Black Box LGB5028A, LGB5052A User Manual

24 + or 48 + 4-Port Gigabit Managed Switch with SFP+ 10G
User’s Manual
The switches provide 24 or 48 ports of Gigabit connectivity plus four 10G ports.
LGB5028A Users Manual
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LGB5028A User‘s Manual
FCC and IC RFI Statements
Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada Radio Frequency Interference Statements
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause inter ference to radio communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emis sion from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of Industry Canada.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique publié par Industrie Canada.
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NOM Statement
Instrucciones de Seguridad (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas Electrical Safety Statement)
1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para referencia futura.
3. Todas las advertencias en el aparato eléctrico y en sus instrucciones de operación deben ser respetadas.
4. Todas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas.
5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agua—por ejemplo, cerca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alberca, etc.
6. El aparato eléctrico debe ser usado únicamente con carritos o pedestales que sean recomendados por el fabricante.
7. El aparato eléctrico debe ser montado a la pared o al techo sólo como sea recomendado por el fabricante.
8. Servicio—El usuario no debe intentar dar servicio al equipo eléctrico más allá a lo descrito en las instrucciones de operación. Todo otro servicio deberá ser referido a personal de servicio calificado.
9. El aparato eléctrico debe ser situado de tal manera que su posición no interfiera su uso. La colocación del aparato eléctrico sobre una cama, sofá, alfombra o superficie similar puede bloquea la ventilación, no se debe colocar en libreros o gabinetes que impidan el flujo de aire por los orificios de ventilación.
10. El equipo eléctrico deber ser situado fuera del alcance de fuentes de calor como radiadores, registros de calor, estufas u otros
aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que producen calor.
11. El aparato eléctrico deberá ser connectado a una fuente de poder sólo del tipo descrito en el instructivo de operación, o como
se indique en el aparato.
12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal manera que no sean pisados ni pellizcados por objetos colocados
sobre o contra ellos, poniendo particular atención a los contactos y receptáculos donde salen del aparato.
14. El equipo eléctrico debe ser limpiado únicamente de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del fabricante.
15. En caso de existir, una antena externa deberá ser localizada lejos de las lineas de energia.
16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo.
17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobre la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
18. Servicio por personal calificado deberá ser provisto cuando:
A: El cable de poder o el contacto ha sido dañado; u B: Objectos han caído o líquido ha sido derramado dentro del aparato; o C: El aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia; o D: El aparato parece no operar normalmente o muestra un cambio en su desempeño; o E: El aparato ha sido tirado o su cubierta ha sido dañada.
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LGB5028A User‘s Manual
User’s Manual/Safety Instructions-
User’s Manual
This guide gives specific information on how to operate and use the management functions of the switch.
The guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for operating and maintaining network equipment; consequently, it assumes a basic working knowledge of general switch functions, the Internet Protocol (IP), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Conventions Used in this Manual
The following conventions are used throughout this guide:
NOTE: Emphasizes important information or calls your attention to related features or instructions.
CAUTION: Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause loss of data, or damage the system or equipment.
WARNING: Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause personal injury.
Safety Instructions
CAUTION: Circuit devices are sensitive to static electricity, which can damage their delicate electronics. Dry weather conditions or
walking across a carpeted floor may cause you to acquire a static electrical charge.
To protect your device, always:
• Touch the metal chassis of your computer to ground the static electrical charge before you pick up the circuit device.
• Pick up the device by holding it on the left and right edges only.
• If you need to connect an outdoor device to the switch with cable, then you need to add an arrestor on the cable between the
outdoor device and this switch.
NOTE: The switch is an indoor device; if it will be used in outdoor environment or connect with an outdoor device, use a lightning
arrestor to protect the switch.
Do not place the product outdoors in a sandstorm.
Before installation, make sure input power supply and product specifications are compatible with each other.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect all AC or DC power cords and RPS cables to completely remove power from the unit.
Before importing/exporting configuration, make sure the firmware version is updated.
After a firmware upgrade, the switch will reset the configuration automatically to the latest firmware version.
This manual provides specific information on how to operate and use the management functions of the switch.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Physical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.2 Switch Features ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Management Features ................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.4 Standards ....................................................................................................................................................................12
1.5 Compliances ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
2. Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Features ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3 What‘s Included ..........................................................................................................................................................13
2.4 Hardware Description .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.1 LGB5028A ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.4.2 LGB5052A ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
3. Operation of Web-Based Management .............................................................................................................................16
4. Making Network Connections ............................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Connecting Network Devices ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Cabling Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................................18
4.3 Connecting to PCs, Servers, Hubs, and Switches ........................................................................................................18
5. System Configuration .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1 System Information .....................................................................................................................................................19
5.1.1 Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 20
5.1.3 CPU Load .........................................................................................................................................................21
5.2 Time ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.2.1 Manual ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
5.2.2 NTP ..................................................................................................................................................................22
5.3 Account .......................................................................................................................................................................23
5.3.1 Users ................................................................................................................................................................23
5.3.2 Privilege Level ................................................................................................................................................... 24
5.4 IP ........................................................................................................................................................................26
5.4.1 IPv4 ..................................................................................................................................................................26
5.4.2 IPv6 .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
5.5 Syslog ........................................................................................................................................................................28
5.5.1 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 28
5.5.2 Log ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.5.3 Detailed Log .....................................................................................................................................................30
5.6 SNMP ........................................................................................................................................................................31
5.6.1 Sy st em ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.6.2 Communities .................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.3 Users ................................................................................................................................................................33
5.6.4 Groups .............................................................................................................................................................35
5.6.5 Views ...............................................................................................................................................................36
5.6.6 Access ..............................................................................................................................................................37
5.6.7 Trap ..................................................................................................................................................................38
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6. Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................................41
6.1 Port .................................................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.2 Port Description ...........................................................................................................................................42
6.1.3 Traffic Overview ...........................................................................................................................................43
6.1.4 Detailed Statistics .........................................................................................................................................44
6.1.5 QoS Statistics ...............................................................................................................................................46
6.1.6 SFP Information ............................................................................................................................................47
6.2 ACL ....................................................................................................................................................................48
6.2.1 Ports ............................................................................................................................................................48
6.2.2 Rate Limiters ................................................................................................................................................50
6.2.3 Access Control List ....................................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.4 ACL Status ...................................................................................................................................................54
6.3 Aggregation ...............................................................................................................................................................56
6.3.1 Static Trunk ..................................................................................................................................................56
6.3.2 LACP ............................................................................................................................................................58
6.4 Spanning Tree ............................................................................................................................................................ 63
6.4.1 Bridge Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 63
6.4.2 MSTI Mapping .............................................................................................................................................65
6.4.3 MSTI Priorities ..............................................................................................................................................66
6.4.4 CIST Ports ....................................................................................................................................................67
6.4.5 MSTI Ports ...................................................................................................................................................69
6.4.6 Bridge Status ................................................................................................................................................ 71
6.4.7 Port Status ...................................................................................................................................................72
6.4.8 Port Statistics ...............................................................................................................................................73
6.5 IGMP Snooping.......................................................................................................................................................... 74
6.5.1 Basic Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 74
6.5.2 VLAN Configuration ....................................................................................................................................76
6.5.3 Port Group Filtering .....................................................................................................................................77
6.5.4 Status ...........................................................................................................................................................78
6.5.5 Group Information .......................................................................................................................................80
6.5.6 IPv4 SSM Information ..................................................................................................................................81
6.6 MLD Snooping ...........................................................................................................................................................82
6.6.1 Basic Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 83
6.6.2 VLAN Configuration ....................................................................................................................................85
6.6.3 Port Group Filtering .....................................................................................................................................86
6.6.4 Status ...........................................................................................................................................................87
6.6.5 Group Information ....................................................................................................................................... 89
6.6.6 IPv6 SSM Information ..................................................................................................................................90
6.7 MVR ....................................................................................................................................................................91
6.7.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 91
6.7.2 Groups Information .....................................................................................................................................93
6.7.3 Statistics .......................................................................................................................................................93
6.8 LLDP ....................................................................................................................................................................94
6.8.1 LLDP Configuration ......................................................................................................................................94
6.8.2 LLDP Neighbors ........................................................................................................................................... 97
6.8.3 LLDP-MED Configuration .............................................................................................................................98
6.8.4 LLDP-MED Neighbors ................................................................................................................................103
6.8.5 EEE .............................................................................................................................................................106
6.8.6 Port Statistics .............................................................................................................................................107
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6.9 Filtering Database ....................................................................................................................................................109
6.9.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................................................109
6.9.2 Dynamic MAC Table ...................................................................................................................................111
6.10 VLAN .................................................................................................................................................................. 112
6 .10.1 VL AN Me mb er sh ip .................................................................................................................................... 112
6.10.2 Ports .......................................................................................................................................................... 114
6.10.3 Switch Status ............................................................................................................................................. 116
6.10.4 Port Status ................................................................................................................................................. 117
6.10.5 Private VLANs ............................................................................................................................................ 119
6.10.6 MAC-Based VLAN ...................................................................................................................................... 120
6.10.7 Protocol-Based VLAN ................................................................................................................................. 122
6.11 Voice VLAN .............................................................................................................................................................. 125
6.11.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 125
6 .11. 2 O UI ............................................................................................................................................................ 127
6.12 GARP .................................................................................................................................................................. 128
6.12.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 129
6.12.2 Statistics .....................................................................................................................................................130
6.13 GVRP .................................................................................................................................................................. 131
6.13.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 131
6.13.2 Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................... 133
6.14 QoS ..................................................................................................................................................................134
6.14.1 Port Classification .......................................................................................................................................134
6.14.2 Port Policing ............................................................................................................................................... 136
6.14.3 Port Scheduler ...........................................................................................................................................138
6.14.4 Port Shaping .............................................................................................................................................. 141
6.14.5 Port Tag Remarking ...................................................................................................................................14 4
6.14.6 Port DSCP .................................................................................................................................................. 145
6.14.7 DSCP-Based QoS ....................................................................................................................................... 147
6.14.8 DSCP Translation ........................................................................................................................................ 149
6.14.9 DSCP Classification .................................................................................................................................... 151
6.14.10 QoS Control List Configuration .................................................................................................................. 152
6 .14.11 QCL Status ................................................................................................................................................. 155
6.14.12 Storm Control ............................................................................................................................................156
6 .14.13 WR ED ........................................................................................................................................................ 157
6.15 sFlow Agent ............................................................................................................................................................. 158
6 .15.1 Co ll ec to r ....................................................................................................................................................158
6.15.2 Sampler ......................................................................................................................................................160
6.16 Loop Protection .......................................................................................................................................................162
6.16.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 162
6.16.2 Status .........................................................................................................................................................164
6.17 Easy Port ..................................................................................................................................................................165
6.18 Mirroring ..................................................................................................................................................................166
6.19 Trap Event Severity ................................................................................................................................................... 168
6.20 SMTP Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 169
6.21 UPnP ..................................................................................................................................................................170
7. Security .................................................................................................................................................................. 172
7.1 Source Guard ........................................................................................................................................................... 172
7.1.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 172
7.1.2 Static Table ................................................................................................................................................. 173
7.1.3 Dynamic Table............................................................................................................................................ 174
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7.2 ARP Inspection ......................................................................................................................................................... 174
7.2.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 174
7.2.2 Static Table ................................................................................................................................................. 176
7.2.3 Dynamic Table............................................................................................................................................177
7.3 DHCP Snooping ....................................................................................................................................................... 17 7
7.3.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 177
7.3.2 Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................... 179
7.4 DHCP Relay .............................................................................................................................................................. 180
7.4.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 180
7.4.2 Statistics .....................................................................................................................................................181
7.5 NAS ..................................................................................................................................................................182
7.5.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 182
7.5.2 Switch Status ............................................................................................................................................. 189
7.5.3 Port Status .................................................................................................................................................190
7.6 AAA ..................................................................................................................................................................192
7.6.1 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 192
7.6.2 Radius Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 195
7.6.3 Radius Details ............................................................................................................................................. 196
7.7 Port Security ............................................................................................................................................................ 197
7. 7.1 Li mit Co nt ro l .............................................................................................................................................. 197
7. 7.2 Sw it ch St at us .............................................................................................................................................200
7. 7.3 Po rt St at us ................................................................................................................................................. 201
7.8 Access Management ................................................................................................................................................ 202
7.8.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................................................202
7.8.2 Statistics .....................................................................................................................................................204
7.9 SSH ..................................................................................................................................................................204
7.10 HTTPs ..................................................................................................................................................................205
7.11 Auth Method ...........................................................................................................................................................206
8. Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................................207
8.1 Restart Device ..........................................................................................................................................................207
8.2 Firmware ..................................................................................................................................................................207
8.2.1 Firmware Upgrade .....................................................................................................................................207
8.2.2 Firmware Selection.....................................................................................................................................208
8.3 Save/Restore ............................................................................................................................................................209
8.3.1 Factory Defaults .........................................................................................................................................209
8.3.2 Save Start ................................................................................................................................................... 210
8.3.3 Save User ................................................................................................................................................... 210
8.3.4 Restore User ............................................................................................................................................... 211
8.4 Export/Import .......................................................................................................................................................... 211
8.4.1 Export Config ............................................................................................................................................ 211
8.4.2 Import Config ............................................................................................................................................ 213
8.5 Diagnostics............................................................................................................................................................... 214
8 .5.1 Ping ............................................................................................................................................................ 214
8.5.2 Ping6 ......................................................................................................................................................... 214
8.5.3 VeriPHY ...................................................................................................................................................... 215
Appendix A. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................. 217
A.1 Web-Based Management ........................................................................................................................................ 217
A.2 Networking Terms ...................................................................................................................................................225
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................. 227
B.1 Basic Troubleshooting Tips ....................................................................................................................................... 227
B.2 Contacting Black Box ...............................................................................................................................................228
B.3 Shipping and Packaging ...........................................................................................................................................228
Appendix C. Cables ................................................................................................................................................................. 229
C.1 Twisted-Pair Cable and Pin Assignments..................................................................................................................229
C.2 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Pin Assignments.................................................................................................................. 229
C.3 Straight-Through Wiring ...........................................................................................................................................229
C.4 Crossover Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................230
C.5 1000BASE-T Pin Assignments ..................................................................................................................................230
C.6 Cable Testing for Existing Category 5 Cable ............................................................................................................231
C.7 Adjusting Existing Category 5 Cable to Run 1000BASE-T ........................................................................................ 231
C.8 Fiber Standards ........................................................................................................................................................231
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1. Specifications
1.1 Physical Characteristics
Aggregate Bandwidth — LGB5028A: 28 Gbps;
LGB5052A: 52 Gbps
Buffer Architecture — 1392 KB on-chip frame buffer
Network Interface — LGB5028A: Ports 1–20: RJ-45 connector (Auto MDI–X);
10BASE-T: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP cable, Category 3 or better); 100BASE-TX: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP cable, Category 5 or better); 1000BASE-T: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP or STP cable, Category 5, 5e, or 6), Ports 21–24: RJ-45 connector/(100/1000M) SFP; Ports 25–28: 1G/10G SFP ports; LGB5052A: Ports 1–44: RJ-45 connector (Auto MDI–X); 10BASE-T: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP cable, Category 3 or better); 100BASE-TX: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP cable, Category 5 or better); 1000BASE-T: RJ-45 (100-ohm, UTP or STP cable, Category 5, 5e, or 6, Ports 45–48: RJ-45 connector/(100/1000M) SFP, Ports 49–52: 1G/10G SFP ports
Chapter 1: Specifications
Ports — LGB5028A: (20) 10/100/1000 Mbps twisted-pair, (4) 100M/1G SFP combo ports, (4) 1G/10Gbps fiber ports;
LGB5052A: (44) 10/100/100 Mbps twisted-pair, (4) 100M/1G SFP combo ports, (4) 1G/10Gbps fiber ports
Switching Database — 9K MAC address entries
Indicators — LEDs: System: Power; TP port: Status (LINK/ACT), 10/100/1000M;
SFP port: Status (LINK/ACT/SPD), 100/1000M
Temperature Tolerance — Operating: 32 to 104° F (0 to 40° C)
Humidity Tolerance — Operating: 5 to 90% (non-condensing)
Power — Input: 100–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz internal power supply;
Consumption: 60 watts maximum
Size — 1.8"H x 17.4"W x 11.8:D (4.4 x 44.2 x 30 cm)
Weight — LGB5028A: 8.6 lb. (3.9 kg);
LGB5052A: 9.1 lb. (4.1 kg)
1.2 Switch Features
Flow Control — Full duplex: IEEE 802.3x;
Half duplex: Backpressure
Forwarding Mode — Store-and-forward
Throughput — LGB5028A: 95.23 mpps (millions of packets per second) (64-byte packets), 128 Gbps (switching capacity);
LGB5052A: 130.95 mpps (64-byte packets), 136 Gbps (switching capacity); Jumbo Frames: Frame sizes up to 9 KB supported on Gigabit interfaces
1.3 Management Features
In-Band Management — SSH/SSL, Telnet, SNMP, or HTTP
Out-of-Band Management — RS-232 (RJ-45 console port)
Software Loading — HTTP, TFTP in-band, Console out-of-band
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Chapter 1: Specifications
1.4 Standards
Standards — IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Ethernet (twisted-pair copper), IEEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Ethernet (twisted-pair copper),
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-TX Ethernet (twisted-pair copper), IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X Ethernet, IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Capability, ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Auto-negotiation, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, IEEE 802.1p Class of Service, IEEE 802.1X Access Control, IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree, IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree, IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree, IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) IEEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
1.5 Compliances
Compliance — EN55022 (CISPR 22) Class A EN 61000-3; FCC Class A
Immunity — EN 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8/11, EN 55024
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Chapter 2: Overview
2. Overview
2.1 Introduction
The 24 + 4 or 48 + 4 Managed Gigabit Switches with 4 SFP+ 10G are easy-to-implement managed Ethernet switches. Models have 24 or 48 ports of Gigabit Ethernet connectivity plus four 10G ports. These switches deliver more intelligent features to improve the availability of your critical business applications, protect your sensitive information, and optimize your network band­width to deliver information and applications more effectively. Both switches support advanced security management capabilities and network features including data, voice, security, and wireless technologies. These switches are easy to deploy and configure, providing stable and quality performance network services. Typical applications include small business and enterprise.
2.2 Features
• Performs wire-speed, non-blocking switching to enable wire-speed transport of multiple packets at low latency on all ports
• Provides full-duplex capability on all ports, which effectively doubles the bandwidth of each connection.
• Uses store-and-forward technology to ensure maximum data integrity. With this technology, the entire packet must be received
into a buffer and checked for validity before being forwarded. This prevents errors from being propagated throughout the network.
• You can also manage the switch over the network with a Web browser or Telnet application. Manage it in-band using SNMP or
RMON (Groups 1, 2, 3, 9) protocols. Configure and monitor the switch out-of-band via a null-modem serial cable. (See Appendix C for wiring options.)
2.3 What’s Included
Your package should include the following items. If anything is missing or damaged, contact Black Box Technical Support at 724-746-5500 or
• 24 + 4 Managed Gigabit Switch with 4SFP+ 10G
• (4) adhesive rubber feet
• Mounting accessory (for 19" rack shelf, optional)
• (1) RS-232 to RJ-45 Console Cable
• (1) AC power cord
• (1) installation guide
• This user’s manual in PDF format on CD-ROM
• 48 + 4 Managed Gigabit Switch with 4SFP+ 10G
• (4) adhesive rubber feet
• Mounting accessory (for 19" rack shelf, optional)
• (1) RS-232 to RJ-45 Console Cable
• (1) AC power cord
• (1) installation guide
• This user’s manual in PDF format on CD-ROM
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2.4 Hardware Description
2.4.1 LGB5028A
FIgures 2-1 and 2-2 show the front and back panels of the LGB5028A. Table 2-1 describes its components.
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1 2 3 4
Figure 2-1. LGB5028A front panel.
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Figure 2-2. LGB5028A back panel.
Table 2-1. LGB5028A components.
Number Component Description
1 Mode button Switches between Link/Act mode and Speed mode.
2 Switch TP Port LEDs
3 Switch combo port LEDs
4 Switch SFP port LEDs Light when Link is present; OFF when no link is present.
5 Link/Act LED Lights when mode is set to Link /Act.
6 System LED Lights when unit is powered ON.
7 Speed LED Lights when mode is set to Speed.
8 (24) 10 /100/1000BAS E-T RJ- 45 ports Copper Ethernet ports.
9 100/1G SEP combo ports 1G/100 Mbps SFP ports
10 1G/10G SFP ports 10G/1G SFP ports
11 Console connector DB9 male console port
12 AC power socket IEC 320 power socket
In Speed mode, Link LED will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (100 Mbps). In Link /Act mode, LED lights to show Link and blinks to show Act.
In Speed mode, Link LED will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (100 Mbps). In Link /Act mode, LED lights to show Link and blinks to show Act.
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2.4.2 LGB5052A
Figures 2-3 and 2-4 show the front and back panels of the LGB5052A. Table 2-2 describes its components.
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1 2 3 4
Figure 2-3. LGB5052A front panel.
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Figure 2-4. LGB5052A back panel.
Table 2-2. LGB5052A components.
Number Component Description
1 Mode button Switches between Link/Act mode and Speed mode.
2 Switch TP Port LEDs
3 Switch combo port LEDs
4 Switch SFP port LEDs Light when Link is present; OFF when no link is present.
5 Link/Act LED Lights when mode is set to Link /Act.
6 System LED Lights when unit is powered ON.
7 Speed LED Lights when mode is set to Speed.
8 (48 ) 10/100 /1000BASE-T RJ -45 p orts Copper Ethernet ports.
9 100/1G SEP combo ports 1G/100 Mbps SFP ports
10 1G/10G SFP ports 10G/1G SFP ports
11 Console connector DB9 male console port
12 AC power socket IEC 320 power socket
In Speed mode, Link LED will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (100 Mbps). In Link /Act mode, LED lights to show Link and blinks to show Act.
In Speed mode, Link LED will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (100 Mbps). In Link /Act mode, LED lights to show Link and blinks to show Act.
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Chapter 3: Operation of Web-Based Management
3. Operation of Web-Based Management
The default values of the managed switch are listed in the table below:
Table 3-1. Default values for Web-based
Value Default
IP Address 192 .168 .1.1
Subnet Mask
Default 192.1 68 .1.2 54
Username admin
Password Blank (no password)
After you configure the managed switch in the CLI via the switch’s serial interface, you can browse it. For instance, type in the address row in a browser; it will show the following screen and ask you to input a username and password to login and access authentication. The default username is “admin” and the password is empty. The first time you use the switch, enter the default username and password, and then click on the “Enter” button. The login process now is completed.
Figure 3-1. LGB5052A Web user interface.
NOTE: To configure the switch, you can see the instructions in Chapter 5. Or, access the Switch and click on the “help”
button under the Web GUI. The switch’s help screens will pop up.
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Figure QS-19. The switchs Web help screen.
Figure 3-2. System Information Help screen.
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Chapter 4: Making Network Connections
4. Making Network Connections
4.1 Connecting Network Devices
You can connect the switch to 10-, 100-, or 1000-Mbps network cards in PCs and servers, as well as to other switches and hubs. It may also be connected to remote devices using optional SFP transceivers.
Twisted-pair devices
Each device requires an unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable with RJ-45 connectors at both ends. Use Category 5, 5e, or 6 cable for 1000BASE-T connections, or Category 5 or better for 100BASE-TX connections.
4.2 Cabling Guidelines
The RJ-45 ports on the switch support automatic MDI/MDI-X pinout configuration, so you can use standard straight-through twisted-pair cables to connect to any other network device (PCs, servers, switches, routers, or hubs).
See Appendix C for further information on cabling.
CAUTION: Do not plug a phone jack connector into an RJ-45 port. This will damage the switch. Use only twisted-pair cables with
RJ-45 connectors that conform to FCC standards.
4.3 Connecting to PCs, Servers, Hubs, and Switches
STEP 1: Attach one end of a twisted-pair cable segment to the device’s RJ-45 connector.
Figure 4-1. Making twisted-pair connections.
STEP 2: If the device is a network card and the switch is in the wiring closet, attach the other end of the cable segment to a modular wall outlet that is connected to the wiring closet. (See Section 7.4: Network Wiring Connections in the Network Administrator’s Installation and Getting Started Guide.) Otherwise, attach the other end to an available port on the switch.
Make sure each twisted-pair cable does not exceed 100 meters (328 ft.) in length.
NOTE: Avoid using flow control on a port connected to a hub unless it is actually required to solve a problem. Otherwise,
backpressure jamming signals might degrade overall performance for the segment attached to the hub.
STEP 3: As each connection is made, the Link LED (on the switch) corresponding to each port will light green (1000 Mbps) or amber (100 Mbps) to indicate that the connection is valid.
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Chapter 5: System Configuration
5. System Configuration
This chapter describes basic configuration tasks, including system Information and switch management (for example, time, account, IP, syslog, and SNMP).
5.1 System Information
After you log in, a default system information screen appears. This default page tells you basic system information, including model name, system description, contact, device name, system uptime, BIOS version, firmware version, hardware-mechanical version, serial number, host IP address, host MAC address, device port, RAM size, and flash size.
5.1.1 I nfor ma tio n
Web Interface
To configure System Information in the web interface:
1. Click “SYSTEM,” ”System,” and “Information.”
2. Specify the contact information for the system administrator as well as the name and location of the switch. Also indicate the local time zone by configuring the appropriate offset.
3. Click “Refresh.”
Figure 5-1. System Information screen.
Parameter Description
Model Name: The model name of this device.
System Description: For example, “44-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T + 4 (100/1G) SFP Combo + 4 (1G/10G) SFP+ L2 Plus Managed
Location: User-defined physical location of the switch.
Contact: Person to contact for help managing and maintaining the switch. You can configure this parameter through the device’s
user interface or SNMP.
Device Name: The user-defined name of the switch.
System Date: Show system time of the switch. Its format: day of week, month, day, hours:minutes:seconds, year.
System Uptime: The time accumulated since this switch is powered up. Its format is day, hour, minute, second.
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BIOS Version : The version of the BIOS in this switch.
Firmware Version: The switch’s firmware version.
Hardware-Mechanical version: The figure before the hyphen is the version of electronic hardware; the one after the hyphen is
the version of mechanical.
Serial Number: The serial number is assigned by the manufacturer.
Host IP Address: The switch’s IP address.
Subnet Mask and Gateway IP Address are listed next.
Host MAC Address: The Ethernet MAC address of the switch’s management agent.
Console Baudrate is next.
RAM size: The size of the RAM in this switch.
Flash size: The size of the flash memory in this switch.
Bridge FDB size: Displays the bridge FDB size information.
Transmit Queue: To display the transmit hardware priority queue information of device.
Maximum Frame size: Displays the device’s maximum frame size information.
Fan Speed, AC Power, DC Power, and Temperature are listed next.
5.1.2 Configuration
You can identify the system by configuring the switch’s contact information, name, and location.
Web Interface
To configure System Information in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “System Information,” and “Configuration.”
2. Type System Contact, System Name, System Location information in this page.
3. Click “Save.”
Figure 5-2. System Information Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
System Contact: The name of the contact person for this managed node, with information on how to contact this person. The
allowed string length is 0 to 255, and the allowed content is the ASCII characters from 32 to 126.
System Name: An name assigned by the system administrator for this managed node. This is the node's fully qualified domain name. A domain name is a text string drawn from the alphabet (A-Z and a-z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-). No space characters are permitted as part of a name. The first character must be an alpha character. And the first or last character must not be a minus sign. The allowed string length is 0 to 255.
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System Location: The physical location of this node (e.g., telephone closet, 3rd floor). The allowed string length is 0 to 255, and
the allowed content is the ASCII characters from 32 to 126.
5.1.3 CPU Load
This page displays the CPU load, using an SVG graph. The load is measured as averaged over the last 100 ms, 1 sec. and 10-second intervals. The last 120 samples are graphed, and the last numbers are displayed as text as well. To display the SVG graph, your browser must support the SVG format. Consult the SVG Wiki for more information on browser support. Specifically, at the time of writing, Microsoft® Internet Explorer® will need to have a plugin installed to support SVG.
Web Interface
To configure System Information in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “System Information,” and “CPU Load.”
2. Display the CPU Load on the screen.
3. Click “Auto-refresh.”
Figure 5-3. CPU Load screen.
Parameter Description
Auto-refresh: Check the box next to auto-refresh, and the device will refresh the log automatically.
NOTE: Information under “from” and “to” displays what you set on the “From” and “To” field information.
5.2 Time
This page explains how to configure the switch Time, including Time Configuration and NTP Configuration.
5.2.1 Manual
The switch provides manual and automatic ways to set the system time via NTP. Manual setting is simple: just input “Year,” “Month,” “Day,” “Hour,” “Minute.” and “Second” within the valid value range indicated in each item.
Web Interface
To configure Time in the Web interface:
1. Click “Time,” “Manual.”
2. Specify the Time parameter in manual parameters.
3. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-4. The Time Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
Clock Source: Select the clock source for the LGB5028A or LGB5052A. Choose from“Use local Settings” or “Use NTP Server.”
Local Time: Show current time of the system.
Time Zone Offset: Provide the time zone offset relative to UTC/GMT. The offset is given in minutes east of GMT. The valid range
is from -720 to +720 minutes.
Daylight Savings: If daylight savings time is enabled, the switch will adjust the time lag or advance in hours, according to the starting date and the ending date. Valid configurable daylight savings time for the switch is ± 0.5 hours.
Time Set Offset: Provide the daylight savings time set offset. The offset is given in minutes east of GMT. The valid range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. Default: 60 minutes
Daylight Savings Type: Provide the daylight savings type selection. Select “By Dates” or ”Recurring.”
From: Configure when daylight savings time starts. Format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM”.
To: Configure when daylight savings time ends. Format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM”.
5.2.2 NTP
Network Time Protocol (NTP) syncs the network time based Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you’re using the NTP mode, you can select a built-in NTP time server or manually specify a user-defined NTP server and Time Zone. The switch will sync the time short­ly after you press the “Apply” button. Though it synchronizes the time automatically, NTP does not update the time periodically without user intervention.
Time Zone is an offset time of GMT. To get the correct time, you have to select the time zone first and then sync the time via NTP because the switch will combine this time zone offset and updated NTP time to produce the local time. The switch supports configurable time zone from -12 to +13 (time zone)
Default Time zone: UTC+8
Web Interface
To configure Time in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “NTP.”
2. Manually configure the Time.
3. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-5. The NTP Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
Server 1 to 5: Provide the switch’s NTP IPv4 or IPv6 address. IPv6 address is in 128-bit records represented as eight fields of up to
four hexadecimal digits with a colon separating each field (:). For example, “fe80::215:c5ff:fe03:4dc7'’ The symbol “::” is a special syntax that can be used as a shorthand way of representing multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous zeros, but it can only appear once. It can also represent a legally valid IPv4 address. For example, “::”
These buttons are displayed on the NTP page:
Save—Click to save changes.
Reset—Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
5.3 Account
Only the administrator can create, modify, or delete the username and password. The administrator can modify other guest identities’ passwords without confirming the password, but he must modify the administrator-equivalent identity. Guest­equivalent identity can modify his password only.
NOTE: You must confirm administrator/guest identity in the field of Authorization in advance before configuring the username
and password. Only one administrator is allowed to exist and can’t be deleted. In addition, up to 4 guest accounts can be created.
5.3.1 Users
This page provides an overview of the current users. Currently the only way to log in as another user on the Web server is to close and reopen the browser.
Web Interface
To configure Account in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “Account,” “Users.”
2. Click “Add new user.”
3. Specify the “User Name” parameter.
4. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-6. The Users Account Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
User Name: The name identifying the user. This is also a link to Add/Edit User.
Password: Create the password. The allowed string length is 0 to 255, and the allowed content is the ASCII characters from 32
to 126.
Password (again): Confirm the password. You must type the same password again in the field.
Privilege Level: Show the privilege level of the user. The allowed range is 1 to 15. If the privilege level value is 15, the user can
access all groups. Other values refer to each group privilege level. A user's privilege should be same or greater than the group privilege level so he can access that group. By default, most groups, such as privilege level 5, have read-only access and privilege level 10 has read-write access. System maintenance (software upload, factory defaults, etc.) requires user privilege level
15. Generally, the privilege level 15 can be used for an administrator account, privilege level 10 for a standard user account and
privilege level 5 for a guest account.
5.3.2 Privilege Level
This page provides an overview of the privilege levels. The switch provides user set Account, Aggregation, Diagnostics, EEE, EasyPort, GARP, GVRP, IP, IPMC Snooping, LACP, LLDP, LLDP MED, Loop Database, MAC Table, MRP, MVR, MVRP, Maintenance, Mirroring, POE, Ports, Private VLANs, QoS, SFlow, SMTP, SNMP Security, Spanning Tree, System, Trap, Event, VCL, VLANs, Voice VLAN, privilege levels from 1 to 15.
Web Interface
To configure Privilege Level in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “Account,” and “Privilege Level.”
2. Specify the Privilege parameter.
3. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-7. The Privilege Level Configuration screen.
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Parameter Description
Group Name: The name identifying the privilege group. In most cases, a privilege level group consists of a single module (for
example, LACP, SMTP or QoS), but a few of them contain more than one. The following description defines these privilege level groups in details:
System: Contact, Name, Location, Timezone, Log.
Security: Authentication, System Access Management, Port (contains Dot1x port, MAC based and the MAC Address Limit), ACL,
HTTPS, SSH, ARP inspection and IP source guard.
IP: Everything except “ping.”
Ports: Everything except “VeriPHY.”
Diagnostics: “ping” and “VeriPHY.”
Maintenance: System Reboot, System Restore Default, System Password, Configuration Save, Configuration Load, and Firmware
Web: Users, Privilege Levels and everything in Maintenance.
Privilege Levels: Every group has an authorization privilege level for the following subgroups: configuration read-only,
configuration/execute read-write, status/statistics read-only, status/statistics read-write (e.g. for clearing of statistics). User privilege should be same or greater than the authorization privilege level to have the access to that group.
5.4 IP
IP is an acronym for Internet Protocol. It is a protocol used for communicating data across an internet network.
IP is a “best effort” system, which means that no packet of information sent over is sure to reach its destination in the same condition it was sent. Each device connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN) is given an Internet Protocol address, and this IP address is used to identify the device uniquely among all other devices connected to the extended network.
The current version of the Internet protocol is IPv4, which has 32-bit IP addresses allowing for more than four billion unique addresses. This number is reduced drastically by the practice of webmasters taking addresses in large blocks, the bulk of which remain unused. There is a rather substantial movement to adopt a new version of the Internet Protocol, IPv6, which would have 128-bit IP addresses. This number can be represented roughly by a three with thirty-nine zeroes after it. However, IPv4 is still the protocol of choice for most of the Internet.
5.4.1 IPv4
The IPv4 address for the switch could be obtained via DHCP server for VLAN 1. To manually configure an address, you need to change the switch's default settings to values that are compatible with your network. You may also need to establish a default gateway between the switch and management stations that exist on another network segment.
Configure the switch-managed IP information in the screen shown in Figure 5-8.
The “Configured” column is used to view or change the IP configuration.
The “Current” column is used to show the active IP configuration.
Web Interface
To configure an IP address in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “IP Configuration.”
2. Specify the IPv4 settings, and enable DNS proxy service if required.
3. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-8. The IP Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
DHCP Client: Enable the DHCP client by checking this box. If DHCP fails and the configured IP address is zero, DHCP will retry. If
DHCP fails and the configured IP address is non-zero, DHCP will stop and the configured IP settings will be used. The DHCP client will use the configured System Name as hostname to provide DNS lookup.
IP Address: Provide the IP address of this switch in dotted decimal notation.
IP Mask: Provide the IP mask of this switch dotted decimal notation.
IP Router: Provide the IP address of the router in dotted decimal notation.
VLAN ID: Provide the managed VLAN ID. The allowed range is 1 to 4095.
DNS Server: Provide the IP address of the DNS server in dotted decimal notation.
DNS Proxy: When DNS proxy is enabled, the Device Under Test (DUT) will relay DNS requests to the current configured DNS
server on DUT, and reply as a DNS resolver to the client device on the network.
5.4.2 IPv6
This section describes how to configure the switch-managed IPv6 information.
Configure the switch-managed IPv6 information (see Figure 5-9).
The “Configured” column is used to view or change the IPv6 configuration.
The “Current” column is used to show the active IPv6 configuration.
Web Interface
To configure Management IPv6 of the switch in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “IPv6 Configuration.”
2. Specify the IPv6 settings, and enable Auto Configuration service if required.
3. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-9. The IPv6 Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
Auto Configuration: Enable IPv6 auto-configuration by checking this box. If this fails, the configured IPv6 address is zero. The
router may delay responding to a router solicitation for a few seconds, so the total time needed to complete auto-configuration can be significantly longer.
Address: Provide the IPv6 address of this switch. IPv6 address is in 128-bit records represented as eight fields of up to four hexadecimal digits with a colon separating each field (:). For example, “fe80::215:c5ff:fe03:4dc7.” The symbol “::” is a special syntax that can be used as a shorthand way of representing multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous zeros; but it can only appear once. It can also represent a legally valid IPv4 address. For example, “::”
Prefix: Provide the IPv6 prefix of this switch. The allowed range is 1 to 128.
Gateway: Provide the IPv6 gateway address of this switch. IPv6 address is in 128-bit records represented as eight fields of up to
four hexadecimal digits with a colon separating each field (:). For example, “fe80::215:c5ff:fe03:4dc7'.” The symbol “::” is a special syntax that can be used as a shorthand way of representing multiple 16-bit groups of contiguous zeros; but it can only appear once. It can also represent a legally valid IPv4 address. For example, “::”
5.5 Syslog
The Syslog is a standard for logging program messages. It allows separation of the software that generates messages from the system that stores them and the software that reports and analyzes them. It can be used for general information, analysis, and debugging messages. It is supported by a wide variety of devices and receivers across multiple platforms.
5.5.1 Configuration
This section describes how to configure the system log and provide a wide variety of devices and receivers across multiple platforms.
Web Interface
To configure Syslog configuration in the Web interface:
1. Click “System,” “Syslog.”
2. Specify the syslog parameters, including the Syslog server’s IP Address and Port number.
3. Enable Sylog.
4. Click “Save.”
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Figure 5-10. The System Log Configuration screen.
Parameter Description
Server Mode: Indicates the server mode operation. When the mode operation is enabled, the syslog message will be sent out to
the syslog server. The syslog protocol is based on UDP communication and received on UDP Port 514. The syslog server will not send acknowledgments back to the sender since UDP is a connectionless protocol and it does not provide acknowledgments. The syslog packet will always be sent out even if the syslog server does not exist. Possible modes are:
Enabled: Enable server mode operation.
Disabled: Disable server mode operation.
Server Address 1 and 2: Indicates the IPv4 host addresses of syslog server 1 and server 2 (for redundancy). If the switch provides DNS feature, it also can be a host name.
Syslog Level: Indicate what kind of message will be sent to syslog server. Possible modes are:
Info: Send information, warnings, and errors.
Warning: Send warnings, and errors.
Error: Send errors.
5.5.2 Log
This section describes the switch’s system log information.
Web Interface
To display the log information in the Web interface:
1. Click “Syslog,” “Log.”
2. Display the log information.
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Figure 5-11. The System Log Information screen.
Parameter Description
Auto-refresh: Check the box next to auto-refresh, and the device will refresh the log automatically.
The following level types are supported:
Information: Information level of the system log.
Warning: Warning level of the system log.
Error: Error level of the system log.
All: All levels.
ID: ID (>= 1) of the system log entry.
Level: Level of the system log entry.
Time: The time of the system log entry. It will display the log record by device time.
Message: The message of the system log entry. It will display the log detail message.
Upper right icon (Refresh, Clear,…): Click “Refresh”to refresh the system log or click clear to clear manually, or choose “<<”
and “>>” to go to the next/previous page or entry.
5.5.3 Detailed Log
This section describes the switch’s detailed log information.
Web Interface
To display the detailed log information in the Web interface:
1. Click “Syslog,” “Detailed Log.”
2. Display the log information.
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