Stainless Steel Single Bowl Inset / Flushmount Sink
Features Benefi ts
Over 90 years of Stainless Steel know-how make Blanco one of the world
Engineered in Germany
Inset fl ushmount installation
18/10 Surgical Grade Stainless
Large 53L capacity main bowl
Tight radius corners
leaders in sink manufacturing, which translates to superior products for
your home.
This elegant IF fl at rim not only has an appealing fl ush fi t but it makes it
much easier to clean around the sink.
Engineered from surgical grade stainless steel and with Blanco’s satin
fi nish, this sink is the ultimate food preparation area.
Accommodates the largest of baking trays, woks and other bulky kitchen
The small radius maximises useable space in the bowl to allow for larger
pots and pans. Also allows for easy cleaning.
Model Code
Double bowl inset or fl ushmount with overfl ow
30 Year Warranty
Specifi cations
Method of Installation: Inset/fl ushmount
Cabinet Size: 90cm
Overall Dimensions: 865w x 440d x 190h mm
Inset Cut-out: 855w x 430d mm
(refer to CAD drawing on the website for corner radii)
Flushmount Cut-out: 867w x 442d mm
(refer to CAD drawing on the website for corner radii)
Bowl Capacity: 30 Litres
Standard Inclusion: Designer Wastes and Integrated Overfl ow
Warranty: 30 years
Mounting hole: Ø35 mm tap hole required
Broad range offering
Integrated overfl ow
– Plumbing kit supplied
Varying sizes available. You can create a design utilising just one bowl or a
collection of bowls from the range.
No overfi lling of the main bowl, prevents damage to the kitchen.
Note: Measurements are within 2-3mm of factory tolerance. It is advisable to check dimensions
of physical product when measuring for installations and before doing any cut outs.
*Due to continual product development the information provided is not fi nal and may be subject
to change.