Blanco CULINABR Specifications Sheet

Features Benefi ts
Single Lever Sink Mixer in “DR” Brass
Brushed Chrome Finish
360o Swivel Spout
Integrated Design
Ceramic Disk Cartridge
High Clearance Outlet
Made in Italy
Durable design with long lasting appearance
Easy cleaning and maintenance free
Allows better access to the sink for washing large items
Integrated into any sink design
Durable and long lasting ceramic disk technology
Giving greater ability to clean larger items in confi ned space
European styling and engineering
Single lever brushed chrome mixer tap withfl exi arm
10 years
Specifi cations
Material: Solid Single Cast DR Brass Body Brushed chrome fi nish 35mm Ceramic Cartridge
Min: 150 kPa
Max: 1000 kPa
Recommended Pressure: 300 kPa
(Suitable for Main or Balanced Water Pressures only)
Dimensions: 220 mm c/c Spout Length
298.5 mm Spout height from tap mount to outlet 545 mm Overall spout height from tap mount to top of spout
Mounting Hole: 35mm Diameter
Standard Inclusions: Australian Standard Flexible Hose and Fittings
Warranty: 10 years
Note: Measurements are within 2 - 3mm of factory tolerance. It is advisable to check dimensions of physical product when measuring for installations and before doing any cut outs.
*Due to continual product development the information provided is not fi nal and may be subject to change.