EEcchhooSSttrreeaamm®®EENN11222233DD DDoouubbllee-bbuuttttoonn ppeennddaanntt ttrraannssmmiitttteerr
EENN11222233SS SSiinnggllee-bbuuttttoonn ppeennddaanntt ttrraannssmmiitttteerr
Installation and Operation Manual - 04320B
i These products are designed to be installed and maintained
by professional security technicians.
i Products, unless specifically noted, are intended for indoor use.
i Manually test all products regularly.
i Inovonics Wireless radio link, with selectable frequency bands.
i The EN1223S and EN1223D have water-resistant housings that protect the pendant
when worn in the bathtub, shower, rain, or other environments where the pendant
may be splashed with water or momentarily submerged.
1) Open the housing. If present, remove 3 screws from the back of the housing.
2) Make sure that the battery is inserted with the positive (+) terminal facing the indicated side of the holder.
AAfftteerr bbaatttteerryy iinnsseerrttiioonn,, wwaaiitt 3
300 sseeccoonnddss,,
then press the Reset Button (LEDs will flash) to reset the transmitter to its most
recent programming.
4) Replace back cover. For new units, install 3 screws from the accessory packet.
5) Thoroughly test the unit before returning to service.
CCaauuttiioonn:: RReeppllaacciinngg bbaacckk ccoovveerr
i Do not over-tighten screws when replacing the back cover.
i Correct torque is 1.5 inch-pounds.
i Be careful not to damage the gasket material to preserve water-resistance capability.
i Tighten screws evenly for good seal.
DDiissccaarrdd oolldd bbaatttteerryy iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee ttoo tt
hhee llooccaall llaawwss aanndd pprraaccttiicceess..
IInnoovvoonniiccss WWiirreelleessss ddooeess nnoott ttaakkee rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr
bbaatttteerriieess tthhaatt aarree nnoott ddiissccaarrddeedd pprrooppeerrllyy..
1) For operation in the United States, no jumper is installed. (Figure 4)
2) Install one jumper to configure the EN1223 for Australia or New Zealand. (Figure 4)
3) Press the Reset Button.
Transmitters must be registered with the system receiver in order to be monitored and supervised. Each
transmitter has a unique factory-programmed identification number. Refer to the receiver installation
instructions for details on registering a transmitter.
If the EN1223 housing is closed:
when prompted by the receiver to "Reset Transmitter", press the Reset
Button (Figure 1).
If the EN1223 housing is open:
when prompted by the receiver to "Reset Transmitter", press the Reset
button (Figure 3). Replace the EN1223 cover. Follow instructions to test the transmitter.
Note: The EN1223 retains programming data in non-volatile memory. It does not require re-programming
after loss of power.
Follow “Changing the Battery” instructions to re-initialize the transmitter and restore programming.
To activate the EN1223S, press and hold the Activation Button for at least 1 second.
To activate the EN1223D, press and hold both Activation Buttons for at least 1 second.
Alarm signals are transmitted multiple times, and are indicated by the blinking Transmit LED.
Holding the buttons results in continuous transmission.
When either button is released, the FA223S/D will complete its alarm transmission, then will send an alarm restoral signal
so that receiver devices configured for follower mode will return to their normal state.
Figure 1: EN1223S
Figure 3: Battery Installation
Figure 2: EN1223D
Figure 4: Frequency band Selection
WWeeaarriinngg tthhee EENN11222233SS oorr EENN11222233DD:: nneecckk ccoorrdd,, bbeellttcclliipp oorr wwrriisstt bbaanndd
The EN1223 can be carried in three convenient ways (Figures 5 and 6):
i Around the neck as a pendant (standard).
i On a belt with the beltclip attachment (standard).
i On the arm with optional wristband accessory (ACC623Sor ACC623L).
Neck Cord Safety
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee nneecckk ccoorrdd pprroovviiddeedd wwiitthh tthhee EENN11222233SS//DD iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr uusseerr ssaaffeettyy..
SSuubbssttiittuuttiioonn ooff ssttrroonnggeerr ccoorrddss oorr cchhaaiinnss mmaayy rreessuulltt iinn iinnjjuurryy ttoo tthhee wweeaar
Dimensions: 5.6 x 4.8 x 1.8 cm (2.2 x 1.9 x 0.72”)
Operating temperature: 0° to 60°C (32° to 140°F)
Transmitter frequency range: Selectable for USA, Australia or New Zealand (Figure 4)
Preprogrammed check-in Interval: 3 minutes
Reset Button
Reset Button
© 2006 Inovonics Wireless Corporation
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Transmit Button
Transmit LED
Transmit LED
Figure 5:
Belt clip, Pendant accessory
and wristband
Figure 6:
EN1223S with neck cord