Recessed convertible automatic universal roll paper towel
dispenser and waste receptacle, Bobrick Model B-3974.
Recessed convertible automatic universal roll paper towel
dispenser and waste receptacle shall be constructed entirely of
type-304 stainless steel. Exposed surfaces shall have satin
finish. Flange shall be 22-gauge (0.8mm) drawn, and beveled
one-piece seamless construction. Door shall be 18-gauge
(1.2mm) stainless steel and shall be secured to cabinet with
full-length stainless steel piano-hinge and be equipped with a
concealed tumbler lock. Automatic roll towel dispenser
accommodates up to 8" (205mm) wide, 8" (205mm) diameter,
nonperforated paper towel rolls, 800 ft (244 m) long. Dispenser
automatically dispenses towel when hands are placed under the
towel opening. Dispenser can be powered by 4 ”D” size alkaline
batteries or an optional 6 volt DC power supply. Equipped with
switches that allow paper length to be set at 9" (230mm), 12"
(305mm) or 15" (380mm), second activation delay that can be set
at 1, 2, or 3 seconds, and ”Paper Saver” feature that provides a
shorter second sheet with options of 25% shorter and 12.5%
shorter. Blinking LED indicates if batteries need to be replaced
and, when plugged into the building main power, that the
dispenser is powered and ready to function. Removable
stainless steel waste receptacle shall be 8" (205mm) deep and
secured to cabinet by tumbler lock; top and bottom edges shall be
hemmed for safe handling. Minimum capacity: 12-gal. (45.5-L).
This unit is field convertible to:
Folded Towel Dispenser Module: order Part No. 3944-52
(Mechanical) Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module:
order Part No. 3961-50
12-gallon Reusable Vinyl Liner: order Part No. 3944-12
18-gallon Waste Receptacle: order Part No. 368-60
18-gallon Reusable Vinyl Liner: order Part No. 368-16
LinerMate™ for 12-gal waste only: order Part No. 3974-57
PS3974 r020810