1. Specifications
Server-to-Client Data Rates — K56flex speeds when
accessing an ISP-type K56flex server (actual speed
depend on server capabilities and line conditions)
Client-to-Client Data Rates — 33,600, 31,200, 28,800,
26,400, 24,000, 21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400,
12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 0-300 bps
Data Rates (fax) — 14,400, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400,
300 bps
Data Format — Serial, binary, asynchronous
Compatibility — K56flex, ITU V.42bis, V.42,
Enhanced V.34, AT&T V32terbo, ITU V.32bis,
V.32, V.22bis, V.22, Bell 212A and 103/113, ITU
V.17, Group 3 T.4, T.30 and EIA Class 1
Though this modem is capable of 56-kbps download
government regulations, line impairments, public
telephone infrastructure, and other external technological
factors currently prevent maximum 56-kbps connections.
Fax Compatibility — CCITT V.17, Group 3, V.29,
V.27ter and EIA Class 1