BMA Automation FCCBMA2000, FCCBMA1000 User Manual

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ID No. 54877BA2
Rev. No. 00 01.07.2009
User's Guide
Concentration Meter
Hardware Manual
The units supplied should not be repaired by anyone other than BMA Schaltanlagen
Service engineers or technicians by BMA Schaltanlagen.
In case of operation trouble, please address to our central service department.
The complete user’s guide consists of two parts, namely the hardware and software instruc-
The hardware manual comprises:
¾ mechanical components
¾ installation
¾ electrical installation
¾ technical data
¾ electrical and mechanical drawings
The software manual comprises:
¾ operation of the control unit
¾ parameter description
¾ basic setting
¾ calibration
¾ error messages
The present part is the hardware instruction.
Subject to change without prior notice.
BMA Schaltanlagen GmbH
Am Alten Bahnhof 5 38122 Braunschweig
Tel. +49 531 804 261 Fax +49 531 804 269
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Safety Instructions 7
1.1 Identification and warning notices 7
1.2 General Instructions 8
1.3 General Safety Instructions 9
Chapter 2. General Information 11
2.1 Use and Function 11
2.2 Frequency approval 12
2.3 Intended Use 14
2.4 Definitions 15
Chapter 3. System Description 16
3.1 Principle of Measurement 16
3.2 Calculation of Measured Values 17
3.3 Temperature Compensation 18
3.4 Mechanical Components 19
3.4.1 Control Units 20
3.4.2 Flow Cell 23
3.4.3 Container Probe 24
3.4.4 High-Frequency Cable 28
3.5 Pipeline Measurement Configuration 30
3.6 Container Measurement Configuration 31
Chapter 4. Getting Started 32
4.1 Transport 32
4.2 Installation 32
4.2.1 Flow Cell Installation 32
4.2.2 Container Probe Installation 34
4.2.3 Installing the Control Unit 36
4.3 Connecting the Control Unit 37
4.3.1 Connecting the HF Cable 37
4.3.2 Pin Configuration of the Connector Strip 40
4.3.3 Digital Outputs, Relays 44
Chapter 5. Service Instructions 45
5.1 General Information 45
5.2 Wearing Parts 45
5.3 Instrument Cleaning 45
5.4 Battery 46
5.5 Fuse Replacement 46
Chapter 6. Technical Data 47
6.1 Control Unit 47
6.2 Technical Data Sensors 50
6.3 Technical Data HF-Cable 52
6.4 Format of Serial Data Output RS 232 and RS 485 53
Chapter 7. Certificates 55
7.1 EC Declaration of Conformity 55
7.2 Frequency Approval 57
Chapter 8. Technical Drawings 63
8.1 Dimensional Drawing of Control Unit Hous ing 63
8.1.1 Control Unit Standard CS-100 63
8.1.2 Control Unit High Dynamic CH-200 64
8.2 Electrical Wiring Diagram 65
8.3 Dimensional Drawings Flow Cells 66
8.3.1 Type FC-050-016 66
8.3.2 Type FC-065-040 67
8.3.3 Type FC-080-016 68
8.3.4 Type FC-100-016 69
8.3.5 Type FC-150-016 70
8.3.6 Type FC-020-150 71
8.3.7 Type FC-025-300 72
8.3.8 Type FC-030-150 73
8.3.9 Type FC-040-150 74
8.3.10 Type FC-060-150 75
8.4 Dimensional Drawings Probes 76
8.4.1 Type P-065-006 76
8.4.2 Type P-080-016 77
8.4.3 Type P-100-016 78
8.4.4 Type P-150-016 79
8.4.5 Type P-025-150 80
8.4.6 Type P-030-150 81
8.4.7 Installation Situation in Pipelines 82
8.5 Dimensional Drawings Flush Probes 83
8.5.1 Type PF-065-006 83
8.5.2 Type PF-080-016 84
8.5.3 Type PF-100-016 85
8.5.4 Type PF-150-016 86
8.5.5 Type PF-025-150 87
8.5.6 Installation Situation in Pipelines 88
8.6 Installation Sheets for DynFAS MW (Probe) 89
8.7 Installation Sheets for DynFAS MW (Flush Probe) 91
Chapter 1 Safety Instructions
Chapter 1. Safety Instructions
1.1 Identification and warning notices
The term BMA Schaltanlagen in this User’s Manual stands for the
company BMA Schaltanlagen GmbH.
Please observe the warnings and safety instructions given in this
User’s Manual to rule out physical injury and property damage.
They are identified by the following symbols: DANGER, WARNING,
Indicates an imminently dangerous condition. Failure to
follow the instructions will lead to death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially dangerous condition. Failure to follow the
instructions may lead to death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially dangerous condition. Failure to follow the
instructions may lead to slight injury or a medium-degree inju ry.
Indicates a situation which may cause property damage if the in-
structions are not followed.
Paragraphs with this symbol provide important information on the
product or how to work with the product.
Includes application tips and other useful information.
Further Symbols
Warning sign: no intervention, change nothing
Chapter 1 Safety Instructions
Instruction: Disconnect from mains supply
Instruction: Wear safety shoes
1.2 General Instructions
The most important safety measures are summarised in this op-
eration manual. It supplements the applicable regulations which
have to be studied by the personnel in charge.
Please keep in mind:
¾ the national safety and accident prevention regulations
¾ the national installation regulations (e.g. EN 60079)
¾ the generally accepted engineering rules
¾ the information on transportation, installation, operation, ser-
vice and maintenance
¾ the safety instructions and information in this User’s Manual
and the enclosed technical drawings and wiring diagrams
¾ the characteristic data, limit values and the information on the
operating and environmental conditions on the type labels an d
data sheets
¾ the signs on the devices
Chapter 1 Safety Instructions
1.3 General Safety Instructions
The instrument housings are protected according to protection
type IP 65 and are suitable for outdoor application. The instru-
ment has been tested by the manufacturer and is delivered in a
condition that allows safe and reliable operation.
The measuring systems have to be protected against direct sun
rays and rain during outdoor applications e. g. by a suitable pro-
tective cover.
Never change the installation and the parameter settings without
a full knowledge of these operating instruction s, as well as a full
knowledge of the behavior of the connected controller and the
possible influence on the operating process to be controlled.
The systems may be used only in technically good order and only
according to regulations!
Only authorized persons who have been trained, have the proper
qualification and have received the necessary instructions may
work with the systems! Installations and modifications on the sys-
tems which may affect the operational safety are not permitted!
All systems components require non corrosive ambient conditions
during transport, storage and starting up.
Electrical shock hazard:
Disconnect power to rule out any contact with live parts during
installation and when servicing.
Turn off power supply before opening the instrument. NEVER work
on open and live instruments.
Ambient conditions
Chapter 1 Safety Instructions
Attention! Possible danger, damage to property! Concerns the sys-
tem type CH-200-024 Control Unit High Dynamic 24 V DC (Id.-No.
When connecting the 24 V DC auxiliary power, the + and – Poles
should be connected correctly. There is no reverse voltage protec-
Spare fuses must match the rating specified by the device manu-
facturer. Short-circuiting or manipulation is not permitted.
The DynFAS MW and all ancillary units have to be connected to
mains via grounded connection.
The concentration measuring system DynFAS MW is to be serviced
and repaired solely by qualified persons.
Persons are qualified if they have acquired adequ ate knowledge in
the area concerned in the course of their professional education,
and if they are familiar with the pertinent national occupational
safety regulations, accident prevention regulations, directives and
acknowledged rules of technology. They must be capable of as-
sessing the result of their work safely; moreover, they need to be
familiar with the contents of this User’s Manual.
If liquid gets inside the instrument, cut off the power supply. The
instrument has to be checked and cleaned by an authorized ser-
vice center.
Qualified Persons
Chapter 2 General Information
Chapter 2. General Information
2.1 Use and Function
The DynFAS MW has been designed as a concentration measuring
system and may only be used for this purpose. If it is used in any
manner, which is not described in this user’s manual, the protec-
tion of the device is impaired and all warranty claims are void.
BMA Schaltanlagen only guarantees that the devices comply with
the published specifications. The DynFAS MW may only be inst alled
in an undamaged, dry and clean condition. Alteration work and
modification of the system components are not permitted.
The DynFAS MW does not qualify as a “safety regulated measure-
The standards and regulations customary to the DynFAS MW are
listed in the system instructions in chapter 2.2 f requency approval
and in chapter 7.1 EC-conformity certificate.
The degree of protection of the DynFAS MW according to IEC
60529 is max. IP 65.
The following is contrary to the intended use and, therefore, has to
be prevented:
¾ Use under other conditions and prerequisites than those speci-
fied by the manufacturer in the technical documents, data
sheets, operating and installation instructions and in other spe-
¾ Use after repair by persons who have not been authorized by
BMA Schaltanlagen.
¾ Use in a damaged or corroded state.
¾ Operation with open or inadequately closed cover.
¾ Operation with inadequately tightened adapters and screwed
cable glands.
¾ Operation without observing the safety precautions defined by
the manufacturer.
¾ Tampering with or bypassing existing saf et y in stallations.
Authorized persons are persons, who are foreseen for certain ac-
tivities as a consequence of statutory provisions, or who have been
approved by BMA Schaltanlagen for carrying out certain activities.
Conformance with
Protection type
Misuse warning
Authorized Persons
Chapter 2 General Information
2.2 Frequency approval
The DynFAS MW complies with part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These
devices fulfill the requirements regarding immunit y to interference
and emitted interference and are licensed for operation.
FCC ... Federal Communications Commission
Approval plates
Chapter 2 General Information
The DynFAS MW complies with the R&TTE regulations 1999/5/EG
and fulfill herein all requirements for this type of high-frequency
device. The devices bear the identification of conformity according
to the CE symbol, No. 0682 of the certification office. The certifi-
cate can be found in chapter 7.2 Frequency Approval.
The DynFAS MW is a system for concentration measurement using
microwave technology. The emitted microwaves have a very low
activity and are, therefore, not at all hazardous to human beings
or the environment. Also, the product is not affected at all by the
The DynFAS MW has been manufactured in compliance with the
safety requirements for microwave devices. If special legal provi-
sions exist regarding the use of microwaves, it will be the respon-
sibility of the user to adhere to them.
Any change in frequency or any other manipulation on the micro-
wave device will result in a loss of the frequency approval and w ill
be prosecuted.
The microwave modules do not include any replaceable compo-
nents and must not be opened.
Chapter 2 General Information
2.3 Intended Use
The measuring system DynFAS MW can be used to determine the
concentration of nearly all materials which can be dissolved or sus-
pended in water using microwave technology. The following sensor
and control unit versions are available:
1. The container probes have been designed for installation into
pipelines with a nominal width of 200 mm and in containers,
for example, crystallizers. The probe is installed such that both
measuring rods (transmitter and receiver) are immersed into
the product being measured.
2. The Flow Cell is a tubular probe, with microwave transmitter
and receiver being firmly welded onto the outside of t he pipe.
The inside of the pipe is Teflon-coated. The flow cell is in-
stalled into the existing pipeline system inline or into a bypass.
The control unit is available in two versions: The Standard Model
CS-100 and the high dynamic version CH-200. The control unit
CH-200 can only be used when sufficiently large microwave at-
tenuation (min. 40 dB) is present. The Standard Model CS-100
should be used for lower microwave attenuation.
During operation, the concentration measuring device DynFAS MW
send out electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range between
2.4 GHz and 2.5 GHz (range restrictions depending on local regu-
lations in your country). The microwaves which emerge are not
dangerous to human beings and the environment (power emission
< 10 mW). The microwaves are emitted from the microwave win-
dow; the product is not changed by the microwaves.
To ensure proper function of the meter, please pay attention to the
¾ The material being measured must not be electrically conduc-
tive, i.e. the ohmic resistance is infinite.
¾ The product must not contain any gas bubbles, or gas bubbles
have to be compressed with adequate pressure when carrying
out measurements in pipelines.
¾ The ion concentration, e.g. salt content, has to be nearly con-
¾ The total attenuation of microwave signals must be at least 40
dB for the control unit CH-200. For details, see Chapter 3.4.1
the control units
Chapter 2 General Information
2.4 Definitions
Attenuation Weakening of microwave signals, microwave measurement
Container flush
Container probe with flushing device.
Factory setting All parameters have been set to standard values by the manu-
facturer. In most cases this simplifies calibration of the device
significantly. Despite factory setting, calibration always has to
be performed.
Flow cell Tubular probe for simple integration into the ex isting pipeline
HF cable High-frequency cable.
Microwaves Electromagnetic waves in a certain frequency range.
Phase Phase or phase shift. Microwave measurement effect.
Quad cable Combination of four HF cables of equal length in a corrugated
Softkeys Buttons associated with the software.
TC Temperature compensation.
Chapter 3 System Description
Chapter 3. System Description
3.1 Principle of Measurement
The microwaves that spread between the rods pass through the
product being measured; their propagation speed is slowed down
(= phase shift) and their intensity is damped (= attenuation).
Figure 3-1 illustrates the principle of measurement: the propaga-
tion speed of microwaves passing through the product being
measured is slowed down (phase shift) and their intensity (at-
tenuation) is reduced, relative to a reference signal.
Figure 3-1:
Schematic diagram:
Change of microwave
by product
Prerequisite is that the product being measured shows some
dielectric properties. In general, water is a very distinct dielec-
tric fluid. The water or dry mass concentration, respectively, can
therefore be determined by measuring the phase shift and/or
The concentration to be detected in the product is therefore de-
pendent in good approximation linear on phase shift and at-
tenuation. For this reason we can measure the concentration or
the Brix content of the product using a linear calibration (see
chapter 3.2 Calculation of Measured Values ).
Phase shift
Phase comparison
--> Phase
Amplitude comp
--> Attenuation
Reference path
Reference signal
Measurement signal
Measured value:
Concentration %TS
HF- sources
Chapter 3 System Description
3.2 Calculation of Measured Values
The microwave measuring phase and attenuation are calibrated
after an automatic plausibility analysis.
During calibration, the phase and/or the attenuation or a concen-
tration value (or density value) are assigned by sampling. The
calibration is full automatic and the sample taking is supported by
the control unit.
Which of the parameters, either phase, attenuation or both are
used for the calibration depends on the size and interference of the
measuring effect. For example, the attenuat ion is significantly
more sensitive to electrolytic conductivity (salt content).
In many cases, the mere phase measurement is recommended
and is calculated in good approximation by a linear calibration as
Con concentration
A, C coefficients of respective calibration function
ϕ phase
The DynFAS MW allows you to calibrate, display and output two
concentrations Con1 and Con2. You have to enter the calibration
coefficients separately for concentration 1 and 2. For more infor-
mation please refer to the Software Manual.
Chapter 3 System Description
3.3 Temperature Compensation
Temperature compensation (TC) is necessary if the product tem-
perature varies. In general, we recommend connecting a tempera-
ture compensation, i.e. a temperature signal (0/4...20 mA or
Pt 100) to the control unit and, if necessary, to enable the com-
pensation in the control unit. The control unit is designed such that
the required TC’s can be calculated automatically. The variat ion in
temperature where temperature compensation becomes absolutely
essential is dependent on the product and on the water content. In
first approximation, ± 2°C should be set as fluctuation limit.
TC has to be carried out whenever you are working with.
The TC corrects the phase and attenuation before the measured
value calculation (calibration), in most applications according to
the following formulae (linear compensation, additive).
= measured phase
= compensated phase
= measured attenuation
= compensated attenuation
= temperature coefficient
= temperature coefficient
Δθ = measured temperature (T
) – reference temp. (T
Depending on the selected function (additive, multiplicative, lin ear,
quadratic), the required temperature coefficients appear on the
Calibration menu. Temperature coefficients that are not used are
set to zero.
If you select two-range calibration (split concentration), separate
TC’s have to be entered for both concentration ranges. The coeffi-
cients are entered in the course of calibration.
TC can be carried out via Pt 100 or via current input. This has to
be defined on the Calibration menu. The Pt 100 temperature range
is between –50°C and +200°C.
How to work with the temperature compensation is described in
detail in the Software Manual.
Chapter 3 System Description
3.4 Mechanical Components
The measurement system consists of a control unit, a probe and a
set of special high frequency cables (in short HF-cable). The con-
trol unit is available in two versions: the standard model CS-100
and the high dynamic version CH-200, see Figure 3-2 and 3-3.
Figure 3-2:
Control Unit Standard
Figure 3-3:
Control Unit
High Dynamic
Chapter 3 System Description
The probes are available in different versions, as pipeline and con-
tainer probe with and without flushing device (see Figure 3-4, 3-5
and 3-6).
Figure 3-6:
Flow Cell
nominal width 50 mm
3.4.1 Control Units
The control units consist of evaluation analyser with microwave
unit. The microwaves are generated, received and analyzed by the
microwave unit. Signal processing and communication take place
in the evaluation computer. For simple operation, the measuring
system includes a display, 4 softkeys and an alphanumeric keypad.
Different functions are assigned to the softkeys on the display.
Abb. 3-4 left:
Abb. 3-5 right:
Probe with Flushing
Chapter 3 System Description
Differences between Control Unit Standard CS-100 and
Control Unit High Dynamic CH-200
The Control Unit High Dynamic CH-200, has an additional HF am-
plifier module in comparison to the standard model, whereby the
wall housing is larger (dimensions see chapter 6.2 Technical Data
control unit). Otherwise, the control units only differ in their appli-
Higher product attenuations are allowed for the high dynamic ver-
sion of DynFAS MW. Therefore larger measuring paths can be irra-
diated, for example measuring cells of larger nominal width can be
used. The application of both control units is predetermined by the
product attenuation. Up to an attenuation of 50 dB, CS-100 is used
and beyond, CH-200. The CH-200 generally requires an attenua-
tion of 40 dB. If this is lower, the software indicates an err or mes-
An RS232 interface is included on the underside of the instrument.
Figure 3-7:
Front view of
and cable feed-through
Softkey buttons
LCD display
RS232 connection
HF connections for
signal cable reference cable
Figure 3-8:
Control Unit -
bottom view
Cable feed-through
M 20 and M 16
High-frequency connections
9-pole Sub-D-connector
M-TxM-Rx R-Tx
High Dynamic Version
Chapter 3 System Description
LED’s on the Front Panel
Five LED’s on the instrument front panel indicate the instrument
Figure 3-9:
LED’s on the front panel
of the Control Unit
LED Function
RUN Instrument in measurement mode
Display is flashing when concentration average
value is put on hold, e.g. if an error has occurred,
if the measurement has been paused or stopped
ERR Error
Goes out after reset or if fault has been repaired
SIG 1 Display depending on the selected function of relay
1, possible functions: error, no product, limit value
min., limit value max., measurement stopped
SIG 2 Display depending on the selected function of relay
2, possible functions: error, no product, limit value
min., limit value max., measurement stopped.
COM Communication active, e.g. via RS 232
Terminal Block
The electrical connections of the DynFAS MW are located on a con-
nector strip in the wall housing. The terminal block is accessible
from the front after you have opened the cover. There, you also
find the power cut-off switch and the fuses. The high-frequency
connections are located on the outside of the housing. All other
elements, especially the live elements (on the motherboard) are
provided with a protection cap.
Chapter 3 System Description
3.4.2 Flow Cell
The flow cells are available with nominal widths from 50 to 150
mm (see Figure 3-10) and different flanges. For technical data
please refer to chapter 6.2.
Figure 3-10:
Flow Cell
Pipeline with
nominal width
50 ... 150 mm
A: High-frequency connections
B: Process connection, flanges of different sizes
The flow cell consists of a sturdy stainless steel body. The micro-
wave transmitter and receiver are firmly welded to the outside of
the pipe. The entire product pipe is PTFE-coated and fulfills the
special requirements for use in foodstuffs.
There are not objects extending into the pipe (such as measuring
sensors). The flow cell can be installed in the pipeline via flange.
The flow cell has two HF connections to feed in and output micro-
wave signals. Input and output can be allocated as needed (M-Tx,
M-Rx). The microwave signals transmit the product over the entire
pipeline cross-section.
Chapter 3 System Description
3.4.3 Container Probe
Two different container probe versions are available – either with
or without flushing device (see Figure 3-11). For technical data
please refer to chapter 6.2 Technical Data.
Figure 3-11:
Container probes
with flushing device
without flushing device
A: High-frequency connections
B: Process connection, flanges of different sizes
The container probe has been specially designed for concentration
measurements in containers. Both measuring rods are immersed
into the product. Microwaves are emitted from one end of the rod
and received by the other end of the rod; they are emitted only
towards the opposite end of the rod. This direction characteristic of
the probe minimizes the interfering influence of metal parts in the
vicinity of the probe and allows installation if only little space is
available. For example, the concentration of sugar strike can be
measured continuously to find the suitable inoculation time.
The plastic rods meet the special requirements for application in
Chapter 3 System Description
Two different probe types are available:
¾ The standard type is the container probe without flushing de-
¾ The probe with flushing is employed in processes where incrus-
tations are likely to occur, for example, due to increased depo-
sitions. The flushing device prevents any deposition on the mi-
crowave exit windows. Long travel times are supported by con-
tinuous crystal processes (i.e. VKT).
The flow direction of the product being measured should be verti-
cal, as shown in Figure 3-12. This ensures that the product be-
tween the measuring rods is representative, provided it is mixed
Figure 3-12:
Container wall
HF conne ct ions
measur in g f ield
Plastic rods
~ 190 mm
100 mm
Pt 100 Only the probe without flushing is provided with a Pt 100 and is
connected to the control unit via 4-wire cable. The wiring diagram
for the Pt 100 is described in chapter 4.3.2 Pin Configuration of the
Connector Strip. To reduce the danger of incrustation in the imme-
diate vicinity of the measuring rods, the probe with flushing is not
provided with a Pt 100.
Chapter 3 System Description
Warning, possible property damages!
Do not open the cover screws on the front of the container probes,
see Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-13:
The front of the probe
do not remove!
Probe flange
e.g. Probe DN65 / PN6
Probe with Flushing
The probe with flushing device has been designed for processes
where depositions, for example, due to incrustations are likely to
occur on the probe.
The flush probe has two flushing channels which keep the plastic
rod free from incrustations; this ensures that the microwaves
come into direct contact with the product being measured. All
parts coming into contact with the product meet the specific re-
quirements for application in foodstuffs. Figure 3-14 shows the
probe design.
Chapter 3 System Description
Figure 3-14:
Probe with Flushing
Container wall
4 x HF connections
2 x 3/8’’ Flushing connections, internal thread
measuring field
Plastic rods
Rinsing medium
~ 320 mm
100 mm
The flushing slit width is the same for both probe rods and shown
in Figure 3-15.
Figure 3-15:
Rod head
with flushing pipe
Plastic rods
Flushing pipe
ng slit
~ 1
Chapter 3 System Description
3.4.4 High-Frequency Cable
High-frequency cables (HF cable) are used to transmit microwaves
between probe and evaluation electronics.
HF cables change their conductivity (for microwaves) relative to
the temperature. Therefore, variations in the ambient temperature
would create measurement errors. This error is compensated for
by enabling the cable compensation. Influences of the ambient
temperature on the signal cable are compensated for by means of
the reference cable. The reference cable has the same length as
the signal cable; during operation, it should be exposed to the
same ambient temperature. Therefore, we recommend installing
both cable types together in a corrugated tube; this also simplifies
The HF cable quad (see Figure 3-16) consists of four individual HF
cables of the same length, which each end with one HF plug con-
nector (N-type). Available cable lengths: 2, 4, 6 and 10 m.
When connecting the Flow Cell, the reference cable is short-
circuited to the probe side by means of N-connectors (see Figure
Never bend HF cables! The bending radius should not be less than
100 mm. After installation, fix cables with cable binders.
Figure 3-16:
HF-cable quad
Lengths 2, 4, 6 and 10 m
Corrugated tube
4 x N-connector
18.5 mm
0.35 m
0.35 m
4 x N-
4 x N-connector
Chapter 3 System Description
Figure 3-17:
HF-cable quad, at the
side of the probe
Sensor side
Figure 3-17: The ends of the reference cable R-Rx and R-Tx are
short-circuited with an N-connector.
For further technical data see chapter 6.3 Technical Data HF-
Chapter 3 System Description
3.5 Pipeline Measurement Configuration
The control unit is installed in the immediate vicinity of the con-
tainer probe to keep the HF-cable between control unit and probe
fairly short. The shorter the cable connection, the better the stabil-
ity of the measurement. The standard length is 4 m and the maxi-
mum length of the HF-cables is 10 m.
The flow cell is installed into the exist ing pipeline system inline or
into a bypass. The orientation of the flow cell may either be verti-
cal or horizontal. To rule out sedimentary depositions, vertical in-
stallation in a riser is preferred (see Figure 3-18).
The flow cell should be installed fairly close to the sampling loca-
tion to ensure representative sampling for calibration.
For possibly required product temperature compensation, a repre-
sentative temperature signal (current signal or Pt 100) has to be
connected to the control unit.
Figure 3-18:
Typical measurement
on a pipeline
Pipeline inline
or in bypass
Product flow
Reference line
with N-connector
HF-cable quad
Control Unit
typical 4 m
facing down
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