1.6 Tec hnical Specifications
Your Series II Modem data/fax modem meets the specifications listed
Data Rates (modem) 33,600, 31,200, 28,800, 26,400, 24,000,
21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000, 9600,
7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 0-300 bps
Data Rates (fax) 14,400, 9600, 7200, 4800 bps
Data Format Serial, binary, asynchronous at 0-300, 1200,
2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12,000, 14,400,
16,800, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000, 26,400,
28,800, 31,200, 33,600 bps; synchronous at
1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12,000,
14,400, 16,800, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000,
26,400, 28,800, 31,200, 33,600 bps
Compatibility ITU V.42bis, V.42, Pending ITU Enhanced
V.34 approval, ITU V.34, ITU V.32bis, V.32,
V.22bis, V.22, V.25bis, Bell 212A and
103/113, ITU V.17, Group 3 T.4, T.30 and
EIA TR-29 Class 2
Error Correction V.42 (LAP-M or MNP 3 & 4) error
Data Compression V.42bis, (4:1 throughput) or MNP 5
(2:1 throughput) data compression
Speed Conversion Serial port data rates adjustable to 300,
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400,
57,600 and 115,200 bps
Flow Control Xon/Xoff, Hardware RTS/CTS, ENQ/ACK
Options Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol (UUCP)