Black & Decker TRO910B, TRO910W User Manual

Broiler Asador Rôtissoire
Models Modelos Modèles
USA/Canada 1-800-231-9786 Mexico 01-800-714-2503
(USA/Canada) 1-800-738-0245
Accessoires/Pièces (É.-U./Canada)
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When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following:
Read all instructions.Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse cord, plug, or any
non-removable parts of this oven in water or other liquid.
Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near
Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow to cool
before putting on or taking off parts.
Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the
appliance malfunctions or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair, or electrical or mechanical adjustment. Or, call the appropriate toll­free number listed on the cover of this manual.
The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance
manufacturer may cause injuries.
Do not use outdoors.Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.Do not place on or near a hot gas or electrical burner, or in a heated oven.Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil
or other hot liquid.
Turn all controls to OFF before inserting or removing plug from wall outlet.Do not use appliance for other than intended use.Oversize foods or metal utensils must not be inserted in this appliance, as
they may create a fire or risk of electric shock.
A fire may occur if the toaster oven is covered or touching flammable
material including curtains, draperies, walls and the like, when in operation. Do not store any item on top of unit when in operation.
Do not clean with metal scouring pads. Pieces can break off the pad and
touch electrical parts resulting in a risk of electric shock.
Do not store any material, other than manufacturer's recommended
accessories, in this oven when not in use.
Extreme caution should be used when using containers constructed of other
than metal or glass.
As a safety feature, this product is equipped with a grounded plug, which will only fit into a three-prong outlet. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature. Improper connection of the grounding conductor may result in the risk of electric shock. Consult a qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet is properly grounded.
a) A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is to be
provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
b) Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and
may be used if care is exercised in their use.
c) If a long detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used,
1) The marked electrical rating of the detachable power-supply cord or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance,
2) If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be a grounding-type 3-wire cord, and
3) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over.
Warning : This appliance is equipped with a tamper-resistant screw to prevent removal of the outer cover. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not attempt to remove the outer cover. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Repair should be done only by authorized service personnel.
Note: If the power supply cord is damaged, it should be replaced by qualified personnel or in Latin America by an authorized service center.
Do not place any of the following materials in the oven: paper, cardboard,
plastic wrap, and the like.
Do not cover crumb tray or any parts of the oven with metal foil. This will
cause overheating of the oven.
Use extreme caution when removing tray or disposing of hot grease.
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Product may vary slightly from what is illustrated.
How to Use
This product is for household use only. Before first use, remove the slide rack, broil rack and bake pan from oven. Wash in sudsy water,
rinse and dry with dishtowel or paper towel. Replace slide rack in oven. Apply the same method to the easy-grip bake pan and grill handling.
For Toasting:
1. Position the slide rack in the rack-slot with the rack rail up. It is not necessary to preheat the oven for toasting.
2. Set the toast color dial as desired (A). For best results, select the medium setting for your first cycle, then adjust lighter or darker to suit your taste.
3. The on indicator light will come on and stay on during the toasting cycle. When the toasting cycle is done, the signal bell will sound, the oven will automatically shut off and the on indicator light will go out.
4. If you want to discontinue toasting, turn the toast color dial to the off position.
For Baking:
1. Consult the baking/broiling charts below for the type of food you want to cook and position the slide rack in the oven as shown in.
2. Turn the bake/broil temperature control dial to the desired
temperature setting (B).
3. If using the bake timer, turn the dial to the desired number of
minutes (C).
NOTE: For best results, when baking or cooking, always preheat the
oven for 5 minutes.
4. The upper and lower heating elements will cycle on and off to maintain temperature.
5. When finished baking, turn the bake/broil temperature control dial to the off position.
6. If using the bake timer, the signal bell will sound after the designated amount of time. When finished baking, using easy-grip bake pan and grill handle (D), oven mitt or pot holder, remove slide rack with bake pan, and turn the temperature control dial to OFF.
For Broiling:
1. Turn the temperature control dial to broil. The oven does not need to be preheated for broiling.
2. Position the slide rack in the rack slot with the rack rail down. Insert the broil rack on top of the bake pan and place both on the slide rack. Bake timer can also be used to control broiling time. Only upper heaters turn on during broiling.
1. "On" Indicator Light
†2. Bake/broil temperature control dial
White (Part # TRO910W-18), Black (Part # TRO910B- 18)
†3. Bake timer
White (Part # TRO910W-19), Black (Part # TRO910B-19)
†4. Toast color dial
White (Part # TRO910W-20), Black (Part # TRO910B-20)
†5. Slide rack
White (Part # TRO910W-46), Black (Part # TRO910B-46) †6. Slide-out crumb tray (Part # TRO910W-43) †7. Bake pan
White (Part # TRO910W-47), Black (Part # TRO910B-47) †8. Broil rack
White (Part # TRO910W-45), Black (Part # TRO910B-45) †9. Easy-grip bake pan and grill handle
White (Part # TRO910W-06), Black (Part # TRO910B-06) † Consumer replaceable/removable parts
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Chicken pieces 1-6 pieces 35-45 Arrange pieces skin-side
minutes down; turn after 20-25
minutes. Continue broiling until 170°F on meat thermometer, or juices run clear.
Frankfurters 1-8 frankfurters 15-18 For uniform browning,
minutes turn frequently.
Hamburgers 1-6 (1/4 lb. each) 25-35 Turn after 15 minutes;
minutes continue broiling until
145°F on meat thermometer, or done as desired
Beef steaks 1-2 (3/4-inch thick) 25-35 Turn after 15 minutes;
minutes continue broiling until
145°F on meat thermometer, or done as desired
Pork chops 1-6 (3/4-inch thick) 30-40 Turn after 20 minutes;
minutes continue broiling until
160°F on meat thermometer.
Fish steaks 1-6 (1-inch thick) 25 minutes Turn after 10 minutes;
continue broiling until fish flakes easily with a fork.
Open-faced 1-4 slices 7-10 For crispier sandwich, cheese sandwich minutes toast bread first. Top bread
with sliced cheese, and tomato if desired. Broil until cheese is melted. Use bake pan without broil rack.
NOTE: When BROILING foods, place the broil rack in the bake pan. Turn bake/broil temperature dial to BROIL. Do not preheat. Broiling times are approximate. Do not undercook ground beef, fish or poultry. Check for desired doneness on steaks. In all instances, you can use the easy-grip bake pan and grill handle to check on the status of your food.
Chicken pieces to fit bake pan 400
°F for
40-50 Arrange in bake
(1-6 pieces) minutes pan and place
on top of slide rack, rack rail up. Bake until chicken registers 170
on meat
Ham, Lamb to fit bake pan 350
or Arrange in bake or pork chops, (1-4 chops follow favorite pan and place fish fillet or steak or steaks) recipe on top of slide
rack, rack rail up. Bake until done as desired.
Cookies 6-8 cookies follow package or Arrange in bake pan (recipe or recipe directions and place on top of refrigerated slide rack, rack rail slice & bake, down. drop or pre-cut) Bake until done and
browned as desired.
Biscuits, to fit bake pan follow package or Arrange in bake pan dinner rolls recipe directions and place on top of (recipe or slide rack, rack rail refrigerated) down.
Bake until done and browned as desired.
White or 1-6 medium 400
for Wash and pierce sweet potatoes potatoes 1- 1-1/4 hours potatoes. Place
directly on slide rack, rack rail up.
Frozen French single layer 400
follow Arrange in bake pan fries, onion to fit package and place on top of rings, other bake pan directions for slide rack, rack rail frozen initial timing. up. (breaded and Turn once during fried) foods baking. Check
frequently to prevent over browning.
NOTE: When BAKING foods, use lowest rack position and place bake pan on top of slide rack. Preheat oven for 5 minutes before placing food in oven. Recommended times as a guide. In all instances, you can use the easy-grip bake pan and grill handle to check on the status of your food.
Individual 400
follow Place pizza
frozen pizza package directions directly on Slide
for initial timing. rack, rack rail up.
Check frequently to prevent over browning.
3. Use the chart below as a guide to cooking times. Check food for doneness at minimum cooking time. You can also use the easy-grip bake pan and grill handle to check on the readiness of your food.
4. When finished broiling, using easy-grip bake pan and grill handle, oven mitt or pot holder, remove slide rack with broil pan, and turn the temperature control dial to OFF.
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Cuando se utilizan aparatos eléctricos, se debe respetar ciertas medidas de seguridad, incluyendo las siguientes:
Por favor lea todas las instrucciones.
No toque las superficies calientes. Utilice las asas o las perillas.
A fin de protegerse contra un choque eléctrico, no sumerja el cable, el enchufe ni ninguna pieza no removible del aparato.
Se debe tomar mucha precaución cuando el producto se utilice por o en la presencia de menores de edad.
Desconecte el aparato de la toma de corriente cuando no esté en uso y antes de limpiarlo. Espere que el aparato se enfríe antes de instalar o retirar los accesorios.
No se debe utilizar ningún aparato eléctrico que tenga el cable o el enchufe averiado, que presente un problema de funcionamiento o que esté dañado. Devuelva el aparato al centro de servicio autorizado más cercano para que lo examinen, reparen o ajusten. También puede llamar gratis al número apropiado que aparece en la cubierta de este manual.
El uso de accesorios no recomendados por el fabricante del producto presenta el riesgo de lesiones personales.
No utilice el aparato a la intemperie.
No permita que el cable cuelgue del borde de la mesa o del mostrador ni que entre en contacto con superficies calientes.
No coloque el tostador sobre ni cerca de una hornilla de gas o eléctrica, ni cerca de un horno caliente.
Se debe tener extrema precaución cuando se mueve un aparato que contiene aceite caliente o cualquier otro líquido caliente.
Ajuste todos los controles a la posición de apagado (OFF) antes de enchufar o desconectar el aparato.
Utilice el aparato solamente con el fin previsto.
A fin de evitar el riesgo de incendio o choque eléctrico, nunca introduzca alimentos demasiado grandes ni utensilios de metal en el aparato.
Existe el riesgo de incendio si el aparato permanece cubierto mientras está en funcionamiento o si entra en contacto con cualquier material inflamable incluyendo las cortinas y las paredes. Asegúrese de no colocar nada sobre el aparato mientras está en uso.
No utilice almohadillas de fibras metálicas para limpiar el aparato. Las fibras metálicas podrían entrar en contacto con los componentes eléctricos del aparato produciendo el riesgo de un choque eléctrico.
Care and Cleaning
This product contains no user serviceable parts. Refer service to qualified service personnel.
Cleaning Your Oven
IMPORTANT: Before cleaning any part, be sure the oven is off, unplugged, and cool. Always dry
parts thoroughly before using oven after cleaning.
1. Clean the glass door with a nylon pad and sudsy water. Do not use a spray glass cleaner.
2. To remove the slide rack, open the door, pull the rack forward and out. Wash the slide rack in sudsy water or in a dishwasher. To remove stubborn spots, use a polyester or nylon pad. To replace the slide rack, open the door completely and slide the rack into the rack support grooves. Be sure the slide rack is seated properly.
3. Wash the bake pan and broil rack in sudsy water or in dishwasher. To minimize scratching, use a polyester or nylon pad. Use the same cleaning procedure for the easy grip bake pan and grill handle.
4. If food melts onto heaters, do not turn oven off. Allow cycle to finish, so food passes onto crumb tray.
Crumb Tray
To remove the crumb tray, unplug the oven. Slide out the crumb tray and discard crumbs (E). Wipe tray with a dampened cloth or paper towel and dry. Close and secure tray.
Exterior Surfaces
Be sure the oven has cooled completely before wiping the top and exterior walls with a damp cloth or sponge. Dry afterward.
Cooking Containers
1. The inside dimensions of this oven are 12" x 11" x 4.5" (30.5cm x 28cm x 11.43cm). This size allows for many different types of baking containers. Keep the inside dimensions of the oven in mind when purchasing baking containers.
2. Metal, ovenproof glass without lids, or ceramic bakeware may be used in your oven. Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure the top edge of the container is at least 1” (2.54 cm) away from the upper heating elements.
3. Some frozen foods are packaged in containers suitable for microwave or regular ovens. Check package instructions. If there are any questions regarding the use of a specific container, contact the food manufacturer.
4. Some items which should never be used in your Toaster Oven:
• Glass lids on glass or metal bakeware. (If a cover is needed, use aluminum foil and be careful that it does not touch the heating elements.)
• Air-tight packages such as sealed pouches or cans.
• Plastic wrapping or paperboard covers.
• Containers larger than those recommended.
• Containers with warnings against use in range-type or toaster ovens.
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