Blaze BLZ-4NG, BLZ-4LP, BLZ-5NG, BLZ-3LP, BLZ-5LP Use & Care Manual

Blaze Ou tdoor Products Instructional Book
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Version 1.6
I) Shut off the gas supply to the appliance at its source.
2) Extinguish any open flames.
3) Open grill hood to release any accumulation of gas vapor.
4) If a gas odor persists, Keep aw ay from your appliance and contact your gas supplier or fire department immediately.
I) Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapor in the vicinity of this or any other appliance
2) A LP cylinder not connected for use shall not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliances.
Bl aze Out door P roduct s: 6620 Greenwell S pri ngs Rd, B aton Rouge, LA
70805 USA
Phone: 866-976-9510 emai l :
Blaze Ou tdoor Products Instructional Book
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Version 1.6
Table of Contents
I. BBQ Specifications 4-6
II. General Safety and Inst allation Warnings 7-9
i. Location of Appliance 10-12
III. Elec tr ic al Safety and Inst allation Warnings 13
IV. Gas Safet y and Installation Warnings 14
i. Checking for Gas Leaks 15-17
ii. Unpacking Unit 18
V. Gas Connections 19
i. Natural Gas Requirements 19
ii. Liquid Propane Gas and Tank Requirements 19
iii. Trans porting and Storing LP Gas 20-21
VI. Installing the Applianc e in a BB Q Island 22
i. Out door Kit c hen Ventilation 23-25
ii. Building BBQ Specifications + Instruction Diagrams 26-27
VII. First Time Operation 28
i. Lighting the Appliance 28
ii. Manually Lighting the Appliance 29-30
iii. Flame Adjustment 31
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Version 1.6
VIII. Cleaning your Appliance 31-32
IX. O ptional Infrared Sear Burner 33
i. How to Replac e C onventional Bur ner w ith Infrared S ear Burner 33
ii. Preheat ing the Infrared Burner 33
iii. Infrared Burner Cleaning 33
X. Fuel Conversion 34
i. Gas Regulator 34-35
ii. Main Burner 36
iii. Rear Burner 36
XI. Warranty Registration 37
XII. Grill Parts 38-39
XIII. Produc t Serial Number 40
XIV. B laz e Pr oduc t Registration 41
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Version 1.6
Cutout Dimensions
23 1/4”W x 21 1/4” D x 8 1/2”H
BTU Output
14,000 BTU per Burner x3
Infrared Back Burner
Total BTU
Primary Ignition
Push N’ Turn Flame Throw er
Secondary Ignition
Flash Tube
Cooking Grid (includes w arming rack)
Flame Tamer
Flame Stabilizer Grid
Removable Heat Zone Separators
Rotisserie Kit
Optional (4 burner kit available for use
Commercial Quality Cast Stainless Steel
Each grill contains an NG/LP Orifice Kit
Cutout Dimensions
30 5/8”W x 21 1/4” D x 8 1/2”H
BTU Output
14,000 BTU per Burner x4
Infrared Back Burner
10,000 BTU
Total BTU
Primary Ignition
Push N’ Turn Flame Thrower
Secondary Ignition
Flash Tube
Cooking Grid Dimensions (includes w arming rack)
Flame Tamer
Flame Stabilizer Grid
Removable Heat Zone Separators
Rotisserie Kit
Commercial Quality Cast Stainless Steel
Each grill contains an NG/LP Orifice Kit
Model: BLZ-3LP / BL Z -3NG 3 BURNER
Model: BLZ-4LP / BL Z-4NG 4 BURNER
Dimensions Total Cooking Area
Zone Cooking
(Motor & For ks) Burner
Gas Type
22 3/8" X 18"
with this model)
*Limited Lifetime – Defects in manufacturing and wor kmans hip. Cooking grids, Flame Tamers, Heat Zone Separator s , stainless hous ing as w ell as the s tainless bur ners against rust- through.
*1 Year – Ignition c omponents and all other components
*Appliances must be register ed w ithin 30 days of purchase to v alidate this warranty.
*See w arranty section for details.
Total Cooking Area
Zone Cooking
(Motor & For ks) Burner
Gas Type
29 1/2" X 17 7/8"
*Limited Lifetime – Defects in manufacturing and w orkmanship. Cooking grids, Flame Tamers, Heat Zone Separators, s tainless housing as w ell as the stainless burners against rust- through.
*1 Year – Ignition components and all other components
*Appliances must be registered w ithin 30 days of purchase t o validate this warranty.
*See w arranty section for details.
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Version 1.6
Cutout Dimensions
38 3/8”W x 21 1/4"D x 8 1/2”H
BTU Output
14,000 BTU per Burner x5
Inf rar ed Back Burner
10,000 BTU
Total BTU
Primary Ignition
Pus h N’ Turn Flame Throw er
Secondary Ignition
Flash Tube
Flame Tamer
Flame Stabilizer Grid
Removable Heat
Rotis ser ie Kit
Commercial Quality
Eac h gr ill contains an NG/LP Orifice Kit
Model: B LZ-5LP / BLZ-5NG 5 BURNER
Grid Total Cooking Area
Zone Cooking
(Motor & Burner
Gas Type
37" X 18"
(includes w arming rack)
Zone Separator s Optional
Cast Stainless Steel
*Limited Lifetime – Defects in manufacturing and w orkmanship. Cooking grids, Flame Tamers, Heat Zone Separators, s tainless housing as w ell as the stainless burners against rust- through.
*1 Year – Ignition components and all other components
*Appliances must be registered within 30 days of purchase to validate this w arranty.
*See w arranty section for details.
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Version 1.6
NOTE: ALWAYS have equipment measured by Contractor before beginning
any project.
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Version 1.6
Please read this manual carefully and before using your BL AZE GR I L L to ensure proper operation, installation, servicing and to reduce the risk of fire, burn hazard and or other injury. This manual should be retained for your information
Improper installation and service or maintenance may cause property damage, injury or death. Do not operate this appliance without having read this manual All gas installations and gas conversions must be performed by a qualified technician or authorized service
agent. NOTE: This appliance is not intended for commercial use.
If you smell ga s:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. If odor continues, immediately
call your gas supplier or your fire department.
General Safety and Installation Warnings
Safe operation of the BLAZE GRILL depends upon its proper installation. and service technician must perform adjustments and service of the grill. Proper location and proper use is essential to insure safe and continued trouble-free operation. appliance will void the product’s warranty.
NOTE: The manufacturer cannot be held responsib le for damage or injury caused by improper use of this appliance.
When us ing your B laze appliance , please read and f oll ow t hese basic precautions:
Any non-approved alterations made to the
Only a qualified professional installer
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Version 1.6
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury, read and follow t hese bas i c prec auti ons before
ins tall i ng/operat i ng your
This gas appliance must be installed in accordance with all local codes. If installation is planned in an area with no local codes, the gas appliance must be installed in accord with the National
Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 and storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases, ANSI/NFPA 58 or
B149.1 natural gas and propane installation code.
The burning known warn
gas cooking
the State of California to cause cancer
fuel generates
customers of potential exposure to such substances. To minimize exposure to these substances, always
the unit according to the use and care manual, ensuring you provide good ventilation when cooking.
WARNING: Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Read the installation, operating and maintenance instructions thoroughly befor e installing or servicing this equipment.
reproductive harm. California law requires
which are on the list of substances
which are
Do not us e the appl i anc e as st orage area for flamm able m aterial s. K eep area c l ear and free from combustible
materials, gasoline, and other flammable v apors and liquids. Failure to do so can result in death, explosion, or fire.
In Massachusetts: All gas products must be installed using a “Massachusetts” licensed plumber or gasfitter. A “T” handle type manual gas valve must be installed in the gas supply line to this appliance. This applies to permanently installed natural gas and propane installations. installations using a 20 pound tank.
This does not apply to propane portable
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Version 1.6
Have an ABC Fire Extinguis her ac ces sible at all times . Never attempt to extinguish a greas e fire
h c app it
with water or ot her li qui ds.
IMPORTANT: Consult the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) or local contractor of any uncertainty.
This unit is for outdoor use only!
Do not operate in a building, garage or any other enclosed areas. This could result in carbon monoxide buildup could result in injury or death.
For proper operation, burners must be aligned with the valve orifice and seated in the bracket slot. This is accomplished by first placing the burner tube shutter hole securely over the valve orifice and ensuring the male po st on the rear of the burner res ts i n the openi ng in the gril l chass i s. F ai l ure t o do so could resul t i n a fire and i nj ury .
piders and small insects occasionally spin webs or make nests in the burner tubes. These webs can lead to a gas flow obstruction, whic
ould result in a fire in and around the burner tubes. This type of fire is known as “FLASH-BACK” and can cause serious damage to your
liance and create an unsafe operating condition for the user. Although an obstructed burner tube not the only cause “FLASH-BACK”
is the most common cause, and frequent inspection and cleaning of the burner tubes is necessary.
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Version 1.6
NOTE: Check with City and Fire department for Local Building Codes. A Permit may be
required for outdoor kitchen construction.
Do not attempt to he at unopene d containe rs on the grill as pre ssure may build up and cause the containe r to explode .
Never use c ha rcoal or any other solid fuel in the grill.
Never cook without the drip pan in place.
Never op era t e th i s grill while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Location of Appliance
Mos t importantly, t his is an outdoor appliance . E nsure your app li anc e is pos itioned safely aw ay from anything that can catch fire. Under no circumst ance is this appliance to be used indoors. This includes garages or any other enclosed area. This outdoor cooking gas appliance is not approved to be installed in or on any recreational vehicles and /or boats. B laze Gri ll s are for s ingl e f amily / re sidentia l us e only .
When determining a suitable location take into account concerns such as exposure to wind, proximity to traffic paths and keeping any gas supply lines as short as possible.
Do not store combustible materials, gasoline or flammable liquids or vapors around the appliance.
T h is BL AZE GRILL must be located outdoors only. As with any gas appliance, harmful carbon monoxide is produced during the combustion process that should not be allowed to accumulate in a confined space.
Please note since hot air rises above the BLAZE GRILL while in operation, covered
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locations should be avoided. Do not locate the BLAZE GRILL where an overhang or awning may cover it.
DO NOT obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air to this appliance
Keep any electrical supply cords and the fuel supply hoses away from any heated surfaces and/or sharp and aggressiv e edges.
Non-Combustible Enc los ure : The BLAZE GRILL must be installed in a NON-COMBUSTIBLE ENCLOSURE ONLY. The determination of whether a location is combustible or non-combustible
construction is made by the local fire marshal, build ing inspector or the local safety authority having jurisdiction.
Clearance f rom C om bustibles: Ensure your appliance remains at a distance of at least 14” from sides & 16” from back from any combustible materials, structure itself should be constructed completely out of non-combustible materials. This outdoor cooking gas appliance shall not be located under overhead construction.
Adequate Ventilation: Ensure there is adequate ventilation for both the appliance, grill cart and/or island cavity. T his is required not only for proper combustion, but also to prev ent gas build up. While the amount of v enting required v aries on a case by case basis, consult with your local licensed professional and local code for adequate venting requirements. Keep the v entilation openings of the enclosure free and clear from any debris.
Firm Level Surface: Use your appliance only on a firm level surface. This appliance is not designed for recreational v ehicles, and should not be installed on a boat or marine craft.
combustible material such as wood, gyprock, paper and plants. Do not store
gasoline or f lammable liquids or v apors around the appliance. T he outdoor kitch en
Protection from Weather: Keep the appliance protected from adverse weather, including rain and winds. Wind, particu larly coming into t he r ear of the gri ll , can a ff ect t he e xha ust from escaping from t he grill. This c an back up the heat behind the cont rol pa nel potenti a lly cre at ing a gas leak, da m age to the product, and in jur y .
Maintenance Acces s : When your appliance is installed, you should be able to access the gas supply line including the gas piping or hose, gas regulator, gas cylinder and any shut off valves. Allow clear access to the entire gas supply hose and regulator.
Partial Enc losures : Many backyards have areas that are partially closed off , such as balconies and pergolas. In some cases, it is hard to decide whether these partially enclosed areas should be classified as indoor areas, particularly in terms of permanent (non-closable) ventilation. Consult the AHJ (Authority Hav ing Jurisdiction) or local contractor of any uncertainty. T his outdoor cooking gas appliance shall not be located under overhead construction.
Pleas e read all instructions before i nstallin g or operating yo ur gas applia nce to pr ev ent in jur y and damage.
All gas appliances will get hot during use. Use extreme caution when operating the appliance.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Always use the handle to open or close the appliance.
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Close supervision is necessary when this or any appliance is used near children. Keep children away from the appliance during operation and until the appliance has coo led off.
Do not store any LP cylinder or tank not connected for use with the appliance, in the area of this appliance or any other appliance. Nev er store an LP cylinder or tank indoors, or within the reach of children.
Nev er test the appliance for gas leaks using a lighted match or any other open flame; see leak test procedures using soap/water solutions – see sectio n on Leak Testing.
The use of accessories, regulators, or components not recommended by th e appliance manufacturer ma y ca use injuries and will v oid warranty.
Nev er light the appliance with the hood closed and be certain that the burners are positioned and seated ov er the gas valv es and on the burner support.
Nev er lean ov er the cooking surface when lighting or operating the appliance.
Use cooking utensils with wood handles and insulated oven mitts when operating the appliance.
Do not store anything in the appliance. Make sure food is not forgotten in the appliance; forgotten items could melt or catch fire when the appliance is turned on.
To prev ent injuries, do not use accessories that are not recommended by the manufacturer.
Before cleaning the appliance, disconnect the rotisserie and "trip" the circuit breaker.
Never use the appliance in windy conditions. If located in a cons ist ently windy area (oceanfront, mountaintop, etc.) a wind break will be required. Winds blowing into or across the back hood gap, can cause poor performanc e and / or c ause t he cont rol panel and k nobs to get dangerousl y hot.
Always open the appliance hood carefully, using only the handle - the hood may be hot.
Children should not be left alone or unattended in an area where any appliance is in use. They should nev er be allowed to touch, sit or stand on any part of the appliance.
Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets above the appliance or in the appliance. Children climbing on the appliance to reach these items could be seriously injured.
Wear proper clothing when operating this appliance. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never be worn while using the appliance.
Do not leave the appliance unattended while in use.
Do not use water on grease fires! A violent steam explosion may result. Instead, smother the fire with a multipurpose ABC extinguisher.
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Version 1.6
El ect rical Safet y a nd Ins ta lla t ion Warnings
Extension cords may be used if care is exercised in their use. If an extension cord is used:
The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance
The cord should be arranged so that it will not touch hot su rfaces, sharp edges or drape over the
countertop or tabletop (where it can be pulled or tripped ov er unintentionally). Outdoor extension cords should be used with products suited for outdoor use. They are surface marked with suffix letters "W" or "W-A" and with a tag stating "Suitable for Use with Outdoor Appliances". To protect against electrical shock, th e power cord and plug should be kept dry and off of the ground. not clean this product with water spray; do not spray cleaners into the lamp socket area. Gasoline, lighter fluid or other flammable liquids and v apor s should never be stored in the area of this appliance or any other appliance. Before installation or service, disconnect the power supply to th e work area by remov ing the fuse, "tripping" the circuit breaker, or unplugging the unit.
Keep any electrical supply cord and fuel supply hose away from any heated surfaces, sharp edges and dripping Be certain your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualified technician in accordance with applicable codes. To guarantee the electrical safety of this appliance, continuity must exist between the appliance and an effective grounding system. It is imperativ e that this basic saf ety requirement be met. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the lack or inadequacy of an effective grounding system. Do not operate any appl i anc e with a dam aged power cord or power pl ug, and do not operat e any appli ance
the appliance malfunctions or has been damaged in any manner. If this should occur, return the applia nce
to the
nearest aut hori z ed service faci l i t y for ex am i nat i on, repair or adjustment. Be c ertain your appli ance is properly inst alled and grounded by a qual ified tec hnici an i n acc ordance with applic able c odes. To guarantee t he elec t ri cal safet y of thi s appl i ance, cont i nui ty m ust ex i st between the appliance and an effective grounding system. It is imperative that this basic safety requirement be met. The
manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages caused by the lack or inadequacy of an effective grounding system. This appliance conforms to all uniform electrical safety codes and electrical grounding regulations. Install unit
according to I.A.W. local codes or with National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70 or CSA C22.1 in their absence.
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