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• Data captured includes data bytes,
control signals, and error conditions.
• Characters displayed in ASCII, EBCDIC,
or Baudot.
• Live breakout box includes timing
diagrams and counters.
• Absolute or relative display of event
time; delta-time and effective-datarate calculations.
• Record and play back a series of
• Character strings, control signals,
and error conditions can be used
to control functions.
Expensive, dedicated protocol analyzers are a thing of the
past with the Serialtest
. It turns any desktop PC or laptop into
a serial-data protocol analyzer.
If you need a diagnosis for Windows XP, order the Serialtest
(Sync/Async) for Windows®XP (TD115V-R4).
You’ll receive the software and an RS-232 ComProbe adapter.
The ComProbe connects to your PC via the parallel printer port
and lets you passively monitor and actively test both sync and
async devices.
Serialtest (Async) for Windows XP (TD114V-R5) includes
32-bit software used for async-only testing in a Windows XP
environment. Your PC, coupled with this user-friendly software,
provides a powerful yet economical platform for data troubleshooting and development. The package includes Serialtest for
Windows XP software and a custom cable set.
Serialtest’s 32-bit software is easy to use for communications
specialists, network supervisors, and software developers. Userfriendly pop-up software screens make monitoring data a snap.
The Statistics window enables you to quickly and easily
monitor the vital signs of the circuit you’re testing. You’ll
see stats that include totals and percentages for bytes,
frames, errors, characters per second, and utilization.
The Breakout Box window enables you to view control
signals in real time. You can perform timing analysis of
control-signal transitions using the Signals Display window.
Use it with the Review Events and the Frame Decode windows, and you can see the relationship between control
signals, bytes, and frames.
The File Export utility enables you to export captured
data from the Serialtest and convert it into binary or text
format, so you can include it in reports or analyze it further.
Do this by using a word-processing or spreadsheet program
(such as Word or Excel
) or a custom analysis program.
Other windows also make analyzing your data easier.
Select Live Events, Review Events, or Control windows.
Troubleshoot with the Frame Summary window—as well as with the Review Events
and Frame Decode windows—included on all Serialtest products.