go away rabbit,
dog & cat repellent
• prevents damage to plants
& property
• environmentally safe &
• does not harm animals
• effective in all seasons
• 1lb treats up to 300 sq ft
• lasts up to several weeks
Store and transport in an upright position.
Buyers Guarantee Limited to Label Claims
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

This product is an animal behavior modication tool. It may
need to be supplemented with other behavior modication
techniques to break animals (particularly domestic animals) of
existing bad habits.
Best results are obtained when application is made at least
6 hours prior to anticipated rainfall/snowfall. To maintain
effectiveness, reapplication is recommended after heavy
or frequent rainfall/snowfall. Under normal conditions, this
product will last up to several weeks, however, to achieve
maximum effectiveness, follow the instructions listed below.
This product repels dogs, cats, rabbits and animals. Keeps
pets away from trees, shrubs, garbage cans/bags, around
the periphery of owers and vegetable gardens, and other
“forbidden areas”. Do not apply directly on ornamental, soft
bodied plants. Do not apply on food or feed crops. Do not apply
to ne nishes or painted surfaces.
For outdoor use only. Use training whenever possible,
including positive (praise) and negative (sharply spoken word
backed up with disciplinary action) reinforcement.
Note: This product is not likely to break the established
urination patterns of dogs unless it is used as a training
Stray animals are frequently attracted to areas where pets
have soiled with feces or urine. To discourage repeat visits,
remove any droppings, clean with water and ll any existing