Test T1, Fractional T1,
E1, Fractional E1,
asynchronous, and
synchronous facilities
and equipment.
Control via front panel
pushbuttons or a local/
remote VT100 terminal.
Comes with RS-232,
V.35, RS-422/530, X.21,
T1, and E1 interfaces.
Informs you of G.821
Speeds from 50 bps to
8.192 Mbps.
Includes batteries and
built-in recharger.
Ideal for test labs and
troubleshooting in the
f you need a sophisticated yet
easy-to-use bit error rate tester in
a handheld package, you’ve found
it. The BERT Tester enables you to
analyze a wide array of T1,
Fractional T1, E1, Fractional E1,
asynchronous, and synchronous
communication facilities and
equipment such as modems,
multiplexors, CSU/DSUs, NTUs,
and more.
The BERT Tester is a musthave for test department
technicians, equipment installers,
and troubleshooters in the field.
Use it to test a leased line with
modems or line drivers at each
end, a DDS link with CSU/DSUs at
each end, or a T1 facility that
connects a pair of T1 CSUs. You
can even use the BERT Tester to
make sure that an expensive
satellite link with modems at each
end is transmitting data as it
should. The tester also offers
reliable testing of terminals,
2.048-Mbps facilities with NTUs at
Easy testing of T1, E1, async, and sync lines
using a compact and portable device!
Key Features
their ends, and time-division,
statistical, T1 and E1 multiplexors.
The BERT Tester simulates
real data passing through a
data communications link, then
determines the performance
of that network or piece of
equipment. It generates and
recovers a number of standard
data patterns. The device then
monitors the data passing through
the link, compares data received
with data that you‘ve already
transmitted, and determines line
quality. The tester can be used
alone (at one end of the system
you want to test) or in pairs.
Each tester comes with
V.35, RS-232, RS-422/530, X.21,
T1 (1.544-Mbps DS-1), and E1
(2.048-Mbps G.703) interfaces.
In T1 and E1 modes, the BERT
Tester counts and displays bit
errors, transmit and receive
frequency, test seconds, bit error
rate, and G.821 performance
measurements. T1 mode also
displays receive level and frame,
cyclic redundancy check, and
bipolar violation errors. In addition,
you can insert a variety of test
patterns in all or specified time
slots/DS0s (contiguous or noncontiguous), making this tester
ideal for Fractional T1 or E1
In async and sync test modes,
the BERT Tester generates test
data in various patterns and
formats. Choose from 28 async
and 75 sync speeds. When set
to test lines in async mode, the
device counts and displays
character errors, characters
received, total test seconds, and
errored seconds. And in sync
mode, the BERT Tester not only
counts and displays bit errors, the
bit error rate, total test seconds,
and errored seconds, but it also
displays the transmit frequency,
clear to send delay, bits received,
and G.821 measurements.
Black Box Corporation • 1000 Park Drive • Lawrence, PA 15055-1018 • Tech Support: 724-746-5500 • www.blackbox.com • e-mail: info@blackbox.com
© 2005. All rights reserved.
Black Box Corporation.
5/23/2005 #25773