Black Box LBPS304A, LB304A, LBPS301A User Manual

Hardened Ethernet Extender User’s Manual
Provides one channel for Ethernet over existing voice-grade twisted-pair copper wire.
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Trademarks Used in this Manual
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FCC and IC RFI Statements
Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada Radio Frequency Interference Statements
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause inter ference to radio communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the interference.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emis sion from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of Industry Canada.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique publié par Industrie Canada.
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NOM Statement
Instrucciones de Seguridad (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas Electrical Safety Statement)
1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado.
2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para referencia futura.
3. Todas las advertencias en el aparato eléctrico y en sus instrucciones de operación deben ser respetadas.
4. Todas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas.
5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cerca del agua—por ejemplo, cerca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alberca, etc.
6. El aparato eléctrico debe ser usado únicamente con carritos o pedestales que sean recomendados por el fabricante.
7. El aparato eléctrico debe ser montado a la pared o al techo sólo como sea recomendado por el fabricante.
8. Servicio—El usuario no debe intentar dar servicio al equipo eléctrico más allá a lo descrito en las instrucciones de operación. Todo otro servicio deberá ser referido a personal de servicio calificado.
9. El aparato eléctrico debe ser situado de tal manera que su posición no interfiera su uso. La colocación del aparato eléctrico sobre una cama, sofá, alfombra o superficie similar puede bloquea la ventilación, no se debe colocar en libreros o gabinetes que impidan el flujo de aire por los orificios de ventilación.
10. El equipo eléctrico deber ser situado fuera del alcance de fuentes de calor como radiadores, registros de calor, estufas u otros
aparatos (incluyendo amplificadores) que producen calor.
11. El aparato eléctrico deberá ser connectado a una fuente de poder sólo del tipo descrito en el instructivo de operación, o como
se indique en el aparato.
12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada.
13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal manera que no sean pisados ni pellizcados por objetos colocados
sobre o contra ellos, poniendo particular atención a los contactos y receptáculos donde salen del aparato.
14. El equipo eléctrico debe ser limpiado únicamente de acuerdo a las recomendaciones del fabricante.
15. En caso de existir, una antena externa deberá ser localizada lejos de las lineas de energia.
16. El cable de corriente deberá ser desconectado del cuando el equipo no sea usado por un largo periodo de tiempo.
17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobre la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
18. Servicio por personal calificado deberá ser provisto cuando:
A: El cable de poder o el contacto ha sido dañado; u B: Objectos han caído o líquido ha sido derramado dentro del aparato; o C: El aparato ha sido expuesto a la lluvia; o D: El aparato parece no operar normalmente o muestra un cambio en su desempeño; o E: El aparato ha sido tirado o su cubierta ha sido dañada.
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Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
This quick start guide describes how to install and use the Hardened Ethernet Extender. This is the Hardened Ethernet Extender of choice for harsh environments with space constraints.
QS1. Physical Description
The Port Status LEDs and Power Inputs
Figure QS-1. LBPS304A, LBPS301A, LB304A.
Table QS-1. Power input assignment.
Power Signal Voltage Connector
Power 1 48 VDC DC jack
Power 2
Power 3
+ 24– 48 VDC
- Power Ground
+ 24– 48 VDC
- Power Ground
Earth Ground
Terminal block
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Quick Start Guide
Table QS-2. DIP switch assignment.
DIP Switch Description
Loc The device operates in local mode.
Rmt The device operates in remote mode.
Table QS-3. LED indicators
Power LEDs State Indication
Power 1
Power 2
Power 3
Ethernet LEDs
Link/ACT (Green)
Sp eed ( Yell ow)
Steady Power on
Off Power off
Steady Powered device (PD) is connected
Off Powered device (PD) is disconnected.
Steady Valid network connection established.
Steady Valid port connection at 100 Mbps.
Off Valid port connection at 10 Mbps.
Transmitting or receiving data. ACT stands for AC TI VI TY.
Valid network connection not established or not transmitting/receiving data.
Ethernet Extender LEDs
Remote Steady The device operates in remote mode.
Local Steady The device operates in local mode.
Error Steady Error occurred.
Link Steady A valid connection established.
Table QS-4. Speed/distance.
Speed Distance
1 Mbps 6232 ft. (1900 m)
3 Mbps 5904 ft. (1800 m )
5 Mbps 5249 ft. (1600 m)
10 M bps 4593 ft. (1400 m)
15 Mb ps 3936 ft. (1200 m)
20 Mbps 3280 ft. (1000 m)
25 Mbps 2624 ft. (800 m)
30 Mbps 2296 ft. (700 m)
40 Mbps 1968 ft. ( 600 m)
50 Mbps 984 ft. (300 m)
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Quick Start Guide
• PoE LED is only on the for Hardened IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Ethernet Extender versions (LBPS301A and LBPS304A).
• DC Terminal Block Power Inputs: There are two pairs of power inputs that you can use to power up this Ethernet Extender.
Redundant power supplies function is supported. You only need to have one power input connected to run the Ethernet Extender.
• DC jack: Power Input: 48 VDC.
10/100BASE-TX and Ethernet Extender Connectors
10/100BASE-TX connection
Figure QS-2 shows the pinouts of 10/100BASE-TX RJ-45 port. Table QS-5 describes the functions.
Figure QS-2. RJ-45 port pinout.
Table QS-5. 10/100BASE-TX RJ-45 port pin assignments.
Pin Regular Ports Uplink Ports
1 Output Transmit Data + Input Receive Data +
2 Output Transmit Data - Input Receive Data -
3 Input Receive Data + Output Transmit Data +
4 Positive (VCC+) Positive (VCC+)
5 Positive (VCC+) Positive (VCC+)
6 Input Receive Data - Output Transmit Data -
7 Ne g a ti v e ( VC C- ) N e ga t i v e ( V CC- )
8 Ne g a ti v e ( VC C- ) N e ga t i v e ( V CC- )
• Pin 4, 5 Positive (VCC+) and Pin 7, 8 Negative (VCC-) are only available for Hardened IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Ethernet Extender
Ethernet Extender Connection
The RJ-11 and terminal block port pinouts
Pin 3: Tip, Pin 4: Ring.
Figure QS-3. Ethernet connector pinout.
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Quick Start Guide
Use a twisted-pair telephone line to connect two RJ-11 or terminal block ports between two Hardened Ethernet Extenders.
WARNING: Inappropriate operation might damage the terminal block.
QS.2 Functional Description
• Meets NEMA TS1/TS2 environmental requirements: temperature, shock, and vibration for traffic control equipment.
• Meets EN61000-6-2 & EN61000-6-4 EMC Generic standard Immunity for industrial environment.
• Operates transparent to higher layer protocols such as TCP/IP.
• Ethernet port: Supports IEEE 802.3/802.3u/802.3x. Autonegotiation: 10/100 Mbps, full-/half-duplex; Auto MDI/MDI-X.
• Complies with IEEE 802.3at standard for high power input required device and also compatible with IEEE 802.3af powered
devices (Only available for Hardened IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Ethernet Extender version.)
• Ethernet Extender port (RJ-11 and terminal block): Symmetrical on the VDSL, full-duplex 50-Mbps communications link over
existing copper telephone line.
• One DIP switch for configuring Local (Loc) and Remote (Rmt).
• Ten speeds with speed indicator LEDs on front panel of unit, up to 50 Mbps @ about 984 feet (300 meters), down to 1 Mbps
@ about 6232 feet (1900 meters.
• 4-port 10/100BASE-TX (2-port IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE) Ethernet Extender: 2.88 A @ 24 VDC, 1.44 A @ 48 VDC. Power
consumption: 69.12 W Max.
• 2-port IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Ethernet Extender: 2.88 A @ 24 VDC, 1.44 A @ 48 VDC. Power consumption: 69.12 W Max.
• 1-port IEEE 802.3at PoE PSE Ethernet Extender: 1.6 A @ 24 VDC, 0.8 A @ 48 VDC. Power consumption: 38.4 W Max.
• 4-port 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet Extender: 0.36 A @ 24 VDC, 0.18A @ 48 VDC. Power consumption: 8.64 W Max.
• Power Supply: Redundant 24-48 VDC terminal block power inputs and 48 VDC. DC jack with 100–240 VAC external power
• Field Wiring Terminal Markings: Use copper conductors only, 140/167° F (60/75° C), wire range 12-24 AWG, torque value
7 lb-in.
• Operating temperature range @ -40 to +167° F (-40 to +75° C). Tested for functional operation @ -40 to +185° F
(-40 to +85° C). UL® 508 Industrial Control Equipment certified. Maximum surrounding air temperature @ 167° F (75° C).
• For use in Pollution Degree 2 Environment.
• Supports DIN rail, panel, and rackmounting installation.
QS.3. Assembly, Startup, and Dismantling
• Assembly: Place the Hardened Ethernet Extender on the DIN rail from above using the slot. Push the front of the Hardened
Ethernet Extender toward the mounting surface until it audibly snaps into place.
• Startup: Connect the supply voltage to start up the Hardened Ethernet Extender via the terminal block (or DC jack).
• Dismantling: Pull out the lower edge and then remove the Hardened Ethernet Extender from the DIN rail.
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