Carl-Wery-Straße 34
81739 München
Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH
Cod. 9000311151 B
Operating and assembly instructions ......................... 11
Gebruiks-en montageaanwijzingructions .................. 20
Mode d'emploi et instruction de montage .................. 29
Modo de empleo e instrucciones de montaje .......... 38
Gebrauchs-und Montageanweisung ............................ 2

Safety precautions ................................................................. 11
Before using for the first time ......................55555........ 12
lmportant notes..............................................."""""........
Electric hotplates ..........................................55555......... 12
Warnings for use 5555555555555555555...5... 13
Preventing damages 555555555555555555.5.. 14
Technical Assistance Service 55555555555555. 15
Disposing in an environmentally-responsible manner 5 15
Stainless steel surfaces 555555555555555555..14
Packaging and old appliances 5555555555555... 15
Warranty conditions 55555555555555555555. 15
Operation 55555555555555555555555....55. 12
Cleaning and maintenance 55555555555555....5 14
Enamel surfaces 55555555555555555555..5.. 14
Hob installation 555555555555555555.5555516
Safety precautions 555555555555555555555 16
Before installing 5555555555555555555555516
Preparing the kitchen unit 55555555555555555 17
Hob installation 55555555555555555555555. 17
Hob connection 55555555555555555555555 17
Removal of cooking hob 55555555555555555. 18

GImpor tant not es
Re a d these instructions carefully. Rea ding these
inst ructions will enable you to use yopur ap pli anc e saf ely
and effe ctively.
The se op era ting instructions sh oul d b e ret ained, and
pa sse d o nt o t h e own er if th e ap plia nce is sold.
The manufacturer is exempt from all responsibility
resul ting from non-compliance with the requirements
of this manual.
Safety precautions
All inst allation and conn ection opera tions must b e
carrie d out by an auth oris ed t echnicia n, in lin e wit h le g al
reg ul ations and guid elin es in forc e in the c ountry, a nd
loc al electricity providers’ guid elin es. It is re com me nd ed
that you call our Te chnical Assistance Servic e f or any of
these jo bs.
This ap pli anc e h as be en de sig ne d for home use only.
Do n ot t a mp er with th e ap plia nce’s interior. If n ec ess ary,
call our Te chnical Assistance Servic e.
Do n ot switch o n th e ap plia nce if it is da ma ge d in any
way. C ontact our Te chnic al Assistance Service .
The surfaces of co oking ap pli anc es h ea t u p during use.
C are must b e ta ken wh en using these a ppliance s. Kee p
out of th e re ach of childre n.
This appli anc e is only inten de d for co oking purpos es, not
as a h ea ting syst e m.
F at or oil which is overhe at e d c an ca tc h f ire e asily. N ever
le ave fat or oil to he at u p un at t end ed. If it does c atch fire,
never us e water to p ut the fire out. Risk of b urns! Put th e
fire o ut by coveri n g the pan with a lid and switch off the
hotplat e .
In t he event of a m al f unction, swit c h of f the a pplia nce ’s
pow er su pply. For rep airs, c all our Te chnic al A ssist a nce
Servic e.

Do not cle an the ap pli anc e using ste am cle aners. Risk of
ele ctrocution!
The grap hic s in t his instructi o n manual are give n a s a
guide only.
Electric hotplates
Before usin g for the firs t time
To rem ove the ne w sm ell, swit c h th e hot pl ates on to full
pow er for fiv e minut e s, one by on e, without pl acing any
pa ns on top. D o not swit c h more t h an on e hot pl a te on a t
a time . At this point it is normal to n otic e smok e and
odours, but the se will dis ap pe ar over tim e.
Caution! Do n ot opera te the hotplates with out placing
pa ns on t o p, exce pt during t his initial heating pha se.
Switching on
Switching off
Residual heat
Turn the knob anticlockwise to the required setting.
Fig. 1 or 2 depending on the model.
Settin g 1: low power.
Settin g 6 or 9 (de p ending on the mo del): full p ower
Turn the kno b clo ckwise t o t h e off sett in g.
Tip It is re com mende d to st art c ooking on full pow er and
then t o use intermediat e p ower levels after a f ew
mi nut e s.
The ele ctric hot pl ates ca n b e swit che d off slightly bef ore
the e nd of the cooking tim e. The residu al h eat will e na ble
you to c ontinue co oking for s everal minut e s, thus s avin g