Brushless DC (ECM) 34B/FV INTEGRAmotor™
Product Information and Application Notes: 24V Brushless DC motor with built-in voltage
mode PWM controller. Featuring amplifier enable, direction and dynamic braking inputs.
Outputs: 1024 PPR, two channel quadrature optical encoder, and fault signal.
Continuous Stall Torque oz-in 100
Peak Stall Torque oz-in 150
Thermal Resistance °C/W 2.0
Torque Constant oz-in/A 9.6
Voltage Constant V/kRPM 7.1
Current @ Cont. Stall Torque Amp 11.5
Current @ Peak Torque Amp 16.3
Resistance (L-L) Ohms 0.18
Inductance (L-L) mH 0.43
Rated Terminal Voltage Vdc 24
Rated Speed @ Terminal Vdc RPM 2500
Minimum Speed RPM 60
Maximum Speed RPM 4000
Rotor Inertia (with encoder) oz-in-sec² .0154
Feedback (Built-in) Encoder
1024 PPR, 2 Ch/Index
Length Inches 5.70
Weight LB 7.2
Rated Ambient Temp. °C 25
Environmental Protection IP IP-44
Third Party Markings Yes. cURus, RoHS
Number of Poles 4
Bodine Model (Item) Number
All data subject to change without notice. Bodine Electric Company 06/2012©.
Cable kit, model/item no. 3981, also available from stock (all three required cables).
The Bodine type 34B/FV INTEGRAmotor™ utilizes a 24VDC, open loop voltage mode PWM
controller with inputs for PWM voltage control, amplifier enable, direction and dynamic braking.
•1024 P.P.R. two channel quadrature optical encoder with index and line drivers terminated via
separate cable. The encoder is not used for motor commutation.
•Provided with a built-in power supply monitor for both the motor and logic power supplies. All inputs
and outputs are TTL compatible. Outputs are open collector which are factory terminated to the 5V
supply through a 1.0K resistor (other values are available for OEM's).
•Four-Quadrant operation with an internal shunt regulator and 10 Ohm 25W resistor.
•The intended use of this system is with electronic systems that have enough processing capability to
provide the PWM and direction command signals and monitor motor velocity and/or position while
closing the velocity or position loop in software.
•A power supply monitor will automatically disable the drive stage if the 5V supply falls below 4.5VDC.
Last updated: 06/2012 Bodine Type “34B4/FV” INTEGRAmotor™ Stock Motor & Gearmotors, Application Note & Connections (Lit# 07481078.C) Page 1 of 2

•The PWM pin (Pin# 3) should be driven between 15 and 20KHz. It can be run at lower frequencies,
but this might result in audible noise. We don't recommend running it above 20KHz due to increasing
switch losses in the FET's.
•The dynamic brake input will turn off the high side MOSFET's and turn on all of the low side
MOSFET's causing the motor to produce retarding torque that's proportional to motor speed. This
feature would normally not be used in a servo application, except as an emergency stop.
•Retarding torque can also be produced by bringing the duty cycle to zero, reversing the direction
input and ramping up the PWM duty cycle to increase torque. If too much voltage is applied in the
reverse direction, the current limit will kick in. The supply voltage will "pump up" as the motor
regenerates energy in this mode. The user must keep the supply voltage below about 28V in this
mode. The “FV” stock controls have an integral shunt regulator capable of handling up to 25 Watts of
returned power. For application or connection questions, please call our application support team at
773-478-3515 (USA), or e-mail us to: info@bodine-electric.com.
•The Fault output is open collector and has an internal pull up resistor.
•The PWM input is active high. OEM customers can choose active high or low for this input but it's
always pulled up to the 5V supply.
•This motor is rated for a +25°C ambient. Enclosure: IP-44.
TABLE 2: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS (motor/gearmotor & control)
See brochure 07481079A or online CAD dwg for encoder connection details. Please visit www.bodine-electric.com.
Connectors: The 34B/FV control is similar to that on our stock type 22B/FV INTEGRAmotors.
However, the pin-out and connectors are different. See our dimensional CAD dwg (INFS0709) for
34B/FV details and encoder connections (not shown above). Available online at bodine-electric.com.
Last updated: 06/2012 Bodine Type “34B4/FV” INTEGRAmotor™ Stock Motor & Gearmotors, Application Note & Connections (Lit# 07481078.C) Page 2 of 2