Bonide MoleMax RTS User Manual

Effectively rids lawn, gardens and plantings of Moles, Voles, Gophers, Armadillos, Skunks, Rabbits, Ground Squirrels and other burrowing animals.
MoleMax® Mole & Vole Repellent RTS is an effective means of repelling burrowing animals from desirable turf and ornamental planting areas. This product can be safely used around children and pets, when used as directed. MoleMax® Mole & Vole Repellent RTS is biodegradable and will not harm lawns, gardens, flowerbeds or other desirable plants. Can be applied anytime digging, burrowing or tunneling is noticed.
MoleMax® Mole & Vole Repellent RTS is exempt from registration with the Federal EPA under section 25(b) of FIFRA, and as such, is not registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. Bonide represents that the ingredients qualify for exemption from registration under FIFRA.
READY TO USE INSTRUCTIONS: Shake well before applying. HOSE END SPRAYER: Ready to use. Make sure knob control lever is in the OFF position. Shake well and attach to hose. Turn water on at faucet, aim nozzle toward lawn and turn knob control lever ON to begin spraying. When finished turn control lever to OFF position. Turn faucet to OFF position. Discharge residual water pressure by turning ON and OFF again. This container (32 fl. ozs.) will cover up to 10,000 sq. ft.
1. If the area to be treated is dry, water the area before applying MOLEMAX® MOLE & VOLE REPELLENT RTS.
2. Apply MOLEMAX® MOLE & VOLE REPELLENT RTS to the ENTIRE area to be treated. Cover thoroughly.
3. Large areas should be done in sections beginning at one point and working toward desired “exit” point of the total area treated.
4. After application, soak in with water using hose or sprinkler for about 15 minutes. Avoid using excess water that may
ow off turf into streams, ponds, gutters or storm sewers.
5. Mole or vole activity may increase as they leave the treated area.
6. Highly infested areas may require additional applications.
7. If extreme heavy rainfall occurs right after application, it may be necessary to repeat application.
First Aid and User Precautions: CAUTION. Product can cause moderate eye irritation. For certain individuals skin irritation may occur. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water, seek medical attention if irritation persists. In case of skin irritation, wash area thoroughly with soap and water, seek medical attention if irritation persists. Storage and Disposal: Store and transport in an upright position. Store only in original container, in a dry place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not reuse empty container. Discard empty container in trash.
Other precautions: Do not apply directly to water.
Buyer’s Guarantee Limited to Label Claims
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424