Blue Angel Pumps BCAPSE50ODS User Manual [en, es, fr]

Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
The Professio nal’ s Line
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
Sewage Pump
A sewage system consists of a pump, control switch, and a ba sin for use in ap pli­ca tions where less than six toilets (units) are dis charged into the basin. The sys tem is generally con trolled by a float switch with a plug-in-plug which accepts the pump plug and in turn plugs into a 120 volt outlet.
BCSE50T models utilize a wide angle differential float switch that rises with the liquid level and turns the pump on. As the liquid level decreases the float lowers and turns the pump off. The BCAPSE50 is provided with a solid-state electronic capacitive water level control. When water is detected, the pump will start automatically. This pump is in tend ed for use in do mes tic sewage lift stations. It is suitable for pumping sewage, effluent, wastewater, groundwater and other non
-ex plo sive, non-cor ro sive liquids with up to 2 inch solids. Not approved for outdoor use. Pump contains oil which is poisonous to aquatic life. Do not use in ponds or water features.
Specifications BCSE50M & BCSE50T
Power supply requirements 120V, 60 hz 120V, 60hz Circuit requirements 15 amps (min) 15 amps (min) Motor duty Intermittent Intermittent Motor 120V, 1 Phase 120V, 1 Phase Horsepower 1/2 1/2 Motor full load 8.7 amps 8.7 amps Liquid temperature range 40°F to 120°F 40°F to 120°F Max. operating position 45° from vertical 45° from vertical Dimensions 14 inch x 12 inch 14 inch x 12 inch Intake 2 inch 2 inch Discharge 2 inch NPT female 2 inch NPT female Cut-in level (factory set) 19 inch 11 inch Cut-out level (factory set) 9 inch 3 inch Differential 10 inch 7 inch Switch 90° wide angle
mechanical tether switch
Power cord 16 gauge 3 conductor
with plug
Inspect this unit before it is used. Occasionally, products are damaged during shipment. If the pump or components are damaged, return the unit to the place of purchase for replacement. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains information that is very important to know and understand. This information is provided for SAFETY and to PREVENT EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. To help recognize this information, observe the following symbols.
Danger indicates
an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury.
Warning indicates
a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
Capacitive water sensor
16 gauge 3 conductor with plug
Caution indicates
a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury.
Notice indicates
important information, that if not followed, may cause damage to equipment.
General Safety Information
This product or its
power cord contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
1. Know the pump application,
limitations, and po ten tial hazards.
Do not
use to pump flammable or explosive fluids such as gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, etc. Do not use in a flammable and/or explosive atmosphere. Use pump only with liquids compatible with pump component materials. Failure to follow this warning can result in personal injury and/or property damage.
body material .......... Cold rolled steel
Motor housing ...................... Cast iron
Volute .................................... Cast iron
Impeller .............. Glass reinforced PBT
Seal plate .............................. Cast Iron
Shaft seal ........................... Mechanical
5 10 15
113 90 33
REMINDER: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes!
© 2009 Blue Angel™ Pumps
Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.
For parts, product & service information
330505-002 12/09
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
General Safety Information
11. This equipment is only for use on 120 volt (single-phase) and is equipped with an ap proved 3-con duc­tor cord and 3-prong, grounding-type
2. Make certain that the power source
plug as shown in Fig ure 1A and 1B.
(electric motor) conforms to the requirements of the equipment.
Disconnect power before servicing. If the power dis con nect is out of sight, lock in the open po si tion and tag it to prevent unexpected application of power. Failure to do so could result in fatal electrical shock!
3. Release all pressure within the system before ser vic ing any component.
4. Drain all liquids from the system
Grounded outlet
water sensor
Figure 1A
Pump Power
before servicing.
This pump contains
dielectric motor oil for motor heat transfer. Care should be taken when disposing of this oil. Do not use this pump in ponds or fountains because the motor oil can be harmful to aquatic life.
5. Secure the discharge line before
Figure 1B
Grounding blade
starting the pump. An unsecured discharge line will whip, possibly causing personal injury and/or property damage.
6. Check hoses for weak and worn
condition before each use, making certain that all connections are secure.
7. Periodically inspect the pump and
system com po nents. Perform routine maintenance as required (See Maintenance Section).
8. Provide a means of pressure relief
for pumps whose discharge line can be shut-off or obstructed.
9. Personal Safety:
a. Wear safety glasses at all times
when working with pumps.
b. Keep work area clean, uncluttered
and properly lighted; replace all unused tools and equipment.
c. Keep visitors a safe distance from the
work area. Make workshop child­proof with pad locks, master switch es, and by re mov ing starter keys.
10. When wiring an elec tri cal ly driven
pump such as this, fol low all electrical and safety codes, as well as the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Oc cu pa tion al Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Risk of
electric shock! Never connect the green (or green and yellow) wire to a live terminal!
To reduce the risk of electric shock, the motor must be securely and adequately grounded. This can be ac com plished by the following:
• Insertingplugdirectlyintoa
properly installed and grounded 3-prong, grounding-type re ceptacle (as shown in Figure 1A and 1B).
• Permanentlywiringtheunitwitha
grounded, metal raceway system.
• Othersuitablemeans.
Where a 2-prong wall receptacle is encountered, it must be replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong re cep ta­cle installed in accordance with the NEC and local codes and ordinances.
12. All wiring should be performed by a qualified elec tri cian.
13. It is strongly recommended that this unit is plugged into a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). Con sult a local electrician for installation and availability.
The pump motor
is equipped with automatic resetting thermal protector and may restart unexpectedly. Protector tripping is an indication of motor overloading as a result of operating the pump at low heads (low discharge restriction), excessively high or low voltage, inadequate wiring, incorrect motor conditions, or a defective motor or pump.
14. This pump is designed to transfer
water in cycles. Using this pump in a continuous duty application by ma nip u lat ing the switch to stay on,
will affect the per for mance and the life of the product.
15. Protect electrical cord from sharp objects, hot sur fac es, oil, and chemicals. Avoid kinking the cord. Re place or repair damaged or worn cords im me di ate ly. Use wire of adequate size to minimize voltage drop at the motor.
16. Do not handle a pump or pump motor with wet hands or when standing on a wet or damp surface, or in water.
17. Do not hang this product by the carry handle. Sewage pumps should be set firmly on their legs and supported by rigid piping. This eliminates twisting and damage during pump operation.
18. Do not use an extension cord.
Do not
walk on wet area until all power has been turned off. If the shut­off box is in basement, call the electric company to shut-off service to the house, or call the local fire department for instructions. Remove pump and repair or replace. Failure to follow this warning can result in fatal electrical shock.
In any installation
where property damage and/or personal injury might result from an inoperative or leaking pump due to power outages, discharge line blockage or
any other reason, use a backup system(s).
1. Thread the discharge pipe or
pipe nipple into the dis charge connection.
2. If a check valve is used in a solids
handling system mount the check valve in a horizontal position or at a 45º angle with the valve pivot on top. In a vertical position, solids will tend to lodge on the valve flapper and can prevent it from opening.
3. Drill a 1/8 inch hole in the discharge
pipe ap prox i mate ly 1 inch to 2 inch above the pump discharge when a check valve is used. The hole prevents air locking of the pump at the initial start-up and if it should lose prime.
4. A gate valve should be installed in the
system after the check valve. This gate valve should be a full port valve which will pass 2 inch solids or as required by state and local codes. This gate valve permits removal of the pump and/or check valve for servicing.
5. A union should be installed between
the check valve and the pump so the pump can be removed with least disturbance of the piping.
General Safety Information
6. BCSE50T models are supplied with a detachable tether switch with a piggyback plug (see figure 3A). The length of the tether (distance of cord from float to clamp) should not be set shorter than 3-1/4 inches and should not be used in a basin smaller than 14 inches in diameter. If using a differential other than the factory setting, be sure when the pump shuts off at least 4 inch of fluid is left in the basin so the impeller remains submerged.
7. BCAPSE50 models are supplied with
an capacitive water sensor. Orient the pump in the basin so that the water sensor is 180° away from the inlet. Make certain the incoming water stream does not hit the capacitive surface (See Figure 3B).
8. When a tether switch is used, rigid
dis charge pipe is required. If the pump is allowed to move, the tether switch could be re strict ed by the basin wall, pre vent ing the pump from operating.
Before removing
for service, always disconnect electrical power to pump and control switch. For any work on pump or switch, ALWAYS unplug the power cord. Do not just turn off circuit break er or unscrew fuse.
pump from basin
Make certain that
unplugged before attempting to service or remove any component. This pump is assembled in the factory using special equipment; therefore only authorized service dealers or qualified electricians
the pump is
Check valve 45º
1/2 inch Min. Clearance
Figure 3A - Prefabricated Basins
should attempt to repair this unit. Improper repair can cause an electrical shock hazard.
The pump contains
oil that may be under pressure because of heat. Let the pump cool for a minimum of two hours before servicing this unit.
1. Disassembly of the motor prior to
expiration of war ran ty will void the warranty. It might also cause internal leakage and damage to the unit. If repairs are required, return the pump to the dealer from whom it was pur chased or call 1-888-636-6628. If motor is ever disassembled the o-rings must be replaced. Care must be taken to ensure that all seals do not leak.
Check valve 45º
*Orient the pump so that the switch is 180° away from the inlet. Make sure the incoming water stream does not hit the switch surface.
Figure 3B - Prefabricated Basins
2. After the basin cover is removed and necessary dis charge piping disconnected, lift pump from basin.
3. Pump should be checked on a regular basis for proper op er a­tion. If anything has changed since unit was new, the unit should be removed and repaired or replaced. Only qualified electricians or service peo ple should at tempt to repair this unit. Improper repair and/or assembly can cause an electrical shock hazard.
4. Place the pump in a suitable area where it can be cleaned thoroughly. Remove all scale and deposits on pump.
5. Submerge the complete pump in a disinfectant so lu tion (10% chlorine bleach solution) for at least one hour before handling the pump.
Three prong grounded outlet equipped with a ground fault interruptor
2 inch Discharge pipe
2 inch Gate Valve
45º Elbow
2 inch Check Valve
Sewage pump passes 2 inch dia. solids
Upper level drainage
Floor drain
Vent pipe
Laundry tubs
Washer drain
Vent pipe
Figure 2 - Typical Installation
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Maintenance (continued)
6. Clean all dirt and deposits from the pump float. Make sure float moves freely after cleaning.
7. Clean all dirt and deposits away
from pump inlet and volute.
This pump contains
dielectric motor oil for lubrication and motor heat transfer. This oil can be harmful to the environment. Check state environmental laws before disposing of this oil. This oil can be harmful to aquatic life so consideration should be exercised in the application of this pump.
Troubleshooting Chart
Symptôm Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action
Pump will not start or run
Pump starts and stops too often
1. Water level too low
2. Blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker
3. Low line voltage
4. Defective motor
5. Defective switch
6. Impeller (pump filled with debris)
7. Tangled tether switch (BCSE50T & BCSE50M)
8. Insufficient liquid level
1. Back flow of water from piping
2. Dirty capacitive water sensor
3. Faulty float switch
4. Check valve not installed or leaking
5. Discharge head is less than manufacturer's minimum
1. Pump switch will not turn on unless water covers top of pump
2. If blown, replace with proper sized fuse or reset breaker
3. If voltage is under recommended min i mum, check wiring size from the main switch on property. If OK, contact power company.
4. Return for service or replace motor
5. Replace float switch
6. If impeller will not turn, remove housing and remove debris
7. Arrange switch so the switch moves free ly. Re po si tion pump if necessary
8. Make sure liquid level is at least 13 inches from the basin floor
1. Install check valve
2. Reposition pump, clean sensor face
3. Replace float switch
4. Remove and examine check valve for prop er in stal la tion and free operation
5. Recheck all sizing calculations to determine proper pump size
Pump shuts off and turns on independently of switch (trips thermal overload protection)
Pump operates noisily or vibrates excessively
Pump will not shut off
Pump operates but delivers little or no water
1. Excessive water temperature
2. Defective switch or entangled switch is causing pump to run dry (BCSE50T & BCSE50M)
3. Low line voltage
1. Worn bearings
2. Debris in impeller cavity or broken
3. Piping attachments to building structure too rigid or too loose
1. Float switch movement restricted
2. Restricted discharge (obstruction in piping)
3. Excessive inflow or pump not properly sized for application
4. Defective switch
1. Low line voltage
2. Debris caught in impeller or discharge
3. Worn or defective pump parts or plugged impeller
4. Pump running backwards
5. Pump not properly sized for application
6. Check valve stuck closed or installed backwards
7. Shut off valve closed
1. Pump should not be used for water above 120º F
2. Replace or reposition pump
Pump may start unexpectedly. Disconnect
power supply before ser vic ing.
3. If voltage is under recommended min i mum, check wiring size from the main switch on property. If OK, contact power company
1. Return for service or replace
2. Remove housing, clean impeller and/or replace broken impeller
3. Replace portion of discharge pipe with flexible connector
1. Reposition pump or clean basin as required to provide adequate clearance for float
2. Remove pump and clean pump & piping
3. Recheck all sizing calculation to determine proper pump size
4. Replace float switch
1. If voltage is under rec om mend ed minimum, check wiring size from the main switch on prop er ty. If OK, contact power company
2. Remove, clean and check for tight ness
3. Replace worn parts or entire pump. Clean parts if required
4. Check rotation. (CCW from bottom) Return if CW
5. Recheck all sizing calculations to determine proper pump size
6. Remove and examine check valve for proper installation and free operation
7. Open valve
For replacement parts or technical assistance, call 1-888-636-6628
Please provide following information:
- Model number
- Serial number (if any)
- Part description and number as shown in parts list
Address parts correspondence to:
Blue Angel Pumps 101 Production Drive Harrison, OH 45030 U.S.A.
Ref. Part No. Description Number Qty
1 Mechanical switch Kit (CSE40T) 30000-009 1 Mechanical switch Kit (CSE40T-2) 30000-003 1
2 Power cord (CSE40T) 31035-001 1 Power cord (CSE40M, CSE40T-2) 31036-001 1
3 Impeller 17317-001 1
4 Volute 41027-001 1
Ref. Part No. Description Number Qty
1 Capacitive Water Sensor 30037-002 1 (CBCAPSE50) Capacitive Water Sensor 30037-004 1 (BCAPSE50-2)
2 Power Cord (BCAPSE50) 31035-001 1 Power Cord (BCAPSE50-2) 31036-001 1
3 Impeller 17317-001 1
4 Volute 41027-001 1
5 Bracket 7434 1
6 Through Bolt 16836-004 1
7 Screw 67050-001 3
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Limited Warranty
For two years for BCSE50M and BCSE50T and five years for BCAPSE50, BCAPSE50-2 from the date of purchase, Blue Angel will repair or re place, at its option, for the original purchaser any part or parts of its Sump Pumps or Water Pumps (“Product”) found upon examination by Blue Angel to be defective in materials or work man ship. Warranty is limited to a one time replacement. Please call Blue Angel (888-636-
6628) for instructions or see your dealer. Be pre pared to provide the model number, serial number and dated receipt when exercising this warranty. All transportation charges on Products or parts submitted for repair or replacement must be paid by purchaser.
This Limited Warranty does not cover Products which have been damaged as a result of accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, improper installation, improper maintenance, or failure to operate in accordance with Blue Angel’s written instructions.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or do not allow the exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above lim i ta tions might not apply to you. This limited warran ty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other legal rights which vary from state to state.
In no event, whether as a result of breach of contract warranty, tort (in clud ing negligence) or otherwise, shall Blue Angel or its suppliers be liable for any special, consequential, incidental or penal damages including, but not limited to loss of profit or revenues, loss of use of the products or any associated equipment, damage to associated equip ment, cost of capital, cost of substitute products, facilities, services or replacement power, downtime costs, or claims of buyer’s cus tom ers for such damages.
You MUST retain your purchase receipt along with this form. In the event you need to exercise a warranty claim, you MUST send a copy of the purchase receipt along with the material or correspondence. Please call Blue Angel (888-636-6628) for return authorization and instructions.
DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO Blue Angel. Use this form only to maintain your records.
MODEL NO.__________________ SERIAL NO.____________________ INSTALLATION DATE_____________________
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