60cm cabinet, 1 & ΒΌ bowl and drainer tray sink
Model Code: LIVIT6SL-CENTRIC, left hand sink
LIVIT6SR-CENTRIC, right hand sink
Inclusions: Stainless Steel Colander
Designer Waste
Warranty: 30 Year Lifetime
(subject to conditions on warranty card)
Spacious drainer tray
Stainless Steel Colander included
Remote activated waste release
Designer waste included
Inbuilt overflow in main bowl
Fitted with sink clips and polyethylene
Enables you to rinse, wash, stack, dry, sort, chop and
dispose of waste utilising one sink.
Fits snugly into the second bowl or side ways across
the main bowl
Alleviates need to immerse hands in water to drain
No need to purchase separately, sink ready for use
when purchased.
No overfilling of the bowl, prevents damage to the
Ease of installation and silicon unnecessary
Product Codes: LIVIT6SL-CENTRIC, left hand sink
LIVIT6SR-CENTRIC, right hand sink
Engineering: Stainless steel 18/10 brushed finish
Dimensions: 1000 X 500mm
Bowl Depth: 160 &137mm
Cut-out Size: 982 x 482mm (15mm radiu s corners)
Standard Inclusions: Designer Waste
LIVITCOLSS β Stainless Steel colander bowl
Optional Accessories: LIVITWCB β Wooden cutting board
BUCRBSS β Stainless steel crockery basket