Bobrick 3944-130 User Manual

Technical Data
ClassicSeries B-3914 Discontinued Model ConturaSeries Other Manufacturers' similar models to Bobrick's B-3944 ClassicSeries Family
TowelMate reduces paper towel waste by 20% – 40% and complies with the US EPA Reduce & Reuse Resource Conservation
B-43944 B-43949 manufactured prior to May 2010
B-3942 B-3944 B-3947 B-3949
B-4362 Discontinued Model
Patent Pending
13-1/8" 335mm
2-1/2" 65mm
3-5/8" 90mm
2-1/4" 60mm
Towel Adapter
Support Rod
Rod Screw
TowelMate Module – 18-8 S, Type 304, 24-gauge (0.6mm) stainless steel with 2B finish.
TowelMate Support Rod – Black, 3/8" (10mm) diameter Nylon 6/6 Rod fastened to Module with two stainless steel sheet
metal screws.
Optional TowelMate Accessory fits into Bobrick Model number(s) B-3942, B-3944, B-3947, or B-3949 ClassicSeries Paper Towel Dispensers; and B-4362, B-43944, B-43949 ConturaSeries manufactured prior to May 2010. TowelMate Accessory Module has towel guide angle with 90 degree return to prevent paper towels from falling forward out when door is opened for servicing. TowelMate Accessory Support Rod allows dispenser to dispense paper towels one at a time without tabbing, tearing, bulging, sagging and bunching. To load paper towels in towel tray, place stacks of folded paper towels inside module with bottom paper towel leaf facing forward. Feed first sheet from bottom of the towel tray opening over the rod and through the opening to conceal rod and start dispense.
Open door of towel cabinet and remove all existing paper towels from dispenser. Remove existing plastic towel adapter secured inside dispenser cabinet to clear unit of any obstructions. Remove protective film from double back tape on the back of TowelMate Accessory and place Module inside towel dispenser. Position TowelMate Support Rod evenly over the towel tray opening with bottom of module resting down on inside of towel tray and firmly press TowelMate Module into dispenser cabinet back. Load stacks of paper towels into cabinet, start dispense, close cabinet door.
For units manufactured prior to July 2006 with stainless steel Towel Guide brackets, insert TowelMate positioned between brackets.
TowelMate Accessory module shall be type-304 stainless steel with 2B finish. Black nylon suppor t rod, 3/8" (10mm) diameter, fastened to module with stainless steel sheet metal screws. TowelMate Accessory fits into Bobrick Model number(s) B-3942, B-3944, B-3947, and B-3949 ClassicSeries Paper Towel Dispensers and other manufacturers' similar models; and B-4362, B-43944, B-43949 ConturaSeries manufactured prior to May 2010. Paper Towel Dispenser fitted with TowelMate Accessory shall dispense 800 multifold paper towels. TowelMate Accessory Module has a 90 degree return towel guide angle to prevent paper towels from falling forward out when door is opened for servicing, and a TowelMate Nylon Support Rod fitted across the center of the towel tray opening to dispense paper towels one at a time without tabbing, tearing, bulging, sagging or bunching (falling through the opening). TowelMate reduces paper towel waste by 20% – 40% and complies with US EPA Reduce & Reuse Resource Conservation Initiative.
Optional TowelMate™ Accessory for 4" Deep Paper Towel Dispensers shall be Model 3944-130 of Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., Clifton Park, New York; Jackson, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Company, Scarborough, Ontario; Bobrick Washroom Equipment Pty. Ltd., Australia; and Bobrick Washroom Equipment Limited, United Kingdom.
The illustrations and descriptions herein are applicable to production as of the date of this Technical Data Sheet. 3944-201 Rev. 7/22/10 Printed in U.S.A. The manufacturer reserves the right to, and does from time to time, make changes and improvements in designs and dimensions. © 2010 by Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.