Bobrick B-527 User Manual

waste-disposal door
12-3/4" 325mm
Mounting Tabs (4)
Waste Disposal Door
10-3/4" 275mm
Technical Data
for mounting in
Rough Countertop Cutout
11-1/4" (285mm) wide
4-1/2" (115mm) high
3/4" to 1-1/2" (19 to 38mm) mounting
4-1/2" (115mm) minimum
clearance below mounting surface
Waste-Disposal Door — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel. All-welded construction. Self-closing door is
equipped with a spring-loaded, full-length stainless steel piano-hinge. International graphic symbol identifies unit.
Self-closing door allows convenient disposal of paper towels and waste from the top by pushing downward through the hinged opening, then shuts tightly after use.
Designer’s Notes: Waste receptacle is not included with unit. Housing below countertop to conceal waste receptacle is not included with the unit—must be furnished by others. Waste-disposal door may be mounted in vertical surfaces of countertop also, including aprons, skirts, or front of cabinets.
Unit is designed for installation in countertop. 4-1/2" (114mm) minimum clearance below mounting sur face is required. Mount unit through a cutout specially ordered from countertop manufacturer or field cut. Dimensions of cutout are to be 11-1/4" wide x 4-1/2" high (285 x 115mm). Adjustable mounting tabs accommodate mounting thicknesses from 3/4" to 1-1/2" (19 to 38mm). For complete installation instructions, see Form No. 527-69, packed with each shipment; also available in advance on request.
Waste-disposal door for mounting in countertops shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded construction; exposed sur faces shall have satin finish. Flange shall have 1/4" (6mm) 90° return. Self-closing door shall be equipped with a spring-loaded, full-length stainless steel piano-hinge and an international graphic symbol. Manufacturer’s ser vice and parts manual shall be provided to the building owner/manager upon request.
Countertop-Mounted Waste-Disposal Door shall be Model B-527 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.
The illustrations and descriptions herein are applicable to production as of the date of this Technical Data Sheet. Revised 4/07 Printed in U.S.A. The manufacturer reserves the right to, and does from time to time, make changes and improvements in designs and dimensions. © 2007 by Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.