o For instructions or any questions pertaining to phone usage, please click on the BLU page by
visiting the following address: manuals.bluproducts.com
o Para obtener instrucciones o preguntas relacionadas con el uso del teléfono, por favor haga clic en
la página de BLU visitando la siguiente dirección: manuals.bluproducts.com
o Para obter instruções ou perguntas relacionadas ao uso do telefone, por favor, clique no página de
BLU visitando o seguinte endereço: manuals.bluproducts.com
o Pour des instructions ou pour toutes questions sur l'utilisation du téléphone, veuillez cliquer sur à la
page BLU en visitant l'adresse suivante: manuals.bluproducts.com

Transportation Safety
Observe all transportation laws and regulations.
Hospital Safety
Follow hospital rules and limitations and turn off your mobile phone when near medical instruments.
Airport Safety
Remember to follow all airport and flight safety regulations.
Water Hazard
Your phone is not waterproof. Keep your phone away from water or liquid to avoid damage.
Emergency Calls
Make sure your mobile phone is switched on and in a service area. On home screen, tap the phone key and
dial the emergency number.
Battery Usage
For better performance and longer battery life, it is recommended that you charge the battery fully before
using the mobile phone for the first time and that you initially complete two to three charge cycles.
IMEI Information
To check your IMEI, press