Black Box LEH908A, LEH1104A-4MMST, LEH906A-2MMSC, LEH1104A-2SFP, LEH1008A-2MMST User Manual

Hardened Managed Ethernet Switches
Use this switch in harsh environments constrained by space.
Choose from standard, PoE, and PoE+ models.
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Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are registered trademarks of BB Technologies, Inc.
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FCC and IC RFI Statements
Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada Radio Frequency Interference Statements
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause inter ference to radio communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emis sion from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of Industry Canada.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique publié par Industrie Canada.
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NOM Statement
Instrucciones de Seguridad (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas Electrical Safety Statement)
1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para referencia futura.
3. Todas las advertencias en el aparato eléctrico y en sus instrucciones de operación deben ser respetadas.
4. Todas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas.
5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agua—por ejemplo, cerca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alberca, etc.
6. El aparato eléctrico debe ser usado únicamente con carritos o pedestales que sean recomendados por el fabricante.
7. El aparato eléctrico debe ser montado a la pared o al techo sólo como sea recomendado por el fabricante.
8. Servicio—El usuario no debe intentar dar servicio al equipo eléctrico más allá a lo descrito en las instrucciones de operación. Todo otro servicio deberá ser referido a personal de servicio calificado.
9. El aparato eléctrico debe ser situado de tal manera que su posición no interfiera su uso. La colocación del aparato eléctrico sobre una cama, sofá, alfombra o superficie similar puede bloquea la ventilación, no se debe colocar en libreros o gabinetes que impidan el flujo de aire por los orificios de ventilación.
10. El equipo eléctrico deber ser situado fuera del alcance de fuentes de calor como radiadores, registros de calor, estufas u otros
aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que producen calor.
11. El aparato eléctrico deberá ser connectado a una fuente de poder sólo del tipo descrito en el instructivo de operación, o como
se indique en el aparato.
12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal manera que no sean pisados ni pellizcados por objetos colocados
sobre o contra ellos, poniendo particular atención a los contactos y receptáculos donde salen del aparato.
14. El equipo eléctrico debe ser limpiado únicamente de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del fabricante.
15. En caso de existir, una antena externa deberá ser localizada lejos de las lineas de energia.
16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo.
17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobre la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
18. Servicio por personal calificado deberá ser provisto cuando:
A: El cable de poder o el contacto ha sido dañado; u B: Objectos han caído o líquido ha sido derramado dentro del aparato; o C: El aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia; o D: El aparato parece no operar normalmente o muestra un cambio en su desempeño; o E: El aparato ha sido tirado o su cubierta ha sido dañada.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Specifications .........................................................................................................................................................................7
2. Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Features ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Features Common to LEH900, LEH1000, and LEH1100 Series Switches ............................................................ 10
2.2.2 LEH900 Series Also Has… ................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 LEH1000 Series Also Has ................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.4 LEH1100 Series Also Has ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 What’s Included .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Hardware Description .................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.1 LEH900 Series ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.2 LEH1000 Series .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.3 LEH1100 Series ................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.4 Indicators on the LEH900, LEH1000, and LEH1100 Series Switches ................................................................... 16
3. Installation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Selecting a Site for the Switch ..................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Connecting to Power ..................................................................................................................................................17
3.2.1 12-VDC Jack ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Redundant DC Terminal Block Power Inputs ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Alarms for Power Failure ....................................................................................................................................18
3.3 Connecting to Your Network ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Cable Type and Length ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.2 Cabling ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. Switch Management ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Management Access Overview ................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Administration Console (CLI) ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.1 Direct Access ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Modem Access ................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Web Management ......................................................................................................................................................21
4.4 SNMP-Based Network Management ........................................................................................................................... 21
4.5 Protocols ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.6 Management Architecture........................................................................................................................................... 21
5. SNMP and RMON Management .........................................................................................................................................22
5.1 O ver view ..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 SNMP Agent and MIB-2 (RFC 1213) ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.3 RMON MIB (RFC 2819) and Bridge MIB (RFC 1493) ...................................................................................................22
5.4 RMON Groups Supported ........................................................................................................................................... 22
5.5 Bridge Groups Supported ............................................................................................................................................ 23
6. Web-Based Browser Management ..................................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 Logging on to the Switch ...........................................................................................................................................24
6.2 Understanding the Browser Interface ......................................................................................................................... 25
6.3 System ........................................................................................................................................................................26
6.4 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.5 Port ............................................................................................................................................................................38
6.6 Switching ....................................................................................................................................................................42
6.7 Trunking ..................................................................................................................................................................... 49
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Table of Contents
6.8 STP/Ring ..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
6.9 VLAN ..........................................................................................................................................................................62
6 .10 QoS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 67
6.11 SNMP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
6.12 80 2.1x ........................................................................................................................................................................74
6.13 LLDP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.14 Other Protocols ..........................................................................................................................................................80
7. Command-Line Console Management ................................................................................................................................ 87
7.1 Administration Console ............................................................................................................................................... 87
7.1.1 Exec Mode (View Mode) ..................................................................................................................................... 87
7.1.2 Privileged Exec Mode (Enable Mode) .................................................................................................................. 91
7.1.3 Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode) ...................................................................................................... 96
7.2 Sy ste m ......................................................................................................................................................................... 97
7.3 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................................ 106
7.4 Port ........................................................................................................................................................................... 110
7.5 Switching ................................................................................................................................................................... 117
7.6 Trunking ....................................................................................................................................................................130
7.7 STP/Ring .................................................................................................................................................................... 134
7.8 V L A N ......................................................................................................................................................................... 153
7.9 QoS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 159
7.10 SN MP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 162
7.11 8 0 2.1x ........................................................................................................................................................................ 170
7.12 LLDP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 175
7.13 Other Protocols ..........................................................................................................................................................180
Appendix A. DB9 DCE Pin Assignment ................................................................................................................................... 199
Appendix B. Time Zones .........................................................................................................................................................200
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Chapter 1: Specifications
1. Specifications
Technical Specifications
Standards LEH900 Series: IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T, IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-T, 100BASE-FX, IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T,
IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-SX / LX, IEEE 802.3x, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.1W, IEEE 802.1x; LEH1000 Series also has: IEEE 802.3af; LEH1100 Series also has: IEEE 802.3at
Forwarding and Filtering Rate
Packet Buffer Memory
Address Table Size
Management RS-232 console (DB9), Telnet, SNMP V1, V2, and V3, RMON, Web browser, and TFTP management
Other • Supports alpha ring and RSTP/MSTP/STP for Ethernet redundancy.
Connectors LEH908A: (8) RJ-45 10/100;
Indicators Per unit:
14,880 pps for 10 Mbps, 148,810 pps for 100 Mbps, 1,488,810 pps for 1000 Mbps
2 Mbits
8192 MAC addresses
• IP Multicast Filtering through IGMP Snooping V1, V2, and V3.
• Supports port-based VLAN and IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tagging and GVRP.
• IEEE 802.1p QoS with four priority queues.
• MAC-based trunking and LACP.
• IEEE 802.1x Security.
• Bandwidth Rate Control.
• Per-port programmable MAC address locking.
• Up to 24 Static Secure MAC addresses per port.
• Port mirroring.
• NTP synchronization.
• DHCP Client/Server.
• Auto-MDI/MDI-X.
• Full wire-speed forwarding rate.
LEH906A-2MMSC: (6) RJ-45 10/100, (2) 100BFX MM SC; LEH906A-2MMST: (6) RJ-45 10/100, (2) 100BFX MM ST; LEH906A-2GSFP: (6) RJ-45 10/100, (2) GE SFP; LEH906A-2SFP: (6) RJ-45 10/100, (2) 10/100 SFP; LEH1008A: (8) RJ-45 10/100 PoE (802.3af); LEH1008A-2GSFP: (8) RJ-45 10/100 PoE (802.3af), (2) GE SFP; LEH1008A-2MMSC: (8) RJ-45 10/100 PoE (802.3af), (2) SC 100BFX; LEH1008A-2MMST: (8) RJ-45 10/100 PoE (802.3af), (2) ST 100BFX; LEH1008A-2SFP: (8) RJ-45 10/100 PoE (802.3af), (2)100BFX SFP; LEH1104A-2GSFP: (4) RJ-45 10/100 PoE+ (802.3at), (2) GE SFP; LEH1104A-4MMSC: (4) RJ-45 10/100 PoE+ (802.3at), (4) 100BFX SC; LEH1104A-4MMST: (4) RJ-45 10/100 PoE+ (802.3at), (4) 100BFX ST; LEH1104A-2SFP: (4) RJ-45 10/100 PoE+ (802.3at), (2) 100BFX SFP
(3) Power Status LEDs:
Power 1, Power 2, Power 3; Per port:
10/10 0TX, 10 0FX: LINK/ACT,
10/100/1000TX, 1000SX/LX/1000SX/SFP: LINK/ACT, Speed
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Chapter 1: Specifications
Technical Specifications (Continued)
Power Power input:
LEH900 Series: Redundant power inputs:
Terminal block: 12 to 48 VDC;
DC jack: 12 VDC; LEH1000, LEH1100 Series: Redundant power inputs:
Terminal block: 47 to 57 VDC;
DC jack: 47 to 57 VDC; LEH900 series also has: Power consumption: 11 W max. at 12 VDC, 0.46 A at 24 VDC; LEH1000 series also has: Power consumption: Device 15 W max. (without PoE), PoE power budget: 181.6 W max., PoE power output: Ports 1–8: IEEE 802.3af: Up to 15 W/port, 47–57 VDC; LEH1100 Series also has: Power consumption: Device 15 W max. (without PoE), PoE power budget: 181.6 W max., PoE power output: Ports 1–4: IEEE 802.3at: Up to 30 W/port, 50–57 VDC
NOTE: All models support overload current protection and reverse polarity protection.
Environmental Temperature Tolerance:
Operating: -40 to +167° F (-40 to +75° C);
Storage: -40 to +185° F (-40 to +85° C);
NOTE: The switch is tested for functional operation at -40 to +185° F (-40 to +85° C).
Humidity: 5 to 95%, noncondensing
Dimensions 5.71"H x 2.36"W x 4.92"D (14.5 x 6 x 12.5 cm)
Weight 2.42 lb. (1.1 kg)
Approvals Standards:
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T,
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-T, 100BASE-FX,
IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T,
IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-SX / LX; Safety:
UL508; Compliance:
EMI: FCC Part 15, Class A
EMS: EN61000-4-2 (ESD standard),
EN61000-4-3 (Radiated RFI standards),
EN61000-4-4 (Burst standards),
EN61000-4-5 (Surge standards),
EN61000-4-6 (Induced RFI standards),
EN61000-4-8 (Magnetic field standards),
EN61000-6-2; Environmental Test Compliance:
IEC60068-2-6 Fc (Vibration resistance),
IEC60068-2-27 Ea (Shock),
Federal Standard 101C Method 5007.1 (Free fall); Environmental Requirements:
Railway applications: EN50121-4,
Traffic control equipment: NEMA TS1/2
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Chapter 2: Overview
2. Overview
2.1 Introduction
The Hardened Managed Ethernet switches are available in three types: without PoE or PoE+ (LEH900 series), with PoE (LEH1000 series), or with PoE+ (LEH1100 series).
Table 2-1. Avaiilable models.
Part Number Product Name Description
LEH900 Series
LEH908A 8-Port 10/100 Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch 8 ports 10/100, DC power
LEH906A-2MMSC 6-Port 10/100 2-Port 100-Mbps MMSC Hardened
Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH906A-2MMST 6-Port 10/100 2-Port 100-Mbps MMST Hardened
Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH906A-2GSFP 6-Port 10/100 2-Port GE SFP Hardened Managed
Ethernet Switch
LEH906A-2SFP 6-Port 10/100 2-Port 100-Mbps SFP Hardened
Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1000 Series
LEH1008A 8-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE Hardened Managed
Ethernet Switch
LEH1008A-2GSFP 8-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE 2-Port GE SFP Hardened
Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1008A-2MMSC 8-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE 2-Port 100-Mbps MMSC
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1008A-2MMST 8-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE 2-Port 100-Mbps MMST
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1008A-2SFP 8-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE 2-Port SFP 100-Mbps
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1100 Series
LEH1104A-2GSFP 4-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE+ 2-Port GE SFP Hardened
Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1104A-4MMSC 4-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE+ 4-Port 100-Mbps MMSC
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1104A-4MMST 4-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE+ 4-Port 100-Mbps MMST
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
LEH1104A-2SFP 4-Port 10/100 Mbps PoE+ 2-Port 100-Mbps SFP
Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
6 ports 10/100, 2 ports 100BFX MM SC, DC power
6 ports 10/100, 2 ports 100BFX MM ST, DC power
6 ports 10/100, 2 ports GE SFP, DC power
6 ports 10/100, 2 ports 100BFX, SFP, DC power
8 ports, 10/100 PoE (, DC power
8 ports, 10/100 PoE (, 2 ports GE SFP, DC power
8 ports, 10/100 PoE (, 2 ports 100BFX, SC, DC power
8 ports, 10/100 PoE (, 2 ports 100BFX, ST, DC power
8 ports, 10/100 PoE (, 2 ports 100BFX SFP, DC power
4 ports 10/100 PoE+, 2 ports GE SFP, DC power
4 ports 10/100 PoE+, 4 ports 100BFX, SC, DC power
4 ports 10/100 PoE+, 4 ports 100BFX, ST, DC power
4 ports 10/100 PoE+, 4 ports 100BFX, SFP, DC power
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Chapter 2: Overview
2.2 Features
2.2.1 Features Common to LEH900 Series, LEH1000 Series, and LEH1100 Series
• Meets NEMA TS1/TS2 Environmental requirements such as temperature, shock, and vibration for traffic control equipment.
• Meets EN61000-6-2 & EN61000-6-4 EMC Generic Standard Immunity for industrial environment.
• Supports Command-Line Interface in RS-232 console.
• 100BASE-FX: Multimode SC or ST type; Single-mode SC or ST type. 100BASE-BX: WDM single-mode SC type.
• 1000BASE-SX/LX: Multimode or single-mode SC type. 1000BASE-BX: WDM single-mode SC type.
• Supports 8192 MAC addresses. Provides 2 Mbits memory buffer.
• Alarms for power and port link failure by relay output.
• Supports DIN-rail or panel mounting installation.
• Power Supply: Redundant DC terminal block power inputs or 12-VDC DC jack, 100–240 VAC external power supply.
Management Support
• Port-based VLAN
• IEEE 802.1Q tagged VLAN
• MAC-based trunking with automatic link fail-over
Port Security:
• Per-port programmable MAC address locking
• Up to 24 Static Secure MAC addresses per port
• IEEE 802.1x Port-based Network Access Control
Port mirroring:
• QOS (IEEE802.1p Quality of Service)
• 4 priority queues
Internetworking protocols:
• Bridging:
- IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree
- IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree
- IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree compatible
- IEEE 802.1Q – GVRP
• IP Multicast:
- IGMP Snooping
- Rate Control
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Network Management Methods
• Console port access via RS-232 cable (CLI, Command-Line Interface)
• Telnet remote access
• SNMP agent:
- MIB-2 ( RFC1213 )
- Bridge MIB (RFC1493)
- RMON MIB (RFC2819) – statistics, history, alarms, and events
- VLAN MIB (IEEE802.1Q/ RFC2674)
- Private MIB
- Web browser
- TFTP software-upgrade capability
2.2.2 LEH900 Series Also Has…
• Complies with EN50121-4 environmental requirements for railway applications.
Chapter 2: Overview
• Manageable via SNMP, Web-based, Telnet, and RS-232 console port.
• Support 802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3z/802.3x. Auto-negotiation: 10/100/1000Mbps, full/half-duplex; Auto MDI/MDIX.
• Operating voltage and Max. current consumption: 0.92 A @ 12 VDC, 0.46 A @ 24 VDC. Power consumption: 11 W Max.
• -40 to +167° F (-40 to +75° C) operating temperature range. Tested for functional operation @ -40 to +185° F (-40 to +85° C).
2.2.3 LEH1000 Series Also Has…
• Supports IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE).
• Includes redundant power inputs: 47 to 57 VDC terminal block and 47 to 57 VDC jack.
• Power consumption: Device 15 W max. (without PoE); PoE power budget: 123.2 W max., PoE power output: Ports 1–8: IEEE 802.3af: Up to 15.4 W/port, 47–57 VDC.
• RS-232 console, Telnet, SNMP v1 & v2c & v3, RMON, Web browser, and TFTP management.
• Supports IEEE 802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3z/802.3x. Auto-negotiation: 1000-Mbps full duplex; 10/100-Mbps full-/half-duplex; Auto MDI/MDIX.
• 100BASE-FX: Multimode SC or ST type, single-mode SC or ST type. 100BASE-BX: WDM single-mode SC type.
• 1000BASE-SX/LX: Multimode or single-mode SC type. 1000BASE-BX: WDM single-mode SC type.
• Store-and-forward mechanism. Full wire-speed forwarding rate.
• Field Wiring Terminal: Use Copper Conductors Only, 60/75° C, 12-24 AWG torque value 7 lb-in.
• Operating voltage and Max. current consumption: 0.31 A @ 48 VDC. Power consumption: Power consumption: 230 W Max. (Full load with PoE), 15 W Max. (Without PoE).
• -40 to +167° F (-40 to +75° C) operating temperature range. Tested for functional operation @ -40 to +185° F (-40 to +85° C). UL508 Industrial Control Equipment certified Maximum Surrounding Air Temperature @ 167° F (75° C).
• Hardened metal case..
NOTE: Make sure to readjust RTC Time of this switch to function accurately after this switch has been powered off for over
72 hours.
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Chapter 2: Overview
2.2.4 LEH1100 Series Also Has…
• RS-232 console, Telnet, SNMP v1 & v2c & v3, RMON, Web Browser, and TFTP management.
• Includes redundant power inputs: 47 to 57 VDC terminal block and 47 to 57 VDC jack.
• Port 1–Port 4 support IEEE 802.3at Power over Ethernet (PoE+) Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE).
• Power consumption: Device 15 W max. (without PoE+); PoE+ power budget: 181.6 W max.;
PoE+ power output: Ports 1–4: IEEE 802.3at: Up to 30 W/port, 50–57 VDC
• Supports IEEE 802.3/802.3u/802.3ab/802.3z/802.3x. Auto-negotiation, 1000-Mbps full duplex, 10-/100-Mbps full/half duplex, Auto MDI/MDIX.
• Store-and-forward mechanism. Full wire-speed forwarding rate.
• Operating voltage and Max. current consumption: 0.31 A @ 48 VDC. Power consumption: 230 W Max. (Full load with PoE), 15W Max. (Without PoE).
• Field Wiring Terminal: Use Copper Conductors Only, 60/75, 12-24 AWG torque value 7 lb-in.
• -40 to 167° F (-40 to +75° C) operating temperature range. Tested for functional operation @ -40 to +185° F (-40 to +85° C). UL508 Industrial Control Equipment certified Maximum Surrounding Air Temperature @ 167° F (75° C). s
• Hardened metal case.
2.3 What’s Included
Your package includes the following items. If anything is missing or damaged, contact Black Box Technical Support at 724-746-5500 or
• Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
• A quick start guide
NOTE: To download the user manual, go to www., type the part number (from page 9 of this manual) into the
search bar and click on the Resources tab.
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2.4 Hardware Description
2.4.1 LEH900 Series
Chapter 2: Overview
4 5
Front panel of Front panel of LEH906A-2MMSC or LEH906A-2SFP or Back panel (all models) LEH906A-2MMST LEH906A-2GSFP
NOTE: LEH908A (not shown) has (8) RJ-45 ports and no ST, SC, or G1/G2 ports.
Figure 2-1. LEH900 Series Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch.
Table 2-2. LEH900 Series switches components.
Number in Figure 2-1 Product Name Description
1 Ports G1 and G2 LEH906A-2GSFP: (2) GE SFP ports;
2 (2) ST or SC fiber ports LEH906A-2MMSC: (2) 10/100 MM SC ports;
3 (6) RJ-45 ports All LEH900 Series switches: 10/100 Mbps ports
4 (6) TX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
5 (6) RX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
6 Per port: (2) LINK/ACT LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
7 (1) Phoenix connector Terminal block for Power 1, Power 2, and Ground
8 (1) DC power connector Links to DC power source
9 (1) DB9 connector Used for RS-232 serial control
LEH906A-2SFP: (2) SFP ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on
LEH906A-2MMST: (2) 10/100 MM ST ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on
4 5
LEH906A-2MMSC and LEH906A-2MMST switches.
LEH906A-2GSFP and LEH906A-2SFP switches.
10 (1) Reset button Press to reset the switch to its defaults.
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Chapter 2: Overview
2.4.2 LEH1000 Series
10 3 4
Front panel of Front panel of Back panel (all models) LEH1008A-2MMSC or LEH1008A-2SFP or LEH1008A-2MMST LEH1008A-2GSFP
NOTE: LEH1008A (not shown) has (8) RJ-45 ports and no ST, SC, or G1/G2 ports.
Figure 2-2. LEH1000 Series Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch.
Table 2-2. LEH1000 Series switches components.
Number in Figure 2-2 Product Name Description
1 Ports G1 and G2 LEH1008A-2GSFP: (2) GE SFP ports;
2 (2) ST or SC fiber ports LEH1008A-2MMSC: (2) 10/100 MM SC ports;
3 (8) RJ-45 ports All LEH1000 Series switches: 10/100 Mbps PoE ports
4 (8) TX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
5 (8) RX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
6 Per port: (2) LINK/ACT LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
7 Per port: (1) PoE LED On when port is connected to a PoE PD (Powered Device)
8 (1) Phoenix connector Terminal block for Power 1, Power 2, and Ground
9 (1) DC power connector Links to DC power source
10 (1) DB9 connector Used for RS-232 serial control
3 4
LEH1008A-2SFP: (2) SFP ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on LEH1000A-2MMSC
LEH1008A-2MMST: (2) 10/100 MM ST ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on LEH1008A-2GSFP and
7 6
and LEH1000A-2MMST switches.
LEH1008A-2SFP switches.
11 (1) Reset button Press to reset the switch to its defaults.
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2.4.3 LEH1100 Series
4 5
Chapter 2: Overview
Front panel of Front panel of Back panel (all models) LEH1104A-4MMSC or LEH1104A-2SFP or LEH1104A-4MMST LEH1104A-2GSFP
Figure 2-3. LEH1000 Series Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch.
4 5
10 6
Table 2-3. LEH1100 Series switches components.
Number in Figure 2-3 Product Name Description
1 Ports G1 and G2 LEH1104A-2GSFP: (2) GE SFP ports;
LEH1104A-2SFP: (2) SFP ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on LEH1104A-2MMSC
and LEH1104A-2MMST switches.
2 (2) ST or SC fiber ports LEH1104A-4MMSC: (2) 10/100 MM SC ports;
LEH1104A-4MMST: (2) 10/100 MM ST ports
NOTE: These connectors are not present on LEH1104A-2GSFP
and LEH1104A-2SFP switches.
3 (4) RJ-45 ports All LEH1000 Series switches: 10/100 Mbps PoE+ ports
4 (4) TX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
5 (4) RX LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
6 Per port: (2) LINK/ACT LEDs See Table 2-4 for details.
7 Per port: (1) PoE LED On when port is connected to a PoE PD (Powered Device)
8 (1) Phoenix connector Terminal block for Power 1, Power 2, and Ground
9 (1) DC power connector Links to DC power source
10 (1) DB9 connector Used for RS-232 serial control
11 (1) Reset button Press to reset the switch to its defaults.
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Chapter 2: Overview
2.4.4 Indicators on the LEH900, LEH1000, and LEH1100 Series Switches
Table 2-4. LEH900, LEH1000, and LEH1100 Series Switches Indicators.
LED State Indication
Power 1 Steady ON (Green) Power ON
Off Power OFF
Power 2 Steady ON (Green) Power ON
Off Power OFF
Power 3 Steady ON (Green) Power ON
Off Power OFF
10/100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX/BX
LINK/ACT Steady ON (Green) A valid network connection is established
Flashing Transmitting or receiving data.
NOTE: ACT stands for activity.
100 Steady ON (Green) Connection at 100-Mbps speed.
10/100/1000BASE-SX / LX /BX
LINK/ACT Steady ON (Green) A valid network connection is established
Flashing Transmitting or receiving data.
NOTE: ACT stands for activity.
1000 Steady ON (Green) Connection at 1000-Mbps speed.
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Chapter 3: Installation
3. Installation
3.1 Selecting a Site for the Switch
As with any electric device, you should place the switch where it will not be subjected to extreme temperatures, humidity, or electromagnetic interference. Specifically, the site you select should meet the following requirements:
• The ambient temperature should be between -40 to +167° F (-40°C to +75° C).
• The relative humidity should be less than 95 percent, noncondensing.
• Surrounding electrical devices should not exceed the electromagnetic field (RFC) standards.
• Make sure that the switch receives adequate ventilation. Do not block the ventilation holes on each side of the switch.
3.2 Connecting to Power
Use redundant DC terminal block power inputs or 12-VDC jack.
3.2.1 12-VDC Jack
Step 1: Connect the supplied AC to DC power adapter to the receptacle on the top side of the switch.
Step 2: Connect the power cord to the AC to DC power adapter and attach the plug to a standard AC outlet with the
appropriate AC voltage.
3.2.2 Redundant DC Terminal Block Power Inputs
There are two pairs of power inputs for use with redundant power sources. You only need to have one power input connected to run the switch.
Step 1: Connect the DC power cord to the pluggable terminal block on the switch, and then plug it into a standard DC outlet.
Step 2: Disconnect the power cord if you want to shut down the switch.
Terminal block
power input
Figure 3-1. Top view.
12-VDC input
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Chapter 3: Installation
3.2.3 Alarms for Power Failure
There are two pins on the terminal block used for power failure detection. It provides the normally closed output when the power source is active. Use this as a dry contact application to send a signal for power failure detection.
Table 3-1a. Power failure alarms for LEH900 Series.
Power Input Assignment
Power 3 12 VDC DC jack
Power 2 + 12–48 VDC
- Power ground
Power 1 + 12–48 VDC
- Power ground
Earth ground
Relay output rating 1 A @ 24 VDC
Relay Alarm Assignment
Fault Warning signal disable for the following:
• The relay contact closes if Power 1 and Power 2 both fail, but Power 3 is ON.
• The relay contact closes if Power 3 fails, but Power 1 and Power 2 are ON.
Table 3-1b. Power failure alarms for LEH1000 and LEH1100 Series.
Power Input Assignment
Power 3 47 to 57 VDC DC jack
Power 2 + 47–57 VDC
- Power ground
Power 1 + 47–57 VDC
- Power ground
Earth ground
Relay output rating 1 A @ 250 VAC
Relay Alarm Assignment
Fault Warning signal disable for the following:
• The relay contact closes if Power 1 and Power 2 both fail, but Power 3 is ON.
• The relay contact closes if Power 3 fails, but Power 1 and Power 2 are ON.
NOTE: The relay output is normally in the open position when there is no power to the switch. Please do not connect
any power source to this terminal to prevent shorting your power supply.
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Chapter 3: Installation
3.3 Connecting to Your Network
3.3.1 Cable Type and Length
Follow the cable specifications below when connecting the switch to your network. Use appropriate cables that meet your speed and cabling requirements.
Table 3-2. Cable specifications.
Speed Connector Port Speed
(Half/Full Duplex)
10BASE-T RJ-45 10/ 20 Mbps 2-pair UTP/STP CAT3, 4, 5 328 feet (100 m)
100BASE-TX RJ-45 100/200 Mbps 2-pair UTP/STP CAT5 328 feet (100 m)
1000BASE-T RJ-45 2000 Mbps 4-pair UTP/STP CAT5 328 feet (100 m)
100BASE-FX S T, SC 200 Mbps 62.5-µm multimode fiber 2 km
100BASE-FX S T, SC 200 Mbps 10-µm single-mode fiber 20, 40 km
100BASE-BX SC 200 Mbps 62.5-µm multimode fiber 2 km
100BASE-BX SC 200 Mbps 10-µm single-mode fiber 20, 40 km
1000BASE-SX SC 2000 Mbps 62.5-µm multimode fiber 220 m, 2 km
1000BASE-SX SC 2000 Mbps 50-µm multimode fiber 550 m
Cable Maximum Distance
1000BASE-LX SC 2000 Mbps 10–µm single-mode fiber 10, 20, 50 km
1000BASE-LX SC 2000 Mbps 10–µm single-mode fiber 20, 40 km
1000BASE-SX Duplex LC 2000 Mbps 62.5-µm multimode fiber 550 m, 2 km
1000BASE-LX Duplex LC 2000 Mbps 9–µm single-mode fiber 10, 40, 60 km
1000BASE-BX Duplex LC 2000 Mbps 9–µm single-mode fiber 70 km
3.3.2 Cabling
Step 1: First, ensure the power of the switch and end devices are turned off.
NOTE: Always ensure that the power is off before any installation.
Step 2: Prepare cable with corresponding connectors for each type of port in use.
Step 3: Consult the Cable specifications table (above) for cabling requirements based on connectors and speed.
Step 4: Connect one end of the cable to the switch and the other end to a desired device.
Step 5: Once the connections between two end devices are made successfully, turn on the power and the switch is operational.
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Chapter 4: Switch Management
4. Switch Management
This chapter explains the methods that you can use to configure management access to the switch. It describes the types of management applications and the communication and management protocols that deliver data between your management device (workstation or personal computer) and the system. It also contains information about port connection options.
4.1 Management Access Overview
The switch gives you the flexibility to access and manage the switch using any or all of the following methods.
The Web browser interface and administration console (CLI) support are embedded in the switch software and are available for immediate use.
4.2 Administration Console (CLI)
The administration console is an internal, character-oriented, Command-Line Interface (CLI) for performing system administration such as displaying statistics or changing option settings.
Using this method, you can view the administration console from a terminal, personal computer, Apple® Macintosh´®, or workstation connected to the switch’s console port.
There are two ways to use this management method: direct access or modem access. The following sections describe these methods.
4.2.1 Direct Access
Direct access to the administration console is achieved by directly connecting a terminal or a PC equipped with a terminal­emulation program (such as HyperTerminal) to the switch console port.
When using the management method, configure the terminal-emulation program to use the following parameters (you can change these settings after login):
Default parameters:
• 115,200 bps
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• 1 stop bit
This management method is often preferred because you can remain connected and monitor the system during system reboots. Also, certain error messages are sent to the serial port, regardless of the interface through which the associated action was initiated. A Macintosh or PC attachment can use any terminal-emulation program for connecting to the terminal serial port. A workstation attachment under UNIX® can use an emulator such as TIP.
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Chapter 4: Switch Management
4.2.2 Modem Access
You can access the switch’s administration console from a PC or Macintosh using an external modem attached to the console port. The switch management program provides the Console Port screen, accessible from the Basic Management screen that lets you configure parameters for modem access.
When you have configured the external modem from the administration console, the switch transmits characters that you have entered as output on the modem port. The switch echoes characters that it receives as input on the modem port to the current administration console session. The console appears to be directly connected to the external modem.
4.3 Web Management
The switch provides a browser interface that lets you configure and manage the switch remotely.
After you set up your IP address for the switch, you can access the switch’s Web interface applications directly in your Web browser by entering the IP address of the switch. You can then use your Web browser to list and manage switch configuration parameters from one central location, just as if you were directly connected to the switch’s console port.
4.4 SNMP-Based Network Management
You can use an external SNMP-based application to configure and manage the switch. This management method requires the SNMP agent on the switch and the SNMP Network Management Station to use the same community string. This management method, in fact, uses two community strings: the get community string and the set community string. If the SNMP Network management station only knows the set community string, it can read and write to the MIBs. However, if it only knows the get community string, it can only read MIBs. The default get and set community strings for the switch are public.
4.5 Protocols
The switch supports the following protocols:
Virtual terminal protocols, such as Telnet
A virtual terminal protocol is a software program, such as Telnet, that allows you to establish a management session from a Macintosh, a PC, or a UNIX workstation. Because Telnet runs over TCP/IP, you must have at least one IP address configured on the switch before you can establish access to it with a virtual terminal protocol.
NOTE: Terminal emulation is different from a virtual terminal protocol in that you must connect a terminal directly to the console
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
SNMP is the standard management protocol for multivendor IP networks. SNMP supports transaction-based queries that allow the protocol to format messages and to transmit information between reporting devices and data-collection programs. SNMP runs on top of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), offering a connectionless-mode service.
4.6 Management Architecture
All of the management application modules use the same Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). By unifying management methods with a single MAPI, configuration parameters set using one method (e.g., console port) are immediately displayed by the other management methods (e.g., SNMP agent of Web browser).
The management architecture of the switch adheres to the IEEE open standard. This compliance assures customers that the switch is compatible with, and will interoperate with, other solutions that adhere to the same open standard.
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Chapter 5: SNMP and RMON Management
5. SNMP and RMON Management
This chapter describes the switch’s Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and Remote Monitoring (RMON) capabilities.
5.1 Overview
RMON is an abbreviation for the Remote Monitoring MIB (Management Information Base). RMON is a system defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) document RFC 2819, which defines how networks can be monitored remotely.
RMONs typically consist of two components: an RMON probe and a management workstation:
• The RMON probe is an intelligent device or software agent that continually collects statistics about a LAN segment or VLAN. The RMON probe transfers the collected data to a management workstation on request or when a pre-defined threshold is reached.
• The management workstation collects the statistics that the RMON probe gathers. The workstation can reside on the same network as the probe, or it can have an in-band or out-of-band connection to the probe.
The switch provides RMON capabilities that allow network administrators to set parameters and view statistical counters defined in MIB-II, Bridge MIB, and RMON MIB. RMON activities are performed at a Network Management Station running an SNMP network management application with graphical user interface.
5.2 SNMP Agent and MIB-2 (RFC 1213)
The SNMP Agent running on the switch manager CPU is responsible for:
• Retrieving MIB counters from various layers of software modules according to the SNMP GET/GET NEXT frame messages.
• Setting MIB variables according to the SNMP SET frame message.
• Generating an SNMP TRAP frame message to the Network Management Station if the threshold of a certain MIB counter is reached or if other trap conditions (such as the following) are met:
MIB-II defines a set of manageable objects in various layers of the TCP/IP protocol suites. MIB-II covers all manageable objects from layer 1 to layer 4, and, as a result, is the major SNMP MIB supported by all vendors in the networking industry. The switch supports a complete implementation of SNMP Agent and MIB-II.
5.3 RMON MIB (RFC 2819) and Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)
The switch provides hardware-based RMON counters in the switch chipset. The switch manager CPU polls these counters periodically to collect the statistics in a format that complies with the RMON MIB definition.
5.4 RMON Groups Supported
The switch supports the following RMON MIB groups defined in RFC 2819:
• RMON Statistics Group – maintains usage and error statistics for the switch port being monitored.
• RMON History Group – gathers and stores periodic statistical samples from the previous Statistics Group.
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Chapter 5: SNMP and RMON Management
• RMON Alarm Group – allows a network administrator to define alarm thresholds for any MIB variable. An alarm can be associated with Low Threshold, High Threshold, or both. A trigger can trigger an alarm when the value of a specific MIB variable exceeds or falls below a threshold.
• RMON Event Group – allows a network administrator to define actions based on alarms. SNMP Traps are generated when RMON Alarms are triggered. The action taken in the Network Management Station depends on the specific network management application.
5.5 Bridge Groups Supported
The switch supports the following four groups of Bridge MIB (RFC 1493):
• The dot1dBase Group – a mandatory group that contains the objects applicable to all types of bridges.
• The dot1dStp Group – contains objects that denote the bridge’s state with respect to the Spanning Tree Protocol. If a node does not implement the Spanning Tree Protocol, this group will not be implemented. This group is applicable to any transparent only, source route, or SRT bridge that implements the Spanning Tree Protocol.
• The dot1dTp Group – contains objects that describe the entity’s transparent bridging status. This group is applicable to transparent operation only and SRT bridges.
• The dot1dStatic Group – contains objects that describe the entity’s destination-address filtering status. This group is applicable to any type of bridge that performs destination-address filtering.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
6. Web-Based Browser Management
The switch provides a Web-based browser interface for configuring and managing the switch. This interface allows you to access the switch using a preferred Web browser.
This chapter describes how to configure the switch using its Web-based browser interface.
6.1 Logging on to the Switch
Figure 6-1. Logging on to the switch.
Switch IP address
In your Web browser, specify the IP address of the switch. Default IP address is
Enter the factory default login ID: root.
Enter the factory default password (no password). Or enter a user-defined password if you followed the instructions later and changed the factory default password.
Then click on the “Login” button to log on to the switch.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
6.2 Understanding the Browser Interface
The Web browser interface provides groups of point-and-click buttons at the left field of the screen for configuring and managing the switch.
Figure 6-2. Browser interface.
System Information, System Name/Password, IP Address, Save Configuration, Firmware Upgrade, Reboot, Logout, User Account, User Privilege
Utilization, System Log, Remote Logging, ARP Table, Route Table, Alarm Setting
Configuration, Port Status, Rate Control, RMON Statistics, Per Port VLAN Activities
Bridging, Loopback Detect, Static MAC Entry, Port Mirroring, Link State Tracking, PoE, PoE Scheduling
Port Trunking, LACP Trunking
Global Configuration, RSTP Port Setting, MSTP Properties, MSTP Instance Setting, MSTP Port Setting, Ring Setting, Chain Setting, Chain Pass-Through Setting, Advanced Setting
VLAN Mode Setting, 802.1Q VLAN Setting, 802.1Q Port Setting, Port Based VLAN
Global Configuration, 802.1p Priority, DSCP
SNMP General Setting, SNMP v1/v2c, SNMP v3
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
Radius Configuration, Port Authentication
LLDP General Settings, LLDP Porsts Settings, LLDP Neighbors, LLDP Statistics
Other Protocols
GVRP, IGMP Snooping, NTP, GMRP, DHCP Server
6.3 System
Figure 6-3. System screen.
System Information
The System Name, Firmware Version, System Time, MAC Address, Default Gateway, DNS Server, VLAN ID, IP Address, IP Subnet Mask, and Current User Information of Switch.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
Figure 6-4. System name/password screen.
System Name/Password
1. System Name: Click in the “System Name” text box. Type a system name if it is blank, or replace the current system name with
a new one.
2. Update Setting: Click the “Update Setting” button to update your settings.
3. Password: Click in the “Password” text box. Type a password.
4. Retype Password: Click in the “Retype Password” text box. Type the same password in the “Password” text box again to verify
5. Update Setting: Click the “Update Setting” button to update your settings.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
Figure 6-5. IP address screen.
IP Address
1. IP Address: Click in the “IP Address” text box and type a new address to change the IP Address.
2. IP Subnet Mask: Click in the “IP Subnet Mask” text box and type a new address to change the IP Subnet Mask.
3. Submit: Click the “Submit” button after you finish these selections.
4. You need to enter the new IP address on the browser and reconnect to the switch after the IP or subnet mask is changed.
5. DHCP Client: Click the “DHCP Client” drop-down menu to choose “Disable” or “VLAN1” (or other VLAN group) from the
“DHCP Client” drop-down list to disable or enable DHCP Client Setting for the switch. The managed VLAN is VLAN 1 by default. The managed IP Address will be assigned by DHCP Server when VLAN 1 is chosen as DHCP Client. DHCP Server can assign the Switch another managed IP Address by choosing another VLAN besides VLAN 1 as DHCP Client when the switch has multiple VLANs.
6. Submit: Click the “Submit” button after you finish configuring DHCP Client.
7. Default Gateway: Choose “Disable” or “Enable” from the “Default Gateway” drop-down list to disable or enable Default
Gateway Setting for the switch.
Click the text box and type a new address to change the Default Gateway. (You need to choose “Enable” from the “Default
Gateway” drop-down menu.)
8. Submit: Click “Submit” button after you finish configuring Default Gateway.
9. DNS Server: Click the “DNS Server” drop-down menu to choose “Disable” or “Enable” from the “DNS Server” drop-down list
to disable or enable DNS Server Setting for the switch.
Click the text box and type a new address to change the DNS Server. (Need to choose “Enable” from the “DNS Server” drop-
down menu.)
10. Submit: Click the “Submit” button after you finish configuring DNS Server.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
Figure 6-6. Save configuration screen.
Save Configuration
1. Load Config from TFTP Server:
Click in the “TFTP Server” text box and type the TFTP server IP address from where the file will be obtained.
Click in the “FILE” text box and type the name of the file that will be obtained.
Click the “Load” button to load the file from the TFTP server.
2. Backup Config to TFTP Server:
Click in the “TFTP Server” text box and type the TFTP server IP address to where the file will be backed up.
Click in the “FILE” text box and type the name of the file that will be backupped.
Click the “Backup” button to backup the file to the TFTP server.
3. Save Configuration: Click “Save Configuration” button to save your configuration settings.
4. Restore Default: Click “Restore Default” button to restore the default settings of the switch.
5. Auto Save: Click the “Auto Save” drop-down menu to choose “Disable” or “Enable” from the “Auto Save” drop-down list to
disable or enable Auto Save for the switch.
6. Auto Save Interval (5–65536 sec): Click in the “Auto Save Interval” text box and type a decimal number between 5 and 65536.
7. Submit: Click the “Submit” button when you finish the Auto Save configuration.
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Chapter 6: Web-Based Browser Management
Figure 6-7.
Firmware Upgrade
1. Filename: Click in the “Filename” text box and type the name of the file that you intend to upgrade to the switch.
2. TFTP Server IP: Click in the “TFTP Server IP” text box and type the TFTP server IP address from where the file will be obtained.
3. Upgrade: Click the “Upgrade” button to upgrade firmware to the switch.
Please follow the message on the screen during the firmware upgrade process. Do not turn off the power or perform other functions during this period of time. Reboot the switch after completing the upgrade process.
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