BodyMedia 908902PROD2 User Manual

What's New in InnerviewTM Research
Software Version 4.1?
Battery Level
After a successful data retrieve, IRS and IS now displays the armband's current battery level.
24-Hour Quick Select
From the Summary page and the Graph window, you can now select a midnight­to-midnight time period simply by clicking on the date. This feature is only available if the collected data spans at least one midnight period.
NOTE: In a data set where the first and last days are not complete 24-hour periods, clicking on the either day will select as much of that day as is available.
Data Properties
The Data Properties dialog box (formerly called the "Body Parameters" dialog box) has five tabs:
Subject Info - Here you can enter information about the subject. This information
will be saved in the data file.
Researcher Info - Like the Subject Info, data entered in the Researcher Info is
saved with the data file. Default Researcher Info is saved in (Settings ­Application Preferences - Researcher Info).
Notes - In the Notes field you can enter information specific to this subject or
study. This information gets saved in the data file.
METS - Here you can set the METS value for the data file.
Timezone - This is a feature which allows you to select the timezone in which the
data has been collected.
The Data Properties dialog box is accessible by clicking on the subject or by choosing Data Properties from View in the file menu.
Summary Report
IRS and IS now have the ability to generate a PDF based summary report for the active data file. The summary report contains bar charts with the total and daily values for the following:
Total Energy Expenditure
Active Energy Expenditure
Physical Activity Duration
Number of Steps
Lying Down Duration
Sleep Duration
Selectable METS
The METS threshold for physical activity detection is now customizable from the METS for Physical Activity tab in the Application Preferences dialog window. Allowable values are 1.5 to 20.0, inclusive, with the default value of 2.5.
Locale Settings
You can set the default locale settings for either Western (US) or Europe. This will change the display of times and dates as well as height and weight measurements in the system.
Updated Export
It is now possible to export data from a full armband to Excel! Also, researcher information gets included in the new export.
Channel Configurations
There are now several sets of default configurations to choose as well as custom configurations.
Version 6.0 FirmWare!
Record configuration will persist, even if the armband battery is rebooted.
Improved pedometer algorithm
Congratulations on your purchase of BodyMedia®'s InnerViewTM Research Software. The InnerView Research Software is a Java-based software application that enables
researchers to retrieve and save physiological and lifestyle data from the SenseWear® Pro2 Armband and then view, export, print and annotate it for further analysis.
Other notable features include:
Ability to personalize each Armband according to an individual user for more
accurate results.
Saved data can be exported as .xsl or .csv format for easy data analysis using
software applications like Microsoft® Excel and MATLAB®.
Simple graphical representations can be previewed, manipulated, and saved as
.xsl, .csv or jpeg image files for sharing with other researchers.
Ability to print PDF reports of the user's data.
Ability to easily annotate data after retrieval.
Installing the Software
1. Insert the CD-ROM titled InnerViewTM Research Software into the CD-ROM
drive of your computer. If you do not have a CD-ROM drive, please contact
BodyMedia® Customer Service.
2. After a few seconds, this will launch an install program. Click Install InnerView
Research Software on your computer (not firmware) and follow the instructions on your screen.
NOTE: If the install program does not launch automatically, click My Computer, the CD-ROM drive, and install.exe to launch the program.
3. Once the InnerView Research Software is installed, you may be prompted to
restart your computer. Please remove the CD-ROM from your disk drive before restarting.
Once the software has been successfully installed, you are ready to use the InnerView Research Software.
Starting the Software
1. Click the InnerViewTM Research icon on your desktop to start the application.
2. The screen below should appear on your desktop. The application always opens
on the Retrieve SenseWear® Data screen.
Setting Preferences
The Software has several default settings. If you want to change any of these default settings, you can do so by selecting Application Preferences under the Settings menu, .
1. To set the energy expenditure preference, select the Energy Expenditure tab.
Uncheck the box will disable this feature. To enable it again, check the box.
2. You can customize the the METS that determine physical activity by Clicking the
"METS for Physical Activity" tab and selecting a value from the list.
3. You can customize the formatting of the saved data name by choosing the Data
File Tab.
4. By selecting the Locale Settings tab, you can set the timezone, time and date
5. The Researcher Info tab is where you enter information specific to this data file.
This information will appear in the summary report.
SenseWear Sounds
The SenseWear® Pro2 Armband uses sounds to provide status information. To hear the sounds at the Armband's configured volume, perform the following steps:
1. Remove the Armband from your arm and attach the USB cable to the Armband.
2. Under the Help menu, select SenseWear Sounds. This will display a SenseWear
Sounds window.
3. Select the sound to be played.
4. Click "Play" to hear the sound play on the Armband.
Sound Descriptions
Welcome: The Armband has made contact with your skin.
Ready: The Armband is collecting data.
Goodbye: The Armband has lost contact with your skin and is no longer
collecting data.
Timestamp: The Timestamp button has been pressed.
Alert: The Armband cannot collect data because of:
1. Low Memory
2. Low Battery
For more information about Armband feedback, refer to the Armband Feedback section of help.
Configuring the SenseWear® Pro2 Armband
The InnerViewTM Research Software enables you to configure and reconfigure your Armband for multiple purposes and users. In general, the Configure SenseWear section is where you enter the wearer's personal body stats, customize the Armband's parameters, and optimize your data collection channels. However, the most important thing to know about this section is that the accuracy of the derived data depends on accurate user parameters.
To configure your Armband:
1. Remove the Armband from your arm and attach the USB cable. You cannot
configure the Armband wirelessly.
2. Click Configure SenseWear.
3. Next, click Retrieve Configuration. This will pop up a screen indicating retrieval
4. If multiple Armbands are connected to your computer, a dialog box will appear
prompting you to choose which one you wish to configure.
5. Once the configuration is retrieved, you should be looking at the SenseWear
Parameters tab. From here you can customize the settings for each subject's body parameters.
NOTE: If you are configuring Armbands for multiple subjects, you may choose to enter body parameters by clicking on the subject when you upload the data. Changing settings here will alter the subject's body parameters for the individual data file.
6. You can configure the data channels for the Armband by choosing the data
channels tab.
SenseWear Parameters Tab
1. Click on the SenseWear® Parameters tab
2. First, check to see if the SenseWear® Pro2 Armband is initialized with the correct
date and time. If it is correct, proceed to step 5.
3. If the time is not correct, it is due to one of two reasons: a. The Armband time was reset due to low battery voltage, indicated by red
text. Click Apply and this will set the Armband clock to match the computer clock.
b. The computer clock is incorrect. To reset your computer clock, double-
click on the clock located in the right side of your task bar. This will pop up your computer's Date/Time Properties window. Correct the date and time, then press OK.
4. In the InnerView
software, click Apply.
Body Parameters Tab
1. Enter the subject (name or code of person wearing the SenseWear® Pro2
Armband), birthdate, height, weight, sex, handedness and smoking preference.
2. Click Apply.
Data Channels Tab
The SenseWear® Pro2 Armband has 4 configuration options available for data collection.
1. Algorithims - This configuration is the minimum set of data channels need to
calculate energy expenditure and lifestyle algorithims at a sample rate of once per minute.
2. High Rate - This configuration is for collecting High Rate data from the
3. Research - This configuration collects all of the channels necessary for lifestyle
and energy expenditure algorithims at the rate of once per minute. This configuration also collects data from proprietary channels that will be used in future versions of this software.
4. Custom Channel Configuration - With this option, you may customize your
channel configuration. Once a data channel is turned on, you can customize the sampling rate by using the dropdown menu or you may choose a sample rate for all channels from the dropdown on the left. Keep in mind that changing this value from one will either increase or decrease the estimation of total continuous data collection.
To turn a data channel on/off, click the checkbox to the left of the data channel name. Keep in mind that turning channels on/off will change (either increase or decrease) the estimation of total continuous data collection. At the bottom of the screen, you will see the estimation of total data the Armband can collect before it runs out of memory for the configuration that you have chosen.
NOTE: You can save custom settings to a file by clicking the "Save Settings to File" button. You can then use the "Load Settings from File" button to retrieve your custom configurations.
The estimated total collection time is affected by the number of times the Armband is off body. The more times the armband goes off body the more the calculation will overestimate the actual time.
5. Custom Channel Configuration With Lifestyle Algorithms - This is a procedure
by which you can create a custom configuration that is capable of utilizing BodyMedia's Lifestyle Algorithms.
1. Load one of the above standard configurations on the armband
(Algorithms, High Rate or Research)
2. Save the configuration.
3. Re-Load the Armband Configuration (the screen will show the standard
configuration that you just loaded).
4. Click Custom Configuration.
NOTE: From here, you can add custom channels at 1 per min sampling rate or faster
5. Save the configuration.
You should now be able to collect data and still use BodyMedia's Lifestyle Algorithms. For further assistance on customizing configurations, please contact
BodyMedia, Inc.
Description of the Data Channels
The SenseWear® Pro2 Armband contains 24 data collection channels, which can collect physiological data at a rate up to 32 times per second. Usually the Armband is configured to store statistical summaries of many samples over time. The summaries are calculated and stored once per collection period. The default collection period for data is one summary per minute, but this rate may be changed in the Data Channels Tab of the InnerView
There are two main types of statistical measures available with SenseWear; average and mean of absolute differences (MAD). Average is the sum of the point samples divided by the number of samples in the collection period. MAD is the mean of the absolute values of the differences between adjacent point samples summed over the collection period. For example, if the sample rate of the skin temperature sensor is set to one minute, then the average stored is the average temperature reading from the following samples (32 samples a second X 60 seconds = 1920). The MAD is the mean of differences between adjacent samples. Being means, both average and MAD are sample rate independent.
Research Software.
Averages and MAD's at one minute sample rates are comparable to those taken at any other sample rate.
Additionally, the accelerometers can record peak counts. Peaks are points in the accelerometer signal where acceleration has reached its highest point relative to the samples immediately surrounding it. The point sample channels allow the experimenter to record all accelerometer samples acquired at 32 samples per second.
The Armband measures several basic physiological quantities in the various ways described above. Below are descriptions of each of these physiologic measures.
Description: An accelerometer measures motion forces exerted on the body in a
single plane. Static and dynamic forces are measured in two perpendicular axes: longitudinal which is parallel to the arm and transverse which is perpendicular to the arm.
Channels: There are a total of 8 accelerometer channels. They are:
1. Transverse Accelerometer - point
2. Transverse Accelerometer - peak
3. Transverse Accelerometer - average
4. Transverse Accelerometer - MAD
5. Longitudinal Accelerometer - point
6. Longitudinal Accelerometer - peak
7. Longitudinal Accelerometer - average
8. Longitudinal Accelerometer MAD
Technology: The accelerometer is a 2-axis micro-electro-mechanical sensor
(MEMS) device that measures motion.
Units: Meters per second squared relative to earth gravity. For example, a data
reading of 1 is one earth g, or approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s²).
Calibration: Two known orientations.
Scenario: The accelerometer MAD is a measure of stillness and movement. For
example, while sitting still watching a movie, the accelerometer MAD values will be near zero, but while jogging the accelerometer MAD values will be high. The accelerometer average is a measure of both acceleration and orientation relative to the ground. For example, a sleeping person may not be moving, but can still register 1g acceleration due to gravity. On a roller coaster, a person may be subject to higher than normal average accelerations. The peaks summary is related to the frequency of vibration to which the wearer is subjected. An Armband worn by the person riding the roller coaster will record large counts in the peaks channel whereas the sleeper will likely generate values near zero.
Heat Flux
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