Communications Systems | PVA-1EB PAVIRO Emergency button
PVA-1EB PAVIRO Emergency button
u Transparent cover – reliable method of preventing
accidental actuation
u Installed LED – optical visualization with maximum
efficiency and operational reliability
The PVA-1EB is an optional button for installation in
the PAVIRO call stations. For more information, see
the call station documentation or IRIS-Net
Certifications and approvals
EN 54-16: 2008
Installation/configuration notes
1. Remove button ➊ from housing ➋
2. Remove red diffusor ➌ from lens ➎ using a sharp tool
(such as a knife)
3. Label the film insert ➍
4. Re-assemble the button including the film insert and
mount into the housing ➋
u Internal monitoring – the feed line is monitored for
short-circuits and interruptions
Assembly in call station
1. Disconnect the call station from all connectors
2. Unscrew the call station baseplate (4 screws ➊)
3. Carefully remove the baseplate from the upper part,
start on the top left corner of the call station.
4. Unplug the connecting cable from the CN1 plug
connector ➋
5. Prepare installation location ➌: Use a sharp object
(scriber or similar) to carefully punch through and cut
out the pre-cut rectangle on the inside of the housing.
Perform any follow-up work that may be required to
the installation location (e.g. filing, trimming)

2 | PVA-1EB PAVIRO Emergency button
6. Mount the button into the installation location, and
press in evenly (it must be possible for the cover cap
to open upward)
7. Depending on whether the right/middle/left
installation location is used, plug the ribbon cable ➍
into plug connector CN201/CN202/CN203 on the
circuit board
8. Plug the connecting cable into CN1 again
9. Carefully re-attach the call station baseplate
10. Re-connect the connections
11. Configure the button using the software
Parts included
Quantity Component
1 Button element with cover
1 Preconfigured 4-pin connecting cable
1 Installation note
Ordering information
PVA-1EB PAVIRO Emergency button
Order number PVA-1EB