Ready to use
controls rust, leaf
spot and powdery
mildew. use on fruits,
vegetables and
various ornamentals.
controls chiggers*
(around the home)
*(except in California)
for organic gardening.
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1 EPA Reg. No. 4-62
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

It is a violation of Federal law to use this
product in a manner inconsistent with its
NOT FOR USE on plants being grown for sale
or other commercial use, or for commercial
seed production, or for research purposes. For
use on plants intended for aesthetic purposes
or climatic modification and being grown in
interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens, or
on lawns and grounds.
Do not enter treated areas within 24 hours of
application without proper protective clothing;
i.e., long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes
plus socks.
This product is specially prepared, extremely
fine particle size (4-5 microns surface average
diameter) chemically treated with wetting
agent, and suitable for use as a dust or
spray. The extremely fine particles contribute
to a uniform film forming layer, better adhesion
and more even distribution of particles over
fruit and leaf surfaces, resulting in greater
When spraying, use a good pressure sprayer
and apply thoroughly to all leaf surfaces. When
dusting, use a good duster and apply in a
uniform thin film of dust to all leaf surfaces and
fruit. Repeat application as necessary.

Do not dust or spray with sulfur during periods
of high temperature. Do not use sulfur within 2
weeks of an oil spray. Do not use sulfur on citrus
within 3 weeks of an oil spray.
This product is used in the pre-blossom
application, such as against apple and pear scab
or peach blossom or cherry fungus diseases.
Application must be timed to go on before rainy or
spore discharge periods.
apple cedar rust, black rot, brown rot, frog eye,
leaf spot, powdery mildew, quince rust, scab, sooty
blotch: 1 to 2 ½ rounded Tbs./gal. water, from prepink through cover, or use in cover sprays, up to
day of harvest. Note: MacIntosh, Golden Delicious,
Jonathan, and certain other varieties may be injured
by sulfur application under certain conditions.
leaf spot, powdery mildew, rust, red spider: 1 ½
to 3 level Tbs./gal. water. Begin when first true
leaves form, or at first sign of disease. Repeat at
7 to 10 day intervals up to day of harvest.
powdery mildew: 2 to 2 ½ rounded Tbs./gal.
water. Begin when new shoots are 6 inches long
and before blossoms open. Repeat at 10 day
intervals or as necessary, up to day of harvest.