The Ultimate
Drivin g Machine
2009 B MW
5 Serie s Sedan
528i xD rive
535i xDrive

Revolutionary performance and surpassing style.
Above. Beyond. Ahead.

Manual, STEPTRONIC automatic, or Sport Automatic 6-speed transmission?
Choice driving.

Color, upholstery and comfort features are only the beginning.
Personalized performance.

Welcoming interior high performance.
The art of engineering comfort.

Inviting luxury and comfort.
Going in style.

BMW Effi cient Dynamics.
This is how much has gone in.
At BMW, we create dynamic vehicles that thrill you with quick acceleration, predictable handling and unshakable control. We are also busy
fi nding ways to susta in this level of perfor mance while incor porating innovative f uels and technologie s to help preserve th e environment.
This is what we ref er to as “Effi cientDyn amics.” This goal has le d to the visionary Cle anEnergy hydrogen- powered engine, whi ch is currently
used in the BMW Hydrogen 7 Sedan. BMW Advanced Diesel with BluePerformance, which offers diesel power with quick acceleration,
increased fu el effi ciency and redu ced emissions, is b eing introduced to the U. S. in 2009. In fact, eve ry BMW on the road tod ay comes
standard with technology that boosts performance while simultaneously reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Lightweight construction
Our engineers use lightweight aluminum
throughout our vehicles – in the front section,
for example, or f or the suspension. BM W’s
inline six-cylinder twin-turbo engine is all
aluminum; the naturally aspirated inline six
is an aluminum/magnesium composite – the
lightest in its cl ass. Taken together, these
weight savings lead to lower fuel consumption and better axle load distribution for more
agility – espe cially in curves .
Efficient transmissions
The 5 Series Se dan offers a choic e of three
6-speed transmissions: a smooth-shifting
manual, and two fuel-efficient automatics
– the STEPTRONIC automatic and the Sport
Valvet ronic
Instead of using a traditional throttle,
Valvetronic technology in the 528i and 550i
lets the engine b reathe more easily by va rying
the lift heig ht of the valves to regulate ai r
intake. The resu lt: improved cold star ts,
smoother running, and a significant drop in
fuel consumption. Using revolutionar y
tech nology such as this, BMW ha s improved
its overall aver age fuel economy mor e than
any other manufacturer.
Twin-turbocharged engine
Benefiting from BMW’s twin-turbocharging
technology, the 300-hp 535i delivers quick
acceleration without any “turbo-lag.” Fuel
economy is strong, as well, thanks to precise
piezo direct fuel injection.
Dou bl e-VA NO S
VANOS is BMW’s valve timing system
that can “steplessly” vary the points in
the combustion cycle when valves open
and close. Double-VANOS refers to the
fact that it operates on both t he intake
and exhaust camshafts. Electronically
controlled in response to engine speed,
load and temperature, VANOS reduces
emissions, and enhances low- to mediumspeed torque, as well as fuel efficiency.
And this is what comes out.
BMW models have low CO2 emissions today.
But that’s just for starters. We’re carrying on
our research in t he quest to bring you greate r
driving pleasure, with fewer emissions and
decreased fuel consumption.
BMW Effi cientDynamics
Less consumption. More exhilaration.