got pests...get revenge
fly, lice & Tick control
• For indoor-outdoor use
• Kills and repels
• Odorless
• Easy to use
• For use on dogs and listed
domestic animals
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1 EPA Reg. No. 4-430
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product
in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Use Restrictions:
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or
other commercial use.
Do not allow adults, children or pets to enter
the treated area until the dusts have settled.
Do not apply as a broadcast treatment to
indoor surfaces as residential sites, including
nurseries, day care centers, schools, hospitals
and nursing homes.
All outdoor applications must be limited to spot
or crack-and-crevice treatments only, except
for the following permitted uses:
1. Treatment to soil or vegetation around
Applications to lawns, turf and other vegetation;
3. Applications to building foundations, up to a
maximum height of 3 feet.
Other than applications to building foundations,
all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces
such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches
and structural surfaces (such as windows,
doors and eaves) are limited to spot and crackand-crevice applications only.

Do not apply when bees are active in the area.
Do not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours.
Do not apply if wind causes drift. Do not water
the treated area to the point of run-off. Do not
make applications during rain.
Do not use in food/feed areas of food/feed
handling establishments, restaurants, or other
areas food/feed is commercially prepared or
processed. Do not use in serving areas while
food is exposed or facility is in operation.
Serving areas are areas where prepared foods
are served, such as dining rooms, but excluding
areas where foods may be prepared or held.
In the home, all food processing surfaces and
utensils should be covered during treatment or
thoroughly washed before use. Exposed food
should be covered or removed.
Application is prohibited directly into sewers
or drains, or to any area like a gutter where
drainage to sewers, storm drains, water
bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not
allow the product to enter any drain during or
after application.
For Dusting Non-plant Surfaces: Using
this container or other suitable mechanical
duster, such as a bulbous duster, make a light
but uniform application following the specic

directions for each use area listed on the label.
Apply only as a spot treatment indoors. Do not
broadcast. Exposed food should be covered or
removed before application.
and POULTRY. Consult a veterinarian before
using this product on debilitated, aged,
pregnant, nursing, or medicated animals.
Cattle, Horses: Can be used in dust bags,
shaker can and mechanical dust applicator.
To control Hornies, Lice, Face Flies: Place
contents of this package in a commercially
available dust bag, suspend bag in areas
frequented by animals or in gateways or lanes
through which the animals pass daily for water,
feed, or minerals. Bags may also be placed
in loang sheds or in front of mineral feeders.
For milking cows, bags may be suspended
in the exit through which the cows leave the
milking barn. The bags should hang 4-6
inches below the back line of the cattle. For
reduction of face ies bags must be located
so animals will be forced to use them daily and
hung at a height so that the face is dusted.