Mic/Line Input Module
• Line mode for high impedance input
• MIC Mode for low impedance input
• Electronically balanced input
• Gain/Trim control with Gain range switch
• Bass and treble
• 24V Phantom power
• Audio Gating
• Gating with threshold and duration adjustments
• Fade back from mute
• 4 levels of available priority
• Can be muted from higher priority modules
• Can mute lower priority modules
• Removeable screw terminal input
© 2007 Bogen Communications, Inc.
54-2156-01A 0706
Specifications subject to change without notice.

5. Gain
Provides control over the level of input signal that can be applied to the internal signal buses
of the main unit. Balances the input levels of various devices so that the main unit controls can
be set to relatively uniform or optimum levels. 18-60 dB Gain range in MIC position, -2 to 40
dB in Line position.
1. Gate - Threshold (Thresh)
Controls the amount of input signal level necessary to turn the module’s signal output on and
mute lower priority modules. Clockwise rotation
increases the necessary input signal level required
to produce audio output and mute lower priority modules.
6. MIC/Line In
MIC/Line level input on removeable screw terminal strip. Electronically balanced input.
3. Treble (Treb)
The Treble control provides +/- 10 dB at 10 kHz.
Clockwise rotation provides boost; counterclockwise rotation provides cut. Center position
provides no effect.
2. Gate - Duration (Dur)
Controls the amount of time the signal output
and priority muting of the module remains
applied to the main unit’s buses after the input
signal falls below the required minimum signal
level (set by the threshold control).
4. Bass
The Bass control provides +/- 10 dB at 100 Hz. Clockwise rotation provides boost; counterclockwise rotation provides cut. Center position provides no effect.
Turn off power to unit and make all jumper
selections before installing module in unit.