liquid iron
+ micronutrients
Magnesium (Mg) .............................................................................0.50%
0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Boron (B) ........................................................................................0.02%
Copper (Cu) ....................................................................................0.25%
0.25% Water Soluble Copper (Cu)
Iron (Fe) ..........................................................................................5.00%
5.00% Water Soluble Iron (Fe)
Manganese (Mn) .............................................................................0.25%
0.25% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)
Zinc (Zn) ..........................................................................................0.50%
0.50% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
Derived from: Ferrous Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Zinc Sulfate, Copper Sulfate,
Sodium Borate and Magnesium Sulfate. F1290
Information regarding the contents and levels of metals in this product is available on the
internet at http://www.aapfco.org/metals.htm.
Information concerning the raw materials composing this product can be obtained by
writing to the Guarantor listed on this label, and referring to the batch number found
on this container.
Buyer’s Guarantee Limited to Label Claims.
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Guaranteed by
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

This product is most effective when plants are growing rapidly
and least effective when dormant or suffering from stress. This
product is compatible with most pesticides and fertilizers, with the
exception of amine formulations and high phosphate fertilizers.
Do not use in tank mix with either amine formulations or high
phosphate fertilizers. To enhance the performance of this product
on plants with a waxy leaf surface, add Bonide Turbo Spreader
Sticker to the diluted mixture for Foliar Spray.
Apply Only As Directed. Make 3 to 5 applications annually.
Note: This product may stain concrete, siding or painted surfaces
if not washed off immediately after application.
Hardy Aster, Alyssum, Canna, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Daylily,
Fern, Geranium, Gladiolus, Iris, Larkspur, Marigold, Nasturtium,
Petunia, Portulaca, Verbena and similar annuals and perennials.
Foliar Spray: Mix 2/3 ounce per 1 gallon of water and spray to
the point of run-off.
Soil Drench: Mix 1 ¼ ounces per gallon of water. Apply directly
underneath plants at a rate of 3 gallons of mixture per 100 square
feet. Water in thoroughly after application.