BOSCH ICP-CC488 User Manual

User’s Guide
ICP-CC488 Control Panel
ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | Notices EN | 2
The transmit level from this device is set at a fixed
Copyright Notice
Unless otherwise indicated, this publication is the copyright of Bosch Security Systems, Inc. (“Bosch”). All rights are reserved.
You may download a single copy of this publication. By downloading the publication you agree that you will: (i) only use the publication for your own reference; (ii) not commercially exploit or charge any person for the use of the publication; and (iii) not modify the publication in any way without the prior written permission of Bosch.
Except as specified above or where authorized by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, modified or stored, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of Bosch.
Notice of Liability
This material is designed for use by tradespeople with expertise in the installation of this product. Persons without appropriate expertise should seek assistance before attempting installation.
While care has been taken in the preparation of this material, Bosch Security Systems, Inc. and its representatives will not be responsible to any person or entity for any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by information in, or any omission from, this material.
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to features and specifications of its products at any time without prior notification.
The ICP-CC488 Control Panel is designed to comply with A-Tick.
New Zealand Telepermit Notes
The grant of a telepermit for a device in no way indicates Telecom acceptance of responsibility for the correct operation of that device under all operating conditions.
This equipment will not be used in any manner that could constitute a nuisance to other telecom customers.
Immediately disconnect this equipment should it become physically damaged and arrange for its disposal or repair.
level and because of this, there may be circumstances where the performance is less than optimal. Before reporting such occurrences as faults, please check the line with a standard telepermitted telephone and do not report a fault if the telephone performance is satisfactory.
This device is equipped with pulse dialing while the Telecom standard is DTMF tone dialing. There is no guarantee that Telecom lines will always continue to support pulse dialing.
Use of dialing, when this equipment is connected to the same line as other equipment, may give rise to bell noise and also cause a false answer condition. Should such problems occur, the user should not contact the Telecom Faults Service.
This equipment is set up to carry out test calls at pre­determined times. Such test calls can interrupt any other calls that may be set up on the line at the same time. The timing set for such test calls should be discussed with the installer.
The timing set for test calls from this equipment may be subject to drift. If this proves to be inconvenient and your calls are interrupted, then the problem of timing should be discussed with the equipment installer. The matter should not be reported as a fault to Telecom Faults Service.
This equipment shall not be set up to make automatic calls to the Telecom 111 Emergency Service. This equipment should not be used under any circumstances that may constitute a nuisance to other Telecom customers.
In the event of any problem with this device, the systems battery, AC MAINS supply, and telephone line should be disconnected. The user is to arrange with the supplier of the device to make the necessary repairs. Should the matter be reported to Telecom as a wiring fault and the fault proven to be due to this product, a call-out charge will be incurred.
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089456-02
ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | Contents EN | 3
14.1 Horn Speaker Test .........................................15
1. Introduction ......................................................5
2. Specifications ....................................................5
14.2 Bell Test...........................................................15
14.3 Strobe Test ......................................................15
14.4 Walk Test Mode.............................................15
14.5 Test Report......................................................15
3. Codepad Indicators..........................................5
3.1 Zone Indicators.................................................6
3.2 AWAY Indicator..............................................6
3.3 STAY Indicator ................................................6
3.4 System Disarmed.............................................. 6
3.5 MAINS Indicator .............................................6
3.6 Off Indicator/Zone Sealed ..............................7
3.7 On Indicator/Zone In Alarm..........................7
3.8 FAULT Indicator .............................................7
3.9 Audible Indications..........................................7
3.10 Arming the System...........................................7
3.10.1 Forced Arming..................................................8
3.10.2 Arming in AWAY Mode.................................8
3.10.3 Arming in STAY Mode 1................................8
3.10.4 Arming in STAY Mode 2................................8
3.10.5 Programming STAY Mode 2 Zones ..............9
4. Disarming the System ......................................9
5. User Codes........................................................9
5.1 Adding User Codes..........................................9
5.2 Adding Radio Remote User Codes................9
5.3 Deleting User/Radio Codes..........................10
6. Radio Transmitter Operations......................10
7. Codepad Alarms.............................................11
7.1 Codepad Duress Alarm .................................11
7.2 Codepad Panic Alarm....................................11
7.3 Codepad Fire Alarm......................................11
7.4 Codepad Medical Alarm ...............................11
7.5 Codepad Tamper Alarm (Access Denied)...11
8. Isolating Zones................................................11
8.1 Standard Isolating...........................................11
8.2 Code to Isolate................................................12
9. Fault Analysis Mode ......................................12
9.1 Fault Descriptions...........................................13
10. Date and Time................................................13
11. Turning Outputs On/Off...............................14
12. Reset Latching Outputs .................................14
13. Telco Arm/Disarm Sequence (Call Forward
13.1 Telco Arm Sequence......................................14
13.2 Telco Disarm Sequence.................................14
14. Testing .............................................................15
15. Event Memory................................................15
16. Day Alarm.......................................................15
17. Codepad Buzzer Tone Change.....................15
18. Remote Arming by Telephone.....................16
19. Partitioning......................................................16
19.1 Master Partitioned Codepad Indicators .......16
19.1.1 Zone Indicators...............................................16
19.1.2 Area On/Off Indicators .................................16
19.1.3 Area Display Indicators .................................16
19.1.4 Status Indicators..............................................16
19.2 Operation of Codepads in Partitioning........17
20. Domestic Dialling...........................................17
20.1 Acknowledging Domestic Calls ....................17
20.2 Programming Domestic Telephone Numbers17
20.3 Disable Domestic Dialing ..............................17
21. Basic Pager Reporting....................................18
21.1 Basic Pager Display Information ..................18
22. Glossary of Terms ..........................................20
23. Installation Notes............................................22
Figure 1: ICP-CP508W Eight Zone LED Codepad5 Figure 2: ICP-CP508LW Eight Zone LCD
Figure 3: ICP-CP516 Sixteen Zone LED Codepad5 Figure 4: ICP-CP516 Sixteen Zone LED Codepad6 Figure 5: RF3332: 2-Button Keyfob Transmitter .10 Figure 6: RF3334: 4-Button Keyfob Transmitter .10 Figure 7: ICP-CP508W LED Codepad Showing
Audible Alarm Buttons...........................11
Figure 8: ICP-CP500PW Master Partitioned
Figure 9: Basic Pager Display.................................19
Table 1: Specifications .............................................5
Table 2: Zone Indicators..........................................6
Table 3: AWAY Indicator .......................................6
Table 4: STAY Indicator .........................................6
Table 5: MAINS Indicator ......................................7
Table 6: FAULT Indicator.......................................7
Table 7: Audible Indicators.....................................7
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ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | Contents EN | 4
Table 8:
Table 9: How to Arm the System in AWAY Table 10: How to Arm the System in STAY Mode
Table 11: Fault Indicators........................................12
Table 12: Telco Arm/Disarm Dialing Digits .........15
Table 13: Domestic Dialing Telephone Digits ......17
Table 14: Zone Status Display Descriptions..........18
Table 15: System Status...........................................18
Table 16: Glossary of Terms ...................................20
Arming Methods ....................................... 8
Mode ..........................................................8
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089456-02
ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | 1. Introduction EN | 5
1. Introduction
Congratulations on selecting the ICP-CC488 Control Panel to protect you and your property. To obtain the most from your unit, take time to read through this manual and familiarize yourself with the numerous outstanding operating features of this system. In all aspects of planning, engineering, styling, operation, convenience, and adaptability, we have sought to anticipate your every possible requirement.
Programming simplicity and speed were some of the major considerations and we believe that our objectives in this area were more than satisfied.
This manual explains all aspects of operating the control panel. All system parameters and options are detailed; however, suitability is left up to the individual. Every system can be tailored to meet all requirements quickly and easily.
2. Specifications
Table 1: Specifications
Temperature Range
Humidity Power Source
Stand-By Current Current Draw in
Alarm Condition Current Draw in
Alarm Condition with Codepad
Back-Up Battery
Dimensions (Case, packed in carton)
Supplier Code New Zealand
C to +45 oC
F to +113oF) 10% to 95% TF008 Plug Pack –
240 V/18 VAC @ 1.3 A 65 mA 115 mA
105 mA
6 Ah/12 VDC Rechargeable Sealed Lead Acid Battery
306 mm x 262 mm x 84 mm (12.05 in. x 10.31 in. x 3.31 in.)
2.5 kg (5.51 lb.)
N771 PTC 211/98/084
ICP-CC488 – PTC 211/98/083
Test the sirens, strobe, and zones at weekly intervals. Refer to Section 14. Testing for further information.
3. Codepad Indicators
Figure 1: ICP-CP508W Eight Zone LED
Figure 2: ICP-CP508LW Eight Zone LCD
Figure 3: ICP-CP516 Sixteen Zone LED
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ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | 3. Codepad Indicators EN | 6
Figure 4: ICP-CP516 Sixteen Zone LED
3.2 AWAY Indicator
The AWAY indicator displays that the system is armed in AWAY Mode. The AWAY indicator flashes in unison with the STAY indicator when programming various options throughout the Operators Manual. Refer to Section 3.10.2 Arming in AWAY Mode for information on the different methods of arming the system in AWAY Mode.
Table 3: AWAY Indicator
The codepad is the communications interface between you and your alarm system. Use the codepad to issue commands. The codepad offers both visual and audible indications that guide you through the general operation.
The codepad incorporates numerous indicators. There are zone indicators used to show the condition of each zone. Four other indicators show general status. The following pages outline a list of situations and the relevant indicators that are seen.
The ICP-CP516 Sixteen Zone Codepad must be used with sixteen wireless zone systems. The sixteen zone codepads operation and display similarly to 8 zones codepads, but also display the zones 9 through 16.
3.1 Zone Indicators
1 2 3 ….
Table 2: Zone Indicators
Indicator Definition
On Zone is unsealed. Off Zone is sealed. Flashing Fast
(0.25 sec on/
0.25 sec off) Flashing Slow
(1 sec on/ 1 sec off)
The zone indicators (1 to 8) display the status of the zones. Table 2 lists the various circumstances that the indicators display (such as Zone Sealed, Zone Unsealed, and so on).
Zone is in alarm condition.
Zone is manually isolated or selected to be isolated.
Indicator Definition
On System is armed in AWAY Mode. Off System is not armed in AWAY Mode.
3.3 STAY Indicator
The STAY indicator displays that the system is armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2. The STAY indicator also flashes in unison with the AWAY indicator when programming various options throughout the Operators Manual. Refer to Section 3.10.3 Arming in STAY Mode 1 for different methods of arming in STAY Mode 1. Refer to Section 3.10.4 Arming in STAY Mode 2 for the method of arming in STAY Mode 2.
Table 4: STAY Indicator
Indicator Definition
On System is armed in STAY Mode 1
or STAY Mode 2.
Off System is not armed in STAY
Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
Flashing twice a sec
Flashing once every
Zone isolating mode or setting STAY Mode 2 zones.
Day alarm status – day alarm turned on.
3 sec
3.4 System Disarmed
This indicator displays with the indicator when the system is disarmed.
3.5 MAINS Indicator
The MAINS indicator displays that the system’s AC MAINS supply is normal or failed.
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ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | 3. Codepad Indicators EN | 7
Table 5: MAINS Indicator
Indicator Definition
On AC MAINS power normal. Flashing AC MAINS supply has failed.
3.6 Off Indicator/Zone Sealed
The system is in the disarmed state and flashes when a zone becomes unsealed during the disarmed state. The indicator stops flashing when all zones are sealed.
indicator displays when the
3.7 On Indicator/Zone In Alarm
The system is armed in AWAY Mode and flashes when an alarm occurs. The indicator resets once a valid user code is entered.
indicator displays when the
3.8 FAULT Indicator
The FAULT indicator displays that the system detected a system fault. Refer to Section 9. Fault Analysis Mode on page 12 for additional information on system faults. Every time a new system fault is detected (such as, FAULT indicator flashing), the codepad begins to beep once every minute. Pressing the [#] button once cancels the once a min beep and acknowledges the fault (such as, FAULT indicator on steady).
Table 6: FAULT Indicator
Indicator Definition
On There is a system fault that
needs to be rectified.
Off The system is normal, there are
no faults.
Flashing There is a system fault that
needs to be acknowledged.
3.9 Audible Indications
Table 7 defines the audible indicators given out by the codepad buzzer.
Table 7: Audible Indicators
Audible Indicator
One short beep A button was pressed on the
Two short beeps The system accepted your
Three short beeps
One long beep Indicates the end of Exit Time
One beep every sec
One short beep every min
codepad, or Exit Time ended when armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
code. The requested function was
when armed in AWAY Mode, or the requested operation was denied or aborted.
Walk Test Mode is currently active or a warning before automatic arming takes place.
There is a system fault waiting to be acknowledged.
3.10 Arming the System
There are several ways to arm the system depending on whether you are:
Leaving the premises and require all active zones
to be in a ready state for an intruder.
Remaining in the premises and only require part
of the system to be in a ready state for an intruder.
If a zone is not sealed at the end of Exit Time, the zone is automatically isolated and constantly displayed on the remote codepad. The zone becomes an active part of the system when the zone is restored.
For example, if a window is left open after Exit Time expired, the window is not an active part of the system until the window is closed. Opening the window after Exit Time expired causes an alarm condition.
Table 8 defines the different methods for arming the system.
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ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | 3. Codepad Indicators EN | 8
Table 8: Arming Methods
Mode Arming Method
AWAY Mode Arms the entire system. Refer to
Section 3.10.2 Arming in AWAY Mode.
STAY Mode 1 Arms all zones except those
programmed to be automatically isolated by the installer. Refer to
Section 3.10.3 Arming in STAY Mode
STAY Mode 2 Arms all zones except those
programmed to be automatically isolated by the Master Code holder. Refer to Section 3.10.4 Arming in STAY Mode 2.
3.10.1 Forced Arming
The feature of arming the system when a zone is not sealed is known as forced arming. If the system does not arm and a long beep is heard, forced arming is not permitted. If this is the case, you must ensure that all zones are sealed or manually isolated before you can arm the system. Refer to Section 8. Isolating Zones on page 11.
3.10.2 Arming in AWAY Mode
When you leave your premises and require all zones to be in a ready state to detect intrusion, arm the system in AWAY Mode.
There are two different methods for arming the system in AWAY Mode. Method one is standard and always operates. Method two is optional and can be disabled by your installer if you do not want to use single button arming.
Table 9: How to Arm the System in AWAY
Method One
Enter your user code followed by the [#] button (for example, [2580#]). Two beeps sound and the AWAY indicator displays. Exit Time starts counting.
Method Two
Hold down the [#] button until two beeps sound. The AWAY indicator displays and Exit Time starts counting.
3.10.3 Arming in STAY Mode 1
STAY Mode 1 is only used when the perimeter and unused areas of the premises need to be armed to detect an intruder from entering the premises. At the same time, you can move freely within an area that is automatically isolated.
There are two different methods for arming the system in STAY Mode 1. Method one is standard and always operates. Method two is optional and may be disabled by your installer if you do not want to use single button arming.
Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 1
When arming the system in STAY Mode 1, an optional entry timer called Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 1 is available. Use this entry timer to delay the sirens if a zone is not automatically isolated and activated an alarm condition. Entry Guard Timer For STAY Mode 1 is the delay time used for all zones except 24-hour zones when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
If the Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 1 is programmed and a zone was not automatically isolated is activated, the codepad beeps twice a sec until the entry timer expires or the system is disarmed. If the alarm condition is not reset by entering your user code followed by the [#] button (such as, [2580#]) before the entry timer expires, the sirens activate into alarm. Only your installer can program this feature.
Table 10: How to Arm the System in STAY
Mode 1
Method One
Method Two
Enter your user code followed by the [*] button (for example, [2580*]). Two beeps sound and the STAY indicator displays. Exit Time starts counting. Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1 flash until Exit Time expires. At the end of Exit Time, all zones selected to be automatically isolated turn off and the codepad gives one short beep.
Hold down the [*] button until two beeps sound. The STAY indicator displays and Exit Time starts counting. Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1 flash until Exit Time expires. At the end of Exit Time, the zone indicators turn off and the codepad gives one short beep.
3.10.4 Arming in STAY Mode 2
STAY Mode 2 is only used when the perimeter and unused areas of the premise need to be armed to detect an intruder from entering the premise. At the same time, allowing you to move freely within an area that is automatically isolated. Any Master Code user can program zones to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2.
Only your security company can program zones automatically isolated in STAY Mode 1.
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ICP-CC488 | User's Guide | 4. Disarming the System EN | 9
Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 2
When arming the system in STAY Mode 2, an optional entry timer called Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 2 is available. Use this entry timer to delay the sirens if a zone is not automatically isolated and activated into alarm condition. Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 2 is the delay time used for all zones except 24-hour zones when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2.
If the Entry Guard Timer for STAY Mode 2 is programmed and a zone that was not automatically isolated activates, the codepad beeps twice a sec until the entry timer expires or the system is disarmed. If the alarm condition is not reset by entering your user code followed by the [#] button (for example, [2580#]) before the entry timer expires, the sirens activate into alarm. Only your installer can program this option.
How to Arm the System in STAY Mode 2
Hold down the [0] button until two beeps sound. The STAY indicator displays and Exit Time starts counting.
Any zones programmed to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2 flash until Exit Time expires. At the end of Exit Time, all zones selected to be automatically isolated extinguish and the codepad emits one short beep.
3.10.5 Programming STAY Mode 2 Zones
Programming zones to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2 are only carried out if you have a Master Code.
How to Program STAY Mode 2 Zones
1. Enter your four character Master Code, followed
by [4] and the [#] button (for example, [25804#]). Three beeps sound and the STAY indicator flashes.
2. Enter the zone number to be automatically
isolated, followed by the [*] button (for example, [1*] = Zone 1, [2*] = Zone 2). The selected zone flashes. If you make a mistake, enter the same zone number followed by the [#] button to clear the incorrect zone. To select additional zones to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2, repeat Step 2 as many times as required.
3. Press the [#] button to exit this mode when you
finish selecting all zones to be automatically isolated in STAY Mode 2. Two beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators turn off.
4. Disarming the System
When you enter the premises after the system is armed in AWAY mode, or if you armed the system in STAY Mode 1 or STAY Mode 2, you must disarm the system to disable detection devices that activate an alarm.
If there was an alarm condition prior to disarming the system, a flashing zone indicator displays, indicating a previous alarm on that zone.
How to Disarm the System
Enter your user code followed by the [#] button (for example, [2580#]). Two beeps sound.
5. User Codes
5.1 Adding User Codes
Only the Master Code holder can add or change other system user codes, including the Master Code. Up to eight user codes can be programmed to operate the system.
How to Add a User Code
1. Enter your four character Master Code, followed
by [1] and the [#] button (for example, [25801#]). Three beeps are heard and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.
2. Enter the User Code number (1 to 8), followed
by the [#] button (for example, [2#] = User 2, [8#] = User 8). Two beeps are heard and the selected user number displays on the codepad indicators.
3. Enter the digits required for the new code
followed by the [#] button (for example, for User Code 5768, enter [5768#]). Two beeps are heard and the STAY and AWAY indicators turn off. To add or change other User Codes, repeat this procedure as many times as required.
5.2 Adding Radio Remote User Codes
Only the Master Code holder can add or change other system user codes. Up to eight radio user codes (User Codes 9 to 16) can be programmed to operate the system.
How to Add a Radio Remote User Code
1. Enter your four character Master Code, followed
by [1] and the [#] button (for example, [25801#]). Three beeps sound and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash.
2. Enter the radio remote user code number (9 to
16), followed by the [#] button (for example, [9#] = User 9, [16#] = User 16). Two beeps are heard and the selected user number displays on the codepad indicators.
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