Video | FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 6000 - outdoor
FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 6000 - outdoor
u 12MP / 30 fps sensor for fine details with smooth
u Edge or client-side dewarping for easy integration
The FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 6000 is an outdoor use
camera. The 12MP sensor operating at 30 fps gives a
full panoramic surveillance with complete area
coverage, fine details and high speeds. The camera
offers full situational awareness and simultaneous EPTZ views in high resolution.
The 360° version of the camera, when mounted
centrally on a pole or under an eave, gives complete
surround coverage without blind spots. The 180°
version has a higher effective resolution and is ideal
for wall mounting in perimeter surveillance by
obtaining a seamless 180º coverage.
The lens captures a circular image. Our dewarping
software transforms this circular image into several
different distortion-free rectangular views. To facilitate
system integration, you can choose edge dewarping
inside the camera or client-side dewarping on an
external platform.
The freely available Video Security Client from Bosch
provides advanced client-side dewarping features.
The 360° version of the camera, when mounted
centrally on a pole or under an eave, gives complete
surround coverage without blind spots. The 180°
u Built-in Essential Video Analytics to trigger relevant
alerts and quickly retrieve data
u Outdoor IP panoramic camera
u Compatible with Bosch universal accessories
version has a higher effective resolution and is ideal
for wall mounting in perimeter surveillance by
obtaining a seamless 180º coverage.
System overview
Advantages of panoramic surveillance
Panoramic surveillance offers full 180° or 360°
coverage of the designated area. Because our
panoramic cameras cover the full area, they provide
complete situational awareness and are ideally suited
to following movement in one continuous sweep.

2 | FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 6000 - outdoor
These panoramic cameras will considerably augment
the functionality of any high-end surveillance system
especially when coupled with Essential Video
Analytics, for example, for people counting or complex
rule-based alarm triggering.
12MP sensor at 30 fps
The ultra high 12MP sensor resolution together with
the exceptionally high frame rate of 30 fps makes this
camera unique in the field of panoramic image
capture. Motion is smoother and the E‑PTZ feature
provides more detailed images.
The effective resolution for the 180° version is 8MP
and for the 360° version 7MP.
Essential Video Analytics
The built-in video analysis reinforces the Intelligenceat-the-Edge concept and now delivers even more
powerful features. Essential Video Analytics is ideal for
use in controlled environments with limited detection
The system reliably detects, tracks, and analyzes
objects, and alerts you when predefined alarms are
triggered. A smart set of alarm rules makes complex
tasks easy and reduces false alarms to a minimum.
The MOTION+ video motion analysis system that is
built into all camera versions is the perfect solution for
applications where basic video content analysis
features are required. MOTION+ shows motion
metadata in an overlay display. By using MOTION+
data as input, smarter imaging algorithms bring
improved image quality and more efficient bitrates. It
also enables extended tamper detection capabilities.
Client-side dewarping
With client-side dewarping, the camera streams a
single circular non-dewarped image at 30 fps.
Dewarping is performed with our dewarping software
that is installed on the PC where multiple view modes
are available or you can choose to use a third-party
client-side dewarping software solution.
Edge dewarping
The edge dewarping in the camera provides three
separate video channels simultaneously at 12.5 fps:
• Full image circle (Video 1 channel)
• Dewarped view mode (Video 2 channel)
• E-PTZ (Video 3 channel)
Different view modes can be selected for the video 2
channel. Your selection depends on the resolution you
require and how you wish to view the dewarped
View modes
The following view modes can be selected at 12.5 fps
with edge dewarping or 30 fps with our client side
With the 180° lens version, you can select one of the
following view modes for the second channel:
180° lens version Full image cut-out and displayed image
Panoramic view
E‑PTZ view
Corridor view
With the 360° lens version, select one of the following
view modes for the second channel:
360° lens version Full image cut-out and displayed image
Panoramic view
(ceiling mount)
Panoramic view
(wall mount)
E-PTZ view
Full panoramic
Quad view

3.5 m / 12 ft
6.5 m / 22 ft
12 m / 40 ft
28 m / 92 ft
2 m / 7 ft
4.5 m / 15 ft
8.5 m / 28 ft
19 m / 62 ft
| FLEXIDOME IP panoramic 6000 - outdoor
360° lens version Full image cut-out and displayed image
Corridor view
panoramic view
DORI coverage
DORI (Detect, Observe, Recognize, Identify) is a
standard system (EN-62676-4) for defining the ability
of a camera to distinguish persons or objects within a
covered area. The maximum distance at which a
camera/lens combination can meet these criteria is
shown below:
For high mounting applications, the center image DORI
values are:
DORI Object distance –
Object distance 360°
When mounted at a height of 3 m (10 ft) the 360°
version of the camera has the following coverage
radius for the four levels:
DORI DORI definition Coverage radius
Detect 25 px/m
19 m (62 ft)
(8 px/ft)
Observe 63 px/m
8.5 m (28 ft)
(19 px/ft)
Recognize 125 px/m
4.5 m (15 ft)
(38 px/ft)
Detect 55 m (181 ft) 42 m (138 ft)
Observe 22 m (72 ft) 16.5 m (54 ft)
Recognize 10.5 m (35 ft) 8.5 m (28 ft)
Identify 5.5 m (18 ft) 4 m (13 ft)
When mounted at a height of 3 m (10 ft) the 180°
version of the camera has the following coverage
radius for the four levels:
DORI DORI definition Coverage radius
Detect 25 px/m
28 m (92 ft)
(8 px/ft)
Observe 63 px/m
12 m (40 ft)
(19 px/ft)
Recognize 125 px/m
6.5 m (22 ft)
(38 px/ft)
Identify 250 px/m
3.5 m (12 ft)
(76 px/ft)
Identify 250 px/m
2 m (7 ft)
(76 px/ft)
E-PTZ and regions of interest
The remote E-PTZ (Electronic Pan, Tilt and Zoom)
controls allow you to select specific areas of the full
image circle. These Regions of Interest (ROI) can be
easily defined, allowing the most interesting part of a
scene to be monitored separately. The high resolution
ensures that details are not lost even when using the
electronic zoom.
The E-PTZ feature of a panoramic camera has some
advantages over normal PTZ cameras. There is no
camera movement so the camera does not draw
attention to itself or appear intrusive. Situational
awareness is still retained even when zooming in on a