k_, j
Left Rear (LR) Burner- IQI
Left Front (LF) Burner - 86
Right Rear (RR) Burner ° 70
Right Front (RF) Burner -116

Thiskitisusedto convertonlydualfuelranges(model# HDS252U,HDS255UandHDS256U)andgasranges(model#
PLEASE READ ENTIRE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PROCEEDING. Savethe natural gas partsfor possibleconversion from LP
back to natural gas in the future.
This conversion kit shall be installed by a quali o
fled service agency in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and all applicable
codes and requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction, If the information in these instruc o
tions is not followed exactly, a fire, explosion
or production of carbon monoxide may result
causing property damage, personal injury or
loss of life, The qualified service agency is reo
sponsible for the proper installation of this kit,
The installation is not proper and complete uno
til the operation of the converted appliance is
checked as specified in the manufacturer's ino
structions supplied with the kit,
High Altitude Installation:
For conversion in areas above 2,000 feet, contact Bosch
service for instructions: 800=944=2904.
(!) When connecting theunit to the propane gas, make
certain the propane gas tank is equipped with its own
high pressure regulator. In addition, a pressure regulator
was supplied with the range. This second regulator must
be installed with the range. The maximum gas pressure
to this appliance is not to exceed :[4.0 inches water col=
umn from the propane gas tank regulator,
The following must be met when testing supply piping
a) The appliance and its individual shut-off valve must
be disconnected from the gas supply piping system
at test pressures in excess of :[/2 psig (3.5 kPa).
b) The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply
piping system by closing its individual manual shut-
off valve during any pressure testing of the gas sup-
ply piping system at test pressures equal to or less
than :[/2 psig (3.5 kPa).
F For Massachusetts Installations: "
:[.Installation must be performed by a qualified or
licensed contractor, plumber or gas fitter qualified
or licensed by the state, province or region where
this appliance is being installed.
2.Shut=off valve must be a "T" handle gas cock.
3.Flexible gas connector must not be longer than 36
Kit Contents,
Conversion Kit Instructions
Conversion Sticker
4 LPOrifices (:[=70/:[=86/:[=:[0:[/:[=:[:[6)
Tools Required:
7 mm Socket Driver wi 3" extension
Torx (T20)=head screwdriver
Adjustable Wrench
Flat:head Screwdriver (:[/8" or smaller)
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Always Provide Adequate Gas Supply
The Bosch Freestanding Dual Fuel and GasRanges are shipped
from the factory for use with natural gas. Use this kit to con=
vert the appliance for LPgas use if necessary.
, Be sure the range is converted for use with the appropri=
ate gas before using it.
, Your range is designed to operate at a pressure of :[0" of
water column when used with LPgas.
, When checking for proper operation of the regulator, the
inlet pressure must be at least :["greater than the operat=
ing (manifold) pressure above. When converting for LP
gas use, the pressure supplied to the regulator must be
between :[:[" and :[4" of water column. See step 2
"Convert Pressure to Regulator from 5" to :[0" W,C.",next
, The pressure regulator located in the inlet of the range
manifold must remain in the supply line.
o Use a flexible metal appliance connector to connect the
range to the gas supply. The connector should have an
[.D. of :[/2" and be 5' in length. In Canada, the connector
must be single wall metal and no longer than 6:

i, CAUTION: TurnoffGasand Emectridty
Before Proceedingwith the conversion;shut off
nectingthe electricam power,
Shutofftheoutsidepropanetankgas valvetotherange,Re=
move range power cord from electrical outlet or turn breaker
off at breaker box, and turn all control knobs to the "OFF" posi=
2° Convert Pressure Regulator from 5"
W°C° to 10" W°C°
!. Remove Warming Drawer; Pull drawer out until stop is
reached. Push clip on right side up and clip on left side
down. Pull drawer the rest of the way out.
Figure 1
Convert Pressure Regulator
Pin Position
for Propane
Pin \
2, Remove cover plate from interior back wall by removing
single screw on left side of panel
3. Remove the hexagon cap from the top of the regulator
with an adjustable wrench.
4. Pop out the plastic stem in the cap and turn it over pressing
it firmly in place so that the letters"LP" can now be seen
upright in the stem, rather than "NAT".
5. Replace the cap and button assembly into the top of the
regulator sealing it firmly. Make certain spring is still in place
6. Install the FOIL CONVERSIONSTICKERon the back side of
the cover plate so that it appears on the back side of range
next to the regulator,
3, Repmace Main Cooktop Orifices
Remove Grates_ Burner Caps and Burner Bases, Remove
burnergratesand burnercaps,Unscrew 2 T20 screwsinside
each base and remove burner bases (See Figure 2). Reinsert
screws in jet holder to hold tubing assembly" in place.
Figure 2
Remove Grate, Cap and Base
Burner Cap_ d:
Burner Base--_)
Remove NaturalGas Cooktop Orifices.Insertthesocket
driver with 3" minimum extension into the jet holders to re-
move existing orifices. Placethe old orifices in the space pro-
vided on page 5 in case future conversion back to natural gas
is necessary.
AssemMe LP Cooktop Orifices, Place in cooktop exactly as
layed out in the cover ofthB manual (also shown in Figure 3).
If the orifices become separated from the cover, placement
can be determined by matching the number stamped into the
orifice with the placement specifications displayed in Figure 4.
Place the new orifice into the socket then insert each orifice
into its respective threaded hole in the jet holder. Tighten until
the orifice stops turning. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Figure 3
LP Cooktop Orifice Placement
Left Rear Burner : Right Rear Burner :
! 1,000 BTUIh 101 5,000 BTU/h 70
Left Front B_N T 6_
Right Front Burner -
7,500 BTU/h 86 !5,000 BTUih I:_B

Replace burner base, burner cap and burner grate.
Note: Burner cap must be properly positioned on burner base
for burner to light.
4o Convert Cooktop Valves for Propane Use
Adjust Bypass Jets on Valves,
1.Verify that all knobs are in the "Off" position.
2.Remove knobs, springs and bezels by pulling straight out.
3.Insert flat head screwdriver into shaft and turn bypass screw
clockwise until it stops turning (See Figure 4). DO NOT OVER
TIGHTEN. Replace knobs, springs and bezels.
Figure 4
Cooktop Valve
If your range is dual fuel your conversion is complete. Re-
place the cover plate and warming drawer and proceed to
step 9 to test your conversion.
For gas range conversions, continue to step5.
5° Adjust Broil Burner Orifice
Remove oven door (see section "Removing Oven Door" in
InstalJation Instructions).
Remove broil burner assembly. The broil burner assembly
isattached to the top of the oven cavity,with 7 screws. Remove
screws and gently pull broil burner assembly straight out being
careful notre detach electrical wires. Placebroil burner against
back wall of oven cavity.
Adjust Orifice, The orifice is located behind the broil burner
in the back oven wall (See Figure 5). Use a 1/2"deep socket
driver with 3" minimum extension to turn orifice clockwise until
it stops (2=2 1/2 times). DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Replace Broil Assembly. Replace broil assembly being
careful to feed all wires through back wall of oven. Reinsert
all 7 screws.
Note; The air shutter on the broil burner fits over the orifice
when installed correctly.
Cooktop - Left Rear
Cooktop - Riqht Rear
Cooktop ° Left Front
Cooktop - Riqht Front
Oven - Broil (Gas Ranges Only')
Oven oBake (Gas Ranges Only)
Figure 5
Oven Cavity _ Side View
Figure 6
Oven Orifice and Air Shutter
Orifice Shutter
6. Adjust Oven Burner Orifice
Tighten Orifice, The oven burner orifice is located below the
air shutter (See Figure 6). Reach it through the access hole in
the interior back panel of the warming drawer cavity. Use a 1/
2" wrench to turn orifice clockwise until it stops (2 - 2 1/2

7. Test for Gas Leaks.
Leak testing is to be conducted by the installer according to
the instructions given in this section,
Turn on supply line gas shut off valve, Apply a non-corrosive
leak detection fluid to all joints and fittings in the gas connec-
tion between the supply line shut-off valve and the range,
Include gas fittings and joints in the range if connections
were disturbed during installation. Bubbles appearing
around fittings and connections indicate a leak.
If a leak appears, turn off supply line gas shut-off valve and
tighten connections. Retest for leaks by turning on the
supply line gas shut-off valve. When leak check is complete
(no bubbles appear), test is complete. Wipe off all detection
fluid residue.
8. Test Electric Ignition°
Test Cooktop Burner Ignition, Select a rangetop burner
knob. Push down and turn to the flame symbol. If the
ignitor/spark module is operating correctly, it will click. Once
the air has been purged from the supply lines, the burner
should light within four (4) seconds. After burner lights, turn
knob to the off position.
Test each rangetop burner in this fashion.
Test Broil Burner Ignition, Set cooking mode to Hi Broil.
The burner will ignite after 30-75 seconds.
Test Bake Burner Ignition, Set the oven to bake at 350°
R After 30-75 seconds, the burner will ignite. The burner
will stay lit until the 350° F is reached and then shut off.
From this point forward, the burner will cycle on and off to
maintain the temperature.
Call Bosch Service ([8OOo944o2gO4} if:
1, Any of the burners do not tight,
2. The broil burner or bake burner does not stay lit,
3. The bake burner does not cyde,
If the flame iscompletely or mostly yellow, the corresponding
air shutter and/or the orifice must be adjusted. Verify that
the orifice is all the way tightened. If the flame is still yellow,
adjust the air shutter. After adjustment, retest.
Note; With LP use, some yellow tipping on outer cones is
All burners must also be inspected for carryover. The flame
should completely surround the burner. If the cooktop
burners do not carry over, the bypass jet must be adjusted
(See step 4, page 4). If the broil or bake burner does not
carry"over, adjust the corresponding air shutter (see steps 10
and 11, below and next page).
Figure 7
Flame Characteristics
Yellow Haines:
Further adjustment is required.
Yellow Tips on Outer Cones:
Normal for LP Gas.
Soft II}[ue Flames:
Normal for Natural Gas.
11}, Adjust l}roi[ Burner Air Shutter (if nec-
Adjust Air Shutter, The air shutter is located on the back
end of the broil burner. Loosen screw and turn shutter. Close
the shutter if the flame is lifting or blowing or not carrying over;
Open the shutter if it is too yellow. (See Figure 8). Tighten
Figure 8
Broil Burner Air Shutter
Shutter Screw
More Open:
%ess Yellow Flame
9. Test/Adjust Fmameo
The combustion quality of the flame for each burner must be
visually inspected. If your range is a gas range, the bake
burner and broil burner flames must also be visually in-
spected. The flame should be blue with yellow tips. It
should carry over, or surround, the entire burner and should
not lift or blow offthe burner.
To inspect, turn the burner on. See Figure 7 for appropriate
flame characteristics. To view the bake burner, the oven
bottom cover must be removed; remove two rear thumb
screws, slide forward and out.
More Closed:
%ess Blue Flame
_Hore Carryover
%ess [i_ing or blowing