SECTION 2: Selecting a Computer
In the channel-ID (sorted by ID) view, once your desired channel’s page is on
screen, you can also press the desired channel’s key number ([1] through
[8]) to move the highlight to that channel instantly.
In the name view, you can also type the first few characters of the desired
channel’s name to move the highlight to the first channel whose name begins
with that character sequence. If you type enough characters, the highlight
should eventually move to the precise channel you want.
3. When you press [Enter] to select a channel, and there’s a computer CPU
attached to that channel that you are allowed to access, the Summit
automatically switches you to that channel for normal computer operation
and the OSUI disappears. If there’s a cascaded Base Unit attached to that
channel, an additional dedicated OSUI Selection Menu will appear for that
Base Unit; keep moving through the Selection Menu layers until you reach
the CPU you want. (To return to the main Selection Menu from any secondor third-tier Base Unit’s Selection Menu, press the [Home] key on your
keyboard once, or press [Esc] once or twice depending which tier you’re on.)
Once you’ve switched to a different channel, you can continue switching by
pressing the hotkey (factory default is [Scroll Lock]) twice in quick succession to
bring the Selection Menu back on screen. If instead you want to go back to your
previously selected channel without seeing any OSUI menus, you can press the
“previous channel” command key (factory default is [Num Lock]) twice in quick
In the Selection Menu, each channel’s availability is visually indicated by the
following text colors. (For more information about Private Mode, Public View
Mode, and PC Share Mode, refer to the Base Unit manual.)
• Black = No device is connected or the connected device is powered down.
• Green = Computer CPU is connected and the channel is active and available.
However, if the Summit system is in PC Share Mode, another user may
currently be accessing the computer.
• Red = Channel is unavailable, currently being accessed by another user. (This
only happens when the Summit system is in Private Mode.)
• Yellow = Channel is unavailable for control (being controlled by another user),
but video can be viewed. (This only happens when the Summit system is in
Public View Mode. Also refer to the information on the next page about other
OSUI displays that appear when the system is in Public View Mode.)
• Purple = A second- or third-tier cascaded Base Unit is connected to this
• White = Channel’s current status is unknown. This should not happen if the
Summit is operating normally.