103
About this documentation
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Non-compliance with this safety instructions can result in death or severe personal injury.
Non-compliance with this safety instructions can result in moderate or minor personal injury.
Non-compliance with this safety instructions can result in material damage.
Symbol Meaning
Reference to supplementary documentation
This note gives important information, which must be observed.
Single, independent handling step
Numbered instruction The numbers show that the action steps must be taken one after the
Warning against dangerous electric voltage.
Warning against hot surfaces.
Warning against rotating machine parts.
Warning against overhead load.
Warning against crushing hazard.
Electrostatic sensitive devices.
Prohibition for persons with cardiac pacemaker.
Do not carry along metal parts or clocks.
Hammer scales are forbidden.
The UL Recognized Component Mark identifies recognized compo‐ nent parts which are components of a bigger product or system.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 17/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
About this documentation
Symbol Meaning
The letters “C” and “E” stand for „Communautes Européennes“. The CE-marking expresses the conformity of a product with relevant EC­regulations.
MLF motors are confirmed according to the low voltage directive 2006/95/EC, DIN EN 60034-1 and DIN EN 60034-5.
Components for the use in systems for “integrated safety technique” prepared.
Tab. 1-3: Meaning of symbols
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P18/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 19/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

2.1 About this product

Observe the general safety notes in this chapter and the safety instructions in this documentation. Therewith, you avoid personal danger, damage and er‐ rors.
This operating instruction must be stored and transferred in case of sale during the complete product lifetime.

2.2 Intended use

Handle all motor components carefully, in all kinds of situations. Pay close attention to the safety notes and notes regarding the magnetic pull of the permanent magnets on the secondary part.
Prerequisites for proper and safe use of the motors are proper transport, ap‐ propriate storage, proper assembly and connection, careful maintenance, op‐ eration and overhaul.
The motors have been designed for installation in industrial machinery. The motors are according to the following standards and directives.
DIN EN 60034-1 Rating and performance behavior
DIN EN 60034-5 Degree of protection
2014/35/EU Low voltage directive
The machine manufacturer must evaluate the electric and mechanic safety as well as environmental influences in the assembled state of the machine according to the Machine Directive 2006/42/EC and DIN EN 60204-1 (safety of machines).
The electrical installation must comply with the protection requirements of EMC Directive 2014/30/EU. The plant manufacturer is responsible for appro‐ priate installation (for example: physical separation of signal and power ca‐ bles, using shielded cables, ...). The EMC instructions of the converter manu‐ facturer must be observed.
Start-up is prohibited as long as the conformity with these directives is de‐ clared.

2.3 Unintended use

Any use of the motors outside of the specified fields of application or under operating conditions and technical data other than those specified in this doc‐ umentation is considered to be "inappropriate use".
Direct operation on the three-phase network and in explosion-hazardous areas (ATEX) is forbidden.
Trademark right third parties
Observe the trademark rights of third parties during assembly and use of sin‐ gle components delivered from Bosch Rexroth. For any infringement of the right, the customer is liable for the accruing damage.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P20/103
Safety instructions

2.4 Qualification of personnel

This operating instruction is intended for persons, who are familiar with trans‐ portation, installation, assembly, start-up and operation of components of electric drive and control systems and therewith associated danger and they must have appropriate qualifications.
All persons, working on, with or near an electric facility, must know the safety requirements, safety instructions and operating instructions (DIN EN 50110-1).

2.5 General safety instructions

Do not install or operate motors or components of an electric drive and con‐ trol system, as long as you have not read and understood all relevant docu‐ ments.
Please observe the respectively valid national, local and plant-specific regula‐ tions, the safety notes in the documentation and the warning signs on the components.
Improper use of the components and non-observance of the described safety notes can lead to damage, bodily injury, electric shock or in extreme case lead to death.
In the case of damage due to non-observance of the safety notes, Bosch Rexroth assumes no liability.
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors

2.6 Product- and technology-dependent safety instructions

2.6.1 Protection from electric voltage

Work required on the electric system may only be carried out by skilled elec‐ tricians. Tools for electricians (VDE tools) are absolutely necessary.
Before working:
1. Enable.
2. Secure against reactivation.
3. Ensure de-energization.
4. Ground and short-circuit.
5. Cover or shield any adjacent live parts.
After completing the job, cancel the measures in reverse order.
Dangerous voltage occurs during operation! Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock!
Before start-up, connect the protective conductors on all electric compo‐ nents according to the connection plan.
Operation, even for short measuring purposes is only allowed with fixed connected protective conductor on the specified points of the compo‐ nents.

2.6.2 Protection from mechanical danger

Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, heavy injury or material damage.
Do not stay within the motion zone of the machine. Avoid unauthorized access into the danger zone.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 21/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Safety instructions
Additionally secure vertical axes to prevent them from sinking or de‐ scending after having shutdown the motor, for instance as follows:
mechanically lock the vertical axis, – providing an external braking / catching / clamping device, or – ensuring sufficient equilibration of the vertical axis.

2.6.3 Protection against magnetic and electromagnetic fields

Magnetic and electromagnetic fields are created in the direct environment of live conductors or permanent magnets of electro motors and are a serious danger for persons. The machine operator must sufficiently protect personnel working in these areas from possibly occurring damage by suitable measures (e.g. warning notes, protective clothes, designation of the danger zone). Ob‐ serve the safety instructionschapter 2.6.4 "Protection during handling and
assembly" on page 22.
Observe the country-specific regulations. For Germany, please observe the specifications of the occupational insurance association BGV B11 and BGR B11 regarding “electromagnetic fields”.
Electro magnetic and magnetic fields! Danger for persons with active body aids or passive metallic implants and for
pregnant women.
For persons with active body aids (like heart pacemakers), passive met‐ allic implants (like hip prosthesis) and pregnant women possible haz‐ ards exist due to electro magnetic or magnetic fields in direct environ‐ ment of electric drive and control components and the corresponding live conductors.
Access into these areas can be dangerous for these persons: – Areas, in which components of electrical drive and control systems
and corresponding live conductors are mounted, activated or oper‐ ated.
Areas in which motor parts with permanent magnets are stored, re‐
paired or assembled.
Above mentioned persons must contact their attending physician before entering these areas.
Please observe the valid industrial safety regulations for plants which are fitted with components of electrical drive and control systems and corresponding live conductors.
Risk of destruction of sensitive parts! Data loss!
Keep watches, credit cards, check cards and identity cards and all ferro‐ magnetic metal parts, such as iron, nickel and cobalt away from perma‐ nent magnets.
Crushing hazard of fingers and hand due to heavy attractive forces of the magnets!
The attractive force of the permanent magnets have an effect on all magnetic materials. These attractive forces surge especially within a neighborhood < 100 mm. Loose or not fastened components made of magnetizable materials can abruptly and inadvertently attracted with the permanent magnets. Apart from crushing hazard, even the danger of chipping recalcitrant material, caus‐ ing eye injury, exists.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P22/103
Safety instructions
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Extreme caution during handling of motor components with permanent magnets. Do never underestimate strong attractive forces.
Never work alone.
Use personal safety equipment (e.g. protective gloves, protective glasses).
Unpack single motor components with permanent magnets immediately prior mounting.
Do not unpack several motor components with permanent magnets or directly place them side by side at your working space.
Do not bring magnetized or magnetizable materials in the area of per‐ manent magnets. If using magnetizable tools cannot be avoided, hold on the tool very tight, move carefully and observe the attractive force ef‐ fect of the permanent magnets.
Behavior in the case of accidents with permanent magnets During work with permanent magnets, the following emergency tools must be
ready to use in the case of an accident to release impacted body parts (like fingers, hands, arms a.s.o.):
Hammer (3-5kg) made of non-magnetized material like brass
Minimum 2 wedges with approx. 10 - 15 ° lip angles made of non-mag‐ netized material like brass, wood or similar to impact driving into the cut‐ ting slit.
A crowbar made of brass.
In the case of an accident:
Keep calm!
If the machine is live, immediately de-energize (emergency button).
Give first aid or request appropriate help (e.g. emergency doctor).
Disconnect magnetic adherent parts with the emergency tools. There‐ fore, beat the wedges with a hammer into the cutting slit to free the caught body parts.

2.6.4 Protection during handling and assembly

Motor components with permanent magnets (e.g. secondary parts of a syn‐ chronous linear motor or rotor of a synchronous kit motor) create very strong attractive forces from ferromagnetic parts like further motor components with permanent magnets or parts of iron, nickel or cobalt.
Please observe the safety notes about strong attractive forces of permanent magnets under chapter 2.6.3 "Protection against magnetic and electromag‐
netic fields" on page 21.
The attractive forces of the permanent magnets influence all magnetizable materials. Especially in an area < 100 mm, the attractive forces rise. Sur‐ rounding components can abruptly and inadvertently be attracted by the per‐ manent magnets. Apart from crushing hazard, even the danger of chipping recalcitrant material, causing eye injury, exists.
Use the origin package of the motor components for transport and storage only. The origin package of Rexroth is constructed in such a way that the mo‐ tor components with the permanent magnets are positioned within the pack‐ age with suitable distance, providing that the package is correctly used.
Observe the following instructions during unpacking and handling.
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 23/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Safety instructions
Instruct the personal with regard to the danger.
Use personal safety equipment (e.g. protective gloves, protective glasses).
Store all components in its origin package until assembly and for trans‐ port.
Do only work on clean working spaces in which no ferromagnetic parts exist.
If possible, use non-magnetic tools, e.g. made from aluminum or brass.
Remove only one motor component from the package and secure it on your working space against slipping, rolling away.
Instruct all participating persons about the dangers and if necessary, expand the preliminary instructions.
Store the original package of the motor components with permanent magnets Store the original package for later use. In the case of reuse, ensure a good readability of the safety notes on the
package. They must not be paste over!
Risk of injuries due to improper handling! Bodily injury due to crushing, scis‐ sors, cutting, punching!
Observe the instructions on the package.
Store the motor components with permanent magnets in the original package, only.
Do not internally store or transport the motor components unpacked.
Observe the accident prevention regulations.
Use suitable assembly and transport equipment.
Prevent clamping and squeezing by means of suitable measures.
Use suitable tools, if necessary use special tools.
Properly use lifting devices and tools.
Use suitable safety equipment (like protective helmets, protective glasses, safety shoes, protective gloves).
Never walk under hanging loads.
Immediately remove spill on the ground, otherwise risk of falling!

2.6.5 Protection against burns

Risk of burns due to hot motor surfaces!
Avoid contact with hot motor surfaces. Temperatures may rise over 60 °C.
Allow the motor components to cool down long enough before touching them.
Temperature-sensitive components may not come into contact with the motor surface. Ensure appropriate mounting distance of connection ca‐ bles and other components.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P24/103
Safety instructions

2.6.6 Electrostatic sensitive devices (EGB)

Rexroth motors contain parts which underlie an electrostatic danger. These components, especially temperature sensors of the motor winding can be de‐ stroyed by improper use.
Avoid, e.g. direct contact of open wires of the connection cable of tempera‐ ture sensors without being electrostatically discharged or grounded.
Do suitable ESD protective measures before you handle imper‐ iled components (e.g. ESD protective clothes, wristlets, conduc‐ tive floor, grounded cabinets and working surfaces).
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 25/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Scope of delivery

3 Scope of delivery

The total scope of delivery is listed on the delivery note or waybill. However, its content can be partitioned in several packages. Each package can be identified by a forwarding label.
Scope of delivery ML3P primary
Scope of delivery ML3S secon‐
dary part
The scope of delivery of a primary part contains:
Primary part in origin package
Type plate
Safety instructions
The scope of delivery of a secondary part contains:
Secondary part in origin package
Type plate
Safety instructions
On delivery, immediately verify whether the delivered goods are those speci‐ fied on the delivery note. The forwarder must be promptly informed of any damage on the packaging and goods, which is detected on delivery. Start-up of damaged goods is prohibited.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P26/103
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P Bosch Rexroth AG 27/103 ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
About this product

4 About this product

4.1 Product description

4.1.1 Technical features

Product Three phase synchronous motor
Manufacturer Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH
Buergermeister-Dr.-Nebel-Straße 2 97816 Lohr am Main, Germany
Type Primary part ML3P03, -06, -11
Secondary part ML3S03, -06, -11
Listed acc. to CSA standard (UL) UL 1004-1, 2nd ed., 2012
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4-04 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 100-14
Files (CSA) 271353
Ambient temperature during operation 0 … 40 °C
Motor design Open (kit motor)
Degree of protection IP40 (DIN EN 60034-5)
Installation altitude 0 ... 1000 m
Sound pressure level < 75 dB(A)
Insulation class 130 (DIN EN 60034-1)
Electrical connection Connection cables
In the case of special design, details named in the operating in‐ structions can deviate. In this case, order the supplementary doc‐ umentation.

4.2 Identification of motor components

4.2.1 Type plate and serial number

The motor components can be identified via a type plate and an engraved se‐ rial number
Position of the type plate on the primary part ② Position of engraved serial number on the secondary part
Fig. 4-1: Position of component designation

4.2.2 Labeling ML3P

At delivery, two identical type plates are enclosed to the primary part. These type plates can be affixed onto the machine or can be used elsewhere.
Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-MOTOR*-ML3********-IT01-EN-P28/103
About this product
ML3 Self-Cooled Linear Motors
Fig. 4-2: Primary part (example)
TYPE Product type code MNR Material number FD Manufacturing date m Mass SN Serial number AD1 Revision state IPxx Degree of protection IPxx T.CL. Thermal class I(N) Rated current F(N) Rated force U(max) Maximum voltage CSA
Tab. 4-1: Type plate specification ML3P

4.2.3 Labeling ML3S

The type designation with serial number is on the front side of the secondary part.
Additionally, the secondary part has two identical type plates at delivery. These type plates can be affixed onto the machine or can be used else‐ where.
Fig. 4-3: Secondary part type plate (example)
TYPE Product type code MNR Material number FD Manufacturing date m Mass SN Serial number AD1 Revision state IPxx Degree of protection IPxx
Tab. 4-2: Type plate specification ML3S
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