Technical Data
Line art shown without door in place
Cabinet — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish on exposed surfaces. All welded constr uction.
Rounded towel tray has hemmed opening to dispense paper towels without tearing. Capacity: 600 C-fold or 800 multifold paper
towels with a semi-concealed tumbler lock keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories.
Door — 18-8 S, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin-finish. Double-pan-back construction. Secured to cabinet
with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge.
Paper towel dispenser accommodates C-fold or multifold paper towels without adjustment or use of adapters. To adapt to
changing needs of washrooms, this unit is field convertible with the Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Module or Automatic,
Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Module. To order convertible modules, reference part numbers below under Options.
• Universal Touch-Free Roll Towel Dispenser Module convertible in field: order Bobrick Part No. 3961-50.
• Automatic, Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module convertible in field: order Bobrick Part No. 3974-50.
Remove existing dispenser module, then install new folded towel dispenser module per Form No. 3944-69. For removal of
Universal Roll Towel Dispenser Module refer to Form No. 3961-69. For removal of Automatic,Universal Roll Towel
Dispenser Module refer to Form No. 3974-69.
Convertible folded towel dispenser module shall be type-304 stainless steel with all-welded constr uction; exposed surfaces
shall have satin finish. Door shall be secured to cabinet with a full-length stainless steel piano-hinge and equipped with a semiconcealed tumbler lock keyed like other Bobrick washroom accessories. Paper towel dispenser shall dispense 600 C-fold or
800 multifold paper towels.
Convertible Folded Towel Dispenser Module shall be Model 3944-52 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.,
Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company,
Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment
Limited, United Kingdom.
The illustrations and descriptions herein are applicable to production as of the date of this Technical Data Sheet. Issued 1/10 Printed in U.S.A.
The manufacturer reserves the right to, and does from time to time, make changes and improvements in designs and dimensions. © 2010 by Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.