systemic rose & flower care
Total Nitrogen (N) ……………………………… 8.00%
5.6% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
1.1% Urea Nitrogen
1.3% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) …………
Soluble Potash (K2O) …………………
Calcium (Ca)
…………………………………… 8.00%
Magnesium (Mg) ………………........………… 3.00%
0.5% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S) ……………………………………… 4.00%
4.0% Combined Sulfur (S)
Boron (B) ……………………………………… 0.02%
Iron (Fe)
……………………………………… 0.40%
0.40% Water Soluble Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn) ………………………...........… 0.05%
0.01% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)
Molybdenum (Mo) …………………………... 0.0008%
Zinc (Zn) ……………………………………… 0.05%
Derived from Urea, Urea Formaldehyde, Ammonium Sulfate,
Ammoniated Superphosphate, Ammonium Phosphate, Muriate
of Potash, Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Borate, Manganese
Sulfate, Sodium Molybdate, Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate.
*1.3% slowly available nitrogen from urea formaldehyde
Information concerning the materials composing this product can
be obtained by writing to the Guarantor listed on this container
and referring to the batch number found on this container.
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in
this product is available on the internet at http://www.aapfco.
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1 EPA Reg. No. 228-587-4
Distributed by
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

Adelgids, Aphids, Armored scales (suppression),
Bark beetles (suppression), Borers (Round-headed
including Eucalyptus longhorned), (Flat-headed
including Alder, and Bronze Birch), Caterpillars,
Fungus gnats, Japanese beetle adults, Lacebugs,
Leaf beetles (including Elm, Viburnum, and Lily),
Leafhoppers (including Glassy-winged sharpshooter),
Leafminers (including Birch, Boxwood, and Holly),
Mealybugs, Mimosa webworms, Pine tip moth larvae,
Psyllids, Root weevil larvae (including Black vine
weevils), Royal palm bugs, Sawflies (larvae), Soft
scales (including Lobate lac scales), Thrips, White
grub larvae (such as Japanese beetles, Chafers
(Northern masked and European), Oriental beetles,
and Asiatic garden beetles), and Whiteflies.
This product feeds the plant to promote strong roots
and beautiful blooms, while protecting the plant
against insect damage for up to eight (8) weeks.
This product is taken up by the roots and travels
throughout the entire plant. New growth is protected
against insects for up to 8 weeks. This product works
inside the plant so rain and water will not wash off the
insect protection.
This product kills Adelgids, Aphids, Fungus
gnats, Leafminers, Lace bugs, Leafhoppers,
Mealybugs, Plant bugs, Psyllids, Soft Scales, Thrips
(suppression), Whiteflies, and other listed pests.
Apply every 8 weeks during the growing season
to roses, flowers and shrubs. 2 lbs. treats up to 16
medium-size roses or shrubs.

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a
manner inconsistent with its labeling. For best results,
read and follow all label directions.
For Outdoor Residential Use Only on Lawns,
Landscape Areas, Roses, Flowers, and Shrubs.
• DO NOT apply near fish pools, ponds, lakes or
• DO NOT apply to vegetable gardens.
• DO NOT use utensils such as teaspoons or
measuring cups for food handling after they have
been used to measure this product.
• Not for sale, sale into, distribution and/or use in
Nassau, Suffolk, Kings and Queens counties in the
state of New York.
• DO NOT apply more than 200 pounds (0.4 pound
of active ingredient) per acre per year or 4.6 pounds
/ 1000 ft2.
Use this product on Roses, Shrubs, and plantings
around homes and residential areas to control listed
pests. For new plants, apply when planting. For
established plants, use before pest damage occurs or
immediately when seen. Repeat applications every 8
weeks during the growing season.