Bonide Copper Dust User Manual

COPPER fungicide
spray or DUST
Ready to use
Controls Diseases on Potatoes, Tomatoes, Fruits & Flowering Shrubs
For Organic Gardening
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1 EPA Reg. No. 4-58
Buyers Guarantee Limited to Label Claims. ©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bonide Products, Inc. 6301 Sutliff Road Oriskany, NY 13424
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, children, or pets, either directly or through drift. Do not allow adults, children, or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried or dusts have settled.
This product is intended for small garden use only.
Use lower rates when plants are small, and the higher rates when plants are well developed, during heavy rain seasons, or when disease conditions are severe.
As a Dust: Control of disease depends upon thorough and complete application (a thin, uniform film) to both tops and undersides of leaves. Small canisters may be used as a duster by partially crushing and rapidly squeezing the sides in upright position, or use a good pressure duster. Application when wind is very light or absent, usually early morning or evening, will prevent drift and loss of product to adjacent areas.
As a Spray: (Using hand or tank sprayers) – Consult spray table below. Add proper amount of powder to small amount of water, strain, add remainder of water and spray – agitate sprayer to keep nozzle from plugging. Apply 3 gallons of mixed solution to a small tree or bush, 6 gallons of mixed solution to a medium size tree, or 9 gallons of mixed solution to a large tree. Thoroughly spray upper and lower surfaces of foliage to the point of runoff. Do not overspray.
2 – 4¾ oz.
Do not apply more
than 9.6 LB of
product (5.8 oz.
metallic copper
equivalent) per 1000
sq. ft. per year.
8 – 20 oz.
Do not exceed 4.7
LB of product (2.8
When to Apply
Make initial application at silver-tip. Repeat every
5-7 days to green-tip. Do not apply after green-
tip reaches ½ inch, as phytotoxicity may occur.
Do not apply prior to 4th cover spray. Make
only 2 applications in rotation with other
registered fungicides. Use on weak or
stressed trees can increase potential for leaf
Anthracnose, Bitter rot,
Black pox, Black rot,
Brooks spot, Flyspeck,
Powdery mildew,
Apples (bloom &
growing season)
oz. metallic copper
spotting or fruit russeting.
Make first application before fall rains and
second application 4 weeks later. Reapply
every 7 days, as needed, if disease pressure
Sooty blotch, Summer
scab, White Rot
Bacterial Canker
- 13 oz.
Do not exceed 6
oz. of product (3.6
oz. metallic copper
equivalent) per 1000
equivalent) per 1000
sq. ft. per year.
sq. ft. per year.
Apply when leaf buds begin to open and
repeat when lower buds show white. Reapply
every 7 days, as needed.
NOTE: Crop injury may occur if applied
to foliage under certain environmental
conditions such as hot or prolonged moist
Anthracnose, Cane
spot, Leaf spot,
blight, Purple blotch,
Yellow rust
(Santiams, Logans,
Boysens, Marions,
Auroras, Cascades,
- 13 oz.
Do not exceed 10.7 LB of
product (6½ oz. metallic
copper equivalent) per
1000 sq. ft. per year.
When to Apply
conditions. Discontinue application
if signs of crop injury appear.
Apply at popcorn and full bloom
every 5 days as needed.
Brown rot blossom
& Raspberry)
(growing season)
Cherry (bloom &
growing season)
Evergreens, Blackberry
2 – 8¾ oz.
Do not exceed 3 LB of
product (1.8 oz. metallic
copper equivalent) per
1000 sq. ft. per year.
2 – 26 oz.
Begin application when conditions
are favorable for disease
development. Reapply every 5-10
days. NOTE: Crop injury may occur
from application at higher rates and
shorter intervals. Discontinue use if
injury occurs.
Downy mildew, Powdery
mildew, Gummy stem
blight, Watermelon
bacterial fruit blotch
Pumpkins, Squash
Begin applications at late dormant
(suppression), Scab
Black rot, Downy mildew,
& Watermelons)
Alternaria leaf spot, Angular
leaf spot, Anthracnose,
Do not exceed 11.9 LB of
product (7¼ oz. metallic
copper equivalent) per
1000 sq. ft. per year.
up to bud break with subsequent
applications throughout the season
every 3 days depending upon
disease severity. NOTE: Foliage
injury may occur on copper sensitive
Phomopsis, Powdery
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