13.2 Creating a group or account 108
13.3 Creating a dual authorization group 109
13.4 Configuring LDAP settings 109
13.5 Associating an LDAP group 110
13.6 Scheduling user logon permission 110
13.7 Configuring operating permissions 111
13.8 Configuring user interface settings 111
13.9 Configuring permissions for Logical Tree 112
13.10 Configuring permissions for events and alarms 112
13.11 Configuring camera permissions 113
13.12 Configuring decoder permissions 113
13.13 Configuring various priorities 113
13.14 Copying user group permissions 114
Managing configuration data 116
14.1 Activating the working configuration 116
14.2 Activating a configuration 117
14.3 Exporting configuration data 117
14.4 Importing configuration data 117
14.5 Exporting configuration data to OPC 118
Configuration examples 119
15.1 Creating an Enterprise System 119
15.1.1 Configuring the Server List for Enterprise System 119
15.1.2 Creating an Enterprise User Group 120
15.1.3 Creating an Enterprise Account 121
15.2 Adding a Bosch ATM/POS bridge 122
15.3 Adding a Bosch Allegiant input alarm 123
15.4 Adding and configuring 2 Dinion IP cameras with VRM recording 124
Global Configuration Client windows 126
16.1 Configuration window 126
16.2 Menu commands 127
16.3 Activation Manager dialog box 128
16.4 Activate Configuration dialog box 129
16.5 License Manager dialog box 129
16.6 License Activation dialog box 129
16.7 Alarm Settings dialog box 130
16.8 Stream Quality Settings dialog box 130
16.9 Options dialog box 131
16.10 Remote Access Settings dialog box 132
16.10.1 Show Port Mapping dialog box 132
Devices page 134
17.1 Server List page 135
17.1.1 Add Server dialog box 135
17.2 Initial Device Scan dialog box 135
17.3 NVR & Decoder Scan dialog box 136
17.4 Bosch VMS Scan Wizard 136
17.5 Failover NVR Manager dialog box 137
17.6 IP Device Configuration dialog box 137
17.7 Set IP Addresses dialog box 138
17.8 Set Display Names dialog box 138
6 en | Table of Contents Bosch Video Management System
2013.03 | V1 | Configuration Client Configuration Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH