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BlueSecure™ Access Point 1800 Installation Guide
Table of Contents
I. Overview ............................................................................................................................4
II. Familiarizing Yourself with the BSAP-1800 Hardware................................................5
III. Provisioning Your Bluesocket WLAN for BSAPs ..........................................................8
IV. Selecting a BSAP Installation Location......................................................................11
V. Wall Mounting the BSAP-1800 .......................................................................................12
VI. Ceiling Mounting Kit for the BSAP-1800....................................................................13
VII. Connecting and Powering the BSAP..........................................................................15
VIII. Using the BSAP Command Line Interface (CLI) ...................................................16
The BlueSecure Access Point 1800 is an 802.11n-based “thin” access point that works in
conjunction with BlueSecure Controllers (BSCs) for enterprise wireless LAN (WLAN)
deployments. The BlueSecure Access Point 1800 features dual radios supporting 802.11a/n and
802.11b/g/n with a high performance internal antenna.
BSAPs are simple to configure and require only minimal provisioning to make them operational
on a WLAN secured and managed by a BlueSecure Controller
BSAPs can be directly attached to any existing Layer-2 or Layer-3 Ethernet switch and
communicate with the BSC across any subnet boundary. Once the BSAP has discovered and
established Layer-2 or Layer-3 communication with its home (i.e., host) BlueSecure Controller,
advanced configuration and provisioning may be applied either to individual BSAPs or globally
across the entire WLAN using the BSC’s web-based Administrator Console.
Figure 1: BSAPs Automatically Discover BSCs across L2/L3 Networks
Once the BlueSecure Access Point has downloaded its configuration from the BlueSecure
Controller, the BSAP initializes its radios and begins servicing clients.
This guide provides complete installation procedures for your BSAP including:
• Familiarizing yourself with the BSAP hardware
• Provisioning your Bluesocket WLAN for BSAPs
• Selecting a BSAP installation location
• Connecting and powering the BSAP
• Using the BSAP command line interface (CLI)
BlueSecure™ Access Point 1800 Installation Guide
II. Familiarizing Yourself with the BSAP-1800 Hardware
Make sure that you receive the following items in the package:
Please spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the BSAP-1800 enclosure.
The BSAP-1800 has a high-performance internal antenna (no external antenna is required)
LED Indicators
The following LED indicators are located on the top of the BSAP-1800 housing.
BlueSecure™ Access Point 1800 Installation Guide
Table 1: Status and Radio LED Definitions
Status 2.4Ghz LED 5Ghz LED Description
Yellow Solid Off Off Initial power-up
Green Solid Off Off Initializing software and acquiring an IP
Green Blink Off Off Discovering Bluesocket controller
Green Solid Green
Orange Solid Off Off Software Upgrade
Table 2: Network LED Definitions
Network LED Description
Off No Link Detected
Amber - ON 10/100 Link Detect with No Activity
Amber - Blinking 10/100 Link Detect with with Activity
Green - ON 1000 Link Detect with No Activity
Green - Blinking 1000 Link Detect with with Activity
Radios Activated and passing traffic
The BSAP does not have a power switch. It’s powered on when connected to a Power over
Ethernet (PoE) from a PoE injector (BSAP-POE-001-00-0), switch or other network device that
supplies power over the network cable based on the IEEE 802.3af standard.
Ethernet/PoE Connector
The BSAP-1800 has one auto-sensing 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BaseT RJ-45 connector that
can be attached directly to 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BaseT switches to provide a full-duplex
link. These segments must conform to the IEEE 802.3 or 802.3u specifications.
This connector uses an MDI (i.e., internal straight-through) pin configuration. You can use
straight-through twisted-pair cable to connect this port to most network interconnection devices
BlueSecure™ Access Point 1800 Installation Guide
such as a switch or router that provide MDI-X ports. This connector will sense the correct wiring
polarity, so no crossover cable is required.
The BSAP appears as an Ethernet node and performs a bridging function by moving packets
from the wired LAN to remote workstations on the wireless infrastructure.
The Ethernet/PoE RJ-45 connector also supports Power over Ethernet (PoE) based on the IEEE
802.3af standard.
802.3af specifies Power over Ethernet for “mid-span”, where a PoE injector is located in the
path between the network and the AP, as well as “PSE”, where the power is supplied by the
network switch the AP is attached to. Mid-span devices typically provide power on the unused
pairs (4+5 & 7+8) and only provide 100Mbps maximum throughput. To realize the full benefit
of 802.11n, the BSAP-1800 should be connected to a Gigabit Ethernet PoE switch or injector,
such as Bluesocket model BSAP-POE-001-00-0.
Reset Button
Use this button to reset the BSAP or restore its factory default configuration. If you hold down
the button for less than 5 seconds, the BSAP will perform a hardware reset. If you hold down
the button for 5 seconds or more, any configuration changes you may have made are removed,
and the factory default configuration is restored to the BSAP.
Serial Console Port
Use this port to connect a console device to the BSAP-1800 via special rollover serial cable. The
console device can be a laptop running a program like Tera-Term or Hyper-terminal. The
default settings are 115200, 8 data bits, no parity (N), and 1 stop bit (no flow control).
Kensington Security Slot
The BSAP includes a Kensington security slot on the side panel. You can prevent unauthorized
removal of the BSAP by wrapping a Kensington security cable (not provided) around an
unmovable object, inserting the lock into the slot, and turning the key.
BlueSecure™ Access Point 1800 Installation Guide
III. Provisioning Your Bluesocket WLAN for BSAPs
There are prerequisites that must be met before deploying BSAPs in a live network
environment. These prerequisites ensure that the BSAPs are able to discover and connect to a
BlueSecure Controller. Implementing these prerequisites also relieves you from needing to
manually configure each BSAP-1800.
The deployment prerequisites for BSAPs are:
• BSAP IP Address - Each BSAP requires a unique IP address.
• Host BlueSecure Controller IP Address - Each BSAP also needs the IP address of
the host BSC to which it will connect and from which it will obtain its software image
and configuration.
This section describes how to provision your Bluesocket WLAN when deploying BSAPs:
• On the same Layer-2 subnet as the BSC
• Across a routed network with Layer-3 connectivity to the BSC
Deploying BSAPs on the Same Layer-2 Subnet as the BSC
If the BSAPs are on the same subnet as the home BlueSecure Controller, you can run a DHCP
server on the BSC to manage IP address assignment to BSAPs. In this scenario, the BlueSecure
Controller must be the only DHCP server for the subnet.
Alternatively, you can configure the BlueSecure Controller to run a DHCP relay agent to relay
DHCP communications between the BSAPs and a DHCP server on your network.
Figure 2: Deploying BSAPs on the same Layer-2 subnet as the BSC
When you run a DHCP server or a DHCP relay agent on the BSC to assign IP addresses to
BSAPs on the managed side, the BSC will also pass its IP address to the BSAPs automatically
using vendor-specific option 43. The BSAP will then connect to the IP provided by the DHCP
vendor option as its host BSC.
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