Bonide Hydrated Lime User Manual

Hydrated Lime
Total Calcium (Ca) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34.20%
Total Magnesium (Mg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.40%
Minimum Calcium Oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . .46.50%
Minimum Magnesium Oxide . . . . . . . . . .32.00%
Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE) . .131.70%
Effective Neutralizing Value (ENV) . . . .129.52%
Derived from ground limestone.
Minimum passing 20 mesh sieve . . . . . .100.00%
Minimum passing 60 mesh sieve . . . . . .100.00%
Minimum passing 70 mesh sieve . . . . . .100.00%
Minimum passing 100 mesh sieve . . . . . .99.80%
Minimum passing 200 mesh sieve . . . . . .97.00%
Minimum passing 325 mesh sieve . . . . . .92.00%
CAUTION: Harmful if swallowed. Do not inhale. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Prolonged con­tact with Hydrated Lime may cause irritation or burns to wet skin. In case of contact with eyes, flush thor­oughly and call physician.
Hydrated Lime quickly raises soil pH (the measure of the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil). Adjusting the soil to the proper pH helps plants to grow and strengthen by making it easier for the plant roots to take up nutrients in the soil.
A pH of 6.5 to 7.0 is considered by many to be “neu­tral”. However, each type of plant has a soil pH that is right for that plant. A soil pH range of 5.8 to 7.0 is considered suitable for most garden crops and lawns. A soil test should be performed prior to using
Meets WV fineness classification for pulverized. Maximum moisture content less than 1%. 1,400 lbs. of this product equals one ton of stan­dard liming material.
applied anytime during the growing season. Test soil pH level. Use the results of your soil test to determine how much you wish to change the pH level of your soil. A soil pH level of 6.5 is best for most gardens. Generally, 3.5 lbs. of Hydrated Lime per 70 sq. ft. will raise the pH unit measure one point on the pH scale. Wearing gardening gloves, work in Bonide’s Hydrated Lime around each plant. Do not mix with fertilizers before using. Water normally.
Bonide’s Hydrated Lime can be
Hydrated Lime to establish the correct amount to
.25" seal area-- one col ink ok -- no copy
Timing and method of application, weather and crop conditions, mix­ture with other chemicals not specifically recommended and other influencing factors in the use of this product are beyond the control of the manufacturer. Buyer assumes all risks of use, storage and handling of this product.
Store in a dry place.
This product conforms to the Guaranteed Analysis on the label. Manufacturer’s directions regarding use of this product are based upon tests believed to be reliable. All statements made concerning this product apply only when used as directed under normal use conditions. This product is sold as is. Manufacturer makes no warranties, express or implied. In no event shall manufacturer be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind.
CAUTION: Keep this product out of the reach of children. Keep from contact with eyes, cuts or sores. Wash hands after use. Not for
Potted Plants: Once a year, mix one (1) table­spoon of Bonide’s Hydrated Lime in one gallon of water and apply as you would normally water.
human consumption.
NOTE: This product is sold by weight, not volume. Settling may occur during shipment.