Bonide Crabgrass Weed Preventer User Manual

crabgrass & weed preventer
for lawns & ornamental beds
controls tough weeds such as crabgrass, barnyardgrass,
annual bluegrass, brome, seedling dallisgrass, giant foxtail,
yellow foxtail, goosegrass, kikuyugrass, wild oats, annual
and perennial ryegrass, sandbur, bittercress, carpet weed,
chickweed, henbit, prostrate knotweed, common lespedeza,
marestail, black medic, mulberry weed, mustard, oxalis,
pineappleweed, parsley-piert, redroot pigweed, common
purslane, shepherdspurse, corn speedwell, garden spurge,
prostrate spurge, spotted spurge, creeping woodsorrel
and yellow woodsorrel
Notice: Read the entire label. Use only according to label directions. Before using this product, read Warranty Disclaimer, Inherent Risks of Use, and Limitation of Remedies at end of label booklet. If terms are unacceptable, return at once unopened.
In case of emergency endangering health or the environment involving this product, call 1-800-992-5994.
Agricultural Chemical: Do not ship or store with food, feeds, drugs, or clothing.
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1 EPA Reg. No. 62719-429-4 ©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Distributed by: Bonide Products, Inc. 6301 Sutliff Road Oriskany, NY 13424
It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read all directions carefully before applying this product.
• Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, or for commercial seed
production, or for research purposes.
• Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or for commercial seed
production, or for research purposes.
• For use on plants intended for aesthetic purposes or climatic modication and being grown in ornamental gardens or parks, or on golf courses or lawns.
This product, containing Dimension® herbicide, can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass preventers and provides up to 4 months of crabgrass control.
This product provides preemergence control of crabgrass and control or suppression of other listed weeds when applied prior to their germination. In addition, this product provides postemergence control of seedling crabgrass after germination and emergence. Postemergence control is limited to crabgrass only, but is effective up to 4 weeks after crabgrass has germinated. This generally corresponds to the time when crabgrass seedlings
rst become visible in the established turfgrass. Do not apply this product later than 4 weeks after crabgrass
germination. Apply this product only to turfgrass species listed on this label. The following turfgrass species are tolerant to this
product when applied as directed:
Cool-Season Grasses
Bentgrass, creeping Fescue, tall Bluegrass, Kentucky Ryegrass, perennial
Fescue, ne
Use Precautions for Turf
This product should be applied only to lawns and ornamental turfgrasses that are well established. For newly established lawns, initial application of this product should be made only after turfgrasses have developed a vigorous root system, uniform stand, and received at least two mowings following seeding, sodding, or sprigging. Exception: In newly established lawns of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and/or tall fescue, this product
may be applied two weeks after the rst sign of germination.
• Use of this product on lawns and ornamental turfgrasses that are not well established, or weakened by stress
due to mechanical operations, pests, excessive temperatures, or lack of moisture may result in turfgrass injury.
• For best results, cultural practices that disturb the soil, such as core-, spike-, or hydro-aerication, and
verticutting, should be done before application of this product. Do not apply this product until turfgrass has recovered from the mechanical injury caused by these cultural practices.
Warm-Season Grasses
Bahiagrass Carpetgrass Zoysiagrass Bermudagrass Centipedegrass Buffalograss St. Augustingrass
Reseeding, Overseeding, or Sprigging: Reseeding, overseeding, or sprigging of areas treated with this product within 10 weeks after a single application of this product or within 16 weeks after a split application program totaling 4.3 lb/1000 sq ft (0.5 lb active ingredient per acre) or more may inhibit the establishment of
desirable turfgrasses. When reseeding or overseeding follow proper cultural practices for seedbed preparation,
seeding, irrigation and fertilization.
Other Use Precautions
• Do not use clippings from treated turf for mulching around vegetables or fruit trees.
• Do not allow people or pets to enter treated area until dust has settled.
Control of Crabgrass: This product provides preemergence control of crabgrass and control or suppression
of other listed weeds when applied prior to their germination. In addition, this product provides postemergence control of seedling crabgrass after germination and emergence. Postemergence control is limited to crabgrass only and is effective up to 4 weeks after germination of crabgrass. This generally corresponds to the time when
crabgrass seedlings are at the 3-leaf stage of growth and rst become visible in the established turf. This product
will not control crabgrass at later growth stages when crabgrass plants begin to tiller (spread). Properly timed applications will control existing crabgrass and prevent further emergence of crabgrass seedlings. Do not apply this product later than 4 weeks after crabgrass germination.
Control or Suppression of Other Grass and Broadleaf Weeds: For control or suppression of other grass and broadleaf weeds, this product must be applied as a preventative treatment prior to their germination and emergence. Only crabgrass will be controlled with applications made up to 4 weeks after weed germination.
This product can also be applied from late summer through early fall (late August through November). When applied in the fall, a sequential or second application of this product must be made the following spring to provide season-long control of crabgrass. If this product is applied in the fall, do not reseed, overseed or sprig turfgrasses within 12 weeks after application.
Tips for Improved Weed Control
• For best results, apply this product within a few days after mowing and delay mowing again for a few days
after the application.
• The turf herbicide in this product is not effective until activated by rainfall or irrigation. Performance is
improved if application is followed by ½ inch of rainfall or sprinkler irrigation. Erratic weed control may result if not activated by rainfall or irrigation within 30 days after application.
This product will provide control of crabgrass and control or suppression of other listed grass and broadleaf
weeds when applied prior their germination.
barley barnyardgrass bluegrass, annual brome crabgrass, large crabgrass, smooth crowfootgrass† dallisgrass goosegrass
†Suppression only
Length of Control
This product will provide up to 4 months of crabgrass control when applied according to label directions. The actual length of control will vary depending on use rate, weather conditions, condition of the turfgrass, intensity of weed pressure, and the location or “Region” within the United States where this product is being applied. Refer to the map below to determine the region of the U.S. that includes your location. Use the table below to determine the amount of this product to apply in your location based on the desired length of weed control or need for postemergence crabgrass control.
Broadleaf Weeds
foxtail, green foxtail, yellow kikuyugrass† oats, wild ryegrass (annual & perennial) sandbur smutgrass
bittercress† carpetweed chickweed† geranium, Carolina† henbit knotweed, prostrate lespedeza, common† marestail medic, black mustard oxalis, buttercup pineappleweed
Use “Regions” within the United States:
(Pounds of product to apply per 1,000 square feet of turfgrass†)
Region of U.S.
1.1 lb/1000 sq ft
1.6 lb/1000 sq ft
1,000 square feet equals an area 100 x 10 feet or square area of about 32 feet on
a side.
Use the higher rate in rate range in areas of high weed pressure or for increased
length of control.
Amount of this product to Apply
---------- Length of Crabgrass Control ----------
2 - 3 months
3 - 4 months
1.5 lb/1000 sq ft
1.9 - 2.2 lb/1000 sq ft
pigweed, redroot parsley-piert† purslane, common rocket, London shepherdspurse speedwell, corn† spurge, garden spurge, prostrate spurge, spotted woodsorrel, creeping woodsorrel, yellow
Early Postemergence Control
1.9 - 4.3 lb/1000 sq ft
1.9 - 4.3 lb/1000 sq ft
Maximum Application Rates:
• Do not apply more than 4.3 lb of this product per 1,000 sq ft per application and no more than 12.9 lb of this product/1000 sq ft per year (equivalent to 0.5 and 1.5 lb of active ingredient per acre, respectively).
• In the state of New York, do not exceed 2.1 lb per 1000 sq ft per year of this product (equivalent to 0.25 lb of
active ingredient per acre).
This product may be applied with drop or rotary-type spreaders designed to apply granular herbicides. For best results, apply this product evenly and uniformly avoiding streaking, skips or overlaps. Avoid the use of spreaders that tend to apply granules in narrow rows or concentrated bands. Calibrate the spreader according to the manufacturer’s directions. Initial spreader settings may require adjustment to deliver the recommended application rate under actual application conditions. The desired calibration setting may be marked or recorded for future reference. Apply this product uniformly over the treatment area. More uniformity of application can usually be achieved by applying one-half of the required amount of product over the treatment area and then applying the remaining one-half in a different direction (e.g., at a right angle to the previous direction). Avoid streaking, skips, or overlaps during application.
Check equipment frequently to verify calibration and proper functioning.
Drop Spreader:
Scotts AccuGreen Republic EZ #530 Sears Drop
Rotary Spreaders:
Scotts Deluxe Republic EZ #540 Earthway Sears Rotary
This product provides preemergence control or suppression of listed annual grass and broadleaf weeds in plantings of ornamental plants listed on this label. For application instructions and equipment, see Application Instructions and Equipment section.
Apply this product with a properly calibrated spreader or other means that will assure uniform distribution. This product may be applied as a single application or as a split application. Split or sequential applications may be used to provide improved weed control or to provide extended weed control in areas with long growing seasons.
Calibration Settings at Specied Rate (lb/1000 sq ft)
1.1 lbs.
1.5 3
3 1 6 1
1.5 lbs.
5 2
1.5 7
1.9 lbs.
2.5 4
5 2 8 2
4.3 lbs.
9 5 6
8 5
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