Bosch BIS 2.3 Installation Manual

BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
en Installation manual
BIS 2.3 - Access Engine Table of Contents | en 3
Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Installation manual F.01U.028.713 | V | 2009.11
1 Introduction 8
2Upgrade 10
2.1 Upgrade matrix 10
2.2 BIS upgrade since version 2.1 or higher 10
2.3 Updating Controller (LAC) Software 15
3 Server installation 17
3.1 Standalone system 18
3.2 Distributed system 19
3.2.1 Login server 20
3.2.2 Remote server 21
3.2.3 Configuring a distributed system 22
3.3 Server workstation 23
4 System configuration 24
4.1 Starting the Configuration Browser 24
4.2 Setting up a configuration 25
4.2.1 Creating an initial configuration 25
4.2.2 Creating additional configurations 27
4.3 Loading a configuration 29
4.4 Copying configuration changes 30
4.5 Setting up BIS user 31
4.6 Further Settings 31
4.6.1 Definition of Custom fields 31
4.6.2 PIN Code Settings 32
4.6.3 Card encoding 32
4.6.4 Card readers at Access Engine workstations 32
5 Setting up additional workstations 33
5.1 General Settings 33
5.1.1 Installation at a workstation 33
5.1.2 Setting up the Configuration Browser 34
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5.1.3 Configuring Internet Explorer 35
5.1.4 Connecting a dialog reader 38
5.2 Setting up Card Personalization 41
5.2.1 Software 41
5.2.2 Hardware 42
5.2.3 Creating Badge Layouts 42
5.2.4 Printing Badges 43
5.2.5 Creating card layouts 46
5.2.6 Creating cards 47
6 User administration 48
6.1 Standard users 49
6.2 User and workstation profiles 49
6.2.1 Setting up user profiles 49
6.2.2 Setting up workstation profiles 51
6.2.3 How profiles work 54
6.3 Creating new Access Engine users 58
6.4 Users of a server workstation 60
6.4.1 User with Administrator profile 60
6.4.2 User with new profile 61
6.5 Users of other workstations 62
6.5.1 Existing user on new workstation 62
6.5.2 New user on existing workstation 63
6.5.3 New user on new workstation 63
7 Connecting the controllers 65
7.1 General 65
7.1.1 Creating the controllers in the device editor 66
7.2 Ethernet 67
7.3 I/O - Extension boards 67
7.3.1 Hardware installation 67
7.3.2 Software configuration 67
8 Connecting readers and doors 69
8.1 Readers for AMC2 69
8.2 Interface allocations 70
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8.2.1 Printout of the configuration data 70
8.2.2 Installation documentation 72
9 Setting System Parameters with SPEdit 73
9.1 Starting the SPEdit 73
9.2 Display the Last Access in the Status Bar 74
9.3 Listbox or Search Dialog for Companies 74
9.4 Making Company a required field 75
9.5 Toolbar of the Reports Preview 75
9.6 Valid-From Date for Authorizations 76
9.7 Valid-From Date for Lockouts 77
9.8 Visitor Profiles Only 77
10 DMS - Data Management System 78
10.1 System operation 78
10.1.1 Starting 78
10.1.2 Closing 81
10.1.3 The master console 81
10.1.4 Process control 86
10.2 Server Processes 90
10.2.1 Summary 90
10.2.2 Loggifier 92
10.2.3 ACSP - process for access control 93
10.2.4 Transactors 96
10.2.5 AEOPC 101
10.2.6 MDS (QueryServer) 101
10.2.7 Report Server (REPS) 102
10.2.8 State Information Process (SIPServer) 103
10.2.9 Time Attendant Account Exchange (TAccEXC) 104
10.3 Batch processes 104
10.3.1 Overview 104
10.3.2 Lock-Out Process (LOP) 105
10.3.3 Authorization Monitoring Process (AMP) 105
10.3.4 Cleanup Visitor Data (CLV) 105
10.3.5 Cleanup Utility (CLU) 106
10.3.6 Backup 107
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11 MAC - Main Access Controller 108
11.1 Functions 108
11.1.1 Basic functions 108
11.1.2 Access Control functions 108
11.2 Data defintions 109
11.3 Operating the MAC 111
11.3.1 Startup 111
11.3.2 Shutdown 111
11.3.3 Warm start 112
11.3.4 Cold start 112
11.4 Process Control 113
11.5 The processes of the MAC 115
11.5.1 MAC-Process: Master 116
11.5.2 MAC-Process: Messenger 116
11.5.3 MAC-Process: System 117
11.5.4 MAC-Process: AC 117
11.5.5 MAC-Process: DMS 118
11.5.6 MAC-Process: LAC 119
11.5.7 MAC-Process: Info 120
12 Setting up Video Verification 121
13 Backup and Restore 135
13.1 Standalone-Server 135
13.1.1 Backup 135
13.1.2 Restore 136
13.2 Remote- and Login-Server 138
13.2.1 Backup 138
13.2.2 Restore 138
14 Troubleshooting 141
14.1 User administration 141
14.1.1 Dialog system of the Access Engine does not start 141
14.1.2 Login is denied 141
14.1.3 Empty Access Engine Internet Explorer 142
14.2 System settings 143
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14.2.1 Change the timezone 143
14.2.2 Regional and Language Options 143
14.3 Date and time formats 144
Index 146
8 en | Introduction BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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1 Introduction
Starting with a rough overview of the system the following chapters will describe the installation of the access control system Access Engine, with its possible variations. This will enable the installer of the system to install and configure the system components according to his/her own needs and wishes.
Figure 1.1 Example configuration - initial setup
The following chapters will now take each of the above configuration elements in turn and explain their features, alternatives and options.
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10 en | Upgrade BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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2 Upgrade
2.1 Upgrade matrix
BIS-Software without Access Engine:
BIS-Software with Access Engine:
2.2 BIS upgrade since version 2.1 or higher
You can upgrade your BIS system since version 2.1 without deinstalling the actual version.
1. Insert the new installation CD; the setup program starts automatically. You may also start the installation manually by invoking the application setup.exe on the CD.
to BIS 1.4.8 BIS 2.0 BIS 2.1 BIS 2.2 BIS 2.3 from
BIS 1.4.1 yes yes yes no no BIS 1.4.8 yes yes yes yes BIS 2.0 yes yes yes BIS 2.1 yes yes BIS 2.2 yes
Table 2.1 Upgrade matrix BIS without Access Engine
to BIS 1.4.8 BIS 2.0 BIS 2.1 BIS 2.2 BIS 2.3 from
BIS 1.4.1 (ACE >= 1.2.50)
yes no no no no
BIS 1.4.8 yes no no no BIS 2.0 yes no no BIS 2.1 yes yes BIS 2.2 yes
Table 2.2 Upgrade matrix BIS with Access Engine
Please exit the BIS system before begining the upgrade.
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2. Select the functions you wish to install as if you were installing from scratch. In this upgrade you may also add components which were not previously installed.
3. The databases for the logs and access engine with their corresponding user data are located and displayed. Click Next if you do not wish to create any new databases.
If you make changes to any of the entries on the following two dialogs then a new database will be installed. You previous data will be lost!
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4. The chosen settings are summarized for confirmation.
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Clicking Next will start the upgrade.
The Access Engine Database is also updated, as shown in the next screenshot
14 en | Upgrade BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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5. When you receive confirmation of a successful upgrade click Finish to end the process.
6. A text file is shown detailing a number of mandatory post installation steps, including a reboot. Please print the file and carry out all steps as instructed.
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All configuration and access control data are preserved. Upon starting the BIS Configuration browser and loading your configuration the access Engine database will have to be synchronized. Affirm the synchronization dialog in order to use your accustomed data and settings.
2.3 Updating Controller (LAC) Software
The software upgrade installs new programs which enable LACs to make use of new functionality usable in access control. In order for the controllers to use the new software they may first need a firmware upgrade (Bootloader), therefore in order to prevent the controllers from automatically downloading the software from the MAC prematurely all configured LACs are set offline by the upgrade process. Hence they initially have no connection with the MAC.
In the device editor on the first page/tab of the LACs you can view the de-/activation of the MAC-connection.
The controllers continue to work with the same settings, in order to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.
16 en | Upgrade BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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The system manager can now decide whether, when and which LACs should be included in the new installation. To do this simply check the box Connection to MAC active on the first tab/page of each controller in the Device Editor, and then save the changes by clicking Apply.
Supplementary information regarding upgrades
When the LAC-MAC connection is established the MAC first makes sure that the LAC’s bootloader is compatible with the new program. The bootloader changes much less often than the program, so this occurence is relatively rare. If not compatible the MAC first downloads a new bootloader to the LAC, then the updated program and finally the access data. After the MAC has downloaded the program the LAC is able to function by verifying data across the network with the MAC, with some cost to performance, until it has finished downloading its local copy of the data.
For each LAC activated a cold start needs to be performed, i.e. all data and programs are initially deleted and then restored and reloaded by the MAC. The program is loaded very quickly but, in the case of high volumes and/or slow network connections, the loading of data can take up to 30 minutes. Until the LAC has received its local copy of the data, it needs to check all access requests with the MAC via the network. Hence delays need to be taken into account at the relevant entrances.
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3 Server installation
Figure 3.1 System configuration - Management view
The Building Integration System (BIS) with its modules (Engines) is generally installed on one computer. When Access Engine is installed on the same computer as the BIS manager, this is termed a standalone system. It is also possible to install on multiple computers (i.e. a distributed system), where the BIS Manager runs on a so-called Login Server and the Access Engine on a separate computer with a network connection to the first. The second is termed a Remote Server.
18 en | Server installation BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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3.1 Standalone system
The installation of a standalone system is described in the BIS installation manual. There you will find a detailed explanation of the setup of the computer and the inclusion/exclusion of the components to be installed. The following components are functionally co-dependent and should selected from the feature selection dialog when installing BIS with Access Engine: Under Login Server: Access Engine Under Login Server: Door Controller Under Connections: Card Personalization, an application found in the Tools menu, can be deactivated if the server is not to be used for the creation of access cards. It must however be installed on all workstations used for card creation.
The Access Engine (ACE 2.3) does not run with SP3 of Microsoft SQL-Server 2005.
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3.2 Distributed system
In order to install BIS with Access Engine on a distrubuted system it is necessary for all computers involved to be networked together. For instructions on setting up the network please consult the notes in the BIS installation manual.
Figure 3.2 Servers in a distributed system
20 en | Server installation BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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3.2.1 Login server
The Login Server is installed from the same CD as the standalone server. In the feature selection box however only the following features are selected.
Figure 3.3 Selection of features for the Login Servers
If no other engines are to be installed besides the Access Engine then this is the only selected node under Login Server.
The rest of the installation is identical to that of the Standalone Server.
As long as no Connections for other engines are to be installed on the login server then the entire Connections node can be deactivated. On no account should Door Controller be one of the elements selected.
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3.2.2 Remote server
The installation of the Remote Server too is the same as that of other systems. The feature selection however is somewhat different.
Figure 3.4 Feature selection for a Remote Server
Here it is essential that Door Controller be selected under the Connections node.
The entire Login Server node must be deselected.
22 en | Server installation BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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3.2.3 Configuring a distributed system
In the Configuration Browser, which runs on the login server, the remote server is entered in the appropriate list in the Server Structure dialog.
This entry will appear subsequently in the menu Connections. If Access Engine is not listed underneath the remote server then it will need to be added here. For more details on creating Connections please consult the online help for the Configuration Browser.
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3.3 Server workstation
The installation of the BIS system turns the server into a workstation where all applications and dialogs can be executed from the same computer, and where configuration of the system software can be undertaken cf. Section 4.2 Setting up a configuration, Page 25. TThe pre-installed User Adminstrator can log onto the platform as soon as s/he has configured the Internet Explorer (cf. BIS Installation manual) and can then use the full functionality of the dialogs and the Access Engine applications. Only the user BIS requires additional adjustments in order to use Access Engine cf. Section 4.5 Setting up BIS user, Page 31.
Further details about creating administrative accounts can be found in Section 5 Setting up additional workstations, Page 33.
The server workstation account is protected and can not be deleted or modified. Even if the server is not used as a workstation the account will still remain.
24 en | System configuration BIS 2.3 - Access Engine
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4 System configuration
The installed BIS software and its integrated engines cannot be used until the system has been configured. Configuration means adapting the system to a particular client’s environment individual requirements. It is possible create multiple different configurations, nevertheless only one can be activated, i.e. loaded, at any one time.
4.1 Starting the Configuration Browser
To create a system configuration or to modify an existing one, you must first start the Configuration Browser. To start the Browser proceed as follows:
1. If the BIS Manager has not yet been started: – Start the BIS Manager by double-clicking the desktop
Log in with your username and password.
2. On the System start/stop tab, click the Start button to the left-hand side of the Configuration Browser label
3. A new window is opened for creating and reopening configurations. Select the configuration you require in the Recent configuration field by clicking the corresponding entry.
1. Another login dialog appears; log in with an Administrator username and password.
In the case of Access Engine, the configuration selected in the Configuration Browser must also be loaded so that the specific applications can be called.
To create a new configuration, first carry out the steps described in Section 4.2 Setting up a configuration, Page 25.
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The Configuration Browser is started and can be used as far as the user’s authorization allows, to edit or view the current configuration.
4.2 Setting up a configuration
With Access Engine there is a difference between the creation of an initial configuration and adding additional configurations.
4.2.1 Creating an initial configuration
Once the BIS software has been installed as described in the BIS installation manual, a client-specific configuration can be created using the Configuration Browser. Once the settings specified in this configuration have been made, the BIS system is ready for use and can be started. To create the first configuration proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the hardware dongle is plugged in.
2. Start the BIS Manager by double-clicking its desktop icon.
3. Log in with your username and password.
4. Call the License page. – The serial number and order number of the hardware
dongle are displayed in the Dongle information field. You can call up this information again by clicking the Update button to make sure that the dongle is being read correctly.
The contents of the license file that is currently loaded
are displayed in the License information list field. After the installation, this field does not generally contain any information. Click the Import button in the Import license file field to search for and import the directory containing the license file. The serial and order numbers displayed in the list field must match the specifications of the hardware dongle.
5. Switch to the System start/stop page and click the Start button to the left of the Configuration Browser entry.
6. The Recent configurations field in the configuration selection window of the Configuration Browser does not
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yet contain any entries - therefore select the New configuration entry in the Configuration management field.
7. Another dialog is opened offering a choice of pre-installed default configurations. – Select the Access Engine entry in the Group field and
confirm with OK.
For the new configuration, you must first create a new
folder in the Customer Configuration directory. Rename the folder as desired.
When you confirm the new directory structure, the
default values of the Access Engine configuration are copied into this folder.
Confirm the message that appears regarding the
update of the version with Yes.
8. Clicking a configuration in the Configuration Browser brings up the Operator logon window. Log on with the user data of the preinstalled Administrator user or the BIS user.
9. Two messages appear regarding the synchronization of the platform; confirm both messages with Yes.
10. A message then appears telling you that the synchronization was successful; confirm this message with OK.
The Configuration Browser is opened initially displaying the standard License page in the Administration menu.
As this is the initial configuration of the system, it is automatically loaded. Later when multiple configurations exist they will need to be explicitly loaded using the Configuration Browser Load/save configuration tab.
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1. Check the license file contents in the License dialog are correct. – If these do not match the file imported in the BIS
Manager, you can copy the imported file for the configuration using the Read button.
2. Make sure that the correct login server is entered in the Server structure dialog (this applies mainly to distributed systems).
4.2.2 Creating additional configurations
To create additional configurations proceed as follows:
1. If the BIS Manager has not yet been started: – Start the BIS Manager by double-clicking the desktop
Log in with your username and password.
2. On System start/stop tab, click the Start button to the left of the Configuration Browser entry (not the button marked BIS Server).
3. Perform steps 6 to 9 from Section 4.2.1 Creating an initial configuration, Page 25.
If you performed this setup using the user BIS then see also the instructions in Section 4.5 Setting up BIS user, Page 31.
Unlike the setup of the initial configuration a loaded one already exists. However, since the configuration to be modified must be loaded (i.e. made current) in order to configure the Access Engine, an error message appears at this point.
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Figure 4.1 Error message when the configuration is not loaded
1. Confirm both this message and the message that follows regarding the creation of placeholders with OK. A placeholder is a dummy configuration which supports connections but can not be edited. We will replace it in the following steps.
Figure 4.2 Message regarding the use of placeholders
1. Close the Configuration Browser.
2. Switch the current configurations as described in
Section 4.3 Loading a configuration, Page 29 - however, respond with No when asked whether to start the system (i.e. the BIS Server component).
3. Now restart the Configuration Browser on the System start/stop tab.
–In the blue configuration selection window click open
current configuration to open it for editing. – Log on to the Configuration Browser. – Check the entries on the License and Server
structure dialog pages as described in steps 11 and
12 in Section 4.2.1 Creating an initial configuration,
Page 25.
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4. Switch to the Connections menu and select the Access Engine placeholder entry in the Explorer. – Remove the Access Engine placeholder entry using
the x button or the Remove command in the context menu (right-click on Access Engine).
Answer Yes to the confirmation prompt following the
Next select the server entry and click the + button or
select the Add subsystem command in the context menu.
Select the Access Engine entry from the list in the
Select new subsystem dialog and confirm the selection with OK.
5. The synchronization messages and the completion message appear (see step 9 and 10 in Section 4.2.1 Creating an initial configuration, Page 25)
The Access Engine applications and dialogs can now be used.
4.3 Loading a configuration
Only one of the configurations you have created can run in the BIS be loaded at a time. To swap/exchange configurations proceed as follows:
1. If the BIS Manager has not yet been started: – Start the BIS Manager by double-clicking the desktop
Log in with your username and password.
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2. In the BIS Manager switch to the Load/Save configuration page. –In the Load new configuration field click the ellipsis
button () and select the directory with the new configuration.
Check that the paths in the Configuration display
field are correct and press the Load button beneath.
Confirm the confirmation prompt about the
configuration change with Yes.
Answer Yes to the question regarding the system (BIS
Server component) start.
While changing the configuration change a progress dialog is shown, followed by confirmation of completion.
1. Close the confirmation of completion by clicking the Close button.
4.4 Copying configuration changes
If the changes were made when the BIS Server was not running, then the changes just need to be saved using the Apply buttons in the Configuration Browser dialogs. The current settings will be loaded automatically when the system is started. However, if changes are made while the system is running, these do not come into effect until the changed configuration is reloaded. To load a changed configuration follow steps 2 and 3 in Section 4.3 Loading a configuration, Page 29.
If the BIS Manager is already running with a configuration, the question regarding the system start is omitted and the configuration change starts immediately.
If the platform has been started on a workstation, any BIS user who is logged on will be automatically logged off with a message informing him of the configuration change.
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