Insect Fog
Insecticide Designed for Outdoor Fogging
CONTROLS: mosquitoes, houseflies, gnats, small flying moths
and most harmful garden insects, including: aphids, armyworms,
beetles, cabbage loopers, Colorado potato beetles, corn borers,
corn earworms, cutworms, fleas, grasshoppers, hornets, horse
flies, Japanese beetles, leafminers, mealybugs, mites, tent
caterpillars, thrips, ticks, tomato hornworms, whitefiles and other
listed insects.
USE ON: gardens, ornamentals, vegetables, fruits, flowers, nuts
and herbs.
Store and transport in an upright position.
EPA Est. No. 4-NY-1
EPA Reg. No. 4-376
Buyers Guarantee Limited to Label Claims.
©Bonide Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Bonide Products, Inc.
6301 Sutliff Road
Oriskany, NY 13424

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner
inconsistent with its labeling.
Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use, or
for commercial seed production, or for research purposes.
To control adult mosquitoes apply as a fog or fine mist using good
mechanical, thermal or compressed air equipment. For best results,
treat when wind velocity does not exceed 5 miles per hour. Application
in the evening or early morning is recommended.
Treat area thoroughly with particular attention around low and
marshy places, shorelines, stagnant pools or ponds and shrubbery
or vegetation where mosquitoes may rest. Apply at a rate of 0.5 fluid
ounces per 1000 square feet.

This insecticide may be used outdoors in gardens or in greenhouses
throughout the growing season or as a pre-harvest treatment when
other insecticides are prohibited due to residue restrictions and use
For best results, use throughout the growing season to prevent
buildups of insect infestations. Using good mechanical, thermal or
compressed air equipment, spray plants from a distance of 1 ½ to 2
feet using 7 ½ - 8 fl. oz. to cover 1000 sq. ft. To prevent injury to plants,
avoid visibly wetting the foliage.
Apply in the early morning or late evening when air is still, treating all
foliage with particular attention to the underside of leaves. Contact
insects directly whenever possible. Repeat treatment every 7-10 days
or as re-infestation occurs.