B-710 Dryer
Troubleshooting and Information Guide
Effective 6/1/19
All Bobrick dryers require cleaning every 6 months to ensure that
they function effectively. Please note that failing to clean the dryer
may result in malfunction and can void the warranty.
(Refer to page 7 of the Dryer Troubleshooting and Information Guide for Routine Maintenance Instructions)
Email: customerservice@bobrick.com
Corporate Ofce - Los Angeles - Bobrick Washroom Equipment
6901 Tujunga Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605-6213
Customer Service: 818.982.9600, Fax: 818.503.9287
New York - Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
200 Commerce Drive, Clifton Park, New York 12065-1350
Customer Service: 518.877.7444, Fax: 518.877.5029
Canada - Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company
45 Rolark Drive, Scarborough, Ontario M1R 3B1
Customer Service: Eastern Canada: 877.423.6555, Fax: 423.765.8555
Western Canada: 877.423.6444, Fax: 423.503.8444
Email: international@bobrick.com
Corporate Ofce - Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
6901 Tujunga Avenue,, North Hollywood, California 91605-6213 USA
Customer Service: +1 818.764.1000, Fax: +1 818.503.9941;
United Kingdom Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited
Phone: +44 (0)20.8366.1771, Fax: +44 (0)20 8363 5794; Email: info@borick.co.uk
Germany Phone: 0800.79.00.456; Email: info@bobrick.de
Australia Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +1800 353158, Fax: +1800 221926; Email: info@bobrick.com.au

CompacDryerTM B-710 Dryer
Instructions for Using the Dryer Guide ...............................................3
Sample Dryer Service Information Sheet .............................................4
Date Code Information ...........................................................5
Routine Maintenance Instructions ...................................................6
Information and Troubleshooting ....................................................7
Replacement Instructions .........................................................8
Schematic Diagram ..............................................................9
Limited Warranty ................................................................10

Instructions For Using The Dryer Guide
• Signs for your safety: General mandatory sign (to be
accompanied where necessary by
another sign)
Danger: Electricity
• PleasefillouttheDryerServiceInformationSheetcompletely.Ifasectionisnotnecessary/available
insert N/A in the space.
• If the faulty dryer has been installed for 2 months or less, then replace complete dryer and return
faulty unit to the nearest Bobrick Customer Service Department.
• When you receive a call concerning a dryer problem inform, the customer/end user to clean the
dryer and check the motor brushes before going on with diagnosing the problem. Fax them the
cleaning instructions from the guide. If the dryer still does not function after cleaning,
• Inform the customer/end user that the malfunctioning/replaced parts must be returned to the Bobrick
Customer Service Department or a charge will be made for replacement parts.