Bosch MBV-BPRO-45 Configuration Manual

Bosch Video Management System
en Configuration Manual
Using the Help 12
1.1 Finding information 12
1.2 Printing the Help 13
Introduction 14
System overview 17
3.1 Hardware requirements 17
3.2 Software requirements 18
3.3 License requirements 18
3.4 Supported system structures 18
Concepts 20
4.1 Configuration Wizard 20
4.2 Enterprise System 20
4.2.1 Scenarios 20
4.2.2 Permissions 23
4.2.3 Types of user groups 24
4.2.4 Licensing 24
4.3 Server Lookup 24
4.4 Remote access 25
4.5 iSCSI storage pool 28
4.6 Alarm handling 28
4.7 DVR devices 30
4.8 Mobile Video Service 30
Supported hardware 32
5.1 Installing hardware 33
5.2 Connecting a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard to Bosch VMS 33
5.2.1 Scenarios for Bosch IntuiKey keyboard connections 33
5.2.2 Connecting a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard to a decoder 35
5.2.3 Updating Bosch IntuiKey keyboard firmware 36
5.3 Connecting Bosch Allegiant Matrix to Bosch Video Management System 37
5.3.1 Bosch Allegiant Connection Overview 37
5.3.2 Configuring the control channel 39
5.3.3 Bosch Allegiant Satellite System Concept 40
5.3.4 Allegiant CCL commands supported in Bosch VMS 41
Getting started 44
6.1 Installing the software modules 44
6.2 Using Configuration Wizard 44
6.3 Accessing the system 54
6.4 Using Server Lookup 54
6.5 Configuring remote access 54
6.5.1 Configuring without Enterprise System 54
6.5.2 Configuring with Enterprise System 55
6.6 Activating the software licenses 55
6.7 Starting Configuration Client 56
6.8 Configuring the language of Configuration Client 56
6.9 Configuring the language of Operator Client 56
6.10 Adding a new license 57
6.11 Working offline 57
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Configuring devices 58
7.1 Configuring the Server List for Enterprise System 58
7.2 Configuring Server Lookup 59
7.3 Detecting NVRs, their recorded encoders, and decoders 60
7.4 Detecting VRM devices 61
7.5 Configuring NVRs 61
7.5.1 Configuring a Primary NVR 62
7.5.2 Switching an NVR to a Failover NVR 62
7.5.3 Switching an NVR to a Redundant NVR 63
7.5.4 Configuring a Failover NVR 63
7.5.5 Configuring a Redundant NVR 63
7.5.6 Assigning NVRs to Failover NVRs 64
7.5.7 Assigning NVRs to a Redundant NVR 64
7.5.8 Displaying information on an NVR 64
7.5.9 Changing the network address of an NVR / Failover NVR / Redundant NVR 65
7.6 Adding a device 65
7.7 Configuring an encoder / decoder 68
7.8 Configuring a decoder for use with a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard 69
7.9 Configuring multiple encoders / decoders 69
7.10 Configuring the integration of a DiBos system 70
7.11 Configuring the integration of a DVR 70
7.12 Configuring a Bosch Allegiant device 71
7.13 Configuring a startup Command Script 71
7.14 Changing the network address of a workstation 72
7.15 Enabling Forensic Search on a workstation 72
7.16 Assigning an analog monitor group to a workstation 72
7.17 Configuring an analog monitor group 72
7.18 Adding a monitor wall 73
7.19 Configuring a communication device 73
7.20 Configuring a peripheral device 74
7.21 Configuring network monitoring 74
7.22 Configuring a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard (workstation) 74
7.23 Configuring a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard (decoder) 74
7.24 Configuring an I/O module 75
7.25 Configuring an Allegiant CCL emulation 75
7.26 Adding a Mobile Video Service 75
7.27 Adding a VRM device with iSCSI storage 76
7.28 Configuring an iSCSI device 76
7.29 Adding a DSA E-Series iSCSI device 77
7.30 Adding a LUN 78
7.31 Formatting a LUN 78
7.32 Adding a Video Streaming Gateway device 79
7.33 Adding a Bosch camera to a VSG 79
7.34 Adding an ONVIF camera to a VSG 79
7.35 Configuring multicast for VSG 80
7.36 Switching on VSG recording 80
7.37 Adding a local storage or live only device 81
Configuring the structure 82
8.1 Configuring the Logical Tree 82
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8.2 Adding a device to the Logical Tree 82
8.3 Removing a tree item 82
8.4 Managing resource files 83
8.5 Adding a Command Script 84
8.6 Managing pre-configured camera sequences 84
8.7 Adding a camera sequence 85
8.8 Adding a folder 86
8.9 Adding a map 86
8.10 Adding a link to another map 86
8.11 Assigning a map to a folder 87
8.12 Managing devices on a map 87
8.13 Adding a document 88
Configuring schedules 89
9.1 Configuring a Recording Schedule 89
9.2 Adding a Task Schedule 90
9.3 Configuring a standard Task Schedule 90
9.4 Configuring a recurring Task Schedule 90
9.5 Removing a Task Schedule 91
9.6 Adding holidays and exception days 91
9.7 Removing holidays and exception days 92
9.8 Renaming a schedule 92
Configuring cameras and recording settings 93
10.1 Copying and pasting in tables 93
10.2 Configuring stream quality settings 94
10.3 Configuring camera properties 94
10.4 Configuring recording settings (only VRM and Local Storage) 95
10.5 Configuring recording settings (only NVR) 95
10.6 Configuring PTZ port settings 97
10.7 Configuring PTZ camera settings 97
Configuring events and alarms 98
11.1 Copying and pasting in tables 99
11.2 Removing a table row 99
11.3 Managing resource files 99
11.4 Configuring an event 99
11.5 Duplicating an event 100
11.6 Logging user events 100
11.7 Configuring user event buttons 100
11.8 Creating a Compound Event 101
11.9 Editing a Compound Event 102
11.10 Configuring an alarm 102
11.11 Configuring settings for all alarms 103
Configuring Command Scripts 104
12.1 Managing Command Scripts 104
12.2 Configuring a Command Script to be started automatically 105
12.3 Importing a Command Script 105
12.4 Exporting a Command Script 105
12.5 Configuring a startup Command Script 105
Configuring users, permissions and Enterprise Access 107
13.1 Creating a user 107
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13.2 Creating a group or account 108
13.3 Creating a dual authorization group 109
13.4 Configuring LDAP settings 109
13.5 Associating an LDAP group 110
13.6 Scheduling user logon permission 110
13.7 Configuring operating permissions 111
13.8 Configuring user interface settings 111
13.9 Configuring permissions for Logical Tree 112
13.10 Configuring permissions for events and alarms 112
13.11 Configuring camera permissions 113
13.12 Configuring decoder permissions 113
13.13 Configuring various priorities 113
13.14 Copying user group permissions 114
Managing configuration data 116
14.1 Activating the working configuration 116
14.2 Activating a configuration 117
14.3 Exporting configuration data 117
14.4 Importing configuration data 117
14.5 Exporting configuration data to OPC 118
Configuration examples 119
15.1 Creating an Enterprise System 119
15.1.1 Configuring the Server List for Enterprise System 119
15.1.2 Creating an Enterprise User Group 120
15.1.3 Creating an Enterprise Account 121
15.2 Adding a Bosch ATM/POS bridge 122
15.3 Adding a Bosch Allegiant input alarm 123
15.4 Adding and configuring 2 Dinion IP cameras with VRM recording 124
Global Configuration Client windows 126
16.1 Configuration window 126
16.2 Menu commands 127
16.3 Activation Manager dialog box 128
16.4 Activate Configuration dialog box 129
16.5 License Manager dialog box 129
16.6 License Activation dialog box 129
16.7 Alarm Settings dialog box 130
16.8 Stream Quality Settings dialog box 130
16.9 Options dialog box 131
16.10 Remote Access Settings dialog box 132
16.10.1 Show Port Mapping dialog box 132
Devices page 134
17.1 Server List page 135
17.1.1 Add Server dialog box 135
17.2 Initial Device Scan dialog box 135
17.3 NVR & Decoder Scan dialog box 136
17.4 Bosch VMS Scan Wizard 136
17.5 Failover NVR Manager dialog box 137
17.6 IP Device Configuration dialog box 137
17.7 Set IP Addresses dialog box 138
17.8 Set Display Names dialog box 138
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17.9 NVRs / Failover NVRs / Redundant NVRs page 138
17.9.1 Global Settings page 139
17.9.2 Disk Storage page 139
17.9.3 Camera Storage page 140
17.9.4 Assigned NVRs page 141
17.9.5 Assigned NVR page 141
17.9.6 Add Network Path dialog box 142
17.9.7 Add Local NVR Drive dialog box 142
17.10 Vidos NVRs page 142
17.11 DiBos page 143
17.11.1 Add DiBos System dialog box 143
17.11.2 Settings page 143
17.11.3 Cameras page 143
17.11.4 Inputs page 143
17.11.5 Relays page 144
17.12 DVR (Digital Video Recorder) page 144
17.12.1 Add DVR dialog box 144
17.12.2 Settings tab 144
17.12.3 Cameras tab 145
17.12.4 Inputs tab 145
17.12.5 Relays tab 145
17.13 Matrix Switches page 145
17.13.1 Connection page 145
17.13.2 Cameras page 145
17.13.3 Outputs page 146
17.13.4 Inputs page 146
17.14 Workstation page 147
17.14.1 Settings page 147
17.14.2 Assigned Analog Monitor Groups page 148
17.15 Decoders page 148
17.16 Analog Monitor Groups page 148
17.16.1 Settings page 149
17.16.2 Advanced Configuration page 149
17.17 Monitor Wall page 150
17.17.1 Add Monitor Wall dialog box 151
17.18 Communication Devices page 151
17.18.1 E-mail/SMTP Server dialog box 151
17.18.2 Add SMS Device dialog box 151
17.18.3 SMTP Server page 152
17.18.4 Send Test E-mail dialog box 152
17.18.5 GSM Settings / SMSC Settings page 153
17.19 POS + ATM page 153
17.19.1 Add Bosch ATM/POS-Bridge dialog box 154
17.19.2 Bosch ATM/POS-Bridge page 154
17.19.3 Inputs page 154
17.19.4 ATM Settings page 154
17.20 Virtual Inputs page 155
17.20.1 Add Virtual Inputs dialog box 155
17.21 SNMP page 155
17.21.1 Add SNMP dialog box 155
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17.21.2 SNMP Trap Receiver page 156
17.21.3 SNMP Trap Logger dialog box 156
17.22 Assign Keyboard page 157
17.23 I/O Modules page 157
17.23.1 ADAM page 158
17.23.2 Inputs page 158
17.23.3 Relays page 158
17.24 Allegiant CCL Emulation page 158
17.25 Mobile Video Service page 159
17.25.1 Add Mobile Video Service dialog box 159
17.26 VRM Devices page 160
17.27 VRM Settings page 160
17.27.1 SNMP page 161
17.27.2 Advanced page 161
17.28 Pool page 161
17.28.1 Basic Configuration page 162
17.28.2 Load Balancing page 164
17.28.3 iqn-Mapper dialog box 164
17.28.4 LUNs page 164
17.28.5 Add LUN dialog box 165
17.29 Add DSA E-Series Device dialog box 165
17.30 Video Streaming Gateway device page 166
17.31 Assignment tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 166
17.32 Add/Edit dialog box (Video Streaming Gateway) 166
17.33 Recording profiles tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 168
17.34 Multicast tabs (Video Streaming Gateway) 168
17.35 Advanced tab (Video Streaming Gateway) 169
17.36 Live Only page 169
17.36.1 ONVIF Encoder page 169
17.36.2 Add ONVIF dialog box 170
17.37 Local Storage page 170
Encoders / Decoders page 171
18.1 Unit Access page 171
18.1.1 Identification / Camera identification 171
18.1.2 Camera name 172
18.1.3 Version information 172
18.2 Date/Time page 172
18.3 Video Input page 172
18.3.1 Picture settings 174
18.3.2 Input termination 174
18.3.3 Source type 175
18.4 Installer Menu 175
18.4.1 Base frame rate 175
18.4.2 Camera LED 175
18.4.3 Mirror image 175
18.4.4 Flip image 175
18.4.5 Menu button 175
18.4.6 Heater (dome cameras only) 175
18.4.7 Reboot device 175
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18.4.8 Factory defaults 175
18.4.9 Lens Wizard 175
18.5 Picture Settings 175
18.5.1 White balance 176
18.6 Recording Management page 176
18.7 Recording preferences page 177
18.8 VCA page 177
18.8.1 Motion detector (MOTION+ only) 178
18.8.2 Select Area dialog box 179
18.8.3 Tamper detection 179
18.9 Audio Alarm page 180
18.10 Privacy Masks page 180
18.11 Camera page 181
18.11.1 Mode page 182
18.11.2 ALC 183
18.11.3 Enhance 184
18.12 Lens page 184
18.12.1 Focus 184
18.12.2 Iris 185
18.12.3 Zoom 185
18.13 PTZ page 186
18.14 Prepositions and Tours page 186
18.15 Sectors page 187
18.16 Misc page 187
18.17 Logs page 187
18.18 Audio page 187
18.19 Relay page 188
18.20 Periphery page 189
18.20.1 COM1 189
18.21 Network Access page 189
18.22 Advanced page 191
18.22.1 SNMP 191
18.22.2 802.1x 191
18.22.3 RTSP 191
18.22.4 UPnP 191
18.22.5 TCP metadata input 191
18.22.6 Quality of Service 192
18.23 Multicast page 192
18.24 FTP Posting page 193
18.24.1 JPEG posting 193
18.24.2 FTP server 193
18.25 IP v4 Filter 193
18.26 Licenses page 194
18.27 Decoder page 194
18.27.1 Decoder profile 194
18.27.2 Monitor display 194
Maps and Structure page 196
19.1 Resource Manager dialog box 197
19.2 Select Resource dialog box 197
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19.3 Sequence Builder dialog box 198
19.4 Add Sequence dialog box 198
19.5 Add Sequence Step dialog box 199
19.6 Add URL dialog box 199
19.7 Select Map for Link dialog box 199
Schedules page 200
20.1 Recording Schedules page 200
20.2 Task Schedules page 200
Cameras and Recording page 202
21.1 Cameras page 202
21.2 Scheduled Recording Settings dialog box (only VRM and Local Storage) 204
21.3 Recording settings pages (NVR only) 205
21.4 Stream Quality Settings dialog box 206
21.5 PTZ Settings dialog box 208
Events page 209
22.1 Command Script Editor dialog box 210
22.2 Create Compound Event / Edit Compound Event dialog box 211
22.3 Select Script Language dialog box 211
22.4 Edit Priorities of Event Type dialog box 212
22.5 Select Devices dialog box 212
Alarms page 213
23.1 Alarm Settings dialog box 214
23.2 Select Image Pane Content dialog box 214
23.3 Select Resource dialog box 215
23.4 Alarm Options dialog box 215
User Groups page 218
24.1 New User Group/Account dialog box 219
24.2 User Group Properties page 220
24.3 User Properties page 221
24.4 Add New Dual Authorization Group dialog box 221
24.5 Logon Pair Properties page 222
24.6 Select User Groups dialog box 222
24.7 Camera Permissions page 223
24.8 Control Priorities 224
24.9 Copy User Group Permissions dialog box 224
24.10 Decoder Permissions page 225
24.11 Events and Alarms page 225
24.12 LDAP Server Settings dialog box 226
24.13 Credentials page 228
24.14 Logical Tree page 228
24.15 Operator Features page 228
24.16 Priorities page 230
24.17 User Interface page 231
24.18 Server Access page 231
Troubleshooting 233
25.1 Configuring the desired language in Windows 235
25.2 Reestablishing the connection to a Bosch IntuiKey keyboard 235
25.3 Reducing the number of Allegiant cameras 235
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Glossary 236
Index 243
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Using the Help
To find out more about how to do something in Bosch VMS, access the online Help using any of the following methods. To use the Contents, Index, or Search:
On the Help menu, click Help. Use the buttons and links to navigate.
To get Help on a window or dialog:
On the toolbar, click .
Press F1 for help on any program window or dialog.
Finding information
You can find information in the Help in several ways. To find information in the Online Help:
1. On the Help menu, click Help.
2. If the left-hand pane is not visible, click the Show button.
3. In the Help window, do the following:
Click: To:
Contents Display the table of contents for the Online Help. Click each book to
display pages that link to topics, and click each page to display the corresponding topic in the right-hand pane.
Index Search for specific words or phrases or select from a list of index
keywords. Double-click the keyword to display the corresponding topic in the right-hand pane.
Search Locate words or phrases within the content of your topics. Type the
word or phrase in the text field, press ENTER, and select the topic you want from the list of topics.
Texts of the user interface are marked bold.
The arrow invites you to click on the underlined text or to click an item in the application.
Click to get step-by-step instructions
Related Topics
Click to display a topic with information on the application window you currently use. This topic provides information on the application window controls.
Concepts provides background information on selected issues.
Medium risk (without safety alert symbol): Indicates a potentially hazardous situation.
If not avoided, this may result in property damage or risk of damage to the unit.
Cautionary messages should be heeded to help you avoid data loss or damaging the system.
This symbol indicates information or a company policy that relates directly or indirectly to the
safety of personnel or protection of property.
12 en | Using the Help Bosch Video Management System
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Printing the Help
While using the Online Help, you can print topics and information right from the browser window.
To print a Help topic:
1. Right-click in the right pane and select Print. The Print dialog box opens.
2. Click Print. The topic is printed to the specified printer.
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1 Menu bar Allows you to select a menu command.
2 Toolbar Displays the available buttons. Point to an icon to
display a tooltip.
3 Playback controls Allows you to control instant playback or a camera
sequence or alarm sequence.
4 Performance meter Displays the CPU usage and the memory usage.
5 Time zone selector Select an entry for the time zone to be displayed in
most time related fields. Only available if at least one Management Server in the Logical Tree is located in another time zone as your Operator Client.
6 Slider for Image pane pattern Allows you to select the required number of Image
7 Image window Displays the Image panes. Allows you to arrange the
Image panes.
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8 Image pane Displays a camera, a map, an image, a document
(HTML file).
Alarm List window
Displays all alarms that the system generates. Allows you to accept or clear an alarm or to start a workflow, for example, by sending an E-mail to a maintenance person. The Alarm List is not being displayed, when the connection to the Management Server is lost.
Monitors window (only available if at least one analog monitor group has been configured)
Displays the configured analog monitor groups. Allows you to switch to the next or previous analog monitor group if available.
The Monitors tab is not visible if your Operator Client is connected to more than one Management Server.
PTZ Control window
Allows you to control a PTZ camera.
Logical Tree window
Displays the devices your user group has access to. Allows you to select a device for assigning it to an Image pane.
Favorites Tree window
Allows you to organize the devices of the Logical Tree as required.
Bookmarks window
Allows to manage bookmarks.
Map window
Displays a site map. Allows you to drag the map to display a particular section of the map. If activated, a map is displayed automatically for each camera displayed in an Image pane. In this case, the camera must be configured on a map.
This manual guides you through the basic steps of the configuration and operation with Bosch VMS. For detailed help and step-by-step instructions read the Configuration Manual and the Operator’s Manual or use the Online Help. You find the manuals as PDF files on your Setup CD. Bosch VMS integrates digital video, audio and data across any IP network. The system consists of the following software modules: – Management Server – VRM recording (Video Recording Manager) – Operator Client (VRM recording / DiBos DVRs / iSCSI recording / VIDOS NVRs / local
Configuration Client
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Introduction | en 15
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To achieve a running system, you must perform the following tasks: – Install services (Management Server and VRM) – Install Operator Client and Configuration Client – Connect to network – Connect devices to network – Basic configuration:
Add devices (e.g. by device scan) – Build logical structure – Configure schedules, cameras, events, and alarms – Configure user groups
Bosch VMS Archive Player displays exported recordings.
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System overview
If you plan to install and configure Bosch VMS, participate in a system training on Bosch VMS. Refer to the Release Notes of the current Bosch VMS version for supported versions of firmware and hardware and other important information. See data sheets on Bosch workstations and servers for information on computers where Bosch VMS can be installed. The Bosch VMS software modules can optionally be installed on one PC.
Important components
Management Server (selectable in Setup): Stream management, alarm management,
priority management, Management logbook, user management, device state management. Additional Enterprise System license: Managing Enterprise User Groups and Enterprise
Accounts. – Configuration Wizard: Easy and fast setup of a recording system. – Configuration Client (selectable in Setup): System configuration and administration for
Operator Client. – Operator Client (selectable in Setup): Live monitoring, storage retrieval and playback,
alarm and accessing multiple Management Server computers simultaneously. – Video Recording Manager (selectable in Setup): Distributing storage capacities on iSCSI
devices to the encoders, while handling load balancing between multiple iSCSI devices.
Streaming playback video and audio data from iSCSI to Operator Clients. – Mobile Video Service (selectable in Setup): Provides a transcoding service that
transcodes the live and recorded video stream from a camera configured in Bosch VMS to
the available network bandwidth. This service enables video clients like an iPhone or a
Web client to receive transcoded streams, for example for unreliable network
connections with limited bandwidth. Not supported on Windows XP. – Web Client: You can access live and playback videos via Web browser. – Mobile App: You can use the Mobile App on iPhone or iPad to access live and playback
video. – Bosch Video Streaming Gateway (selectable in Setup): Provides the integration of 3rd
party cameras and NVR-like recording, e.g. in low-bandwidth networks. – Cameo SDK (selectable in Setup): The Cameo SDK is used to embed Bosch VMS live and
playback Image panes to your external third-party application. The Image panes follow the
Bosch VMS based user permissions.
The Cameo SDK provides a subset of the Bosch VMS Operator Client functionalities that
enables you to create applications similar to the Operator Client. – Client Enterprise SDK: The Client Enterprise SDK is meant to control and monitor the
behaviour of Operator Client of an Enterprise System by external applications. The SDK
allows to browse devices that are accessible by the running, connected Operator Client
and to control some UI functionalities. – Client SDK / Server SDK: The Server SDK is used to control and monitor the Management
Server by scripts and external applications. You can use those interfaces with a valid
administrator account.
The Client SDK is used to control and monitor the Operator Client by external
applications and scripts (part of the related server configuration).
Hardware requirements
See the data sheet for Bosch VMS. Data sheets for platform PCs are also available.
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Software requirements
See the data sheet for Bosch VMS. Bosch VMS must not be installed on a computer where you want to install Bosch VMS Archive Player.
License requirements
See the data sheet for Bosch VMS for the available licenses.
Supported system structures
An operator or installer can be responsible for the following system structures: – Single server system – Multi server system (Enterprise System) – Multi system environment
System with access point for logon
Single server system, System access point: Management Server
Enterprise System, System access point: Enterprise Management Server
18 en | System overview Bosch Video Management System
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1 Multi system environment 4 System access point:
Server on which logon request of an operator or installer is processed.
2 Single server system 5 Management Server
3 Multi server system 6 Enterprise Management Server
Use cases for multi system access
Two Bosch VMS features valid for multi system environments are available: – Enterprise System – Server Lookup An operator might want to access a multi system environment for the following reasons: – Configure multiple systems (Server Lookup) – Maintenance and monitoring of multiple systems (Server Lookup) – Alert (SMS, Email 3rd party) driven on-demand monitoring of multiple systems (Server
Lookup) – Simultaneous connection to multiple servers for seamless operation of one distributed
system (Enterprise System)
Related Topics
Enterprise System, page 20 Server Lookup, page 24
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System overview | en 19
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This chapter provides background information on selected issues.
Configuration Wizard
Intended use for Configuration Wizard is the quick and easy configuration of a smaller system. Configuration Wizard helps you to achieve a configured system including VRM, iSCSI system, cameras, recording profiles and user groups. User groups and their permissions are configured automatically. You can add or remove users and set passwords. Configuration Wizard can access Management Server only on the local computer. You can save an activated configuration for backup purposes and import this configuration later. You can change this imported configuration after import. You must add iSCSI systems manually. Configuration Wizard adds the local VRM automatically.
Related Topics
Using Configuration Wizard, page 44
Enterprise System
The target of a Bosch VMS Enterprise System is to enable a user of Operator Client to simultaneously access multiple Management Servers.
Related Topics
Configuring the Server List for Enterprise System, page 58 Configuring users, permissions and Enterprise Access, page 107 Accessing the system, page 54
The following three scenarios are covered. – Scenario 1: A dedicated server plays the role of Enterprise Management Server. This
server has the only task to manage the simultaneous access of an Operator Client
workstation to multiple Management Servers. An Operator Client workstation logs on to Enterprise Management Server. After successful logon the user of Operator Client has access to the devices of all configured Management Servers according to the permissions in his Enterprise User Group.
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Figure 4.1: Enterprise Scenario 1
Management Server
Operator Client
Configuration Client
IP camera / encoder
Enterprise Management Server
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Scenario 2: Combination of Enterprise Management Server and Management Server role.
In this case the own Management Server must also be part of the Enterprise Management
Server configuration.
Figure 4.2: Enterprise Scenario 2
Management Server / Enterprise Management Server
Operator Client
Configuration Client
IP camera / encoder
Scenario 3: The classic client-server architecture remains supported.
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Figure 4.3: Classic Scenario 3
Management Server
Operator Client
Configuration Client
IP camera / encoder
Permissions on an Enterprise System
For an Enterprise System you configure the following permissions: – Operating permissions of Operator Client defining the user interface for operating in the
Enterprise System, for example the user interface of the alarm monitor. Use an Enterprise User Group. Configure it on the Enterprise Management Server.
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Device permissions that should be available for operating in an Enterprise Management
Server are defined on each Management Server.
Use Enterprise Accounts. Configure it on each Management Server.
Permissions on a single Management Server
For managing the access to one of the Management Servers, use the standard user group. You configure all permissions on this Management Server in this user group. You can configure dual authorization user groups for standard user groups and for Enterprise User Groups.
Types of user groups
Type Contains Available configuration
Where do you configure?
User group Users Operating and device
Enterprise User Group
Users Operating permissions
Per Management
Server: Name of the corresponding Enterprise Access Accounts with logon credentials
Management Server
Enterprise Access Device permissions
Account password
Dual authorization user group
User groups See user groups See user groups
Enterprise dual authorization
Enterprise User Groups
See Enterprise User
See Enterprise
User Groups
Table 4.1: User groups
Bosch VMS Enterprise (MBV-BENT) version license is required at each Enterprise Management Server to enable the feature. For each Management Server assigned to one or more Enterprise User Groups, 1 license (MBV-XSUB) is required. To update an existing MBV-BPRO Base license to an Enterprise System, you need an Enterprise Upgrade license (MBV-FEUP). Each Workstation connecting to an Enterprise Management Server requests one MBV-XWST that is licensed at Enterprise Management Server. No additional MBV-XWST license is required on each Management Server if accessed via Enterprise Management Server.
Server Lookup
A single user of Configuration Client or Operator Client may want to connect to multiple system access points sequentially. This access is called Server Lookup. System access points can be Management Server or Enterprise Management Server. Server Lookup supports you in locating system access points by their names or descriptions. The user retrieves the list of system access points during logon. He needs to connect to the server hosting the configuration with Server List (Server List Provider).
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The following image shows an example for Server Lookup in a multi system environment:
1 Multi system environment Management Server
2 Single server system Enterprise Management Server
3 Multi server system Operator Client
4 System access point:
Server on which logon request of Operator Client or Configuration Client is processed.
Configuration Client
When a client logs on to Enterprise Management Server, it is possible to get access to all Management Servers of this Enterprise System simultaneously.
Related Topics
Configuring Server Lookup, page 59 Server List page, page 135 Using Server Lookup, page 54
Remote access
The target of remote access in Bosch VMS is to connect different private networks to public networks.
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Multiple networks with private (local) network addresses can be accessed simultaneously or sequentially by Operator Client computers via public interfaces (routers). Task of the router is to translate the incoming public network traffic to the corresponding private network address. The users of Operator Client can access Management Server or Enterprise Management Server and their devices via remote access. You cannot access the following devices/features via remote access: – Playback of local storage – ONVIF – DiBos – Direct iSCSI replay The following image shows an example of remote access to Bosch VMS devices in a single system:
Firewall 6 IP camera / encoder
2 Router 7 Enterprise Management Server
3 Management Server 8 Decoder
4 Operator Client 9 DynDNS Server
5 Configuration Client 10 World Wide Web
A Remote network B Local network
The following image shows an example of remote access from private network with Enterprise System to remote Bosch VMS systems:
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1 Firewall 6 IP camera / encoder
2 Router
Port forwarding
7 Enterprise Management Server
Enterprise server list
3 Management Server
Port mapping
8 Decoder
4 Operator Client
Logon to
9 DynDNS Server
Dynamic naming
5 Configuration Client
Logon to
10 World Wide Web
To enable the remote access of an Operator Client to devices in a remote network, each device is assigned a public port number in addition to the public network address of the router. For access, Operator Client uses this public port number together with the public network address. In the private network the incoming traffic for the public port number is forwarded to the private network address and port number of the corresponding device. You configure the port mapping in Configuration Client for use by Operator Client.
Additionally the network administrator must configure the port forwarding on the router of
the private network. The network administrator must ensure that remote access via these
ports is running outside of Bosch VMS environment.
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Related Topics
Configuring remote access, page 54 Remote Access Settings dialog box, page 132 Show Port Mapping dialog box, page 132
iSCSI storage pool
As of VRM v.3.0, iSCSI storage pools are introduced. A storage pool is a container for one or more iSCSI storage systems that share the same load balancing properties. The encoders / IP cameras that are assigned to a storage pool, are recorded with these common load balancing settings. A storage pool can be used to have a logical mapping of the network topology to the VRM, for example if you have two buildings, both containing storage and devices, you want to avoid routing the network traffic from one building to the other. Storage pools can also be used to group cameras and storage systems by an important aspect of view. For example a system contains of some very important cameras and a lot of less important ones. In this case it is possible to group them into two storage pools, one with a lot of redundancy features and one with less redundancy. You can configure the following load balancing properties for a storage pool: – Recording preferences (Automatic or Failover) – Secondary target usage
Secondary target is used in case of Failover mode if the assigned primary target fails. If
this option is turned off, the recording stops on all devices assigned to this failed primary
In case of Automatic mode: if one target fails, VRM Server performs an automatic
reassign of the related devices to other storages. If VRM Server is down while a target
fails, the recording is stopped on the devices currently recording on the failed target. – Block reservation for downtime – Sanity check period
In Bosch VMS v. 4.5, one storage pool per VRM is supported.
Click below to get detailed information on the available pages:
Pool page, page 161
Alarm handling
Alarms can be individually configured to be handled by one or more user groups. When an alarm occurs, it appears in the Alarm List of all users in the user groups configured to receive that alarm. When any one of these users starts to work on the alarm, it disappears from the Alarm List of all other users. Alarms are displayed on a workstation’s alarm monitor and optionally on analog monitors. This behavior is described in the following paragraphs.
Alarm flow
1. An alarm occurs in the system.
2. Alarm notifications appear in the Alarm Lists of all users configured for this alarm. Alarm
video is immediately displayed on configured monitors. If it is an automatically displayed
alarm (auto pop-up), the alarm video is also automatically displayed on the Operator
Client workstation’s alarm monitors.
If the alarm is configured as an auto-clear alarm, the alarm is removed from the Alarm List
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after the auto-clear time (configured in the Configuration Client). On analog monitors, any quad views from VIP XDs are temporarily replaced by full-screen displays.
3. One of the users accepts the alarm. The alarm video is then displayed on this user's workstation (if it is not already displayed via auto pop-up). The alarm is removed from all other Alarm Lists and alarm video displays.
4. The user who accepted the alarm invokes a workflow that can include reading an action plan and entering comments. This step is optional - requirements for workflow can be configured by the administrator.
5. Finally, the user clears the alarm. This removes the alarm from his Alarm List and alarm display. On an analog monitor group, the monitors return to the cameras that were displayed before the alarm occurred.
Alarm Image window
1. To display alarm video, the Alarm Image window replaces the Live or Playback Image window on the monitor that has been configured for alarm display.
2. Each alarm gets a row of Image panes. Up to 5 Image panes can be associated with each alarm. These Image panes can display live video, playback video, or maps. On an analog monitor group, each alarm can call up cameras on a row of analog monitors. The number of cameras in the row is limited by the number of columns in the analog monitor group. Monitors in the row that are not used for alarm video can be configured to either continue with their current display or to display a blank screen.
3. Higher priority alarms are displayed above lower priority alarms on both analog monitor rows and the Operator Client workstation display alarm rows.
4. If the Alarm Image window is completely full of Alarm Image rows and an additional alarm must be displayed, the lowest priority alarms "stack up" in the bottom row of the Alarm Image window. You can step through the stacked alarms with the controls at the left side of the alarm row. You can step through the alarm stacks on analog monitor groups with control buttons in the Monitors window of the Operator Client workstation display. Analog monitors in alarm are indicated by red icons with blinking "LEDs". The alarm title, time, and date can be optionally be displayed on all analog monitors, or only the first monitor in the alarm row.
5. For equal priority alarms, the administrator can configure the order behavior: – Last-in-First-out (LIFO) mode: in this configuration, new alarms are inserted above
older alarms of the same priority.
First-in-First-out (FIFO) mode; in this configuration, new alarms are inserted below
older alarms of the same priority.
6. An alarm's Image row can appear in the Alarm Image window in one of two ways: – When it is generated (auto pop-up). This occurs when the alarm priority is higher
than display priority.
When the alarm is accepted. This occurs when the alarm priority is lower than
display priority.
Auto pop-up alarms
Alarms can be configured to automatically display (pop up) in the Alarm Image window, based on the alarm priority. Each user group's live and playback displays are also assigned priorities. When alarms are received with priority higher than that of the user's display, the alarm
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automatically displays its alarm row in the Alarm Image window. If the Alarm Image window is not currently displayed, it automatically replaces the Live or Playback Image window on the alarm-enabled monitor. Although auto pop-up alarms are displayed in the Alarm Image window, they are not automatically accepted. They can be displayed on multiple users' displays simultaneously. When a user accepts an auto pop-up alarm, it is removed from all other users Alarm Lists and alarm displays.
Related Topics
Handling alarms
DVR devices
This chapter gives background information on the DVR devices that you can integrate in Bosch VMS. Some DVR models (e.g. DHR-700) support recording from encoders / IP cameras. Other DVR models support only analog cameras. An encoder / IP camera should not be integrated into the configuration of two video systems (DVRs or video management systems). If encoders / IP cameras are connected to a DVR which is already integrated in Bosch VMS, these encoders / IP cameras are not detected by the Bosch VMS network device scan. This holds true for the network scan started from within Configuration Client or started from within Configuration Wizard. If a DVR with connected encoders / IP cameras is integrated in Bosch VMS and these encoders / IP cameras are already added to Bosch VMS, a warning is displayed. Remove these encoders / IP cameras from the DVR or from Bosch VMS. Configuration Wizard does not add DVR devices with conflicting IP cameras to the configuration. DVR devices support a limited number of simultaneous connections. This number defines the maximum number of Operator Client users that can simultaneously display videos from this DVR without black Image panes being displayed.
Related Topics
DVR (Digital Video Recorder) page, page 144
Mobile Video Service
Mobile Video Service is transcoding video streams from the source to the available band-width of connected clients. The interfaces of the Mobile Video Service are designed to support clients on multiple platforms, for example Mobile devices (IOS; iPad, iPhone) and Windows Internet Explorer HTML client. Mobile Video Service is based on Microsoft Internet Information Service. One mobile service may serve several clients synchronously. For limits refer to data sheet and the Technical Note Mobile Video Service available in the Online Product Catalog for Bosch VMS.
Internet Information Service
Configure the settings for Internet Information Service on the computer where you plan to install MVS for Bosch VMS. Install and configure Internet Information Service (IIS) before you install Mobile Video Service (MVS). If IIS is not installed, Bosch VMS Setup to install Mobile Video Service aborts. You select the Mobile Video Service component for installation during Bosch VMS Setup. You cannot install Video Recording Manager (VRM) and Mobile Video Service on the same computer.
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