Clocking: Internal, external, or
receive recover
Diagnostics: V.54 loops (LLB, RDL);
V.52-compliant BER pattern
generator and detector
Distance (Maximum):
ME0005A units: Up to 6.2 mi.
(10 km);
ME0006A-10BT: Up to 4.6 mi.
(7.4 km)
Modulation: ME0005A units: CAP;
ME0006A-10BT: 2B1Q
Operation: Full-duplex
Protocol: Synchronous
Speed: ME0005A units:
DTE: 64 kbps to 2.3 Mbps in
user-defined increments;
Line: 144, 272, 400, 528,
784 kbps; 1.04, 1.552, 2.064,
2.320 Mbps;
DTE: 64 kbps to 1.152 Mbps;
Line: 144, 272, 400, 528 kbps;
784, 1.168 Mbps
User Controls: ME0005A units:
(2) Test Mode toggle switches;
ME0006A-10BT: (1) Test Mode
toggle switch
Interface: V.35, X.21, or 10BASE-T
Connectors: ME0005A-V35:
(1) M/34 female;
(1) DB15 female;
(1) RJ-45 female
Indicators: ME0005A models:
(6) LEDs: DSL Link, TD, RD, NS,
ME0006A-10BT: (6) LEDs: DSL,
10BT, Status, NS, ER, TM
Operating Temperature:
32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C)
Power: External wallmount
power supply with universal
90–260-VAC, 50– 60-Hz input
Ordering Information
2-Wire Short-Range DSL Line Drivers
mDSL, 90–260 VAC
V.35 (M/34 F)..............................................ME0005A-V35
X.21 (DB15 F) .............................................ME0005A-X21
10BASE-T (RJ-45)..................................ME0005A-10BT
hDSL, 90–260 VAC
10BASE-T (RJ-45)..................................ME0006A-10BT
SL (digital subscriber line) is
the root of all xDSL services.
In fact, DSL is the root physical
layer for ISDN BRI service— two
64-kbps bearer (B) channels and
one 16-kbps data (D) channel
(2B+D). These channels are
bundled together to provide a
functional 128-kbps pipeline that
can transmit voice, data, fax, or
video signals simultaneously.
Here’s how DSL (and by
extension, xDSL) works:
Telephone lines carry frequencies up to 1 MHz. But analog
telephone service only requires
a maximum frequency of 3.3 kHz,
leaving a large amount of unused
bandwidth. DSL makes use of this
wasted space by piggybacking
high-speed data traffic onto the
unused bandwidth.
By filtering the frequencies
at each end of this range (4 kHz
to 2.2 MHz) and isolating them
from the voice channels, the
local telco can transport both
traditional telephone signals
and high-speed DSL over the
same line that already links
your home or business to its
central office (CO).
DSL service supports
high-speed data transmission
over a local loop. As with most
xDSL services, speeds increase
near the CO and taper off with
distance. One other important
thing to consider when discussing xDSL is that top speeds and
distances are almost always
expressed as theoretical
maximums, assuming ideal
line conditions.
Factors such as crosstalk,
wire gauge, line condition,
and the presence of load coils
or bridge taps on the loop may
all limit the effectiveness of,
or even preclude the use of,
xDSL services.
xDSL encompasses a broad
range of digital service options:
aDSL (Asymmetric DSL), hDSL
(High-Speed Digital Subscriber
Line), iDSL (ISDN DSL), mDSL
(Multirate DSL), raDSL (RateAdaptive Asymmetric DSL), sDSL
(Symmetric DSL), and vDSL
(Very High-Speed DSL). For more
information on these digital line
services, call the Black Box
Technical Support experts at
Technically Speaking
Recognize any of these
• You wait more than 30
minutes to get through to a
vendor’s tech support.
• The so-called “tech” can’t
help you or gives you the
wrong answer.
• You don’t have a purchase
order number and the tech
refuses to help you.
• It’s 9 p.m. and you need help,
but your vendor’s tech
support line is closed.
According to a survey by Data
Communications magazine, 90%
of network managers surveyed
say that getting the technical
support they need is extremely
important when choosing a
vendor. But even though network
managers pay anywhere from 10
to 20% of their overall purchase
price for a basic service and
support contract, the technical
support and service they receive
falls short of their expectations—
and certainly isn’t worth what
they paid.
At Black Box, we guarantee
the best value and the best
support. You can even consult
our Technical Support Experts
before you buy if you need help
selecting just the right component
for your application.
Don’t waste time and
money— call Black Box today.
Why Buy From Black Box? Exceptional V alue.Exceptional Tech Support.Period.