Bome Software MIDI Translator Pro User Manual

Bome's Midi Translator
Tutorial: SCS.3 Quick Start
Bome's Midi Translator: Tutorial: SCS.3 Quick Start 1 Overview

1 Overview

This is a tutorial for Bome's Midi Translator and Stanton SCS.3 devices.

2 Plugin SCS.3 Devices

Plugin SCS.3 devices and open Bome´s Midi Translator. Then save the project as SCS.3 quick start.
Go to Project-->Properties-->Project Default Midi Ports and create the Aliasas for the Devices for in and out communication.
And one for the output communication to the Midi target aplication:
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Bome's Midi Translator: Tutorial: SCS.3 Quick Start 3 Create aliases
In the result, you should have this (don´t edit the names. For running in DaRouter [see chapter 6] the names must be as described here):
Alias Type Device Description
From SCS.3d 1 MIDI INPUT SCS.3 Deck 1 MIDI from Deck 1
From SCS.3d 2 MIDI INPUT SCS.3 Deck 2 MIDI from Deck 2
From SCS.3m 1 MIDI INPUT SCS.3 Mixer 1 MIDI from Mixer
To SCS.3d 1 MIDI OUTPUT SCS.3 Deck 1 MIDI to Deck 1
for controlling LED´s
To SCS.3d 2 MIDI OUTPUT SCS.3 Deck 2 MIDI to Deck 2
for controlling LED´s
To SCS.3m 1 MIDI OUTPUT SCS.3 Mixer 1 MIDI to Mixer 1
for controlling LED´s
To Application MIDI OUTPUT Virtual MIDI
MIDI to target Application
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Bome's Midi Translator: Tutorial: SCS.3 Quick Start 4 Start Preset editing

4 Start Preset editing

4.1 Play Deck A:

1. Create a Preset with name: A: Global Buttons - To Application
2. Then, you have to overwrite the Alias settings for this Preset:
You have to do this, because we want the Preset only to react on ONE SCS.3d.
3. Create a Translator: Play
4. Edit Translator: Go to: Translator-->Edit translator
5. Select Incoming Action: MIDI
6. Capture MIDI and Press Button Play
7. As Outgoing Action we select KeyStroke Out, cause we have no target MIDI Application at this point. Enter: A: Play Return
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