Bonide Systemic Insect Spray RTS User Manual

systemic Insect spray
• Kills adelgids, aphids, listed borers, beetles & bugs, leafminers, scale, and other listed pests
• For roses, flowers, bedding plants, listed fruit and nuts, shrubs, ground covers, & trees
• Cannot be washed off by rain or water
• Kills insects and prevents new infestations
EPA Reg. No. 53883-205-4
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Distributed by: Bonide Products, Inc. 6301 Sutliff Road Oriskany, NY 13424
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Shake well before using. For outdoor foliar applications, follow these directions to protect pollinators:
Do not apply this product while bees are foraging. Do not apply this product to plants that are flowering. Only apply after all flower petals have fallen off.
• Do not allow children and pets to re-enter the treated area until after the spray has dried.
• Do not spray the product into sh pools, ponds, streams, or lakes.
Do not allow this product to contact plants in bloom if bees are foraging in the treatment area.
• Regardless of application method, do not apply more than 9.4 oz. Imidacloprid per 1,000 sq. ft. per year.
• Do not apply this product, by any application method to linden, basswood, or other Tilia species.
Read and follow all label directions.
Make sure knob control lever is in "OFF" position, then connect sprayer to garden hose.
When spraying low growing groundcovers and small shrubs, twist the sprayer hood to
the "FAN" position. When spraying taller trees, shrubs and ornamentals, twist the
sprayer hood to the "STREAM" position for extended reach and more uniform coverage.
3. Turn water on at faucet. To begin spraying, turn knob control lever to "ON" position. The product mixes automatically with the water as you spray.
4. To stop spraying, turn knob control lever to the "OFF" position. Turn off water at the faucet. To relieve pressure, turn knob control lever to the "ON" position and point the sprayer away from any desirable plants before disconnecting the spray nozzle from the garden hose.
This product is for use on outdoor trees, shrubs and groundcovers in landscape plantings as listed in the table below:
• Do not apply to soil that is frozen or waterlogged.
• Keep people and pets off treated area until it has dried.
• Do not apply this product, by any application method to linden, basswood, or other Tilia species.
• Do not apply this product while bees are foraging.
Do not apply to plants that are blooming. Only apply after all ower petals have fallen off.
• Do not apply more than 9.4 oz. of this product per 1,000 sq. ft. per year.
Landscape Plantings
Roses, owers, bedding plants and owering shrubs Evergreen and leafy shrubs and woody ornamentals Groundcovers
This product is for use to kill the pests listed in the table on outdoor trees and shrubs.
Adelgids Aphids Black Vine Weevil Larvae Borers: Roundheaded Borers (incl. Eucalyptus Longhorned Borers and Asian Longhorned Beetles) Flatheaded Borers (incl. Bronze Birch, Alder Borers, and Emerald Ash Borers) Japanese Beetles (Adult) Lacebugs Leaf Beetles (incl. Elm Leaf Beetles and Viburnum Leaf Beetles)
Azalea, begonia, camellia, cherry laurel, geranium, gardenia, hydrangea, impatiens, ligustrum, peonies, primrose, tea roses, salvia, zinnias and similar herbaceous plants Arborvitae, boxwood, cotoneaster, euonymus, holly, juniper, laurel, privet, spruce yews and similar plants English ivy, Dichondra, ivy, pachysandra, vinca and other similar plants
Types of Plants
Pests Controlled
Leafhoppers (incl. Glassy-winged Sharpshooters) Leafminers (incl. Birch Leafminers) Mealybugs Pine Tip Moth Larvae Psyllids Royal Palm Bugs Sawy Larvae Scales (incl. Armored Scale (suppression) and Soft Scale) Thrips (suppression) Whiteies
Use this product as a foliar spray to provide contact control of larvae, nymphs or adults of the following insect pests: adelgids, aphids, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leaf beetles (including elm leaf beetles and viburnum leaf beetles), leafhoppers (including glassy-winged sharpshooter), mealybugs, psyllids, sawy larvae, thrips (suppression) and whiteies.
Application Instructions
Apply when insects rst appear and before high pest populations are established, prior to blooming or after all ower petals have fallen off. Retreat when re-infestation occurs, when high pest pressure is observed or repeat applications on an as-needed basis with 10-14 day intervals between applications, not to exceed the maximum rate.
How to Apply
Foliar applications with water must be made as a thorough cover spray to provide uniform distribution. Make application prior to blooming or after all ower petals have fallen off. Spray to wet all foliage (leaves, stems and branches). Target the undersides of the leaves and try to penetrate dense foliage with the spray droplets.
For plants established in residential areas as ornamental plantings or for fruit/nut consumption.
• Do not apply pre-bloom or during bloom or when bees are foraging.
Plants Apple and Crabapple Pear, Common and Oriental Peach, Plum and Cherry
Application Instructions
Timing of applications should coincide with vulnerable stages of the pests. The calendar
Aphids (except woolly apple aphid), Japanese beetles, leafhoppers (including glassy-winged sharpshooter), leafminers, mealybugs, and San Jose scale Aphids, cherry fruit y maggot, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, plant bugs, San Jose scale and stink bugs Yellow pecan aphid, black margined aphid, pecan leaf phylloxera, pecan spittlebug, pecan stem phylloxera
Insect Pests Controlled
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