Bosch Collision Avoidance System CAS-M light, CAS-M light User Manual

Collision Avoidance System CAS-M light
1 24/01/2019


1 System Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Function principle......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Hardware.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Wiring................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 CAN communication ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Installation Guide............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Mounting the radar sensor....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Configuration of the sensor position.................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Configuration of the system threshold values .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Predefined messages .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.1 Configuration distance ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Configuration relative speed.................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Using raw values ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 CAS-M light + connector (500 kBaud) ................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 CAS-M light + connector (1 MBaud) .................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 CAS-M light + DDU 9 (500 kBaud) ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
4.4 CAS-M light + DDU 9 (1 MBaud) ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Open End ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Table 1............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
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1 System Overview

The CAS-M light helps the driver to focus on the track and warns him if a car is approach­ing from behind. The system provides information about relative speed and distance on the CAN bus. The benefit is even more increased during nighttime or in bad weather con­ditions.
The interface is very intuitive and adaptable to the drivers liking – so there is no need in special driver trainings.

1.1 Function principle

CAS-M light provides information for distance and relative speed of the closest vehicle behind via two LEDs (left and right) in the driver display. Only the closest vehicle behind is considered. All other objects are suppressed.
In large (green) and medium (yellow) distance both LEDs (left and right) are used in paral­lel to provide the available information. In close (red) distance a left/right determination is done, and only the appropriate left or right LED is used to provide information about the object behind the driver.
System Overview | 1
All distance and delta speed thresholds based on the physical raw values to control the object detection and LED visualization can be adjusted individually via CAN (depending on pilot and race category different settings may be required).
CAS-M light contains a pre-defined visualization concept to allow for a quick starting with the system. The pre-defined thresholds are based on Bosch Motorsport know how and ex­perience with the system.

1.2 Hardware

The CAS-M light system consists of a Bosch automotive mid range radar sensor, shown in the following picture/drawing.
Illustration1: CAS-M light sensor
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1 | System Overview
Illustration2: CAS-M light dimensions

1.3 Wiring

The sensor needs to be connected to the vehicle CAN bus (connection to display needed) and supplied with 12 V from the supply system on board. For the speed calculation of the approaching cars, the sensor needs to know the vehicle’s speed.
Pin Designation Description
1 GND Sensor Ground
2 CAN-H CAN High
4 Not connected Not connected
5 Not connected Not connected
6 Not connected Not connected
7 Not connected Not connected
8 V+ Supply voltage for sensor (12 V)
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Vehicle speed, configuration
LED status
Illustration3: Wiring schematic
System Overview | 1

1.4 CAN communication

Since the system provides the information on the CAN bus (car approaching left/right, distances, relative speeds ...), it is mandatory to connect the sensor to it. In addition the sensor needs to get the vehicle’s speed via CAN.
CAN Baud rate: 500 kBaud or 1 MBaud
CAN update rate of Sensor: 50 Hz
Vehicle Speed
Information that needs to be send from the car to the system:
Message CAN ID Byte
Speed 0x616 Intel Unsigned 24 16 0.1 0
Predefined Messages
Information that is send from the sensor to the car:
Message CAN ID Byte
Object_left_dist_ range
Object_right_dist_ range
0x3F3 Intel Unsigned 58 3 1 0
0x3F3 Intel Unsigned 61 3 1 0
0x3F5 Intel Unsigned 58 3 1 0
0x3F5 Intel Unsigned 61 3 1 0
Start bit Length
Start bit Length
Factor Offset
Factor Offset
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1 | System Overview
Raw values
Information that is send from the sensor to the car:
Message CAN ID Byte or-
Object_left_dx 0x3F3 Intel Unsigned 0 12 0.0625 0
Object_left_vx 0x3F3 Intel Signed 12 12 0.0625 0
Object_left_dy 0x3F3 Intel Signed 24 14 0.015625 0
Object_right_dx 0x3F5 Intel Unsigned 0 12 0.0625 0
Object_right_vx 0x3F5 Intel Signed 12 12 0.0625 0
Object_right_dy 0x3F5 Intel Signed 24 14 0.015625 0
Factor Offset
Important note
Do not use the messages 0xB9, 0x757 or 0x7C1 on the sensor CAN. These Messages are not needed but if used the sensor will be affected.
The sensor sends the additional message 0xB9 on the CAN. This message is not needed for the CAS-M light system but already used by the sensor.
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2 Installation Guide

2.1 Mounting the radar sensor

A mounting frame with 4xM6 threaded bushings are delivered with the sensor. An indi­vidual concept for each car mounting situation must be developed by the car manufac­turer. The following mounting restrictions must be fulfilled to secure a proper function of the system.
– The radar sensor must be longitudinally and laterally leveled, aligned with the
vehicle’s longitudinal axis and mounted on the vehicle’s lateral centerline. Sensor mounting height of 20 cm to 90 cm off the ground will ensure maximum range. If a mounting in the vehicle centre line is not possible, the offset must be configured via the appropriate CAN message (see chapter Configuration of the sensor position [}8]).
– The sensor may be mounted flush mounted with the rear fascia.
– It is critical that the radar sensor has an unobstructed (or radar-transparent) view out
the rear of the vehicle. Optimum is a mounting without any material in front of the sensor. If it must be mounted behind, the plane in front of the sensor surface must be free of conductive materials (e.g. a thin layer of vinyl, fiberglass or Kevlar). The distance between sensor and surface depends on the used material and should be approximately 5 mm.
Installation Guide | 2
Illustration4: CAS-M light frame
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2 | Installation Guide

2.2 Configuration of the sensor position

Definition of sensor position and orientation
Message CAN ID Byte
Orientation 0x618 Intel Signed 28 2 1 0
Position_X 0x618 Intel Signed 30 10 0.01 0
Position_Y 0x618 Intel Signed 40 8 0.01 0
Position_Z 0x618 Intel Unsigned 48 8 0.01 0
The Message 0x618 has to be send to the sensor once after every power cycle. Otherwise the default values are used by the sensor.
See appendix table 1 for assignment of signed integer values in hex.
Conversion of negative values into hex with two´s complement:
10bit: Hex value = Decimal to hex (Physical value / Factor + 1024)
8bit: Hex value = Decimal to hex (Physical value / Factor + 256)
Example for Position X (10Bit value) = -1m
Decimal value = -1 / 0,01 + 1024 = 954
Hex value = Decimal to hex (954) = 39C
Value type Start bit Length
Factor Offset
Description Value Default
Connector facing up -1 1
Connector facing down +1
Description Comment Default
Sensor position in X direction Distance from rear axle in [m]
X-axis is positive if sensor behind rear axle
Description Comment Default
Sensor position in Y direction Distance from vehicle symmetry
axle [m] Left is positive
Description Comment Default
Sensor position in Z direction Distance to ground [m] 0.5
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Installation Guide | 2

2.3 Configuration of the system threshold values

Illustration5: Distance schematic
Message CAN ID Byte
Distance_Near 0x620 Intel Unsigned 0 8 1 0
Distance_Medium 0x620 Intel Unsigned 8 8 1 0
Distance_Far 0x620 Intel Unsigned 16 8 1 0
Speed_medium 0x620 Intel Unsigned 24 8 1 0
Speed-high 0x620 Intel Unsigned 32 8 1 0
Value type Start bit Length
Factor Offset
Distance thresholds
Description Comment Default
Distance_Near Threshold between near range and medium range
Distance_Medium Threshold between medium range and far range 30
Distance_Far Threshold between far range and out of range (no
Speed thresholds
Description Comment Default
Speed_medium Speed of approaching vehicle [km/h] for low fre-
quency flashing
Speed_high Speed of approaching vehicle [km/h] for high fre-
quency flashing
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